CARRIER RINGS, 6-POUNDER GUNS. No. 7373. 102 t» r 15 !־ C R Marks, e Diameter, ".505. Sectional area, .20 square inch. Gauged length, 2". Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Permanent set. Successive permanent set. Remarks. Pounds. 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 37.000 38.000 39.000 40.000 41.000 42.000 72,100 Inch. 0. .00010 .00035 .00060 .00100 .00135 .01035 .01100 .01200 .01350 .01460 Inch. 0. .00010 .00025 .00025 .00040 .00035 .00900 .00065 .00100 .00150 .00110 Inch. 0. 0. Inch. 0. 0. Initial load. Elastic limit. Tensile strength. General summary. ..........pounds.. 72,100 37,000 ............inch.. .3350 .00135 .155 .................. 51.9 at the middle of the stem ..............fine silky ..............".36*, ".31 Tensile strength per square inch of original section.... Elastic limit per square inch of original section....... Elongation per inch after rupture....................... Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit....... Reduction in diameter at point of rupture............... Reduction in area after rupture, per cent of original section. Position of rupture..................................... Character of broken surface............................. Elongation of inch sections............................. TABULATION OF STEEL SPECIMENS FROM 6-POUNDER AND 16-POUNDER GUN MOUNTS. (STEMS OF SPECIMENS, 8" LONG.) CARRIER RINGS OF 6-POUNDER GUNS, STEEL FORGINGS. No. of test. Marks on sped-men. Diam- eter. Sec- tional area. Elastic limit per square inch. Tensile strength per square inch. Elon-gation in 2 inches. Con-trac-tion of area. Appearance of fracture. Elonga-tion of inch sections. {106E} Inch. Sq. in. Pounds. Pounds. Per d. Per ct. [Fine granular 801 ״ // 7317 .505 .20 48,000 106,000 15.0 23.9 ו per cent, dull> | silky 20 per cent.] (Fine granular,silky] .19*, 11 7318 J 2 0 R 1 1 6 J .505 .20 59,000 123,450 11.0 16.9 \ spot at circumfer- > [ ence. j (Fine granular 85] .09, 13* 7319 {3C6R} .505 .20 52,000 113,500 13.5 23.9 l per cent, silky 15 > [ per cent. J .15*, 12 7373 {156CE} .505 .20 37,000 72,100 33.5 51.9 Fine silky. .36*, 31