TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. 11 16 21 31 37 43 51 65 67 85 95 187 217 351 369 377 378 378 381 383 393 401 406 407 415 451 455 457 463 471 600 613 620 622 623 633 635 644 645 647 650 L 3.6-inch B. L. field mortars, breechblocks, obturating spindles, and gas CilcCKS 2. 5-inch B. L. siege rifles........................ ................. 3. 6-inch R. F. guns, tubes, and jackets.............................. 4. 7-inch B. L. siege howitzers, tubes, and jackets__. _’ .׳ 5. 10-mch steel B. L. rifles, tubes, and jackets.. 6. 12-inch steel B. L. rifles, tubes, and jackets...A״!!״״״״ 7. 12-inch steel B. L. rifled mortars, tubes, and jackets 8. Gas-check disks, for 12-inch steel B. L. rifles.. 9. Rifle barrels, .30-caliber....... 10. Hydrostatic tests, .30-caliber rifle "barrels, breech sections 11. Steel for gun mounts, 6-pounder and 15-pounder............ 12. Recoil mechanism, 15-pounder Driggs-Seabury gun 13. Internal strains in gun forgings........... 14. Internal strains in treated tube........_ ........... 15. Cast iron and pig irons.................... 16. Anchor bolts............................ 17. Riston rods, proof stresses........................ 18. Retraction chains..........................’ 19. Retraction and buffer bracket hooks........\ 20. Helical springs............................ 21. Nickel steel .־_........................... .................. 22. Steel for standardizing testing machine....... ...................... 23. Steel plate................................ 24. Eye bars................................ 25. Wrought-iron bars, overstrained metal...... 26. Bronze..................................... ......................... 27. Heidel’s metal............................................ 28. Copper cylinders for pressure gauges . 29. Bricks..................................־.;;......................... 30. Cement.....................................[ ........................ 31. Concrete................................ 32. Cement rock................ 33. Steel bars embedded in concrete...................................... 34. Push bars embedded in concrete..................... ' 35. Glass................................... 36. Endurance test of rotating shaft..................................... 37. Metal from endurance tests of rotating shafts .AT״ 38. Cartridge cloth............................... 39. Paper...................................... 30. Chemical analyses.............................. 41. Private tests....................... ]................................ 9