BIBLIA POLYGLOTTA, Prophetia Zacharde, XIII. XIY. VERSIO ANGLICANA. TEXTUS HEBRAICUS. Z ECU A RI All, XIV. Encouraging prospects. 5 But lie shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husbandman ; for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth. 6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands ? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. 7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd. Evangelical predictions. saith the Lord of hosts: smite d the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered; and I willturn mine hand upon the little ones. 8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Loud, two parts therein shall be cut off, and die; but the third shall be left therein. 9 And l will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold* is tried : they shall call on my name, and 1 will hear them ; l will say, It is my people ; and they shall say, 't he Lord is my God. 0 CHAP. XIV. JDEIIOLD, the day of the Lord com-eth, and thy spoil shall be divided in tiie midst of thee. 2 For l will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle ; and the city* shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. . 3 Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. 4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley: and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of othe mountains ; n for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake*■ in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah ; and* the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. 6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that Kthe light shall not be A clear, nor ¡x dark : 7 But vit shall be one day, which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light. 8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem ; half of them toward the p former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. 9 And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Loud, and his name one. 10 All the land shall be «»־turned as a plain, from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem : and it shall be lifted up, and t inhabited in her place, from Benjamin’s gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of llananeel unto the king’s wine-presses. . , , 11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more* utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall - רעי ועלעבר עמיתי נאם:הוה צבאות הף את־ הרעדת ותפוצין הצאן והשבתיךרי על־הצערים: והח בכל־הארץ נאם־הון־ת פי־ששם בה:כרתו 8 :בועו והשלישית מהר בה: והבאתי ארז־ 9 השלישית באש וצרפתים כצרף את־־ה|סף ובחנתים כבהן את־הוהב הואי:קרא בשמי ואני אענה אוזו אמרתי עמי הוא והוא יאמר הוה אלהי•* יי .CAP. XIV הנחת מם־־בא דהה והלק שלל^ך בקרבך:1 ואספתי את־כל־הנרם י אל־ץךושלם למלחמה 2 ונלכדה חציר ונשסו הברזים והנשים תשכדנה דצא הש העיר בגולה דהר העם לא:כרת מן־ העיר : רצא יהח־ז ונלהם בגרם ההם כמם 3 הלהמו ביום קרב: ועמדו רגדו במם־הדזוא 4 על־הר הויתים אשר על־פד הושלם מקדם ונבקע הר הזיתים מהציו' מזדהה למה דא גדולה מאר ומש הצי ההר צפונה והצל נכבה: ונסתם 5 גיא־הרי כן־עיע גךהרים אדאצל* ונסתם כאשר נסתם מפד הרעש בימי עדה כלך־חורדת ובא :הה אלהי כל קדש'2 ?2 ך : .