Table 4,—Drillers' logs of selected wells and test borings in the lower Androscpggin River basin—Continued Thick- ness Depth Thick- ness Depth Thick- ness Depth ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY—Continued ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY—Continued ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY—Continued An 380. Alt.199 ft. Log of test boring An 389. Alt. 202 ft. Log of test boring for Maine Turnpike Authority. for Maine Turnpike Authority. for Maine Turnpike Authority. Outwash: Marine deposits: Brown, moist topsoil . . 0.5 0.5 Topsoil .. ....... 1 1 Brown-gray, moist, medium silty clay 9 9 Red-brown, moist, loose silty sand . . 6.5 7 Light-brown, moist, fine sand .... 4 5 Brown-gray, moist, soft silty clay. . 1 10 Yellow-brown, moist, loose silty sand Light-gray, moist, fine sand .... 3 8 3 10 Light-gray, wet, fine sand 2 10 An 390. Alt. 239 ft. Log of test boring Brown, wet, loose silty sand 4 14 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Brown, wet, loose silty sand and An 381. Alt. 185 ft. Log of test boring Marine deposits: gravel .... 21 35 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Brown-gray, dry, stiff silty clay . . 9 9 Bedrock: Marine deposits: Ice-contact deposits: Gray, medium granite, streaks of Dark brown-gray, wet, medium silty Brown, dry, loose sand (fine) .... 16 25 quartzite ............. 5 40 clay 11 11 Refusal at. . . . . 25 Dark-brown, wet clayey silt ..... 39 50 An 373. Alt. 178 ft. Log of test boring Dark-gray, wet, soft silty clay . . . 8 58 An 391. Alt. 194 ft. Log of test boring for Maine Turnpike Authority. Refusal at. 58 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Marine deposits: Alluvium: Brown, moist, loose topsoil with An 382. Alt. 188 ft. Log of test boring Light-brown, loose sand (fine); sand and clay . ... ... . . . . . 5 5 for Maine Turnpike Authority. organic soil 6 6 Brown, dense, moist sandy clay .... 5 10 Marine deposits: Marine deposits: Gray-brown, very stiff clay, trace Gray, moist, loose clayey sand ... 5 5 Light-brown, moist, hard clay .... 4 10 5 15 Brown, moist, loose sandy silt ... 5 10 Blue-gray, wet, soft silty clay . . . 30 40 Blue-gray, very stiff clay, trace of Gray, wet, loose clayey sand .... 5 15 Early stratified drift: dense sand 5 20 Gray, wet, loose, very fine silty Light-gray, wet, loose sand (fine); Blue, moist, soft clay (ductile) . . . 20 40 sand 22 37 little clay 8 48 Blue, wet, soft clay, trace of gravel 5 45 Blue-gray, very wet clayey silt . . . 30 67 Light-gray, wet loose sand (fine) . . 10 58 Dark-blue, very wet clay ....... 28 73 Blue-gray, very wet, soft clayey silt 22 89 Light-gray, wet, loose sand (fine and Ice-contact deposits: Till: coarse) .............. 5 63 Brown-gray, moist, loose silt, sand, Gray, moist, dense gravel 7 96 , Light-gray, wet, loose sand (fine) . 7 70 and gravel 7 80 Bedrock: Light-gray, moist, dense sand and Coarse gravel ............ 10 90 Gray, hard, laminated quartzite . . . 5 101 gravel 4.5 74.5 Bedrock: An 374. Alt. 168 ft. Log of test boring An 383. Alt. 195 ft. Log of test boring Light-gray, fine, soft granite . . . 5 79.5 for Maine Turnpike Authority. for Maine Turnpike Authority. Marine deposits: Dune sand and outwash: An 392. Alt. 202 ft. Log of test boring Topsoil . ....... 1 1 Brown, moist, loose silty sand for Maine Turnpike Authority. Brown-gray, moist, medium clay .... 6 7 (organic) 5 5 Alluvium: Brown-gray, wet, fine sandy clay . . . 12 19 Brown and gray, moist, loose silty Topsoil, light-brown, moist, silty Blue-gray, wet, soft clay . . ... . 5 24 sand (water table at 12 feet) . . . 10 15 sand, organic . . 5 5 Gray and brown, wet, loose silty sand 15 30 Marine deposits: An 375. Alt. 222 ft. Log of test boring Marine deposits: Light-brown, moist, dense clay . . . 5 10 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Gray, very wet, loose clayey silt ... 10 40 Blue-gray, wet, soft silty sand . . . 20 30 Till: Gray, very wet, very soft silty clay 39 79 Blue-gray, wet, soft silty clay Brown, moist, dense silty sand and Till: (little sand) 5 35 gravel 7 7 Gray, wet, loose silty sand and gravel Early stratified drift: Bedrock: (trace clay). . . . 6 85 Light-'gray, wet, loose sand (fine). . 