79 RIFLE-BARREL STEEL, .30 CALIBER. No. 7388. Marks, M 3 A. Exterior diameter, ".466. Interior diameter, ".300. Sectional area, .10 square inch. Gauged length, 3". I rom middle of length of finished barrel, rolled and annealed as usual. Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Permanent set. Successive permanent set. Remarks. Pounds. 1,000 5,000 10,000 Inch. 0. .000100 .000300 Inch. 0. .000100 .000200 Inch. 0. 0. Inch. 0. 0. Initial load. 20,000 .000667 .000367 30,000 .001033 . 000366 40,000 .001367 . 000334 50,000 .001733 .000366 60,000 61,000 .002033 .002100 .000300 .000067 0. 0. Elastic limit. 62,000 .022300 .020200 63,000 .023667 . 001367 64,000 .024667 .001000 66,000 .026900 . 002233 68,000 72,000 .029000 . 002100 .035833 .006833 76,000 . 044000 .008167 80,000 .053333 .009333 84,000 .0767 .0234 88.000 .1067 .0300 90,200 Tensile strength. .pounds.. 90,200 ....do... 61,000 ---inch.. .2200 ....do... .002100 ....do... .116 . 1".26 from neck silky, cup-shaped 14.״ ,*26.״ ,*26.״ . General summary. Tensile strength per square inch of original section... Elastic limit per square inch of original section...... Elongation per inch after rupture...................... Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit...... Reduction in external diameter at point of rupture..... Position of rupture.................................... Character of broken surface............................ Elongation of inch sections............................