BIBLIA POLYGLOTTA, Pbophetia Jeremiæ, XXIX. VERSIO ANGLICANA. JEREMIAH, XXIX. Advice to the captives in Babylon. B. C. 596. were earned away captives, and to the priests, and to the prophets, and to all the peoplewhomNebuchadnezzar had carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon, 2 (After that Jeconiah“ the king, and the queen,& the /?eunuchs,the princes of J udah and Jerusalem, and the carpenters, and the smiths, were departed from Jerusalem,) 3 By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hil-kiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,) saying, 4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, unto all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon, 5 Build d ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, & eat the fruit of them ; 6 lake ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters ; that ye may be increased there, and not diminished. 7 And seek * the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray* unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. 8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Let not* your prophets and your diviners, that he in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye caused to be dreamed. 9 For they prophesy f falsely unto you in my name ; I have not sent them, saith the Lord. 10 For thus saith the Lord, That after? seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good* word toward you, in causing you to return to this place. 11 For I know the thoughts that I think* toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an n expected “ end. 12 Then shall ye call ״ upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and 1 will hearken x unto you. 13 Andy ye shall seek me, and *find me, when ye shall search for me with all ״'your heart. 14 And I will be found b of you, saith the Lord ; and I will turn* away your captivity,and I will gather¿ you from al 1 the nations, and from all the places whither 1 have driven you, saith the Lord ; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. 15 Because ye have said,The Lord hath raised us up prophets ins Babylon; 16 Know that thus saith the Lord of the king that sitteth upon the throne of Da-* vid, and of ail the people that dwelleth in this city, and of your brethren that are not gone forth with you into captivity; 17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, I will send * upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil. 18 And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed״ to all the kingdoms of the earth, k to be a curse,P and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the !nations whither I have driven them: &c. De.30.1,&c ז De. 4.7• ch. 24. זb Ps. 32.6. 46.1. Is. 45.19. 55. 6. c Ps. 12ò. 1,4. d ch. 23. b. 30. 3. 32. 37• Eze. 36.24. Am. 9.14. Mi. 4.12. Zep. 3. 20. vßpisptav, Xéytt. Ki'pio•¡"' ori !?км h i!1aépa 1a, Kai ent rovi peyirävu? avr7¡v, Kaì tnl rb? evverb? aurr¡?' 36 a M(ixaiPav inl T°vç рахита? avri!?, Kai napahvtíijcovrat’ fiáxctpav ini roù? innovi aùrwv, Kaì ¿ni rà appara ai/rà’V. 37 M<1rà? aùrwv, liai ¿ni ròv cvppiKrov rov ev pócip avri]?, Kai ëcovrai wc6i уиюТке?' páxaipav kn I rov? 9r,cavpov?f Kaì è1aCK0pn1atit]covra1 38 a>E7ri rip vùan avrr¡?, n Kai Karaiaxvv-9r¡covra1, on 7Г) rwv ״¡Xvnrwv kan, K¿ ev rai? vijcoi?, où KareKavxiôvTO. 39 Aiarovro Karo1K1)aova1v ivòàXpara ev rai? vijcoi?, ка'1 кат01K>)covc1v ¿v aùrr¡ Ovyu-répe? ceiprjvwv, où ph кат01кп9(1 oÙKeri eìv ròv alüiva a. 40 Kaì!