5 40 Gray, hard granite and mica schist . . 10 17 Gray, wet, loose silty sand (trace Light-gray, very wet, very loose sand 5 45 (gravel) 5 90 Light-gray, moist, loose sand (fine) 5 50 An 376. Alt. 255 ft. Log of test boring : Boulders 2 92 Light-gray, moist, loose sand (coarse) 10.5 60.5 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Gray, wet, dense silty sand 8 100 Bedrock: Till: Bedrock: Light-gray, fine, hard granite . . . 5.5 66 Brown, moist, dense sand and gravel, Gray, hard, solid granite . . .... 4 104 trace of clay. . 4 . 4 An 393. Alt. 200 ft. Log of test boring Gray, dense clayey sand and gravel . . 1 .5 An 384. Alt. 217 ft. Log of test boring for Maine Turnpike Authority. Boulder ....... 2 7 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Marine deposits: Bedrock: Outwash: Blue-gray, moist, soft clay 20 20 Black and white, hard mica schist 9 16 Topsoil, brown sandy silt ... . . . 2 2 Light-brown, dry, loose, fine sand. . 4 6 An 394. Alt. 210 ft. Log of test boring An 377. Alt. 233 ft. Log of test boring Light brown-gray, dry, loose, fine for Maine Turnpike Authority. for Maine Turnpike Authority. sand 8 14 Till: Marine deposits: Brown-gray, moist, medium sandy silt 1 15 Hard, moist, gray sandy clay 5 5 Dark-brown, wet organic silt ..... 1 1 Gray-tan, loose, wet, fine silty sand 5 10 Yellow-brown, moist, medium stiff An 385. Alt. 210 ft. Log of test boring Dense, moist silty sand, trace of silty clay . 6 7 for Maine Turnpike Authority. gravel 4 14 Till (?): Marine deposits: Gray, moist, dense silty sand and Brown, moist, loose, silty sand, trace Topsoil, loam 1 1 gravel 7 21 of gravel 3 10 Brown-gray, moist, soft sandy silt. . 4 5 Moist, dense, medium sand, traces of Gray, moist, dense silty sand 1 11 Brown-tray, moist, medium silty clay 3 8 clay and silt 3 24 Bedrock: Gray-tan, moist, dense sand and Dark-gray, hard granite, spme quart- An 386. Alt. 210 ft. Log of test boring gravel ..... 5 29 zite and mica ........... 10 21 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Gray, moist, stiff clayey silt and Marine deposits: gravel .... 2 31 An 378. Alt. 238 ft. Log of test boring Brown (frosen) topsoil . 1 1 Bedrock: for Maine Turnpike Authority. Brown, moist, medium, soft clayey silt 4 5 Gray, hard, broken granite and Marine deposits: Brown, moist, soft silty clay .... 4 9 quartzite ..... 9 40 Brown, moist topsoil .... 1 1 Yellow-brown, moist, soft silty clay 6 15 Yellow-brown,׳ moist, medium silty clay 4.5 5.5 Gray-blue, wet, very soft silty clay 24 39 An 395. Alt. 204 ft. Log of test boring Blue, moist, medium silty clay .... 2.5 8 Wet running sand (very fine) brought for Maine Turnpike Authority. Till: up in wash water. ......... 10 49 Marine deposits: Sand, gravel, and boulders 7 15 Bedrock: Gray, dry, loose, sandy clayey silt . 4 4 Bedrock: Gray, hard granite (streaked with Gray-blue, soft, moist silty clay . . 4 8 Gray, hard, granite and white quartzite quartzite and mica) ........ 11 60 Gray, wet, soft silty clay. ..... 37 45 (trace of mica) 10 25 Till: An 387. Alt. 212 ft. Log of test boring Gray, moist, medium, dense silty sand, An 379. Alt. 251 ft. Log of test boring for Maine Turnpike Authority. trace of gravel 7 52 for Maine Turnpike Authority. Marine deposits: Bedrock: Marine deposits: Brown, dry, hard clay 15 15 Gray, hard granite 9 61 Brown, moist, loose topsoil 5 5 Brown-gray, moist, very stiff clay, An 388. Alt. 211 ft. Log of test boring An 923. Alt. about 190 ft. Log of test and trace of silt 5 10 for Maine Turnpike Authority. hole for Lewiston Water Dept. Brown-gray, moist, very stiff clay, Marine deposits: Outwash: trace of sand . 4.5 14.5 Gray, soft, moist clay. . 3 3 Loam and gravel 2 2 Till: Gray-brown, moist, loose sand (trace Sand and gravel 7 9 Boulders and gravel 4 18.5 clay) 3 6 Marine deposits: Bedrock: Ice-contact deposits: Soft clay 59 68 White, hard, solid pegmatite,layers of Brown, loose, moist sand 3.5 9.5 Till (?): gneiss ......... 10 28.5 Brown, loose, moist sand, traces of Fine, gray sand, gravel, and clay . . 9 77 fine gravel 2.5 12 Refusal at 77 Brown and gray, moist, loose sand . . 8 20 Gray, moist, loose sand 25 45 Gray and brown, wet, loose silty sand 4 49 Gray, wet, loose, silty sand .... 13 62 Till: Gray, moist, dense silty sand .... 20 82