INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS 242 Tube 11363 B8. Muzzle Slice. (#" discard.) State of internal strains and stresses at different phases of the slice. ' SLICE INTACT. Interior diameter of slice, 4".23; exterior diameter of slice, 8”.63. Rings. Present mean diameters. Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. Inches. 4.3846 5.1539 7.1413 8.39945 Inch. Inch. . 0062 .00145 Pounds. Pounds. 42,400 8,400 . 00285 . 00155 12,000 5,500 Rings 1 and 4 detached; rings 2 and 3 in the slice. Interior diameter of slice, 5".00; exterior diameter of slice, 7".30. 3 4 Rings. Present mean diameters. ״ Strains. Stresses per square inch. Tension. Compres- sion. Tension. Compres- sion. Inches. 4.3908 5.1532 7.14075 8.3979 Inch. Inch. Pounds. Pounds. . 00215 12,500 .0023 9,700 RINGS ALL DETACHED. 5.15535 7.13845