J une 24, 1899. ־ THE ESTATES GAZETTE 1124 btj Important Auction Sale. Friday, July 14, 1899. BLANDFORD, DORSET To Land1 Speculators, Syndicates, Builders, and other . Capitalists. Highly important Sale of a choice valuable and attractive Freehold Landed Property, known as the Damory Court Estate, about 200 acres, situate close to the Town of Blandford, and unquestionably ripe for development as a high-class building estate, with extensive frontages of nearly three-quarters of a mile to the Blandford and Salisbury main road. The whole estate occupies a grand elevation in this healthy and most attractive neighbourhood, commanding lovely and extensive views, and affords the only outlet for the growing population of the town, and isi also eminently suitable for the erection of good class residences or hunting boxes, for which there is a growing demand in this favourite hunting and1 sporting district, and embraces the much-needled opportunity of obtaining choice and varied1 sites, suitable for either large or small buyers. Within easy reach of an excellent and plentiful supply of water from the Blandford Water Company, whose main passes the full length of the estate; and which rj E. PORTER has been favoured wiith. in-structions to Sell by Public Auction, Tit the Crown Hotel, Blandford, on Friday. July 14, 1899, in One Lot, and, if not thus sold, then in suitable Lots, convenient either for the private buyer or for speculators. Sale at 2.30 o’clock. Full particulars׳, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained previous to sale either of the Auctioneer, Blandford•; or W. E. Brennand, Esq., solicitor, Blandford. Dated Auction Offices, Blandford, June 13, 1899. ARDLEIGH and DEDHAM.—One of the most favourite residential, agricultural and sporting districts in the County of Essex, and within easy reach of London.—A valuable Estate of 454a. lr. 7p., divided into moderate-sized Farms, with good lesi-dences and premises, forming very enjoyable properties for pleasure, profit, or investment. Enclosures of Land varying in area from three to 40 acres, well adapted for conversion into small holdings which are so much in demand, and some ripe for development into building or garden land, and; Cottages. ehester, on Saturday, July 1, 1899, at Four o’clock in the afternoon precisely, in 14 Lots, the above very desirable and principally FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, which include Good Hall Farm, 1473 acres; The Rookery Farm, 120£ acres; Abbott» Hall or Homo Farm, 76 acres׳; and numerous Accommodation Enclosures, etc., as above described. The property is situate within a mile or two of Ardleigh Station, on the main line of the G.E R.t with an excellent train service, five miles! from the important and increasing market manufacturing and military town of Colchester, and within easy access of Ipswich, Manningtree on the Stour, Harwich, and׳ other important towns and seaside resorts, while as a sporting centre it isi ־.«cond to none in the county. Particulars and conditions of sale, with lithographed plans, may bo obtained of Messrs. Elwes and Turner, solicitors, Colchester; and of the Auctioneers, 146, High-street, Colchester, and Ardleigh Hall. gtitlesr bn duetto«. The beautiful coast of Devonshire. Second Auction Sale. RIVER YEALM BUILDING ESTATE, NEWTON FERRERS. SOUTH DEVON. Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at 2.45 p.m., on the Estate, 69 Lots of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, including nine shop lots (free from tithe and land tax). Suitable for the erection of marine villas, and commanding a country and coastline of exceptional beauty and grandeur, situate on the banks of the pic-picturesque river Yealm. For plans and particulars apply to the auctioneer, 5. Courtenay-street, Plymouth; or Mr. James Ford, C.E., architect and surveyor, 1, George-street, Plymouth; or to Messrs. Woollcombe and Son, solicitors, 2, Princess-square, Plymouth. CAMDEN-ROAD, N.—By order of the Trustees of the will of the late Cornelius Serjeant, deceased—The well-built Family Residence״ known as Ap3ley Villa, 320, Camden-road, most pleasantly situate, and containing seven bed rooms, fitted bath room, four reception rooms, billiard room and offices; large garden in the rear״ with sufficient space for stabling. Held for an unexpired term of about 46£ years, at a ground rent of £16 per annum, and being of the estimated rental value of £120 per annum. With possession on completion.—Solicitors, Messrs. Busk, Mellor and Norris, 45, Lin-coln’s-inn-fields, W.C. HITCHIN.