BIBLIA POLYGLOTTA, Pkophetia Ezechielis, XLIII. VERSIO ANGLICANA. TEXTUS HEBRAICUS. Vision of the Temple, EZEKIEL, XLIII. and the return of GocTs glory. his voice״ was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined* with his glory. 3 And it 7i’as according to the appearance of the vision whicii I saw ,even according to the vision® that I saw when I came to ¿destroy¿ the city; and the visions were like the vision that I saw* by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face. 4 And the glory of the Lord came into the house, by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east. 5 bo the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory/of the Lord tilled the house. 6 And I heard him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man5 stood by me. 7 And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne,* and the place* of the soles of my feet, where l will dwell* in the midst oftne children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile/ neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of׳” their kings in their high places; 8 In their setting” of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, k and the wall between me and them; they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger. 9 IN ow let them put away? their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and? I will dwell in the midst of them for ever. 10 Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that thev־ may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the X pattern. 11 And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form* of the house, and the fashion thereof, and the goings-out thereof, and the comings-in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the ordinances'״ thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the laws thereof: and write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, and all* the ordinances thereof, and do them. 12 'this is the law of the house: Upon the top of the mountain, the whole limit thereof round about shall he most holy. Behold, this is the law of the house. 13 And these are the measures of the altar after the cubits : The cubit is a cubit and an hand-breadth ; even the p bottom shall be a cubit, and the breadth a cubit, and the border thereof by the iredge thereof round about shall be a span: and" this shall be the higher place of the altar. 14 And from the bottom upon the ground even to the lower settle shall be two cubits, and the breadth one cubit; and from the lesser settle even to the greater settle shall be four cubits, and the breadth cne cubit. 15 So p the altar shall be four cubits ; and from o־ the altar and upward shall be four horns. 16 And the altar shall be twelve cubits long, twelve broad, square in the four squares thereof. 17 And the settle shall be fourteen cubits long, and fourteen broad in the four squares thereof; and the border about it shall be half a cubit; and the bottom thereof shall be a cubit about; and his stairs5 shall look toward the east. 18 And he said unto me, Son of man, thus saith the Lord God, These are the B. C. 574. a ch.1.24. Re. 1.15. b eh. 10.4. Re. 18.1. /3 or, did eat of these, y or, and the building consisted of the lower and the middlemost, c ch. 8.4. • ... זאת תורת הבת 5 ואלה מדות המזבח באמות 13 אמה אמה ומפה והיק האמה ואמדדרחב וגבולה אל־טופתה סביב זרת האחד וזה גב המזבח : ומחיק האת עה־העדרה התחתונה 4* “ * ! "1־ " " ׳¥¥¥!