BIBLIA POLYGLOTT A, Apocalypsis. Y AHIJE LECTIONES IN NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECUM. fKao-TOv alii u7ro3.־• ¿ovf exacTifi Karai/^jUa exei Tt V xpe/a alii ow* efowir-Xpetai0 ׳coto? Aw^vow Kai (peoTOi T)\lov, alii A!'׳xvow Kai (pear¿? rpcoTiei ’־671 AcyCt 7rV£l;/ifiTMI׳ TU)»׳ Kai aKOwan׳ (O jЗ\€^г Aa/ieruj 1Март1׳р׳Т! e TTavTt Tip en19r¡ 67Г awra Tте9 06 A et bis. та9 npépai то тетартоо 10. ,2. 4. b. 6. 20 15. 2. av twv ßXenoutriv то птшра pvripa Xaipovcnv eó0put'vovTat òùio-ovaiv ¿1тоii alii eli avTOvi enénerrev rjKOuaa hpépp h ovai }] тp/тף, lòoìt XéyovTd' ,EyévCTo r ßacrtXeia Itjcrov XptOTOw, IC /За-crtAeóet toó Opóvov tow 0eoó, 01 KaOrivTai tow Kopt'oo alii та 0eS expa^ev s. '¿Kpa£cv nvpòi npòi Jov noXepr!cra1 дета i'o־xocrev аитф eß\r\9r\ катг/ушр òià Tt]v papTvptav JV 7V KaL Tf7 9aXàcrotן опок трефг!та1 4 ai'Ttfv 'Itfcrov е<тта9г) òvópaia аркой peyáXrjv Kai ек тф SpaKovTi, OTi 63шке Tt]V Kai òvvaTÒi ßXааф1]р1аи alii ßXaa■ фпра Kai Xaòv avTÒv ò 61/opa ev тф too еифра^/iapévov El Tt9 (6Ì9) aìxpaXca (riav anáyei, eie atx paXtocnav vnayei alii Et та aixpciXiaoiav, vnàyei òéi aòro'v 19, 12. 2. 3. NOTiE MA SO BE TAB UM. יא NEHEMIAS, XII. 14.—2 CHRONI. XXXYI. 17. Il 38 1 לערוא ,לעדיא 16 : למליכו,למלוני 14 : ועני ,וענו in למואל redundat א : 46 ראטוי ,ראכו. xiii. 16 in דאג redundat 23 : א in עמוניות ,אעורודיות redundat vau prius. ספר דברי הימים א LIBEB I. CHBONICOBUM. Cap. i. 11 in לודיים jod alterutrum redundat: 46 ,עליה 51 :עוית ,עיות עלוה. ii. 55 יעובי ,יכובו. iii. 24 הורויהו ,הודיוהו. iv. 7 20 :יצהר ,יצהר המעונים ,המעיבים 41 •: ותילון ,והולון, vi. 11 צוף ,ציף 20 :בני ,בנו. vii. 1 והבה ,יהבה 34 : ברדת ,בתות 31 :יעוש ,יעיש 10 : יעווב ,יעגיב. viii. 25 ,ופניאל ופנואל. ix. 4 יעיאל ,יעואל 35 !פמורים ,פמירים 33 :בני מן ,בנימן. xi. 11 ויעיאל ,ויעואל 44 : ולו ,ולא 20 : השלישים ,השלושים. xii. 3 5 : ויויאל ,ויוואל השלישים ,השלושים 18 : גדותיו ,בדיתיו 15 : ההריפי ,ההרופי, xiv. 1 ,חירם 10 : הורם in פלשתיים jod alterutrum redundat. xv. 24 in מחצצרים redundat צ posterius, xvi. 38 ירותון ,ידיתון. xviii. 10 vau redundat in לשאול. xx.יעיר,יעור 5 ׳. xxii. 7 בני ,בנו. xxiii. 9 שלמית ,שלמדת. xxiv. 24 שמיר ,שמור. xxv. 1 in הנביאים redundat jod prius. xxvi. 25 ושלומית ,ושלמות, xxvii. 12 שרמי ,שמרי 29 : לבן ימיני,לבנימיני. xxix. 5 in למלאות redundat vau : 16 .הוא,היא ספר דברי הימים ב LIBEB II. CIIROXICOBUM. Cap. i. 16 in ומקוא bis est א pro ה. iii. 17 in הימיני redundat jod in medio, iv. 11 חורם ,הירם. v. 12 in מהצדדים redundat ר posterius: 13 in למחצצרים redundat צ posterius, vii. 6 in מחצצרים etiam redun-dat צ posterius, viii. 10 in הנציבים redundat jod prius : 18 in אוניות redundat vau prius. ix. 29 יערו,יעדי. xi. 18 pro בן ante בת ,ירימות. xiii. 14 in מחצצרים redundat צ posterius: 19 עפרץ ,עפרון. xvii. 8 ושמירמות ,ושמרימות. xviii. 8 33 :מיניהו ,מינהו in ידיך redundat jod posterius, xx. 3 in וירא deficit jod alterum ante ר. xxiv. 27 ירב ,ורב. xxv. 9 in למאות redundat vau. xxvi. 3 in יביליה redundat jod in me- dio : 7 in הערביים redundat jod posterius : 11 ,ההפשות 21 : יעיאל,יעואל החפשית. xxix. 8 28 : יהיאל,יהואל 14 : ויעיאל,ויעואל 13 : לועוה ,לוועה in מחצצרים redundat צ posterius, xxxi. 12, 13 in נונניהו redundat vau prius. xxxii. 