219 INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS, INTERNAL STRAINS IN GUN FORGINGS. • Internal strains were introduced by heating the, forgings and cooling the same rapidly by quenching from the bore. These determinations were made upon the metal from the tubes of 5-inch K. F. guns. The initial temperature of the tubes at the time of quenching was generally between 850° and 900° F., with a rate of flow for the water of about 100 gallons per minute. Where more than one set of determinations appear for the same tube it indicates that the metal had been re-treated or annealed between operations. The numbers of the several tubes, with the compression stresses corresponding to the strains found in the rings next the bore of the forgings, are shown in the following table: No. of tube. Compressive stress next the bore per square inch. Remarks. Breech end. Muzzle end. 11*249 Bo Pounds. 44,300 Pounds. 49,000 27,800 Discard, §״. Muzzle crop end after second annealing at 360° F. 11272 B-j BM 35,500 29,700 25,200 11363 B! 35;900 43.500 40.500 36.200 35,900 40.200 33,000 18,800 36,700 42,400 Discard, !״. 11363 B!‘ 11363 BÒ Discard, 11363 B" 37,500 11467 B! 39,900 11775 BÒ 35,300 Discard, §". 11775 Bo / 26,000 \ 22,800 42.600 44,500 27,000 24,900 25.600 38.600 34,100 11775 B4 MM 11775 B¡ MO 11775 B¡ MI 11784 Bj 47,600 11784 B¡ 16;800 15,900 40,100 19,400 30,300 11784 B! 14,900 23,000 665° F. 11784 B!‘ 11784 B\ 11784 B3 BM 650° F. 11784 B3 BO—A 24,000 17.200 23,300 31.700 22.700 43,800 31.200 11784 B3BM A 11791 B! 25,600 Discard, 11791 Bj 28,100 26,000 11791 B¡ After annealing at 650° F. 11791 Bo ' 42, 400 11794 B¡ 82,500 Discard, 11794 Bl 47,000 42,100 11794 B's 25, 700 11837 B3 55,500 36,100 29,300 25,800 . 20,200 17,400 665° F. 11837 B3 45,000 12485 B~ BI ״. 12485 B7 BM 12485 B- BJ—A 12485 B7 BM A 26i 300 23,300 Annealed at 600° F. 12485 B7 BO A Annealed at 450° F. 20691 B3 34,100 43,200 20691 Hi 45,000 15,400