107 PIVOT SOCKETS--15-PO UNDER GUN MOUNTS. No. 7232. Marks, 2”p1s'15 Diameter, ".505. Sectional area, .20 square inch. Gauged length, 2. emarks. Successive permanent set. Permanent set. Applied loads per squarse inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Pounds. Inch. Inch. 1,000 0. 0. 5,000 .00005 .00005 10,000 .00020 .00015 20,000 .00050 .00030 25,000 .00070 .00020 28,000 .00085 .00015 29,000 . 00095 .00010 30,000 . 00775 . 00680 31,000 . 00875 .00100 32,000 .00965 .00090 33,000 .01065 .00100 34,000 .01175 .00110 64,850 Initial load. Elastic limit. Tensile strength. Inch. 0. 0. Inch. 0. 0. General summary. ......................pounds.. 64,850 .........................do... 29,000 ........................inch.. .1050 .........................do... .00095 .........................do... .035 ............................... 132 ..................... ".68 from neck granular 80 per cent, silky 20 per cent .......................... ".11* ".10 Tensile strength per square inch of original section.... Elastic limit per square inch of original section....... Elongation per inch after rupture....................... Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit....... Reduction in diameter at point of rupture............... Reduction in area after rupture, per cent of original section. Position of rupture..................................... Character of broken surface............................. Elongation of inch sections............................. No. 7233. Marks, ps°i5 Diameter, ".505. Sectional area, .20 square inch. Gauged length, 2". Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Permanent set. Successive permanent set. Remarks. Pounds. 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 32.000 33.000 34.000 35.000 36.000 37.000 38.000 69,950 Inch. 0. .00005 .00020 .00055 .00100 .00110 .00115 . 00985 .01050 .01150 .01250 . 01375 Inch. 0. .00005 .00015 .00035 .00045 . 00010 .00005 . 00870 .00065 .00100 .00100 .00125 Inch. 0. 0. Inch. 0. 0. Initial load. Elastic limit. Tensile strength. Generals ummary. .....................pounds.. 69,950 ..־......................do... 33,000 ........................inch.. .1600 .........................do... .00115 .........................do... .015 ............................. 16.9 ..................... 110 .״ from neck granular, silky spot at circumference *17.״ .15.״ ......................... Tensile strength per square inch of original section.... Elastic limit per square inch of original section....... Elongation per inch after rupture.......................... Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit....... Reduction in diameter at point of rupture............... Reduction in area after rupture, per cent of original section Position of rupture..................................... Character of broken surface............................. Elongation of inch sections................................