—Occupying an exceptionally choice posi tion, on high ground, about a mile from the station, facing the cricket and tennis grounds, with excellent service of trains to City and West-end.-The well-buLt, red brick, double-fronted, detached Freehold Residence, known as St. Elmo, Hitchin, approached by a carriage sweep, and containing six excellent bed rooms, dressing room, fitted batb room, three reception rooms, conservatory, offices and stabling for two horses. Large gardens, well planted with shrubs and trees, walled kitchen garden, greenhouse, etc. With possession on completion.— So.icitor, Francis Shillitoe, Esq., the Ferns, Hitchin. CATERHAM, Surrey.—Situate 400ft. above sea level, three-quarters of a mile from the station. The very attractive, well-built Freehold Residence, known as Dunedin, Caterham-valley, containing seven excellent bed rooms, fitted bath room, three handsome reception rooms, good domestic offices; stabling for three horses; beautifully-timbered grounds, with tennis lawn, kitchen garden, two paddocks and gardener’s cottages, in all about 23 acres, and being of the estimated rental value of £150 per annum. With possession on completion. —Solicitors, Messrs. Young, Jones and Co., 2, St. Mildred’s-court, E.C. ___ house-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, July 5, 1899, at One o’clock precisely. May be viewed by cards to be obtained of the Auctioneers, and printed particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the respective Solicitors, or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Tottenham-court-road, London, W. CITY OF CHICESTER, SUSSEX. To Capitalists, Land Syndicates. Improvement Companies, Builders, and others. Magnificent Plot of Freehold! Building Land׳, comprising nearly nine acres, situate at Northgate. Chichester, almost in the heart of the City, and״ within about half a mile of the Railway Station. The property is ripe for development as a first-class building estate, and by being judiciously laid out, several thousand) feet of frontage may be secured. It has up to recently been used as a nursery, for which it is well adapted. valuable PROPERTY for Sale by Auction, in One Lot, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. London, on Tuesday, July 11, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plans, may be obtained of Messrs. Raper, Freeland and Tyacke, solicitors. West-street, Chichester; of Hobgen Bros., auctioneers, valuers and estate agents, East-street, Chichester; and at the Auction Mart, Token-house-yard, London. On Friday, June 30, 1899.—LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT, HANTS.—Important sale of Building Land. ______. the Victoria Hotel, Lee-on־the-Solent, Friday, Juno 30, 1899, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, 45 exceptionally well-placed and very attractive Plots of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate on the Marine-parade East and West, in the Melville, Portsmouth, Britten, Cambridge, Monserrat, Studland and Seymour-roads. in Victoria-square, Chester-crescent, Elmore-place, Ryde-place, and Manor-way. Also a very valuable HOTEL SITE in the Portsmouth-road, immediately opposite Browndown Station. Full particulars with conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Goble and Warner, solicitors, Fareham: H. G. d’Almaine, Esq., solicitor״ Abingdon; Mr. C. Jobbins, house and estate agent, Lee-on-the-Solent; Mr. F. H. Hannen. Lee-on-the-Solent; and of the Auctioneers, 62, West-street, Fareham. UPPER NORWOOD, in the highest position of this choice suburb״ and commanding lovely and extensive views over the Kent and Surrey hills. ־jV/TESSRS. MANSELL and ROWE (in eon-•L'-L junction with Messrs DAWSON and HARDEN) are instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Tuesday, July 4, at One o'clock precisely, the charming detached RESIDENCE known as the Dell״ Church-road, Upper Norwood. It is approached by an avenue drive, and contains 12 bed and dressing rooms, fitted bath room, three handsome reception rooms, conservatory and ample domestic offices. The beautifully-timbered grounds of about three acres are attractively laid out in lawns, flower gardens, terrace walks, etc.; detached stabling, gardener’s cottage, etc. Held for about 60 years at a moderate ground rent—May be viewed. Particulars, with conditions of sale, of Messrs. Young, Son and Coles, solicitors, Bank-building!־, Hastings; of Messrs. Dawson and Harden, 48 Marina, St. Leonards; and at the Auction Offices, 47! Church-road, Upper Norwood, S.E. gtule# bjr ^ttcturn♦ TANKERTON-ON-SEA, WHITSTABLE, KENT.