— TT-.lT>-------! ¥ שהים אמות ורחב אמה אהה ומהעזרה הקמנה ער־העזרה הגדולה ארבע אמות ורחב האמה : - tt-.It> — נ ¥ —! — » - 1¥— ¥| וההראל ארבע אמוה ומהאראיל ולמעלה צז :-1־:־־.' ־:־(■ ־ “ ¥|: — -ו■ 1 — : ¥ הקרנות ארבע ן והאראיל שהים עשרה איך 16 בשתים עשרה רהב רבוע אל ארבעת רבעיו: 1 והעזרה ארבע עשרה ארך בארבע עשרה רהב ל! אל ארבעת רבעיה והגבול* סביב אותה הצי האמה והחיקלה אמה סבייב ומעלתהו פנות .קרים: .ויאמר אלי בךאדם כה אמר ארנן 8; VERSIO VULGATA LATINA. VERSIO GRiECA LXX. INTERP. xm. r. 5. EZECHIEL xliii. v. 18. bat ad viam Orientalem. 2 Et ecce gloria Dei Israel ingredie-batur per viam Orientalem : et vox erat ei quasi vox aquarum multarum, et terra splendebat a majestate ejus. 3 Et vidi visionem secundum speciem, quam videram, quando veuit ut disperderei civitatem : et species secundum aspectum, quem videram juxta tiuvium Chobar: et cecidi super faciem meam. 4 Et majestas Domini ingressa est templum per viam portas, quee respicie-bat ad Orientem. 5 Et elevavitme Spiritus, et introduxit me in atrium interius: et ecce repleta erat gloria Domini domus. 6 Et audivi loquentem ad me de domo, et vir qui stabat juxta me, 7 Dixit ad me: Fili hominis, locus sollt mei, et locus vestigiorum pedum rneorum, ubi habito in medio filioruin Israel in aeternum : et non polluent ultra domus Israel nomen sanctum meum, ipsi, et reges eorum in fornication¡bus suis, et in minis reguin suorum, et in excelsis. 8 Qui fabricati sunt limen suum juxta limen meum, et postes suos juxta postes meos: et murus erat inter me et eos: et polluerunt nomea sanctum meum in abominationibus, quas fecerunt: propter quod consumpsi eos in ira mea. 9 Nunc ergo repeliant procul fornica-tionem suam, et ruinas regum suorum a me: et habitabo in medio eorum semper. 10 Tu autem, tili hominis, ostende do-mui Israel templum, et confundantur ab iniquita.tibus suis, et metiantur fabricam : 11 Et erubescant ex omnibus, quae fecerunt: Figurain domus, et fabricae ejus exitus. et introitus, et omnem descrip-tionem ejus, et universa praecepta ejus, cunctumque ordinem ejus, et omnes leges-ejus ostende eis, et scribes in oculis eorum: ut custodiant omnes descriptio-nes ejus, et praecepta illius, et faciant ea. 12 lsta est lex domus in summitate montis: Omnis finis ejus in circuitu, sanctum sanctorum est: hasc est ergo lex domus. 13 lstae autem mensurae altaris in cu- bito verissimo, qui habebat cubitum, et palmum : in sinu ejus erat cubitus, et cubitus in latitudine, et definitio ejus usque ad labium ejus, et in circuitu, palmus unus: haec quoque erat fossa altaris. 14 Et de sinu terrae usque ad crepidi-nem novissimam duo cubiti, et latitudo cubiti unius: et a crepidine minore usque ad crepidinem majorem quattuor cubiti, et latitudo cubiti unius. 15 Ipse autem Ariel quattuor cubito-ruin: et ab Ariel usque ad sursum, cornua quattuor. 