Table 8.--Production of water for public supply in the lower Androscoggin River Basin, 1965 (Data from reports to the Maine Public Utilities Commission) Number Thousands of gallons per year Utility of Customers Ground ׳ , Water ־־ Surface Water Total Auburn Water Dist. 7,533 ־ 730,073 730,073 Brunswick & Topsham Water Dist. 4,680 583,798 - 583,798 Buckfield Village Corp. Water Dept, 178 - 26,000 2/ 26,000 Hebron Water Co. 20 - 10,420 2/ 10,420 Lewiston Water Dept. 10,663 - 1,853,516 1,853,516 Lisbon Water Dept, 1,775 188,397 - 188,397 Mechanic Falls Water Co. 478 - 45,092 45,092 Norway Water Dist. 929 109,641 - 109,641 Oxford Water Dist. 88 1,015 - 1,015 Paris Village Corp. Water Comm. 83 6,000 2/ 6,000 South Paris Water Co. 930 461,111 - 461,111 West Paris Water Dist. 148 36,500 - 36,500 Total 27,505 1,386,462 2,655,101 4,051,563 2J Includes industrial and commercial customers as well as households״ 2/ Estimated by the author. ־63-