Most of the data contained in this report were collected by Curtis L. Talbot during the summers of 1964 and 1965• The data include records of 1,622 wells, 139 springs, and 194 test borings (tables 2 and 3); logs of 201 wells or test holes (table 4); detailed chemical analyses of 14 samples of ground water and 17 samples of surface water (table 5); partial chemical analyses of 389 samples of ground water (table 6); measurements of water levels in two observation wells (table 7); and the quantity of water produced for public supply in the area during 1965 (table 8) • The report makes no attempt to record all of the wells in the area, but rather includes selected representative wells« The locations of wells, springs, and test holes, for which information is available are shown in figure 1• The geologic units used in tables 2 and 3 are described in table 1, which is intended as an aid in determining the general characteristics and relative values as aquifers of the various units in the lower Androscoggin River basin• NUMBERING AND LOCATION SYTEMS FOR WELLS, SPRINGS, AND TEST BORINGS Wells, springs, and test holes in Maine are numbered consecutively by county« Each well designation consists of a letter or letters indicating county, and a number (for example:An 6)• If more than one well at the same location was measured, these are usually differentiated by a small letter following the number (for example: An6a)o -2-