16 Et Ariel duodecim cubitorum in longitudine per duodecim cubitos latitu-dinis: quadrangulatum aequis lateribus. 17 Etcrepido quattuordecim cubitorum longitudinis per quattuordecim cubitos latitudims in quattuor angulis ejus: et corona in circuitu ejus dimidii cubiti, et sinus ejus unius cubiti per circuitum: gradus autem ejus versi ad Orientem. 18 Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, haec dicit Dominus Deus: Ili suut ritus 5 Ubi erant gazopbylacia in superio-ribus humiliora: quia supportabant por-licus, quae ex illis eminebant de infe-rioribus, et de mediis asditìcii. 6 Tristega enim erant, et non habe-bant columnas, sicut erant columnae atriorum: propterea eminebant de in-ferioribus, et de mediis a terra cubitis quinquaginta. 7 Et peribolus exterior secundum ga-zophylacia, quae erant in via atrii exte-rioris ante gazophylacia: longitudo ejus quinquaginta cubitorum. 8 Quia longitudo erat gazophylacio-rum atrii exterioris, quinquaginta cubitorum: et longitudo ante faciém templi, centum cubitorum. 9 Et erat subter gazophylacia haec introitus ab Oriente ingredientium in ea de atrio exteriori. 10 In latitudine periboli atri¡, quod erat contra viam Orientalem, in faciem aedificii separati, et erant ante aedificium gazophylacia. 11 Et via ante faciem eorum, juxta si-militudinem gazophylaciorum, quae erant in via Aquilonis: secundum lon-gitudinem eorum, sic et latitudo eorum : et omnis introitus eorum, et similitudi-ues, et ostia eorum. 12 Secundum ostia gazophylaciorum, quae erant in via respiciente ad Notum: estium in capite viae: quae via erat ante vestibulum separatum per viam Orienta-4em ingredientibus. 13 Et dixit ad me: Gazophylacia Aquilonis, et gazophylacia Austri, quae suut ante asdificium separatum: haec sunt . gazophylacia sancta: in quibus vescuntur sacerdotes, qui appropin-quant ad Dominum in sancta sanctorum : ibi ponent sancta sanctorum, et obla-tionem pio peccato, et pio delieto: locus euim sanctus est. 14 Cum autem ingressi fuerint sacer-•dotes, non e.gredientur de sanctis in atrium exterius: et ibi reponent vesti-menta sua, in quibus ministraut, quia sancta sunt:. vestienturque vestimeutis aliis, et sic procedent ad populum. 15 Cumque complesset mensuras domus interioris, eduxit me per viam portae, quae respiciebat ad viam Orientalem : et inensus est eam undique per circuitum. 16 Mensus est autem contra ventum Orientalem calamo mensurae, quingen-tos calamos in calamo mensurae per circuitum. 17 Et mensus est contra ventum Aquilonis quingentos calamos in calamo mensurae per gyrum. 18 Et ad ventum Australem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensuras per circuitum. 19 Et ad ventum Occidentalem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensurae. 20 Per quattuor ventos mensus est murum ejus undique per circuitum, lon-gitudinem quingentorum cubitorum, et lalitudinem quingentorum cubitorum di-videnteru inter sanctuarium et vulgi locum. WTTr 540 I E Z E K I H A, XLIII. 2 Kat ìòoù ¿ófa 0eot/ l00ף'ע ònrXaaia^óvTwv 7ro\-Affli׳‘ Kai n 'yr! e^ikafj-ircv ¿1? 0é7׳)O9 à7rò t»7? òó^ns KvnXóOev. 3 Kai t] opavr] ex th o’lkh AaA?1׳- to? 7rpò?jxè, 1Ò ¿¿I àv'np e'uTTrjKei 6’xó/teiזס׳ gs, 7 Kat eine 7rpò? /tè, ‘ Ytè àvtìpuon», èaipaKa«.1 TÒif non01׳ to?