41 10-INCH STEEL B. L. RIFLES, Jacket. No. 7383. Mai ks, b t2 m Diameter, ".564. Sectional area, .25 square inch Gauged length, 3". Applied loads per square inch. Elongation per inch. Successive elongation per inch. Permanent set. Successive permanent set. Remarks. Pounds. Inch. Inch. Inch. Inch. 1,000 0. 0. 0. 0. 5,000 .000100 . 000100 0. 0. 10,000 .000300 . 000200 20,000 . 000633 . 000333 30,000 .000967 .000334 35,000 .001133 .000166 0. 0. 40,000 .001300 .000167 42,000 .001367 .000067 0. 0. 50,000 .001633 .000266 53,000 .001767 .000134 Elastic limit. 54,000 .004000 . 002233 55,000 .005000 .001000 56,000 .005833 . 000833 57,OOo .006667 .000834 58,000 .007333 .000666 96,720 Tensile strength. pounds.. 96,720 ....do... 53,000 ...inch.. .2000 ....do... .001767 ----do... .144 ......... 44.6 . 1".4 from neck ........... silky 15.״ ,*29.״ ,16." .. General summary. Tensile strength per square inch of original section... Elastic limit per square inch of original section...... Elongation per inch after rupture...................... Elongation per inch under strain at elastic limit...... Reduction in diameter at point of rupture.............. Reduction in area after rupture, per cent of original section . Position of rupture.................................... Character of broken surface............................ Elongation of inch sections............................... TABULATION OF TENSION SPECIMENS FROM 10-INCH B. L. RIFLES. STEMS OF SPECIMENS, 3״ LONG, 564.״ DIAMETER. No. of test. Position in gun. Location of specimens. Elastic limit per square inch. Tensile strength per square inch. Elon- ga- tion. Con- trac- tion of area. Appearance of fracture. Remarks. 7404 Tube Middle . Pounds. 50,000 Pounds. 84,960 Per ct. 23.7 Per et. 49.7 Silky 7372 Jacket... —do... 50,000 90,360 19.3 33.5 Fine granular, 50 Breech end. 7383 —do 53,000 96,720 20.0 44.6 per cent; silky, 50 cent. Silky Do.