BIBLIA POLYGLOTTA, Apocalypsis, XXII. VERSIO ANGLICANA. TEXTUS GR JECUS. XXII. Invitation and tuarnhiff. tify unto you these things in the churches. 1 am the“ root and the offspring ot David, and the bright and morning star. 17 And the Spirit and the bride c say, Come.¿ And let him that heareth say, Come. And/let him that is athirst,come: and whosoever will, let him take the water of Iit'e freely. 18 For l testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy ot this book, If any man shall add* unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away״ his part /?out or the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. CO lie which testified! these things saith. Surelyq I come quickly; Amen. Even״ so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The* grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Christ's advent foretold. REVELATION׳, which keep the sayings of tins book: A. V. 96. worship God. 10 And he saith unto me, Seal not* the sayings of the prophecy of this book: tor the time is at hand. 11 He* that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous,S let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And behold, I come quickly ; ״ and my reward is with me, to give every man according * as his work shall be. 13 11 am Alpha and Omega, the be- ginning and the end, the first and the last. . 14 Blessed״* are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 13 For without״ are dogs,*׳ and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and inaketh a lie. 16 1 Jesus have sent mine angel to tes- a ch. 5. 5 b ע a. 8. 26. c ch. 21. 2,9. d Is. 2. 5. e׳ Pr.l.2433״. Ec. 11.3. Mat. 25.10. 2Ti. 3.13. / ch. 21. 6. g Pr. 4. 18. Mat. 5.6. h Zep.1.14. « Pr. 30.6. k ch. 20.12. I Is. 44. 6. m Lu. 12.37,33 n ch. 3.5. ß or, from the tree, n ch.21.8,27. p Phi. 3.2. Q ver. 7,12. r He. 9.28. 18.25.9. s 2 Th. 3. 13. 1 188 AnOKAAY^IS IÍ2ANNOY. XXII. • HapTvpnaai vfiiv Tuvra 4 ¿Tri’ t«7? lnnXntTiais, ’E7w eijxi »J pt£a Kai to 701/0? *roi׳’ Aaßtö, O u(7T»7p 6 Xa/J-irpos aKai bpOptvo?׳. 17 Kal to nvev/ia Kai tj vi’ßtprj Xsyovcriv‘ “ EX#¿׳’ Kai o uKovtav eitrenta׳ “,EX#¿1׳ Kai 6 6i\l/wv aeAöfc'Tw1, *kJ oÖtXtev aXa!ußaveTO)• to i׳icop £a>ij? ¿wpedv. 18 “ Si/ju/iupTopoJpuat 70p 7ravTi' ukovovti tovs Xoyot׳? t7(? 7rpo0r]Tetar tov ßißXiov ■rov-tov' hdv Ti? a biriTiOrj 7rpo? Taüra1, 67rtOrjaet o 0eo? ¿7r’ avrov t«? TrXqyu? t«? 767paji/xeva? 61׳ m ßlßXlü) TOUTU)' 19 Kai ectv Ti? aatpatpTß utto tSv Xoy«!׳ aßißXoul Tn? 7rpo0nT6ia? TauTq?, a(paipi](ret 6 öeo? to /aepo? ai׳TO״ a7ro ßißXov Ti¡? £a׳ij?, Kai Ik t7¡? 7roXeoo? T>j? ¿7/0?, *Kai’ t£¡׳!׳ ye-•ypaß/ievcov fci׳ ”*ßißXiip TOi׳T(p. CO A6yet o juaprvpwv tuvtu׳ rat epxopat ff Tax״’ OLßr,v. Nai1 opxov, Kopte M !7001־/. 21 ,H ^«pi? to״ Kttpiov *njiwi/1 ,inao¡׳ Xftv. ,Afxrjv.1 T1]pOVVTü3V TOI׳? XÓ701׳? ToZ ßlßXlOU TOt׳TO״' Ttp Qeü) 7rpocTKt׳i׳ijo׳01־. 