BIBLIA POLYGLOTT A, Epistola ad Ephesios, I. II. VERSIO ANGLICANA. TEXTUS GRÆCUS. The Epistle of PAUL the Apostle to the EPHESIANS. IÍAYAOY TOY AnOCTOAOY the riches״ of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power* to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his /3 mighty power, £0 Which he wrought in Christ, when he»' raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly ,•places, 21 Far« above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come; 22 And hath put* all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body,״ the fulness of him that tilleth all in all. * CHAP. 11. AND your hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins ; 2 Wherein * in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince״ of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children׳״ of disobedience: 3 Among whom also we* all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the s desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature2 the children of wrath, even as others. 4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even״ when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, («!by grace6 ye are saved ;) 6 And hath raised* vs up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; 7 That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness* toward us through Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace/ are ye saved through faith :8 and that not6 of yourselves; it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God״ hath before ׳cordained that we should walk in them. 11 Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hand3; 12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: 13 But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far otf, are made nigh by the blood “ of Christ. 0 CHAP. I. Jl AUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints6 which are at Ephesus,® and to the faithful<* in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace/ be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed* be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly 7places in Christ: 4 According as he hath chosen/ us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy* and without blame before him in love: 5 Having predestinated”* us unto the adoption" of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasurep of his will, 6 To the praise ? of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted* m the -beloved: 7 In whom“ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; 8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; 9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath^ purposed in himself: 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in fheaven, and which are on earth; even in him: 11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance,‘* being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will; 12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first (¿trusted in Christ. 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard«' the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed* with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest* of our inheritance, until the redemption"* of the purchased* possession, unto the praise*׳ of his glory. 15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God? of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdomr ana revelation Ain the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes* of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope* of his calling, and what H riPOS EE2IOYI EIUrrOAH. /new? avTOv et? ” nßäs^ r où? ” 7rt<7Teú0VTap' kut« Tr¡v evépyeiav toe/ Kpárovs ti¡? laxóos avrov, 20 *'Hi/ èvrjpyr]aev èv rip Xpiarip, èyeipar av-tÒv è< veKpwi׳’ Kai ènàtìiaev ev èeçiç. avrov ¿1׳ t07? è7rovpavlois, 21 'Y7repúva> 7rúar¡s dpxñs Kat èÇovaias Kat òvvàfjieoùS Kal Kvpiórnros, Kal navròs bvoßaros bvoßa^oßtvov où yxóvov èv rip aiôovi rovrip, dXXà Kat èv TM ßeXXovrt’ 22 Kat nàvra v7r6Ta£ev Ù7rà toi/? nóòas ai/-tov' Kat avròv ëôoûKe KecpaXt¡v vu ep 7mvTu t«5 kKü\r,oiç1, 23 "Hrt? kart t¿ awßa avadó, סד nXnpwßa t ou 7ra1/Ta ev '/ràat 7rA«]pot/p.eV01׳. Ke<£. /3׳. II. Kai vßäs ovras veKpovs rois napanrwßaat Kat rais jxßapriais’ 2 ,El/ ai? 7T0T6 nepienarncare Kara tov atwva tov Koaßie roórov, Karà ròv u.pxovra ti¡? 