13 3.6-INCH B. L. FIELD MORTARS Bodies. Marks. Diam- eter. Sec- tional area. Elastic limit per square inch. Tensile strength per square inch. Elon- gation. Contraction of area. Appearance of fracture. Elongation of inch sections. 2 Inch. .505 Sq.inch. .20 Pounds. 63,000 Pounds. 100,600 Per ct. 18.5 Per ct. 40.3 Silky, 60 per cent; gran- // . 9.7* // .10 3 .505 .20 63,000 107,500 16.0 34.0 ular, 40 per cent. Silky, 40 per cent; gran- .15, .17* 4 .505 .20 57,500 96,950 18.5 43.3 ular, 60 per cent. Silky .10, 5 .505 .20 64,000 108,100 19.5 37.1 do .14, .25* 6 .505 .20 53,500 87,600 21.5 49.1 do .11, 7 .505 .20 57,000 99,750 18.5 37.1 .09, .28* 8 .505 .20 57,500 103,500 17.5 30.7 Silky, 30 per cent; gran- .10,' .25* 9 .505 .20 54,000 98,250 20.5 30.7 ular, 70 per cent. Silky, 15 per cent; gran- .19, .22* 10 .505 .20 57,000 101,950 19.0 34.0 ular, 85 per cent. Silky, 30 per cent; gran- .18, .20* 11 .505 .20 64,000 103,250 19.5 37.1 ular, 70 per cent. Silky, 40 per cent; gran- .14, .25* 12 .505 .20 53,500 96,700 19.5 3?.l ular, 60 per cent. Silky, 60 per cent; gran- .12, .27* 13 .505 .20 54,000 106,600 18.0 27.4 ular, 40 per cent. Granular, silky spot at .14, .22* 14 . 505 .20 58,500 108,250 16.0 27.4 circumference. Granular, 80 per cent; .10, .22* 15 . 505 .20 60,000 111,500 17.0 27.4 silky, 20 per cent. Granular, 70 per cent; .14, .20* 16 .505 .20 56,500 94,500 19.5 46.2 silky, 30 per cent. Silky .09, .30* 17 .505 .20 57,500 106,500 17.5 30.7 Granular, 40 per cent: .23*, .12 L .564 .25 54,400 103,000 25.0 57.0 silky, 60 per cent, oblique. Silky, serrated« .21, .29* T . 564 . 25 59,200 100,320 18.5 39.2 Granular, silky center«. .10, .27* Breechblocks. // n 10, .25* 10, .27 25*, .10 31*, .14 08, .21* Silky, 80 per cent; fine granular, 20 per cent. Silky, oblique........ Silky serrated, 85 per cent; granular, 15 per cent. Silky, cup-shaped...... Sil ky, 60 per cent; granular, 40 per cent. 1 .505 .20 60,500 98,800 17.5 34.0 2 .505 .20 61,200 98,400 18.5 34.0 3 .505 .20 74,750 102,350 17.5 34.0 4 .505 .20 65,000 106,000 22.5 49.1 5 .505 .20 61,000 100,600 14.5 34.0 Obturating Spindles. 1 .564 .25 73,600 98,000 22.0 61.5 Fine silky // // II . 22,. 37*,. 09 2 . 564 .25 62,720 85,680 25.7 61.5 do . 16,. 46*,. 15 3 . 564 .25 58,520 83,760 23.7 67.8 do . 22'. 40, '. 09 1 .505 .20 69,000 112,050 19.0 46.2 Silky *28. ,׳10. 2 .505 .20 60,500 112,700 18.5 46.2 do .28* . 09 3 .505 .20 68,000 109,500 21.5 51.9 do .30* . 13 4 .505 .20 64,750 107,500 19.5 40.3 do .14, .25* 5 .505 .20 69,900 110,100 21.5 51.9 do .10', .33* Gas Checks. // // 39.2 Granular, silky center.. .11, .27* 15.0 Fine granular .12*, .05 30.7 Silky, 10 per cent; fine granular, 90 per cent. .07, .23* 51.9 Silky, 20 pei cent; fine granular, 80 percent. .10, .33* 20.5 Fine granular, silky spot at center. .07, .15* .564 .25 66,400 114,320 19.0 .564 .25 ftl20,000 145, 600 8.5 1 c. 505 .20 57,500 116,950 15.0 2 d. 505 .20 62,000 109,000 21.5 .505 .20 81,000 150,000 11.0 d Same, oil treated. c Natural state of steel. ft Approximate. Forgings, from billet.