¿? Karéarpe\J/ev ó Beò? Xóùoua Kaì riìpoppa, Kai та? ópopovaa? avrai?, eine Kùpioç, où pi] KaroiKt'icei k trapo? Ieri, Kai ov pi] kXerjcif d h 1 ipwvt] aùrwv ¿>? вйХасса r¡jf]ce1, еф’ innot? 1ъ nácovrai, na-pecKevacpevoi, wenep nvp, el? nóXepov, про? cè, tìóyarep BaßvXwvo?. 43 ״Нкооае ßaciXev? BaßvXwvo? ri¡v ако'цv aùrwv, Kal napeXv9t]cav al %e1Pe? aùrov' VXí\¡/1? катекр(1тг]сеи aùrov, wdïve? w? пк-rover¡?. 44 ’Iùoù wenep Xéwv avaßvcerai uno a rov ’lopáávot» eìv *rai^ài׳', ori таxtwv knöiw^ui aùrov? ùn aùrr¡?, Kai návra veuvíeKov en aùrijv kmerrjew' ori ri? werrep eyw ; Kai ri? ùvr1ari]eerat poi ; Kaì ri? ovro? noipijv ó? crt]cera1 ката npócwnóv pov ; 45 Aiarovro ukoveare ri¡v ßuvXr]v Kvpiov r!v ßeßovXevrai knl ВaßvXwva^ Kai Xo^icpov? aùrov ovv eXoyiearo enl rov? KaroiKovvra? XuXùatov?' kàv pi^ 0шф9арг! rà àpu'a rwv npoßdrwv aùrwv, èà!׳ Pi] ифаг1с9Ц vopi! un’ 46 ״Ori uñó ü?v7í? ciXweew? BaßvXwvo? ceiotìricerai rj yr¡, ld Kpavyi! ev eOveaiv икос* atìr]cera1. ТЕРЕМ! A 14 Uaparó^ac9e ent BafdvXwva kùhXw nuv-re? reivovre? ró^ov, ro^eveare kn aùrì]v, pi] фе1спеве knl rol? roi-svpaciv vpwv, 15 Kaì * кагакрагг]Саге аит/уу1' пареХивг¡-cav al Хе‘Р£? aùrr¡?, enecav al krraXi-ei? avrr¡?, Kaì катескафг] rò rcìxo? aùrr¡?, ori ек àiKrici? napà Qeov kcriv’ kKÒiKene ¿n aùr>]V, Katìw? ¿noirìce, noii]care uùrri. l6 1,’Е^оХобреисасде' cnéppa ек Ва/Зи-Xwvo?, Karéxovra èpénavov kv Kaipw Oepic-pov' ànò npoewnou paxaipa? E.XXt]viKri?, екасго? eìv tov Xaòv aùrov unocrpe\i/ovei, Kaì екасго? eìv ri!v yi]v avrov феи^егис. 17 Tlpó/3arov nXavwpevov ’Icpa'rjX, XéovTev efft)cav avróv6 ׳ npwjo? ефаyev aùrov ftaci-Xeùv ’Accovp, Kaì ovro? verepov та ocra aùrov a /3aciXeù? BafivXwvo?. 18 AiaToi/TO таЗе Xéyei Ki׳piove, I3oo eyw €KÒiKt~> knl ròv fiaciXéa Вa!3uX]Xw , Kaì ti/ opet ’Кфра1р, Kal èv тф ГаХааЗ, Kaì b nXncOi'icerat1 г¡ ־фихЬ aùrov. 20 ’Ev ra~v binépai? eKeivai?, Kaì èv тур кшрф kKeivipa, £r)ri]cnci ri]v àdiKiavJlcpaijX, IO «x vndpfcet, Kal rà? àpapria? lovòa, к ai ov pr] evpedwctv, òri t'Xecov ecopai roi? vnoXeXeip-pévoi? 21 EtÌ t7)V уr¡?, Xéyei Ki/ptov* niKpw? eni-firìtìi ¿n aùrijv, ld knl rèi? KaroiK&vra? d kn'1 avrrjv' kKÒÌKncov paxaipa, ld à0di¿cov", Xé-Уet Ki'piOV, Kaì noiei ката nàvra òca kvréX-Xopai coi. 22 an׳ìj noXépov Kal cvvrptfii] peyàXr¡ kv yri XaXòaiwv. 23 n«jv ¿екХасгбЬ)1 kuì cvverpi(3r¡ г] сфира nàcr¡? ri¡? yr¡? > nw? e'yevrjOr] etv àфavlcpòv 15a/3i/Xàn׳ kv etìveciv‘, 24 ,Enifiricovrai coi, c Kal ov yvwct], wv Ba-. ftvXwv Kal àXwcr) ’’ a eùpétìt]?, Kai kXt^tìt]?, òri rw Ki/póp àvrécrt]?. 25 *livore Krpio? ròv Oncaypòv aùrov, Kal еЦгреуке rà скеСг¡ bpyi¡? aùrov, òri epyov гф . Kvplip Qew 0 kv yr¡ XaXòaiwv, CO ״Oti kXn\v9aciv ol natpoì aùrr¡?' avocare rà? ànoOipa? aùr7!?,a kpevvi]Care aùri!v w? ! cnr)Xaiov, к ai kgoXoÙpcvcare uùrrjv* pi] ye-׳ vécOw avri¡? KardXetppa‘ 27 ’Ауа^мрауате aùnjv тгагтау toÙv Kapnb?, Kaì Kara(3i]rwcav eìv сфауг^fi/* ovai ayroi?, òri i]K6i >1 iipépa aùrwv, Kuì Kuipò? ¿kòik¡]-aew? aùrwv. ì 28 Фa>vr] фevy¿vr(ov, Kaì àvaacofo/xei/cov ек у г!? BaflvXwvo?, rov àvayyei Xat ti? 2.iwv rìjv kKÒÌKtìciv napà Kvpiov Qeov r!pwv . : ,29 Параууе/Хате 67rì Ba(5vXwva noXXoi?, Trai׳tÌ evrtivovn ró^uv, b парер/ЗаХХеге 1 kn' aìni]v kvkXotìtv‘ pi] ecrw avri!? àvaca£ope-vo?" àvranóòore avri) Kurà rà epya^ aurrj?, ката nàvra ocra knoir!ce, notticare ui/tr, Ótì vrpòv Kiipioy àvré^T] Qeòv àytov rov IcpatjX. 30 Aià toÙto necovvrai ol veavicKoi aùrt¡? ¿v rat? nXareiai? aÙTriV. Kaì nàvre? oì àvòpe? , 01 noXepi4al avri¡? р1фпсотЯа1a, eine Kt/piov.