10 Kai X67Ci /tot‘ Mi; 0־payt0־f7? toi׳? X6-701׳? tu? 7rpo07׳T6ia? T0ü ßißXlou toutoi׳* “on ó KaipòiI 677!׳? ecTTiv. 11 O àStKÒóv, ¿1óiKti׳ T?j? £«»»;?, Kai T01? ttuXüktiv eìatXtìoùcnv 61? tÌ/i׳ ttóXiv. 15 *Efe«) *36' oí K׳1״e? Kai oí (papp.aKo'1 Kai ot 7ropvoi Kai oí (¡)ovéis Kat ot eiówXoXÓTput, Kcù nàs eól (¡)iXwv Kai ttoiùjv \¡/evóo?. 1Ö ,E7W ’iqaoi67 ?׳re¡u'|ta t¿!776» ׳X0!׳ jliou 188 VERSIO VULGATA LATINA. VERSIO HEBRAICA. lLYPSIS XXII. V. 21. Iß Ego Jesu3 misi Angelum meum, testificar¡ vobis hasc in Ecclesiis. Ego sum radix, et genus David, stella splendida, et matutina. 17 Et Spiritus, et sponsadicunt : Veni, Et qui audit, dicat : Veni. Et qui sitit, vernai : et qui vult, accipiat aquam vi-tae gratis. 18 Contestor enim omni audienti ver-ba prophetias libri hujus : Si quis appo-suerit ad haec, apponet Deus super illum plagas scriptas in libro isto. 19 Et si quis diminuerit de verbis libri prophetias hujus, auferet Deus par-tem ejus de libro vitie, et de civitate sancta, et de bis, qua: scripta sunt in libro isto. 20 Dicit qui testimonium perhibet is- torum. Etiam veuio cito: Amen. Veni, Domine Jesu. , . 21 Gratia Domini nostri Jesu Christi cum omnibus vobis. Amen. XXII. V. 10. APOC. rum prophetarum, et eorum, qui servant verba prophetias libri hujus : Deum adora. 10 Et dicit mihi: Ne signaveris verba prophetias libri hujus: tempus enim prope est. 11 Qui nocet, noceat adhuc: et qui in sordibus est, sordescat adhuc: et qui justus est justitìcetur adhuc: et sanctus, sanctificetur adhuc. 12 Ecce venio cito, et merces mea me-cum est, reddere unicuique secundum opera sua. 13 Ego sum a, et &>, primus, et novis-simus, principium, et finis. 14 Beati, qui lavant stolas suas in sanguine Agni: ut sit potestas eorum in ligno vitas, èt per p rtas intrent in civi-tatem. 15 Foris canes, et venefici, et impudici, et homicidas, et idoiis servientes, et omnis, qui amat et facit mendacium, 188 10 דברי ה0פר דדה• דזטההוה לאלהים‘ !יאמר אלי י אל ההתש את־רברי נבואת הספר הוה כי בוא •;והצגמע יאמר • בוא י והצמא;בוא • וההפץ ^חהמים החיים ה2ש: כי העדתי בכל־ה;ב;מע13 11 לןרוב העת: המעול יעול עור • והממא ןממא עודי הצדיק ,יצדק עוד• והקדועו ;קרעו עוד: 12 דזנני בא מהרה ועגכרי אתי לתת לכל־איכו כפעלו: 13 אנכי א ות ראשית ואחךית הראעוון והאחרון: 14 אשרי לשי מצותיו למען ידדה להם ממשל בעץ 15 החיים ולבוא בשערים העירה: ומהוץ הילבים והמכשפים והוגים והרצהים ועבלי האלילים וכל־ 16 אהבי ועשי כזב: אני ישוע שלהתי את־מלאכי להעיד בכם את־אלה במקהלות * אנכי שרש וזרע 17 דוד ככב נגדה ובן־שהר: ויאמר הרוח והלה • קפה את־ךבלי נבואת הספר הוה• אם יוקיף איש על־ אלה יוסיף עליו אלהים את־הנכעים הכתובים בספר הזה: ואם ;גרע איש מדברי ספר הנבואה 19 הזאות ערע אלהיכם את־הלקו מספר ההיים ומהעיר הקדושה ומן־היתובים בספר הודה: המעיר את־אלה אמר• אכן אנכי בא מהרה •20 אמן באה נא האדון :שוע: הן האדון :שוע 21 המשיח עם כלכם אמן: 183