裫-atas rov ndépos, roî/1 7rve1//aa־ro? rou vvv èvep-yovvros ev toi? 1׳iot? ד«¡? à7retOeias’ 3 ,Ei/ at? Kat nßeis navres dvearpaipnßiv 7tore èv Tat? kruÖvßiaLS t«¡? crapKÒ? nßwv, not-SvTC? rà OeXrjßara דr!s trapK¿? K¿ rû)v èiavoiôtv’ Kal nßev Tt-Kva (pvaei àpyîj?, w? Kat ol Xoinoi’ 4 *O òè Osò? nXovaios wv ev èXéet. òià דi¡v noXXrjv dyánn'J avrov \¡v >jyá7rna־ev hßäs, 5 Kat bvras rißäs veKpovs rois napamwßaai, avveÇiaonoinaef rip Xpiarip’ "xàpni^ lare aeacuaßivot’ • 6 Kat avvrjieipe, Kai avveKaôiaev èv rois ènovpaviois èv Xpiarip ’Inaov’ 7 Tva èvôtt'fnvai t0î? douât rof? è7repxo-ßevois tÒv vnepßiiXXovra nXovrov ז ד¡? x«p1T os avrov, èv XPr]v' ev ip Kat marevaavres èaeppayiatìnre rip riveó/LiaTt tZ¡? ènayyeXias rip dyiu)' 14 "O? èo־T1v dppaßwv rñs KXnpovoßias hßwv, eis dnoXurpcoaiv tij? Ttepnrotr¡ae0)s, eis enaivcv rr!s èôÇns avrov. 15 Atä rovro Kçyô) ÙKovaas rìjv Kat¿’ vßäs niariv èv rip Kvpiip Trja־oî׳, Kat ״ rqv a7«7r«)v' ttjv eis ncivras tous àyiovs, 16 Où navoßat evxapiarüiv vnèp vßwv, ßveiav c vß<~w* noiovßevos èni rû>v Trpoaevx^i׳ ßov" 17 Tva ó Geo? tov Kvptov nßü>v I1]0־ov Xpt-ardo, ò nar'np rr!s òól;ns, òipr) vßiv nvevßa aoipias Kai " dn0Ka\v\I/ea)s, èv èntyvcóaei avrò' IS ne0amcr/iévov?* tov? oipÖaXßovs tìj? aò1a-vota?' vßtüv, eì? tò eiòévai vßäs ris èanv ì¡ èXnis rr!s KX>]0ews aùrov, *Kat' Tt? ó 7r\íÍT0? TÍí? nv t«ì? KXnPovoaias aùrò ev toi? dytot?‘ J9 Kat ri tò v71ep/3à\\ov ßeyetìos rñ? ovvà-137 VERSIO VOLGATA LATINA. VERSIO HEBRAICA. EPISTOLA PAULI AD EPHESIOS. secundum operationem potentine virtu-tis ejus, 20 Quam operatus est in Christo, sus-citans ilium a mortuis, et constituens ad dexteram suam in ccelestibus: 21 Supra omnem principatum et po-testatem, et virtutem, et dominationem, et omne nomen, quod nominatur non solum in hoc saecuio, sed etiam in futuro. 22 Et omnia subjecit sub pedibus ejus: et ipsura dedit caput supra omnem Ecclesiam, 23 Quae est corpus ipsius, et plenitu-do ejus, qui omnia in omnibus adiin-pletur. CAP. IL Et vos, cum essetis mortui delictis et peccatis vestris, 2 In quibus aliquando ambulastis secundum saeculum mundi hujus, secundum principem potestatis aèris hujus, spiritus, qui nunc operatur in filios diffidenti«:, 3 In quibus et nos omnes aliquando conversati sumus in desideriis carnis nostrae, facientes voluntatem carnis et cogitationum, et eramus natura filii irae, sicut et ceteri : 4 Deus autem, qui dives est in misericordia, propter nimiam charitatem suam, qua dilexit nos, 5 Et cum essemus mortui peccatis, convivificavit nos in Christo, (cujus gratia estis salvati) 6 Et conresuscitavit, et considere fecit in ccelestibus in Christo Jesu : 7 Ut ostenderet in saeculis superveni-entibus abundantes divitias gratias suae, in bonitate super.nos in Christo Jesu. 8 Gratia enim estis salvati per fidem, et hoc non ex vobis : Dei enim donum est, 9 Non ex operibus, ut nequis glorie-tur. 10 Ipsius enim sumus factura, creati in Christo Jesu in operibus bonis, quae praeparavit Deus ut in illis ambulemus. 11 Propter quod memores estote, quod aliquando vos Gentes in carne, qui dici-mini praeputium ab ea, quae dicitur cir-cumcisio in carne, manu facta : 12 Quia eratis ilio in tempore sine Christo, alienati a conversatione Israel, et hospites testamentorum, promissio-nis spem non habentes, et sine Deo, in hoc mundo. 13 Nunc autem in Christo Jesu vos, qui aliquando eratis longe, facti estis prope in sanguine Christi. CAPUT PRLMUM. Paulus Apostolus Jesu Christi per voluntatem Dei, omnibus sanctis, qui sunt Ephesi,et fidelibus in Christo Jesu; 2 Gratia vobis, et pax a Deo Patre nostro, et Domino Jesu Christo. 