יי!£\ 6 YERSIO VULGATA LATINA. VERSIO GRÆCA LXX. INTERP. ARIA xiv. r, R׳. emplum meum ab adolescentia mea- 6 Et dicetur ei: Quid sunt plaga3.isft־ie in medio manuum tuarum? Et dicet: His piagatus sum in domo eorum, qui diligebant me. 7 Framea, suscitare super pastorem meum, et super virum congerentem mihi, dicit Dominus exercituum: percute pastorem. et dispergentur oves: et con-vertam manum meamaa parvuios. 8 Et erunt in omni terra, aicit Dominus: partes cluae in ea aisjiergentur, et deficient: et tertia pars reiiuquetur in ea. 9 Et ducam tertiam partem per ignem, et uram eos sieut uritur argentum: et probabo eos sicut probatur aurum. Ipse vocabit nomen meum, et ego exaudiam eum. Dicam: Populus meus es; et ipse dicet: Dominus Deus meus. CAP. XIV. Ecce venient dies Domini, et divi-dentur spolia tua in medio tui. 2 Et congregabo omnes Gentes ad Jerusalem in praelium, et capietur civi-tas, et vastabuntur domus, et mulieres violabuntur: et egredietur media pars civitatis in captivitatem, et reliquum populi non auferetur ex urbe. 3 Et egredietur Dominus, et praelia-bitur contra Gentes illas,sicut pradiatus est in die certaminis. 4 Et stabunt pedes ejus in die ilia super Montem olivarum, qui est contra Jerusalem ad Orienten!: et scindetur Mons olivarum ex media parte sui ad Orientem, et ad Oecidentem praerupto grandi valde, et separabitur medium montis ad Aquilonem^ et medium ejus ad Meridiem. 5 Et fugietis ad vallem montium eorum, quoniam conj'ungetur vallis mou-tium usque ad proximum: et fugietis sicut fugistis a facie terraemotus in die-bus Ozias regis Juda: et veniet Dominus Deus meus, omnesque sancti cum eo. Ö Et erit in die ilia: Non erit lux, sed frigus et gelu. 7 Et erit dies una, quie nota est Domino, non dies neque nox: et in tern pore vesper¡ erit lux. 8 Et erit in die ilia: Exibunt aquae vivae de Jerusalem: medium earum ad mare Orientale, et medium earum ad mare novissimum: in aestate et in hieme erunt. 9 Et erit Dominus rex super omnem terram: in die ilia erit Dominus unus, et erit nomen ejus unum. 10 Et revertetur omnis terra usque ad desertum, decolle Remmon ad Austrum Jerusalem: et exaltabitur, et habitabit in loco suo a porta Benjamin usque ad locum porta: prioris, et usque ad portam angulorurri: et a turre llananeel usque ad torcularia regis. 11 Et habitabunt in ea, et anathema non erit amplius: sed sedebit Jerusalem secura. 12 Et haec erit plaga, qua percutiet Dominus omnes Gentes, quie pugna-verunt adversus Jerusalem: Tabescet XII. V. 3. ZACH 3 Et erit: In die ilia ponam Jerusalem lapidem oneris cunctis populis: omnes, qui levabunt earn, concisione lacerabuntur: et colligentur adversus earn omnia regna terrae. 4 In die ilia, dicit Dominus, percu-tiam omnem equum in stuporem, et as-censorem ejus in amentiam : et super do-mum Juda aperiam oculos meos, et omnem equum populorum pereutiam cas-citate. 5 Et dicent duces Juda in corde suo: Confortentur mihi habitatores Jerusalem in Domino exercituum Deo eorum. 6 In die ilia ponam duces Juda sicut caminum ignis in lignis, et sicut facem ignis in fceno: et devorabunt ad dexte-ram et ad sinistram omnes populos in circuitu: et habitabitur Jerusalem rur-sus in loco suo in Jerusalem. 7 Et salvabit Dominus tabernacula Juda, sicut in principio: ut non mag-nitice glorietur domus David, et gloria habitantium Jerusalem contra Judam. 8 In die ilia proteget Dominus habitatores Jerusalem, et erit qui oftenderit ex eis in die ilia, quasi David : et domus David quasi Dei, sicut angelus Domini in conspectu eorum. 9 Et erit in die illa: quasram conte-rere omnes Gentes, quae veniunt contra Jerusalem. 10 Et effundam super domum David, et super habitatores Jerusalem spiritum gratiae, et precum : et aspicient ad me, quern confixerunt: et plangent eum planctu quasi super unigehitum, et dolebunt super eum, ut doleri solet in morte primogeniti. 11 In die ilia magnus erit planctus in Jerusalem, sicut planctus Adadremmon in campo Mageddon. 12 Et planget terra: familiae et fa-miliae seorsum : familiae domus David seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum: 13 Familiae domus Nathan seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum : familiae domus Levi seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum: familiae Semei seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum. 14 Omnes familiae reliquae, familiae et familim seorsum, et mulieres eorum seorsum. CAP. XIII. In die ilia erit fons patens domui David, et habitantibus Jerusalem in ablutionem peccatoris, et menstruatae. 2 Et erit in die ilia, dicit Dominus exercituum: Disperdam nomina idolo-rum de terra, et non memorabuntur ultra: et pseudoprophetas, et spiritum immundum auferam de terra. 3 Et erit, cum prophetaverit quis- piam ultra, dicent ei pater ejus, et mater ejus, qui genuerunt eurn : Non vives: quia mendacium locutus es in nomine Domini : et configent eum pater ejus, et mater ejus, genitores ejus, cum prophetaverit. 4 Et erit: In die ilia confundentur prophetae, unusquisque ex visione sua cum prophetaverit: nec operientur pallio saccino, ut mentiantur : ó Sed dicet: Non sum propheta, homo agricola ego sum: quoniam Adam ex-583 , XIII. XIV. a1׳(lp£»'7roç fp7a£ôjUe»׳oç t!]v eyd) e\gn, oat üvÖpte)7rO? f-yóvv»lj-yt)V èv TÜ1 o’Lkuì tu) àyannrô) ¡xov. 7 ‘Poju0uta èfe7ép0)]Tt è7rt *toùç 7rotjutmç1 Hou, Ka't €711 avòpa 7r0/\tT»׳j1/ juod, \éyet K1׳-pioç 7ravT0Kp(17ù)p, * 7rarafare rovç 7rométta?, Kal 6K auToùç, ¿>f nvpuvrai rò ¿ipyópiov, Kat òo-Ktfxâ> avTOvç, tîiç ôoKt/td^STut to x(>va10v’ uà־ TÒf eTTiKaXeaerat rò òvouui ¡xov, Ktiyio èna-Kovaoßai «Ùtù, Kaì €pw, Aaôç /j-ou oùrói è^t' Kal ainôç egei, K1'׳p/0f, ó 06ôç ¡llov. t Ket¡), tò'. XIV. -l׳־AOY »¡jurput €px°vrat Kvotov, Kal bia/iepta-tìy]'j nôXtç. Kal òtapnayijaovrai al o'iKÌat, Kal ai 7inaÎKeç ti0Xvvtì!](T0vra1, Kal èÇeXei'!ae rai rò i'ìijuav t»j? nôXewç èv aìxuaXaxrt'gt, ot òè KaróXoinoi t5 Xaoi/ llov i ן11ן èÇoXoÔpevÔüxriv €K Trjç nô\ecoç. 3 Kat fÇeXeoirerai Kopto?, Kal napard^era! *v roti étìveanv eKeivoiç, Ka()ù>i »'¡juepa 7rapa-Tiifetor avroü ev rpxepa noXé/iov. 4 Kat artjaovrai 01 nôôeç avrov kv rr! »¡¿lé-pa eKelvri èrrt rò opoç nwv eXaiCóv, rò Kar¿-va1׳Tt lepovaaXìjiJ. èf àvaroXwv' Kal <ן<70)1\ז~ aerai rò ôpoç rûiv eXaiwv, rò naiav aùrov npoç uvaroXaç a Kat OóXaaaav. x««o? piéya acpòòpa' Kat kXivet rò i]u1av rov opovç npôç rov Boppàv, Kai ro natav avrov npôç Xórov. 5 Kat * )aépç1 ovk èarac çt k al h \J/vxn 1 Kai ndyoç 7 Laratjuav }¡aépav, Kat 7! r,u.épa, eKeivt) yvtoarlj rip Kvpicf), Kal ovx ripiépa, Kat où ■lai npôç èanépav earai q>ôoç. 8 Fat èv rt) haépç. ÙKelvi] èÇeXevoerai vôoop Çôôv ef *îepovaaXtja, tô naiav aùrov eiç rl/v ddXaaaav rì;v npwrnv, k al rò v/juav aùrov eli rijV üâXaaoav r'gv èoxdrt]v' kuI èv Oépei Kat èv èapi èarat oi/tcoç. 9 Kat earai Ki/ptoç eiç ßaatXea è ni näaav rì]v 7ny èv rr¡ igièpç1_ fKeivr¡ !¿arai Kvptoç eiç, Kat ro 01 opta avrov èv, 10 Ki׳kX£d nâaav rl]v 7 r!v, Kal r !¡v êptuiov anò Taße t'wç 'Pea/xcov Karà Notoy 'lepovaa-Xtgi. l’ajua 3e e7rt rônov fieveï' ànô rî!ç rrvXrjç BewaM‘«׳ toif rov rônov rnç nvXr!Ç r7',ç n pion }¡ç, éioç rt)ç nvXta rû'i7 ׳a)1/tû11׳, Kat ta»? too nipyoy 'AvapittjX, èwç rôov vnoXtiviiov rov ßaaiXew 11 KaT0iK/;a׳01־a־u) èv aùrtj, Kat e avdOeßa ¿k earat en, Kat KaroiKtjaet ,lepovaaXl/a ne• noiBontoç. 12 Kat ai׳T)j èarat tj nrviatç l}v Koxpei Kvpioç ntivraç rovç Xaooç, o]ae1, enl òè rov oîkov ’l»5a biavo¿!;(0 rovç b(p$aX/ji0vç H°v, Kai nàvraç rovç ïnnovç rwv Xaüov naràÇio èv ànorv(pX(bae1. 5 Kat èpotiatv 01 x«^«upxot ’lo3״a èv tcìiì Kapôiaiç aùrôov, Evp!]00f1e.v èavroïç rbç Karoi-Koovraç ¡epouanXlj/j. ev Kvpiao navroKpcîropt 0e׳f> aùrôbv. 6 ’Ev rr! httépçi èKeivr¡ öqaoßat t«ç X'^'dp-Xovç ’lovôa ç Xabç KvKXôdev. Kal KanoiKt'jaei 1¡epovaaXljju, en KaÜ’ êavrijv èv lepovaaX/jH. 7 Kat awaet K1׳p£0ç rà aKt]vwßara ’lov3a, KaBùiç àn' àpxn?, bmoç ß>¡ ßeyaXvvrirat Kau-XWX(t o'Îkov Aut nò, k al ènapaiç r û>v KaroïKÙv-Tatv 'lepov0־aX)//1 è7rt ròv ’invia. 8 Kat earat èv tîj !¡ßepg tKetvp vnepaaniei Kvpto? îinèp r(~>v KaroiKoôvTcov 'lepovaaX'ijß, Kal ëarai ô àaBeviôv èv aoToïc èv èxetvp_ rt¡ ijßtpqi ùiç Auvt3, à òè oÎkoç Aavt3 ù>ç oikoç Oeov, à)? a77eX0ç Kvpi'ov èvwmov aùrûtv. () Kai ear ai èv rr¡ /jjuèp qi eKeivr¡, fuTf/o-o)® èfâpat 7râvTa r à ëdvr¡ t« èpxôpte va è7rt *lep«-aaXr! a, 10 Kat èxxeù) ènl tov oîkov Aavlô, Kat ènl ttsç KaroiKHvraç lepovaaXljß nvevßu xdpiroç Kal o'iKripßuv' lò èntfiXéipovrai npôç ße, u.vO' U)v KarwpXH'Tavro' Kal K0\puvra1 èn aùrov Konerôv, wç èn’ ù7a7r»]T)aovra1 òòóvnv, ù)Ç ènl t¿ nptùrorOKUl. 11 *Ev rr¡ tjaepa èxelvi¡ ßeyaXvvBtjaerat ó Konerôç èv 'lepovaaXhß, ¿oç Konerôç poû>voç èv neôiip èккonr0ßévov. 12 Kat KÓ'perat t¡ y>¡ Karà (pvXèiç tpvXâç' a . ty‘. ׳ XIII. -LaN rt¡ }¡ßepß èntivr¡ earat nâç ronoç 31 a-votyôitevoç rip otmp Aavt3, Kat roïç KarotKOv• atv ,lepovaaXijß elç rijv ßeraKiv^atv, Kal elç tov x^P'^M¿1׳• 2 Kat ¡¿arai èv rt7 »'juépçt èxe/vt;, Xé7et Ko-ptoç aaßawB, èÇoAoBpevaat rit bvoßara, rêov ct'3d)Xa)v à7rô tTjç 7»jç, to ¿k en c avrûitv esat 1 ßveia' Kat rovç !/׳e150׳?rpoy));Tac, Kat rò nvev-ßa rò iiKaBaprov e£apû) ànô rtjç 7tjç. 3 Kat ëarai èàv npo, diôrt 583