INTRODUCTION The area covered by this report includes nearly all of Androscoggin County, a large part of Oxford County, and small fractions of Cumberland, Kennebec, and Sagadahoc Counties (figo l)o It includes about 790 square miles® The northern boundary of the area is the 44o22f30״ parallel of latitude, which is the midpoint, north-south, of the Livermore, BuckfieId, and Bryant Pond Uc S® Geological Survey 15-minute topographic quadrangles (fig© 2). The other boundaries are divides between the Androscoggin River and other drainage systems® This report presents basic data collected as part of an investigation of the surficial geology and ground-water resources of the lower Androscoggin River basin made by the U® S® Geological Survey in cooperation with the Maine Public Utilities Commission® The data have been prepared for release in order to make available to the public basic ground-water data that will be useful in the planning of water-resources development® A report containing a ground-water favorability map and related geologic and hydrologic information for the area will be published in the Geological Survey*s Hydrologic Atlas series® -1-