21 ומיציאי,ומיציאו. xxxiii. 16 וינץ ,רבן. xxxiv. 5 re- dundat jod in 22 : וישובו,וישבי 9 : בחרבותיהם ,בהר בתיהם 6 : מזבהותים in תוקהת redundat vau: 25 in ויקטירו redundat jod posterius, xxxv. 3 ' 9 : והכינו,והכונו 4 : המבינים ,המבונים in וכונניהו redundat vau in medio, xxxvi. 14 in למעול redundat vau : 17 in כשדיים redundat jod posterius. Lis¿ of the Meanings attached to the Italic Characters of Reference inserted in the body of the page. h ... denotes, that the proposed variation. is almost or quite equal; or, perhaps, even preferable to the common reading; yet that lie prefers retaining the common text. oo... t ... denotes, that the proposed variation is not to be despised, but is worthy of further examination, though inferior to the received text. r. ...distinguish passages whichGries- &■ s bach dismisses to the margin, l... but which he conceives may be defended by arguments more or less specious; though, in Ills estimation, not sufficiently forcible to warrant their retention, r.—Ym ... indicates words added by him to the received text.yetnotsettled beyond the possibility of doubt. n ... distinguishes those passages, relative to which Griesbach, on account of some variety in the punctuation, or some various reading which lie rejects, has inserted a proposed alteration at the foot of the page,but without prefixing any arbitrary sig n. »'• ... a ... distinguishes those Readings in the “ Received Text,” which Griesbach dismisses to the margin of his edition, in order to insert his own emendation. ... b ... distinguishes those passages * which he has absolutely re- jected as spurious. —► ... c ... distinguishes words for the omission of which there is some probable ground, yet not so certain as to induce him to expel them from the text. —k ... d ... indicates the absence of words from some Codices, but whose omission appears less probable. om. ... e ...distinguishes words omitted by some, but in his opinion to be retained. add. ...f ... indicates an addition which in some books has crept into the text, but, in the opinion of Griesbach, to be on no account admitted. ^ ... g ... indicates an addition not entirely ^ destitute of a specious claim to insert ion, but notsuflficiently approved by Griesbach. The signs /», c, d, e, from the. nature of the office assigned to them, do not necessarily refer to the General List, except in cases where a second emendation is proposed. In cases where the Received Text agrees with Griesbach’s Various Reading, the Sign is given as affecting the Text as it stands; and no reading is exhibited in the Index. The signs/and tn do not require the insertion of the perpendicular line. Where the sign n is used, the nature of the proposed alteration varies according to circumstauces: of course, when an addition only׳ is proposed, the perpendicular line is not used.