—The new seaside watering place, and, with the exception of Brighton, the nearest by rail to London, being reached in l¿ hour; facing the open sea, and situated on a splendid range of wooded and grassy cliffs. TV/TR. F. G. WHEATLEY will Sell by Auc- -Lix tion, on the Estate, on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at Two o’clock, 105 Plots of perfectly ripe FREE• HOLD BUILDING LAND, fronting well-made roads in Tower-gardens and the West Meads, in which are some beautifully situated plots for small houses; water and gas laid on; free conveyances; payments by instalments if desired. A special train will leave London for Whitstable on morning cf sale; a limited number of return tickets (5s. each) of the Auctioneer; luncheon provided at place of sale. Particulars and plans may be obtained of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, London, W.C. RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT.-l’reston Park Estate, within a short distance of the pier, esplanade and two railway stations, splendidly situated on high ground and commanding magnificent views of the sea and surrounding country; a capital opportunity for securing Freehold Land where it can only usually be obtained on building leases. MR. P. G. WHEATLEY will Sell' by Public -LI-I- Auction, in a Mariuee on the Estate, on Thuis day, June 29, 1899, at Two o’clock p.m., 53 Plots of absolutely ripe FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, witb frontages to important main roads, suitable for the erection of good villas and residences, for which there is a great demand; good water and gas; conveyances free of law costs; land tax and tithe free; payment« by instalments if desired; the sale will be preceded by a luncheon at One o’clock p.m.; special arrangements for intending London buyers. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale can be ob-tamed of 0. E. Harrison, Esq., solicitor, 263, Strand, WU• ; or of the Auctioneers, Clement’s-inn-chambers, 263. Strand, W.C. SraU# btr gUtctixm. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS, 51. COLEMAN-STREET, BANK, E.O., Branch Offices f 213 CLAPHAM-ROAD, S.W. Branch Offices j 1׳ CRANBROOK-ROAD, ILFORD, E. Telephone Nos.: City 45 Bank; Ilford, 28 Barking. A private wire connects the offices Telegraphic address—“ Douglas Young, London.״ IX/TESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S LTJ. AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C., on tne following dates throughout the ensuing year. July 12 September 13 November 8 July 26 September 27 November 22 August 16 October 11 December 6 August 23 October 25 December 13 Auction Offices: 51, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C.; 213 Clapham-road, S.W.; and Ilford, E. UARRiNGAY, HORNSEY and HACKNEY.—Two Freehold® and Seven Leasehold» and Stable—For investment or occupation. ־MESSRS. FRITH and GARLAND will Sell ־־׳■־ by Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, E-C., on *ridaY, June 30. at Two o’clock, in Six Lot»: HA REIN GAY.—T wo Freeholds (in separate Lots), situate 42 and 44, Al!Lson־road. Let at £36 per annum each. Possession No. 42 at Michae.mad if desired.—Sohdtor, A. Savage Cooper, Esq., 67 and 69, Chancery-lane, W.C. HARKING AY.—Five Long Leasehold® (in Two Lois) known as 70, 85, 87, 89 and 91, Faikland-road•; all' let, and! producing £167 per annum. Probable pos-8»ss2״n No• 7097 ־ year»’ lease, at ground rent of £7 each. HORNSEY.—Villa• Residence, with vacant possession, situate 39, Raleigh-road; rental value £30 Lease 85 years׳; ground rent £6 10s. HACKNEY.—House and Stable, known as 17, South-gate-road, with early possession if desired; rental vaiu® £36• Lease 19 years; exceptional ground rent of £2—Solicitor, H. W. Watkms, Esq., 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. Particulars, with conditions of sale, may be had of the respective Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers, Frith and Garland1, 70, Grand-parade, Harringay, N. WIMBLEDON.—Raynes Park Estate, within 10 minutes of Raynes Park Station, L. and S.-W Railway, with it® excellent train service, 15 minutes from Waterloo. MR• F. G. WHEATLEY is instructed to Offer 1f-, 7or Sal© by Auction, in a marquee on the £S^edn?3day■’ Juiy 5. 1899, at 2.30 p.m., about !00 PLOTS! ot ripe FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND with excellent frontages to the West Barnes-lane and Seaforth-avenue, suitable for the immediate erectioi: 9f villas and small houses. Excellent golf links adjoin the estate. Good roads. Water laid on. Tithe tree and land tax redeemed, deeds free of law cost®. Payments by instalments if desired. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sal© of Messrs. Guillaume and Sons, solicitors, 9, Salisbury-square. FleeUstreet, E.C.. and at Bournemouth; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C. W ALTON-ON-THAMES.—Beechwood Estate, aboui eight minutes walk from Walton Station, L. & S.-W. Railway, with a good train service, 30 minutes from Waterloo. IX/TR. F. G. WHEATLEY has received in- J-TX Structions to Offer for Sale by Auction, in : marquee on the estate, on Tuesday, July 11, 1899 Two p־m’ 40 ?LOTS of FREEHOLD BUILDINC LAND, of quarter acre and upwards, suitable for tile erection of gentlemen’s residences, for which thert is a great demand in this favoured neighbourhood lhe estate is beautifully wooded with trees of every description, and is close to the river and golf links pi 1S! a unique opportunity of obtainin'־ freehold land in this well-known and fashionable neighbourhood. Deeds free o flaw costs. Payments by instalments if desired. Gas and water on the estate. Sewers laid. Land tax and tithe free. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale (when Strand waC °btained of the Auctioneer, 263. Sale at the Mart, on Wednesday״ July 12. ELSENHAM (on the borders of Hertfordshire).—To Gentlemen Farmers, Sportsmen and others. A valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, with possession, known as Pennington Hall, in the village of Elsen-ham, comprising a house, range of buildings, and 88a. lr. 7p. of rich meadow, arable and woodland. Important frontages to main road, and surrounded by the lands of Elsenham Hall. There is excellent shooting over the land, and the whole forms a model miniature sporting estate in a high state of cultivation. Also a detached Freehold Cottage Residence, with garden and small paddock. ־MEiSSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. A.TX will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, July 12, at Two, in Two׳ Lots. May be viewed. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Hind and Robinson, solicitors, 8, Stone-buildings, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C.; Messrs. Ashurst, Morris, Crisp and Co., solicitors, 17, Throg-morton-avenue, E.C.; of Mr. John H. Wrentmore, solicitor, 39, Bedford-row, W.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C. BROCKLEY.—Thirteen Houses in the Early English style, Nos. 1 to 17, Adelaide-road, let at £38 and £42 per annum, and Nos. 24 to 30, St. Margaret’s-road׳, let at £37 and £38 per annum. Lease 63 years. Ground׳ rent® £6 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Mupro, Slack and Co., 31, Queen Victoria-street, THORNTON-HEATH.—Leasehold, N-o8 .׳, Beulah-road North. Rental value £26 per annum. Lease 79 years. Ground rent £5.—Messrs׳. Melvil, Green and Charles, solicitors, Worthing. HERNE BAY (one of the most popular seaside health resorts).—Freehold Building Land, in two parcels. Land is rapidly rising in value, building operations are in active progress. FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £40 per annum, secured upon eight houses in Lower Orchard-street. Brixton-liill. Leased for 90 years, with reversion to £162 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. J. N. Mason and Co., 32, Gresham-street, E.C. CHARLTON, Kent.—By order of Trustees.—Nine capital Leasehold Houses, Nos. 73-89, Delafield-road, Oharlton Junction. Let at £26 to £36. Lease 75 years. Ground rent £5 each—Solicitor, J. Hayward, Esq., 57a, Coleman-street, E.C. STREATHAM.—Freehold.—An attractive Residence, known as 27, Lewin-road, close to the Common and railway stations. Let on agreement at £40 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Gard, Hall and Rook, 2. Gresham-buildings. Basinghall-street. MESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. will Sell the above, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, July 12, at Two. Particulars of the respective Solicitors, and of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street, E.C. EDGWARE-ROAD—Leasehold Ground Rents of £71 per annum, held from the Portman Estate at a peppercorn, for 22 years unexpired. at Two o’clock, in Two Lots, the valuable and! well-secured! LEASEHOLD GROUND RENTS. £43 and £28, arising out of 29 private houses and shops, situate in Richmond-street, Lyons-place, and* Short-street, Edgware-road, Marylebone, the rack rents of which amount to about £800 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Tozer, Whidborne and1 Dell, solicitors, Teignmouth: W. S. Fiske, Esq., solicitor. 10, Norfolk-street, Strand; and of the Auctioneer, 8, Ironmonger-lane, E.C, On Wednesday next.