RECOIL MECHANISM-------lo-POUNDER GUN NO. 12. 197 On gauged length A, from bottom of •sleeve, rear end of lug, to fixed block on gun. Applied loads. Gauge readings. Remarks. I Direct movement. Set. Pounds. ' Inch. Inch. 1,000 0. 10,000 .0037 20,000 .0091 30,000 .0150 40,000 .0216 50,000 .0267 60,000 .0325 50,000 .0326 40,000 .0326 30,000 .0327 20,000 .0275 10,000 ! . 0143 .0003 On gauged length B, over ends of piston rod. 1,000 0. 10,000 .0023 20,000 .0046 30,000 .0074 40,000 .0099 50,000 .0128 60,000 .0158 50,000 .0157 40,000 . 0155 30,000 .0154 20,000 .0125 10,000 .0060 0. • 60,000 .0158 0. Gun in recoil position, right side up. On gauged length L, across top of oscillating slide, rear end. Remarks. + readings indicate outward movement. — readings indicate inward movement. After 1 minute. Gauge readings. -.0091 Direct movement. Inches. -.0013 Applied loads. Pounds. Inches. 1,000 0. 10,000 . 0071 20.000 .0087 30,000 .0091 40,000 .0073 50,000 .0047 60,000 .0015 50,000 -.0025 40,000 -.0105 30,000 -.0246 20,000 -.0225 10,000 -.0172 Micrometer reset. 1.000 0. 10,000 .0045 20,000 . 0071 30,000 .0086 40,000 .0094 50,000 . 0093 60,000 .0084 60,000 .0082 50,000 . 0045 40,000 -.0034 30,000 -.0157 20.000 -.0143 10,000 -. 0094