77 RIFLE-BARREL STEEL, .30 CALIBER. No. 7398. Marks, M 3 C. Sectional area, .25 square inch. Gauged length, 1". From butt of finished Barrel. Eolled, and cooled in the air. Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Permanent set. Successive permanent set. Remarks. Pounds. 1,000 5,000 Inch. 0. .0001 Inch. 0. .0001 Inch. 0. Inch. 0. Initial load. 10,000 .0003 .0002 20,000 .0006 .0003 30,000 .0009 .0003 40,000 .0012 .0003 50,000 .0016 . 0004- 60,000 .0020 .0004 70.000 .0025 . .0005 76,000 .0028 .0003 Elastic limit. 77,000 .0080 . 0052 78,000 .0130 .0050 79.000 .0155 .0025 80,000 .0167 .0012 82,000 .0187 .0020 84,000 .0205 .0018 88,000 .03 .01 92,000 .04 .01 100, 000 .05 .01 108,000 .08 .03 * 113,200 Tensile strength. General summary. Tensile strength per square inch of original section............................pounds.. 113 200 Elastic limit per square inch of original section...............................do. 76000 ׳ Elongation per inch after rupture...............................................inch. ’. 21 Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit...............................' .do.!! . 0028 ־׳Character of broken surface.......................... fine granular 40 per cent, silky 60 per cent