205 RECOIL MECHANISM---15-POUNDER GUN NO. 12. Gun in recoil position. Gauged length from fixed block on gun to a point on the center of the right trunnion. Applied loads. Gauge readings. Remarks. Direct movement. Set. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 1,000 0. Initial load. 10,000 . 0193 20,000 .0418 30,000 .0613 40,000 .0812 50,000 .1012 60,000 .1214 50,000 .1180 40,000 .1139 30,000 . 1055 20,000 .0770 10,000 .0429 1,000 .0001 60,000 .1233 1,000 .0012 60,000 .1238 1,000 .0014 60,000 . 1245 , 60,000 .1251 After 5 minutes. 60,000 .1254 After 10 minutes. 1,000 .0022 Gauged length from fixed block on gun to point on the left trunnion. 1,000 0. i Initial load. 10,000 .0193 20,000 .0409 30,000 .0611 40,000 .0811 50.000 .1014 60,000 .1215 50,000 .1184 40,000 . 1141 30,000 .1054 20,000 .0755 10,000 .0395 1,000 .0004 60,000 .1227 60,000 .1226 After 5 minutes. 1,000 —.0010