12-INCH STEEL B. L. RIFLED MORTARS. 56 Tube. No. 7402. Marks, m T5om T Diameter, ".564. Sectional area, .25 square inch. Gauged length, 3". Remarks. Initial load. Elastic limit. Tensile strength. Permanent set. Successive Permanent set. Inch. 0. 0. Inch. 0. 0. oo oo Successive elongation per inch. Inch. 0. .000100 .000233 .000334 .000333 .000167 .000166 .000334 .000200 .003466 .001100 .001400 .000834 .001333 Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Pounds. Inch. 1,000 0. 5,000 . 000100 10,000 . 000333 20,000 .000667 30,000 .001000 35,000 . 001167 40,000 . 001333 50,000 .001667 55,000 .001867 56,000 . 005333 57,000 . 006433 58,000 .007833 59,000 .008667 60,000 .010000 92,400 General summary. .pounds.. 92,400 ____do... 55,000 ...inch.. .1967 ....do... .001867 ____do... .164 .......... 49.7 ... 9.״ from neck ............silky 08." ,13 .״ ,*38 .״ .. Tensile strength, per square inch of original section... Elastic limit per square inch of original section....... Elongation per inch after rupture....................... Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit....... Reduction in diameter at point of rupture............... Reduction in area after rupture, per cent of original section. Position of rupture..................................... Character of broken surface............................. Elongation of inch sections.............................