Table 4.—Drillers' logs of selected wells and test borings in the lower Androscoggin River basin—Continued Thick- ness Depth Thick- ness Depth Thick- ness Depth ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY—Continued ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY—Continued CUMBERLAND COUNTY An 969. Alt. 173 ft. Log of test boring An 978. Alt. 176 ft. Log of test boring C 1. Alt. about 40 ft. Log of test by State Highway Comm. by State Highway Comm. hole drilled for Brunswick and Tops- Marine deposits: Marine deposits: ham Water Dist. Stiff, brown, weathered silty clay . . 10 10 Firm, brown silty clay, weakened by Marine deposits: Medium consistency, gray, varved, sen- remolding 15 15 Clay 160 160 sitive silty clay with sand and sandy Outwash or marine deposits: Bedrock 30 190 layers up to 24 inches thick .... 61 71 Firm, brown, thinly bedded, very fine Till (?): sand, silt and plastic clay .... 7 22 C 2. Alt. about 90 ft. Log of test Sand and gravel 2 73 Fine, brown sand, moderately firm . . 13 35 hole drilled for Brunswick and Tops- ham Water Dist. An 970. Alt. 184 ft. Lo^ of test boring An 979. Alt. 102 ft. Log of test boring Outwash: by State Highway Comm. by State Highway Comm. Topsoil 1 1 Alluvium: Alluvium: Brown sand 19 20 Loose, brown, stratified, organic sand Fine, dark, micaceous sand containing Gravel and clay (some iron rust) . . 10 30 with pieces of wood 10 10 pieces of decayed wood and some Gray sand and mica 40 70 Marine deposits: gravel, very soft and loose .... 10 10 Marine deposits: Medium consistency, gray, varved, sen- Outwash (?): Blue clay. . 80 150 sitive silty clay 24 34 Gravel, and brown, coarse and fine Blue clay and fine sand 10 160 Medium consistency, gray, varved, sen- sand and silt and lean clay .... 12.5 22.5 sitive silty clay with sand and sand Bedrock: C 3. Alt. about 80 ft. Log of test hole layers 28 62 Granite 7 29.5 for Brunswick and Topsham Water Dist. Till (?): Outwash: Medium density, gray sand and gravel . 3 65 An 980. Alt. 92 ft. Log of test boring Topsoil 1 1 for State Highway Comm. Brown sand 29 30 An 971. Alt. 183 ft. Log of test boring Alluvium: Quicksand 45 75 by State Highway Comm. Stratified very fine brown sand, silt, Marine deposits: Alluvium: and lean clay, containing scattered Blue clay ... 58 133 Loose, brown sand with organic silt gravel 12.3 12.3 Early stratified drift: layers 9 9 Bedrock: Blue sand 11 144 Marine deposits: Granite 7.6 19.9 Coarse sand 8 152 Soft, becoming medium consistency with Bedrock at 152 depth, gray, varved, sensitive silty An 981. Alt. 199 ft. Log of test borinj clay .... 29 38 for State Highway Comm. C 4. Alt. about 50 ft. Log of test hole Medium consistency, gray, varved, sen- Alluvium: for Brunswick and Topsham Water Dist. sitive silty clay with sand and sand Very soft, dark gray-brown organic Outwash: layers 21 59 muck containing some fine sand. . . 8 8 Topsoil 1 1 Till (?): Marine deposits: Gray beach sand 34 35 Medium density, gray sand and gravel . 2.5 61.5 Soft, blue-gray clayey silt containing Marine deposits: Refusal at 61.5 many fine-sand partings. Severely Blue clay 25 60 weakened by moulding 4 12 Till: An 972. Altl 204 ft. Test boring for Alternating layers of medium clayey Sharp, 1/4-inch granite 1 61 State Highway Comm. silt and cohesionless, silty, fine Bedrock . . 1 62 Outwash: sand 6 18 Loose, fine, brown sand, changing to Soft, blue-gray, cohesionless silt C 5. Alt. about 50 ft. Log of test hole sandy silt with depth 15 15 and very fine sand with some thin for U. S. Navy. Marine deposits: layers of soft silt clay 9.5 27.5 Swamp deposits: Stiff, brownish-gray, sandy silty clay 4 19 Till (?): Peat 2 2 Stiff, sensitive, gray, varved clay. . 