3 Benedictus Deus et Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi, qui benedixit nos in omni benedictione spirituali in cce-lestibus in Christo, 4 Sicut elegit nos in ipso ante mundi constitutionem, ut essemus sancii et immaculati in conspectu ejus in chari-tate. 5 Qui praedestinavit nos in adoptio-nem filiorurn per Jesum Christum in ipsum : secundum propositum voluntatis suae, 6 In !andern glorias gratias suae, in qua gratificavit nos in dilecto filio suo. 7 In quo habemus redemptionem per sanguinem ejus, remissionem peccato-rum secundum divitias gratias ejus, 8 Quas superabundant in nobis in omni sapientia, etprudentia: 9 Ut notum faceret nobis sacramen-tum voluntatis suae, secundum bene-placitum ejus, quod proposuit in eo, 10 In dispensatione plenitudinis tem-porum, instaurare omnia in Christo, quas in ccelis, et quas in terra sunt, in ipso : 11 In quo etiam et nos sorte vocati sumus pnedestinati secundum propositum ejus, qui operatur omnia secundum consilium voluntatis suas: 12 Ut simus in laudem gloriae ejus nos, qui ante speravimus in Christo : 13 In quo et vos, cum audissetis ver-bum veritatis, (Evangelium salutis ves-trae) in quo et credentes signati estis Spiritu promissionis sancto, 14 Qui est pignus hereditatis nostrae, in redemptionem acquisitionis, in laudem glorias ipsius. 15 Propterea et ego audiens fidem vestram, quas est in Domino Jesu, et dilectionem in omnes sanctos, 16 Non cesso gratias agens pro vobis, memoriam vestn faciens in orationibus meis : 17 UtDeus Domini nostri Jesu Christi, pater glorile, det vobis spiritum sa-pientias et revelationis, in agnitione eJus: 18 Illuminatos oculos cordis vestri, ut sciatis quae sit spes vocationis ejus, et quae divitias glorias hereditatis ejus in sanctis, 19 Et quas sit supereminens magnitudo virtutis ejus in nos, qui credimus 137 אגרה פאול הגלידו אל האפזים א ן 2או7* שליח יעווע המשיח ברצון אלהים אד הגדושים אשר באפזוס ולנאמנים בישוע המשיח 5 2 הן ושלום לכם מאלהים ארעד ומהאדון ישוע 3 המישיח: ברוך אלהי!אבי _ישוע המשיח.אדננו אשר בךכנו בכל־ברכוית הרוח בשמים במשיח : 4 כאשר בהר ^ת:ו בו במרם הוקרת העולם להיות צ קרוישים ותמימים לפניו כאהבה 1 ומלפנים שר אתנו לו לבנים ב_יד .:שוע המשיח כרצון _נפשו: 6 לההלת כבוד היו אשר בו הנן איה נו באהוב: אשר 7 בו פדות לנו בדמו קליחת האשפות כעשר חיו: 8 אשר בו הותיר אתנו בכל־הכמה ובינה: ברצונו 9 הודיע לנו את־סור הקצו אשר מלפנים אמר בלבו: 10 למשמרת מלא העתים ללןנץ_יהדו במשייח את־כל 11 אשר בשמים ואשר על הארץ בו: אשר בו גנם ;רשנו ברורים מלפנים כמדזשבת הפעל בל כ;עצת 12 הפצו: למען נהיה לקהלת גיבורו אנחנו המיחלי 13 המשיח בראשעה: אשר בו גם אתם קשמעכם את־ף־בר האמת את־בשורת ןשועהכם • אשר גם נהתמתם בו ברוח הדבר הקרוש אחלי האמנתם: 14 והוא ערבון ששתנו על כאלת הקקלה לקהלת 15 כבודו: על־כן נם אנכי בשמעי מאמונתכם באדון 16 ישוע ואהבתכם אשר לכל־הקרושים: לא אחדל מהורות בעבוךכם ומהוביר אתככם בר״פלותי: ל1 אשר :הן לכם אלהי ישוע המשיח אדנינו אבי 8! הכבוד את־רוח הקמה.ודעת .לרעת אתו 5 ראר את־עיני קבונתבם למען תךעו מה היא הוהלת 19 קריאתו ומה־עשר כבוד.ששתו בקודשים: ומה קל׳ו ;תר גדלת גבורתו לנו הפיאמינים קפעל קבורת םהר: אשר פעל במשיח בהקימו מן־המתים• והושיב 20 לימינו בישמים: ממעל לכל-מקשל ושלמון וגבורה 21 ומשרה וכל־שם הנקרא לא בעולם הוה לבדו כי גם בבא; וכל שת החת רגליו* ותנו לקהלה לראש 22 על־בל: והיא גקיתו מלא הממלא כל יביל; 23 ב ןאתם המתים באשמות .והבנאים: אשר 1 הההלכהם בם מאו כזשך דור העולם הדה גישר 2 שלמון השחקים הרוח הפעל בעת הו-את בבני סךרת 1 באשר גם אנחנו כלנו הוקהלכנו מאו 3 קתאות בשרנו לעשות את־חפצי הבשר והלב • ונהי במבע בני הרון כאחרים: ואלהים העשיר 4 קחםד קרב אהבתו אשר אהבנו: גם בדזיותנו 5 מתים באשמות החת איתנו עם המשיח • קהן נושעתם: _דקם.ויושב א־תנו_יהד בשמים בישוע6 המשיח 1 לדשאות בדרות הבאים את־גךל עשי 7 חנו קמובו לנו בישוע המשיח: כי קהן נושעתם 8 באמונה * ואין זאת מנקשכם • מתנת אלהים היא לא מקעלים פן תהלל איש: כי.אנחנו מעשהו 9 נדראים ־ב:שוע הכימיה למעשיםמוביםאשרהכין10 האלהים למען נההלךבם: על־כץ וכיו אשר אתם 11 מלפנים גויי בשר הנקראים עךלה מנקיבי מולת בבשר מעשה שים: כי הייתם בעת ההיא ללא 12 משיח תרים לדזקי ארץ ישראל ונכרים לברית הדבר כאץ תוחלת ובאין אלהים בעולם * ;ו?מה 13 משוע המשיח אתם אשר מאז והקים דשתם / 137