׳ Opóvov nov, Kat tò!׳ nónov nov tx«׳«? toóy 7toòuìv ßov, 61׳ oh KciTcKTKrìì/iócrri nò ovoßd juou 61׳ ixéaw o’Ìkov ,lapajjA״ tov atà׳1׳a■ xat ov fteftrìkiòaovaiv ovKtm oìkov ,laparyX nò 01׳ojua to a7tóv juow, aÙTOt Kal ot iì'yoó/j.evoi avTwv 61/ Trj nopveiqi avnwv, Kat 61׳ Tot? rpóvoiv niliv tìyovnévwv 61׳ !xéaw avnwv, 8 *E1/ tif) niOévcu aì/novv nò npóOvpóv /aoi׳61 ׳ ׳rotr npoih'ipoiv v, Kat T<«f (pXu'tv !xov 6x0-nevai nwv (pXtwv avnùn>' Kai eòwKav nòv noi-XÒv nov ¿)v avvexóncvov efiov Kat avniiiv, Kai èfteftt)Xu>. 9 Kat vvv àncoaaoOcoaav nt]v nopvelav a in un׳, Kai nèv 1׳a. 10 Kat o־ù vie àvtìpwnu, òel^ov nt¡} o’Ikw IapaljX nòv oìkov* lò KonaaHcriv anò nwv àfiapniwv av-nwv' lónrjv òpaciv avnH, iC'Tt1v òtdna^tv avnov. 11 Kat avroi Xr!\l/0vna1 nì}V KoXaoiv avnwv rrepi nóvncùv uiv enoinaav’ Kat * Ò1aypd\l/e1i' nòv oìkov,״ Kat nàv èijòòovv avnov,״ Kai nì!v vnóanatuv avnov, Ks 7rd1׳Ta Tft npocrndytxana avnov, 19 ndivna nà vopu/xa aln-ov •yvwpitiv av-toh, Kai òta'ypd^l/eiv èvavntov avnwv' Kai q>v-Xdiyovnat ndvna nà òiKaiw/xand piov, IO 7ravTa nfi npoandtyixand ßov, Kat noiqnnaiv avnd' 12 Kat n)]v òiaypaiprjv nov o’Lkov 67rt nr!v ko-pv(j)r\v nov òpovv, ndvna nà opta ¿avnov1 kvk-Xótìev àjia àyiwv״. 13 Kat navna nà fxénpa nov Qv]9 àpx*)v th KOiXwpaTov aòn*, npòv nò iXacrnqpiov nò 7U67a *thto,1 vnOKanw-061׳ nnxwv òvo, Kai nò evpov nt]xeu>?‘ K(Xl dnò nov ÌXaanripiov nov ßiKpov em nò tAaaT^pio»׳ tò 11167a, nqxeiv néaaapev, io eì׳po? £7׳r7jX1׳v'. 15 Kat tò àp1r!X ntìxà'v neaadpwv, kui ànò noi! dpd;\, io iinepdvw nwv Kepdnwv niìxvv. 16 Kat to ùptìjA nrìxwv òwòeKa ¡jlÌjkovv, èni nrixetv òwòeKa״, nenpdywvov èni nà T6Vcrapa piépt¡ avnov. 17 Kat tò IXairrripiov ntjxwv òeKareo-crdpwv nò jxTikov, èni 71*jxei? òeKanéaaupav nò evpov ״ èni néaaapa piépp uvrov, Kai nò -yeiaov aùnùj kvkXóOcv KVKXov/xevov avnw ppuev 7r 17x6wv* io nò KVKXw/iaaùnH nr!xvs KvKXóDev, IO otKXt)-¡jiaKrripev avnov ftXénovTev Kanà à1׳aro\«i. 18 fiat eine npòv pè, Ylè ùvOpwnov, ndòe A676t Kt/ptof ó Oeòv ,IcpaìjX, Tavnanà 7rpoa- juTìKov, ״ Kat nt Gvpwgiana avnwv npòv Boppàv, 5 Kat ot nepinanot ot vnepìpoi wcrainwv‘ ónt è^eix^ro nò neplmvXov 6f at/Toi6 ,׳k tov imo-kdnwtìev neptanvXov, Kat tò òidanrì/xu' oi/tgo? nepiGnvXov io òtdanrìlia, io avnwv aroai ¿òvo\ 6 A tòri npinXai ùv, 19 n'tjv tìvaiav, 19 tÙ 7rept àpapniav, 19 tÙ 7rept ¿7vota?, òtÓTt ò nónov àytov ״. 14 Ovk eiaeXevaovrai eKeT 7rapef nwv iepéwv, ¿k è^eXeì'aovnai 6x tov àf 'tov ei? TÌjv avX'qv ntjv èì-wrépav, ònwv òianavnòv à-poi watv oi npoadyovnev, 19 p'r! ànnwvrai 75 aroXiapov avnwv, èv oiv Xemovp'ySaiv èv ainotv, òióri d7<(t èant' io 6vòóo־ovTat ifxdria ènepa, ònav ànnwvnai 75 Xa5. 15 Kat o־i/v6t6A6ct0u u Ò1apénpr!a1v nov 07x01׳ èawtftv' Kai lljtfta’yé ps KaH' óóòv tu? 7rt׳Àu? tu? ftXenovatyv npòv àvanoXav, 19 òiepénpnae nò vnóòerypa nov o’ikov KVKXótìev èv òtand^ei. 16 Kat 6fTT1j Kanà vìÓtov tu? 7r1'׳Au? tu? ftXe-novarìv Kanà àvuToAà?, 19 òiepénpnae nevna-Koaiovv èv to) KaXdpip nov pérpou. 17 Kat ènéanpe^/e npòv Boppàv, Kat òiepé-Tpucre nò Kanà npóawnov nov Boppà. nrjxctv nevraKooiow èv ni¡) KaXdpip tov pénpov. 18 Kat ènéanpe^e npòv OdXaaaav, 19 òiepé-Tpu