RECOIL MECHANISM---15-POUNDER GUN NO. 12. 192 On gauged point E, over front end of lug of oscillating slide. Applied loads. Gauge readings. Remarks. Direct movement. Set. Pounds. 1,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 40.000 40.000 Inch. 0. .0037 .0073 .0107 .0136 . 0137 Inch. 1 Shows a movement of gauged point from the axis of the | gun. © o §§ On gauged point F, over rear end of lug of oscillating slide. 1,000 0. , 10.000 -. 0021 1 Shows a movement of the gauged point toward the axis 20,000 30,000 —.0040 -. 0056 \ of the gun. 40,000 -.0072 -.0002 ] On gauged point G, over front end of lug of sleeve. 1,000 10,000 0. -.0010 [Shows a movement of the gauged point toward the axis 20,000 -.0024 j- of the gun. 30.000 40.000 — .0036 -.0048 0. On gauged point H, over rear end of lug of sleeve. 1,000 10,000 0. .0018 [shows a movement of the gauged point from the axis of 20,000 30,000 .0037 . 0055 j" the gun. 40,000 .0073 0. On gauged point I, over rear end of cylinder. 1.000 0. 10; 000 . 0054 20,000 .0106 30,000 .0160 40,000 .0218 —. 0002 On gauged point J, over front end of piston rod. 1,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 40.000 • .0055 [Shows a movement of the gauged point from the axis of j the gun. . 0215 —. 0002 -1 On gauged point K, over rear end of piston rod. 1,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 40.000 40.000 Shows a movement of the gauged point from the axis of [ the gun. .0107 .0155 .0220 .0225 —.0006 —.0005 Repeated.