>s> <2>£Ò־;I ¡M\ 3^ I¿3 i REMotv LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING REPORTS OF TESTS OF IRON, ETC., AT WATERTOWN ARSENAL. War Department, Washington, March 20, 1902. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, as required by law, copy of the report of the commanding officer of the Watertown Arsenal of “tests of iron, steel, and other materials for industrial purposes,” made at the above-mentioned arsenal during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1901. Very respectfully, Elihu Root, Secretary of War. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. H‘ Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Mass., March 15, 1902. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith the annual report of tests (3 of iron and steel and other materials made at this arsenal during the C fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. _ The work of the testing department has been uninterrupted dur-S ing the year, under the direct, intelligent supervision of J. E. Howard, I C.E., in charge. The total number of specimens tested during the year was 3,472, . classified as follows: Gun specimens.............................................................. 58 For Ordnance Department................................................... 635 For other Government Departments.......................................... 112 Investigative tests.................................................... 2 459 Tests for private parties.............................................. ’ 473 Total................................................................. 3,742 55936 3