101 CARRIER RINGS, 6-POUNDER GUNS. No. 7319. Marks,8 *g® Diameter, ".505. Sectional area, .20 square inch. Gauged length, 2". Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Permanent set. Successive permanent set. Remarks. Pounds. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 1,000 0. 0. 0. 0. 5,000 .00015 .00015 0. 0. 10,000 .00030 .00015 20,000 .00065 .00035 30,000 .00100 .00035 40,000 .00140 .00040 50,000 .00180 .00040 51,000 .00185 .00005 52,000 .00195 .00010 Elastic limit. 53,000 .00280 .00105 54,000 .00315 .00035 55,000 .00360 .00045 56,000 .00400 .00040 57,000 . 00450 .00050 58,000 .00500 .00050 113,500 Tensile strength. General summary. Tensile strength, per square inch of original section........................pounds.. 113 500 Elastic limit, per square inch of original section...............................do... 52000 ׳ Elongation per inch after rupture............................................... .inch*. 1 .1350 Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit............................*’. .do. ” . 00195 Reduction in diameter at point of rupture...................................... .. .do.*I * .065 Reduction in area after rupture, per cent of original section.......... .............. 23 9 Position of rupture.. ....................................................... i02.״ from neck Character of broken surface........................fine granular, 85 per cent: silky, 15 per cent Elongation of inch sections......................................................12.״ ,*15.״