RECOIL MECHANISM---15-POUNDER GUN NO. 12. 210 Screw jacks under rear end of slide. Applied loads. Gauge readings. Remarks. Direct movement. Set. Pounds. 1,000 60,000 60,000 1,000 Inch. Inch. .0005 Slide and eye-bar fixtures jarred with hammer. .0205 .0207 .0007 Iron dog removed. Slide lubricated with Albany grease and graphite. 1,000 .0008 60,000 . 0212 1,000 .0008 60,000 .0213 1,000 .0008 Iron dog returned to place. 1,000 60,000 1,000 60,000 60,000 1,000 60,000 1,000 .0008 .0008 Lug on slide jarred with hammer. .0008 .0031 ;. Lug on slide jarred continuously while load was advanced. Micrometer evidently disturbed in its position. -.0244 .... Suspension sling of crane lowered and screw jacks put under trunnions and a part of the weight of the gun carried by the jacks. 1,000 60,000 60,000 -.0036 -.0038 -.0246 Muzzle of gun raised by a screw jack. Jacks removed from under trunnions. Jack removed and part of weight of gun carried by suspension sling־ of crane. Recoil cylinder opened and packing removed. Again assembled and test resumed. 1,000 -.0248 60,000 - .Ò045