8 27 Compact, gray, clean sand and gravel, Outwash: Till (?): gravelly and very dense in lower Fine, gray sand 6 8 Medium density, gray sand 2 29 5 feet 10.2 37.7 Marine deposits: Dense, brown, silty sandy gravel . . . 11 40 Bedrock: Clay .... 24 32 Bedrock: Schist. 8 45.7 Fine, gray sand 2 34 Firm biotite schist 5 45 Fine, gray sand, some gravel .... 10 44 An 982. Alt. about 250 ft. Log of test Clay, some fine, gray sand ..... 50 94 An 973. Alt. about 130 ft. Log of test hole for U. S. Geological Survey. Till: boring by State Highway Comm. Outwash: Gravel 1 95 Till: Brown silty sand 5 5 Refusal at 95 Boulders, silt, sand and gravel . . . 6 6 Brown, silty fine sand 6 11 Coarse sand and gravel imbedded in firm Gray, silty fine sand 34.5 45.5 C 6. Alt. about 20 ft. Log of test hole gray cohesionless silt and fine sand. Marine deposits: for U. S. Navy. Very compact in lower 14 feet. . . . 18.6 24.6 Gray silty clay 11.5 57 Outwash: Bedrock: Gray, silty sandy clay 5 62 Fine, gray sand and clay 8 8 Micaceous gneiss 8.4 33.0 Gray, silty clayey sand 4 66 Marine deposits: Gray, silty fine sand ........ 6 72 Clay ................ 10 18 An 974. Alt. about 120 ft. Log of test Early stratified drift (?): Fine, gray sand, some clay 7 25 boring by State Highway Comm. Gray coarse sand . . . . 4.5 76.5 Clay 46 71 Fill: Refusal at 76.5 Refusal at . . 71 Loose gravel, rocks, ashes, fill material 21 21 An 983. Alt. about 250 ft. Log of test C 7. Alt. about 25 ft. Log of test hole Marine deposits: hole for U. S. Geological Survey. for U. S. Navy. Stiff, gray silt with varves of fine Marine deposits: Outwash: sand 80 101 Brown sandy clay. .......... 13 13 Fine, gray sand, some clay 14 14 Very stiff, gray silty clay with varves Brown, silty fine sand 5 18 Marine deposits: of fine sand 75 176 Gray silty clay 27 45 Clay, some fine, gray sand ..... 81 95 Gray, silty sandy clay 3.2 48.2 Refusal at 95 An 975. Alt. about 120 ft. Log of test Refusal, probably bedrock, at 48.2 boring by State Highway Comm. C 8. Alt. about 20 ft. Log of test hole Fill: An 984. Alt. about 250 ft. Log of test for U. S. Navy. Loose gravel and rocks, ashes, fill hole for U. S. Geological Survey. Swamp deposits: material 18 18 Topsoil and fill: Peat 4.3 4.3 Marine deposits: Gravelly sand with some clay 5.5 5.5 Outwash: Stiff, gray silt with varves of sand . 90 108 Marine deposits: Fine, brown sand 9.7 14 Very stiff, gray silty clay with varves Gray silty clay; contains a gravel Fine, gray sand, some clay 64 78 of fine sand 24 132 layer from 123 to 124 feet 120.5 126.0 Fine, brown sand 7 85 Early stratified drift (?): Fine, gray sand, some clay 23.5 108.5 An 976. Alt. 188 ft. Log of test boring by Gray sandy gravel 24 150 Refusal at 108.5 State Highway Comm. Ice-contact deposits: An 985. Alt. about 320 ft. Log of test C 9. Alt. about 20 ft. Log of test hole Very fine, brown sand and silt with a hole for U. S. Geological Survey. for U. S. Navy. few thin streaks of clay and scatter- Outwash: Outwash: ed gravel. Very pervious at 9 feet Brown sand 89 89 Fine, brown sand, some clay. . . ... 10 10 depth. Soft and loose near surface. Marine deposits: Fine, gray sand, some clay 11 21 Increasingly compact with depth. . . 13.6 13.6 Brown sandy clay 3 92 Fine, gray-brown sand, some clay . . 45 66 Boulder, schistose gneiss 4 17.6 Gray sandy clay ....' 11 103 Fine, brown sand 14 80 Gray silty clay 7 110 Fine, gray sand 5 85 An 977. Alt. 211 ft. Log of test boring Till (?): Marine deposits: by State Highway Comm. Gray silty clay with traces of sand . 3.5 113.5 Clay at 85 Ice-contact deposits: Refusal at 113.5 Stratified sand and gravel, loose near surface, increasingly compact with depth. Sands vary from very fine and silty to coarse 31 31