BIBLIA POLYGLOTTAj Epistola ad Colossenses, IY. VERSIO ANGLICANA. TEXTUS GRJECUS. IV. Various salutations. 13 For I bear him record, that he hat!) a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. 14 Luke,5 the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. 15 Salute the brethren which are m Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church¿ which is in his house. 16 And when this epistle/ is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. 17 And say to Archippus/ Take heed * to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it. 18 The salutation* by the hand of me Paul. Remember¿ my bonds. Grace be with you. Amen. Written from Rome to the Colossians, by Tychicus and Onesimus. COLOSSIANS, The Apostle's commendations. Ti. 4.14. i 2Th. 3.17• k He.13.3,25. i»S■ I Ja. 5.16. m Mat. 5.4S. He. 6.1. 8 Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts 9 With Onesimus,“ a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They shall make known unto you all things which are done here. 10 Aristarchus® my fello luteth you, and Marcus,' Barnabas, (touching wl commandments; if he come unto you, receive him;) 11 And Jesus,which is called Justus; who are of the circumcision. These only are ״ my fellow-workers unto the kingdom of p ;,u God, which have been a comfort unto fellow-prisoner sa-us,® sister’s son to whom ye received 12 Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always /3 labouring fervently* for you in prayers, that ye may stand”1 perfect and 7complete in all the will of God. EninOAIl ni’02 K0A022AEI2, IV. 13 Mapjrt/pü» 7èip a/mjj on éCTjAov iroXvv yrrep i׳pwv, Kai rwv tv AaoòiKtiif, Kal rwv tv lepa-nóXei. 14 ’Acr7rd£eTai vfiù? Aovkù? ó tarpò? ò ¿yaruros•, Kal Aripä?. 15 ,Aanáaaade rovi tv AapòiKeip àòeXQovr, Kal N1׳pepàv, Kal rrjv kut oíkov avr 00 tKKXn cnav. 16 Kat ¿rav iivayvwaöp Trap’ vplv ì] tut-aroXt¡, no1r¡aaTt Iva Kal tv rrj AaoòtKtwv tKKXt](riq. ¿vayvwa&p’ Kal t>¡v tu AaoòiKtiaן 'iva Kai vpel? «vayrwre. IT Kat tinare ’Apximttp* BXe7re rt]v òiaKO-liav hv 7raptXaße? tv Kvpiep, iva aùrtjv 7rXr¡~ polז. 18 'O à<77raupó? _rv hp7j x«pi ITaiiAm׳. Xlv^povevere piov rwv ieapwv. 'H M*־iP vpwv. Apr!v, avrò t«to, tva r< pov Vpä? vpwv, Kai 7rapaKaXtat] reis 8 '01׳ tnep^a ך vip rei 7rep1 9 2i01’ _׳1׳/naipe;) rip triarw Kal àyannrip ù<5eXejitp, זס èo־Tt!׳ ef 1׳gwv' Ttàvra yvw-piovai rc'i wòe. 10 ,AcTra^eTat vpà? *Apiarapxo? ò avvaix* páXeoró? pov, Kal MapKoy ò uve\j/1ò? Bapvctßa, irepl ov tXilßere tvroXás’ tctv tX9t7 7rpò? vpàs, òt^aatìe aù־róv’ 11 Kat *I»ןaov? ó Xeyópevo? ’1ovare?, oí ói׳t€? tK irtpiropus* 0í׳T0t póvoi avvepjoi eh ri]v ßaaiXeiav rod Oeod, o'ireve? tyevi]dr]aúv poi Trapnyopía. 12 ’Aoirái^erat vpà? ’E7ra0pár ó vpü>v óovXo? Xpiarov, •návrore ayccvt&pevos VTT tp vpwv tv ral? npoaevxa.1f, t'va art¡r€ réXeioi Kal ■aenXnpuiptvoi tv rravrl üeXijpan tS 0e». 146 VERSIO VULGATA LATINA. VERSIO HEBRAICA. IV. v.7. AD CO LOS SENS ES IV. 1.13. אניד. פאול ה׳בקיה אל הקולקים ד pro vobis in orationibus, ut stetis perfec-ti, et pieni in omni volúntate Dei. 13 Testimonium enim il li perhibeo quòd habet multum laborem pro vobis, et pro iis, qui sunt Laodiciae, et qui Ilierapoli. 14 Salutai vos Lucas medicus char issi* mus, et Demas. 15 Salutate fratres, qui sunt Laodiciae, et Nympham, et, quae in domo ejus est, ecclesiam. !6 Et cum lecta fuerit apud vos epistola haec, tacite ut et in Laodicensium ecclesia legatur: et earn, quas Laodicensium est, vos legatis. 17 Et ¿licite Archippo: Vide ministe-rium, quod accepisti in Domino, ut illud impleas. 18 Salutatio mea manu Pauli. Memores estote vinculorum meorum. Gratia vobiscum. Amen. sit conditus, ut sciatis quomodo opor-teat vos unicuique respondere. 7. Quae circa me sunt, omnia vobis nota faciet Tychicus charissimus frater, et iidelis minister et conservus in Domino : 8 Quem misi ad vos ad hoc ipsum ut cognoscat, quae circa vos sunt, et con-soletur corda vestra ; 9 ״ Cum Onesimo, chanssimo et fideli fratre, qui ex vobis est. Omnia, quae hic aguntur, nota facient vobis. 10 Salutai vos Aristarchus concaptivus meus, et Marcus consobrinus Barnabae, de quo accepistis mandata: sivenerit ad 12 Salutat vos Epaphras, qui ex vobis ;st, servus Christi Jesu, semper solicitus את־אודותיכם וינחם את־לבבכם: עם אוניסימוס, האח ה?א?י; ,והאהוב מיכולכם יוך» לכם את-כל-הנז^ה פה¡ אוהפךכום אביר .עמיתי סא^ לםלמכט • ומיקום דד בר־נבא • ^¡ר צויסם עליו 1 לאכזר • אספוהו בבואו אליכם: ר״יינווע היקרא1 יותמום ;א-^ר למולת • אלה ןבדם קרי למלכות 1 האלהים • אקר היו לי לנחמה; אפפראם מקלכם עבד המקיח צנואיל־2 לקלמקם • ומתהדק תמיד בתפלות בק־כם למען העבידו קרמים ומלאים 1 ?כל־הפץ האלהים; כי עדו אני אקר קאה ;דולה קמו דו לכם ולאקר פלאון־יקיא ולאקר פהרפוליס. לוקוס הרפא האהוב ודמאם כואלים לקלימכם: 13 טאלו לקלום האחים אקר 1ןלאוךיקיא ונומפאס 14 והקהלת א־קר בביתו: וכאקר תקרא הא נרות 15 בקרבכם ראו אקר ה^כא גם כן בקדזלת לאוךיקים • וגם אתם תקראו את אקר־ללאוךיקים: ואמרו אל 6! אךכפאם • דאה את־העבודדז אקר קבלת באדון למלאהה: קאלת כגלום כרך • אני פאול* ןברו17 את־מוסרותי • הן עמכם אמן: 146 בכתבה אל קולפים מרומא על ירי מוכיקום ואוניכימוס: