BIBLIA POLYGLOTT¿, Pkophetia Amos, Till. IX. VERSIO ANGLICANA. TEXTUS HEBRAICUS. , Promises of mercy. T CHAP. IX. 1 SAW the Lord standing upon the altar : and he said, Smite the 5 lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and Ccut them in the head,4 all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword : he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and lie that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. 2 Thoughe they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them ; though they climb up to heaven* thence will I bring them down: 3 And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence ; and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will ״I command the serpent, and he shall bite them: 4 And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence * will I command the sword, and it shall slay them : and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good. 5 And the Lord God of hosts is he that toucheth the land, and it shall melt,” and all that dwell therein shall mourn: and it shall rise up wholly like a flood ;and shall, be drowned, as by the flood of Egypt. 6 It is he that buildeth his Xstories in the heaven, and hath founded his /! troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth; the Lord is his name. 7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel ? saitli the Lo r d. 11 ave not I brought up I srael out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines“ from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir ? 8 Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth ; saving that I will not* utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord. 9 For, lo, I will command, and I will t sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least rks. forget any of their worL_. 8 Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn“ that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood ; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt. 9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that 1 will cause the sun to go down at noon,* and I will darken the earth in the clear day: 10 And 1 will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation ; and I will bring upc sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the¿ mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day. 11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GoD,thatI will send a famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but^of hearing the wordsof the Lord: . 12 And they shall wander from sea to 5־ Ps-74. 9. sea, and from the north even to the east; | " Fze.36.33. they shall run to and fro to seek the word * * of the Lord, and shall not And it. - Is-41-l/..20. 13 In that day shall th§ fair virgins and young men faint for* thirst. 14 They that swear* by the sin* of Samaria, and say, Thy god, O Dan, liveth ; and, The o manner of Beer-sheba liveth;” even they shall fall, and never! n ch. 5. 5. rise up again. 1 AMOS, cap. VIII. 397 אל־־אדץ ;הודה ואכל־שם ?*חם רעום תנבא: 13ובית־אל רא־תוסיף עוד להנבא כי מקדערמלך 114רזרא ובית ממלכה הוא : ויען עמוס ראמר אל־אמציה לא־־נביא אנכי ולא בך־נביא אנכי ¿1 כי־בולך אנכי ובולם שקמים : !¿קחני Hrr מאחרי הצאן ויאמר אלי יהווז ?רף הנבא 16 אל־־עמי ןפוראל: ועתה שמע דבר־ץהודז אהה איפור לא תנבא על־־ישראל ולא הטיף ?1על־בית ישחק.* לכן כה־־אמר יהווז אשתף בעיר הונה ובדף ובנתיף בחרב עלו ואז־מהף בחבל החלק ואהה על־אדמה ממאה המות רשראל גלה עלה מעל אךמתו: ח .CAP. VIII 1כה הראני אדני הוה והנה כלוב .ל!:ץ: 3ויאמר מה־אהה ראה עמוס מ&מר כלוב .לןיץ ויאמר יהווז אלי בא הקץ אל־עמי.ישראל לא־ 3 אוסיף עור עבור לו: והי^ילו שירות היכל ביום ההוא נאם אדני \הןדז רב ה|נר בכל1־ 4 מקום השדף הס : שמעו־־זאת i השאפים אביון ולשבית ענוי־־ארץ : לאמר מתי ¿עבר החרש ונשבירה שבר והשבת ונפתהדדבך להקטין איפה ולהגדיל שקל ורעות 6 מאוני מרמה : לקנות בכסף דלים ואביון 7 ב עבור נ;עלים ומפל מ* נשמר: נשבע;יהוה בגאון ¿עקב אס־אשכח לב צח כל־מעשיהם : 8 העל ואת לא־הרגו הארץ ואבל כל־יושב בה ועלתה כאר כלה ונגרשה ונשקה כיאור 9 מצר.ים : וה;ה י ביום ההוא נאם אדני ןהודז והבאתי השמש בצההים והחשכתי io לארץ בלם אור: והפכתי חגיכם לאבל וכל־ שיריכם לקינה והעליתי על־כל־מחנים שק ועל־ כדראש קרחה ושמתיה כאבל היד ואחריתה •11 כיום מר 1 הנה ימים באים נאם V. • T J. T J- • IT J-. אדני יהוה והשלחתי רעב בא רץ לא־רעב ללחם ;- v: JT • • * • ״ ATT VT T J' J״•* VV- ■י• יהוה ונ!ש הורש בקוצר ורדף ענבים במשף הזרע והמיפו ההרים עסיס וכל־־הנבעות תתמוגגנה: ןשבתי את־שבות עמי.ישראל1 ובנו 4! ערים נשמות רשבו ונטש כרמים ושהו את־ יינם ועשו גנות ואכלו את־פריהם : ונטעתים 5* ■■■יא 8ז^ - 8^8^ י 1• ״1 :־5•■> על־אדמהם ולאעתשו עוד מעל אדמתם אשר* נתתי להם אמר יהוה אלהץ7: VERSIO VULGATA LATINA. VERSIO GR^ECA LXX. INTERP. Yir. v. 13. AMOS IX. 15 .ע. via Bersabee, et cadent, et non resur-gent ultra. CAP. IX. Vidi Dominum stantem super altare, et dixit : Percute cardinem, et commo-veantur superliminaria : avaritia euim in capite omnium, et novissimum eorum in gladio interficiam: non erit fuga eis. Fugient, et non salvabitur ex eis qui fu-gerit. 2 Si descenderint usque ad infernum, inde manus mea educet eos : et si ascendermi usque in ccelum, inde detra-ham eos. 3 Et si absconditi fuerint in vertice Carmeli, inde scrutans auferam eos ; et si celaverint se ab oculis meis in pro-fundo maris, ibi mandabo serpenti, et mordebit eos. 4 Et si abierint in captivitatem co-ram inimicis suis, ibi mandabo gladio, et occidet eos: et ponam oculos meos super eos in malum, et non in bonuin. 5 Et Dominus Deus exercituum, qui tangit terram, et tabescet: et lugebunt omnes habitantes in ea : et ascendet si-cut rivus omnis, et defluet sicut fluvius /Egypti. 6 Qui asdificat in ccelo ascensionem suam, et fasciculum suuin super terram fundavit : qui vocat aquas maris, et ef-fundit eas super faciem terras, Dominus nomen ejus. 7 Kumquid non ut filii Aithiopum vos estis mihi, filii Israel, ait Dominus? numquid non Israel ascendere feci de terra TEgypti: et Palaesthinos de Cap-padocia, et Syros de Cyrene ? 8 Ecce oeuli Domini Dei super reg-num peccans, et conteram illud a facie terree : verumtamen conterens non conteram domum Jacob, dicit Dominus. 9 Ecce euim mandabo ego, et concu-tiam in omnibus gentibus domum Israel, sicut concutitur triticum in cribro : et non cadet lapillus super terram. 10 ln gladio morientur omnes pecca-tores populi mei : qui dicunt: Non ap-propinquabit, et non veniet super nos malum. 11 In die illa suscitabo tabernaculum David, quod cecidit : et reasditicabo aperturas murorum ejus, et ea, quee corruerant, instaurabo : et reeedilicabo illud sicut in diebus antiquis. 12 Ut possideant reliquias Idumeeee, et omnes nationes, eo quòd invocatum sit nomen meuin super eos: dicit Dominus faciens base. 13 Ecce dies veniunt, dicit Dominus : et comprehendet arator messorem, et calcator uvas mittentem seinen : et stil-labunt montes dulcedinem, et omnes colles culti erunt. 14 Et convertam captivitatem populi mei Israel : et asdificabunt civitates de-sertas, et inhabitabunt : et plantabunt vineas, et bibent vinum earum : et fa-cient hortos, et comedent fructus eorum. 15 Et plantaboeos superhumum suam : et non evellam eos ultra de terra sua, quam dedi eis, dicit Dominus Deus tuus. comede ibi panem, et prophetabis ibi. 13 Et in Bethel non adjicies ultra ut prophetes: quia sanctiticatio regis est, et domus regni est. 14 Responditque Amos, et dixit ad Amasiam: Non sum propheta, et non sum filius prophetaì : sed armentarius ego sum vellicans sycomoros. 15 Et tulit me Dominus cum sequerer gregem : et dixit Dominus ad me : Vade, propheta ad populum meuin Israel. 10 Et nunc audi verbum Domini : J’u dicis: non prophetabis super Israel, et non stillabis super domum idoli. 17 Propter hoc haec dicit Dominus : Uxor tua in civitate fornicabitur : et filii tui, et Alias tuas in gladio cadent, et humus tua funiculo metietur : et tu in terra polluta morieris, et Israel cap-tivus migrabit de terra sua. CAP. Vili. HiEC ostendit mihi Dominus Deus : et ecce uncinus pomorum. 2 Et dixit: Quid tu vides, Amos? Et dixi : Uncinuti! poinorum. Et dixit Dominus ad me : Venit finis super populum meum Israel : non adjiciam ultra ut pertranseam eitm. 3 Et stridebunt cardines templi in die illa, dicit Dominus Deus: multi morientur : in omni loco projicietur silen-tium. 4 Audite hoc, qui conteritis pauperem, et deficere facitis egenos terras, 5 Dicentes: Quando transibit mensis, et venundabimus merces : et sabbatum, et aperiemus frumentum: ut imminua-mus mensuram, et augeamus siclum, et supponamus stateras dolosas, O Ut possideamus in argento egenos et pauperes pro calceamentis, et quis-quilias frumenti vendamus ? 7 Juravit Dominus in superbiam Jacob: Si oblitus fuero usque ad linem omnia opera eorum. 8 Numquid super isto non commove-bitur terra, et lugebit omnis habitator ejus: et ascendet quasi tìuvius univer-sus, et ejicietur, et defluet quasi rivus JEgypti? 9 Et erit in die illa, dicit Dominus Deus: occidet sol in meridie, et tene-brescere faciam terram in die luminis: 10 Et convertam festivitates vestras in luctum, et omnia cantica vestra in planctum : et inducam super omne dor-sum vestrum saccum, et super omne caput calvitium: et ponam eam quasi luctum unigeniti, et novissima ejus quasi diem amarum. 11 Ecce dies veniunt, dicit Dominus: et mittam famem in terram : non famem panis, neque sitim aquas, sed audiendi verbum Domini. 12 Et commovebuntur a Mari usque ad mare, et ab Aquilone usque ad Ori-entem : circuibunt quaerentes verbum Domini, et non invenient. 13 lu die illa deticient virgines pul-chras, et adolescentes in siti. 14 Qui jurant iu delieto Samariae, et dicuut: Vivit Deus tuus, Dau : et vivit 567 VIII. IX. Ke0. IX. E1AON toi׳ K״p<01/ €v" Kai rovi Kara-XotVou? aìniiiv (V po¡j.(paíq1 uwoKrevw, ov [1>ן *Ò1a(pó*tr)x e’f avTÖ>v (pevyu'v, *kuì עס’ ¡jlíן òtaabùtìr¡ (!; aìiTwv àvaacù^ónevoi. 2 *Eà!/ * KaraKpvßuxrtv^ et? éiòou, k)1e76ev tj yetp ßov avaairáarei aims'¡' Kai ¿«1׳ civaßüxriv e* Kapßi]\ov, (KeWev ($epevvt](Tco, Kai Xti^oyiai ai!T89’ Kai èài/ Karaóúa-cúa-iv èf ixpOaXlJLÜ’v pm et? Tti ßcWtì rr1<¡ OaXáacrr¡9, èxet èineXovpLat rip òpaKovn, Kat ótjferat aìnovi. 4 Kat èà 1/ iropevOùiaiv 11/ at^/uaA&)0־tq 7rpò npoaiónov rù)v è\0pwv uvroìv, ènei (vreXS^iai tí; popupaia. Kai cnronrevel avr¿s' Kai cntipiiö toi׳? cxpÖaXpiovs p.ov en avrovi et? KaKci, Kat oi׳k et? ¿7aßet. 5 Kat Ki'pto? Kt'pto? ó 0eò? ò 7ra1/T0KptÍTeop, ó «j)anróuevo<¡ Ti¡? 7^?, Kat craXeówv avr'r¡v, xai nevOñaovai 7rá1/T6? ot Kar01K0vvre<¡ avrijv, Kai ¿ivaßiiaerui w? Trorapióí irvvréXeta airrir, Kai Karaßi}cerat tí»? 7r0Ta¡uó? Xi-jimrov. 6 O 0ÍK080pa~>v et? toi׳ tìpai/òv ixvaßaaiv av-rov, Kat rtjv kway'YeXiav aiirov e7׳rt t7¡? 7ך¡? OeueXiwv, ó 7rpoo־KaX¿aevo? tò ílácop t7¡? 6a-Xáaar\<¡, Kat (Kxéiov avrò ¿7rt Trpóaurirov t7j? 7ןל?' Ki'-pto?“ 7ra1/T0Kpá1a)p övopa a¿Ttp. 7 «ó? vioi AWitíirwv vpiet? (are (noi vioi ’\apar¡X ; Xe'7et K1׳pt0?‘ ov ròv 'IaparjA avp-7U701׳ (K 7íj? At7t'7rT0u, Kut rovi àXXoipvXovi (K Ka7r7raá0Kta?, Kat toi׳? Cuponi €K ßoOpov ; 8 1501/ ot vcpOaXpoi Kvpíov rov Qeoü é7rt rt]v ßaaiXelav rübv ápapuaXCóv, Kai é£apt5 avri¡v à7rò Tvpoaúnvov t7j? 7Í¡?' 1rX>]v bri ¿k e¡? t6Ao? èfaptà ròv oìkov ’laKobß, Ae'7et Kt'pto?. 9 Alón “ (yà) (VT(XX0p.a1,_ Kai * XiKpir/aco* (v iräat toi? (Oveai ròv oìkov a ,lapatjX, bv rpoTrov XiKuärat (v rui XiKpip, Kai ov pit] wear] avvrpipna en i ri¡v yt¡v. 10 Ev׳ popipa'ica reXevrt]aova1 núvrv¡ ¿ipiap-riúXoi Xaov piov, oí Xéyovres, Ov ]1'ף eyyíarj, ot’5é“juíj yévtjTai (<¡> »¡/15? rá KaKcí. 11 *E»׳ rri i]]1(pq1 (Kelvri ávaajt]au) rt]v aKt\vr¡v Aavìò rt]v nenriùKviav, Kai àvoiKoòonrjaco rù nenrcùKÓra aìnris, Kai rà KareaKap.!J1(va av-T»i? lxvaarr!au), Kat àvoiKoòopiijaia ain't¡v KaÖw? ai tuiépai roí! attTn/o?. 12 "<>7rcd?a (K^t]rt]a0)a1v oí KaráXoinoi rutv ìn0pómo3va Kai niivra tÙ (Ovt!, €, entppi\}/(a aioni]V. 4 ,AKovaare òì] rubra ol èKrpißovres et? ronpoì nevtira, Kai Karadwaarevovrer nro- Xoì׳? ànò T»¡? 7ñ?, 5 “ Aéyovre?, nóre òieXevaerat 6 pijv, Kai (pnoXi]aopev, Kai rà attßßara, Kai àvotfo /161/ Ot]aavpòv rov n01r!aa1 per pov piKpòv, Kai rov peyaXbvai aràOpiov, Kai noti)aa1 £t!yòv àòiKev, 6 Tov KràaOat ev àpyvplto * Kat' 7rT£0x°ì׳s\ Kat ¿7rèvnTa' àvri vnoòtìpàrov, Kat ù7rò 7ravTÒ? yevvlìparoi epnopevaópeOa. 7 ,Oui/t'/et Ki'pto? *KaTÙ t»¡? ' t/7rep»70a1׳t'a? ,laKutß, et *entXt\aOi]aeraß et? wko? nàvra rei èp7a vpwv. 8 Kat (ni TOtírot? ov rapaxOnaerat »'ן yrj, K¿ nevöi'iaei 7rà? ò KaroiKÖv ev avTr! ; Kat ùi/a-ßtjaerai ¿/? norapò? avvTéXeia, Kai Karaßt¡■ aerai th? norapò<¡ At7!/7rT01/. 9 Kai (arai è07 ״fj »'¡¡uépa (Keivtf, Xéy et K/'׳pto? Kt'pto?, óúaerai ó tjXior ueatipßpia?, Kat avaKoniaei eni r7¡? 7ñ? è״ hpépqi rò 0.«?, ^ . י H? Kat peraarpéij/iù tu? èoprà? vpwv et? névtìo?, Kat nàaai tÙ? y5à? vpwv et? Opr!vov, Kat uvaßißw (ni nàaav bacpvv aiiKKOv, 16 è7rt 7raaav KecpaXìjv QaXaKpwpa' Kat Orjaopai avròv J»? 7ré00״? àyanrtrov, Kai rovs per’ av-rov ¿a })pépav òòvvrii. 11 ,iSoìt mépat epxovrai, Xéyet Kt'pto?, Kat è^anoareXw Xtpòv (ni r'tjv yijv, ov Xipòv ap-Ttoi/, ovòè óí!¡/av {/5í«to?, àXXa Xipòv rob uKobaai ròv Xóyov K1׳pto1/. 12 Kat * aaXev0!]aovra1x i/3«Ta ¿ ànò rrii 0a\«tfo■»¡?' èà¡? OaXàaarii, Kai ànò Boppa (wi àvaroXwv nepiòpapobvrai £tjrobvrei ròv Koyov rov Kvpíov, Kai ov ptן evpwaiv. 13 ’Et/ ן«ד ijuépa (Keivr¡ (nXeí\¡/nva1v ai nap-0(101׳ ai KaXat, Kat oì 1׳ea1׳tcrK0t ei/ 3t\|/et, 14 Oi bpvéovrti k'utÙ . Tou 1 Xaapob Zapa-peía?, io oi Xé70VTe?, Zñ“ó Oeó? 001־/ ¿Aài/', K 11 gr¡ ò 0eó?.o־ot/ Bnpo־a/3eé* Kat neaovvrai, Kat ov pi! àvaarwaiv eri.