—By order of Executors and others.—Freehold and Leasehold House and Shop Property, and Plot of Building Land. TNMAN and. CO. will Offer by Auction, at f* the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday next, June 28, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lot- • — LEASEHOLDS. 88, MAID A-VALE.—Charming Residence, large garden׳ and stabling, with possession. HAMMERSMITH.—House and Shop, 53. Blythe-road; term 66 years; ground rent £8; let at £50. ^ FREEHOLDS. NEW BARNET.—Pair of detached Villas in War-wick-road; one let at £30 per annum: other with possession. HARROW.—Pair of semi-detached Villas, 1 and 2, Downham-vilias; let at £48; but worth £52 per annum. Plot> of Building Land adjoining. Action Offices, 126, Maida-vale, W. Established 1-49. By order of Mortgagees. "M"ESSES. LINNETT and LAME will Sell by -AX Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard E C on Thursday, June 29, 1899, at Two o’clock, the following PROPERTIES: — WILLESDEN.—With possession, ־.lie desirable and substantially built semi-detached Residence, being No. 2, Hillside, Stonebridge-park, containing six bed rooms, bath room, four reception rooms, excellent offices, and garden front and rear. Rental value £70 per annum. Lease 68 years. Ground rent £10 10s. per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Stacpoole, Batters and Stacpoole, Pinners' Hall, Broad-street, E.C. WILLESDEN.-Two attractive Villas, Nos. 55 and 57, West Ella-road. Rental value £64 per annum. Leases about 98 years. Ground rent £6 per house.— Solicitors. Messrs. Savery and Stevens, 6, Fen-ceurt, Fenchurch-street. E.C. Particulars of the respective Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers, 56, Station-road, Willesden Junction. SUDBURY.—For occupation and investment. MESSRS. LINNETT and LANE will Sell by -UL Auction, at the Mart, as above, THREE semidetached VILLA RESIDENCES, known as Rose Lawn Ivy Lodge, and Eden Villa, Chaplin-road, Sudbury! Rental value £96 per annum. Vacant possession of Ivy Lodge can be had on completion. Leases 98 years. Ground rent £5 10s. per house. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of J. N. Acheson-Gray, Esq., solicitor. 123, Highroad, Kilburn, N.W.; and of the Auctioneers, as I above. South Forelands Estate. ST. MARGARET’S BAY tw< 21IieST>fr?m Martin Mill Station (L.C. and D.’ ana S.-L Railway), a little over two hours from Londor; by fast trams, five miles from Deal, and four from Dover. TyTE. F. G. WHEATLEY has been instructed ״,7־׳־־ by. National Land Corporation (Limitel moa0ffJt o°™ S“le by A“ctl0n■ on Thursday, July li i?T rirra 2*0' ¿n. a “?awnme on ti!e estate, about g( pR°TS ?f choice FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND suitable for the erection of marine villas and bun»a! lows of every size, overlooking St. Margaret’s Bay. A special train will leave Hoi born-viaduct on the morning of sale, tickets 5s. Full information and plans, particulars, and condi taons of sale can be obtained from A. W Pearce sohcitor 21, John-street, Adelphi, London. W.C ; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, London, W.C. L^־pN־THE־SOLENT, Hants.—Sale of 51 Freehold Building Plots, splendidly placed in this very nsmg seaside watering place, and beautifully situated on the mainland coast between Southsea and Southampton, and opposite Cowes and Ryde with lovely views of the Solent and Isle of Wight! Houses let and sell very freely; excellent railway cominumcation with London and all parts; station close to the beach in the centre of the new town. Fine pier, 750ft. long; park on sea front. Great educational facilities, there being several first-class schools in the neighbourhood. Water from company's mains. Some of the plots are grandly situated on’ the Marine-parade, and all near church, schools, hotel and good shops, and a short walk from pier and railway station. The surrounding country is very pretty, with good roads for cycling. Capital bathing, boating and sea fishing, and lawn tennis, cricket and footba'l clubs. lyrE. F. G. WHEATLEY is instructed to Sell d'J- by Auction, the above ELIGIBLE BUILDING PLOTS, suitable for marine villas and lodging houses (for which there is a constant demand), at the Victoria Hotel, Lee-on-the-Solent, on Tuesday, July 18, 1899. at Three p.m. Luncheon at Two p.m. N-B•—Purchase moneys payable by instalments over nine years if desired. Deeds free of law costs; land tax redeemed. For particulars, plans, etc., apply to the Auctioneer, 263, Strand. London. W.C.—Solicitors, Messrs. Harrison and Robinson, 263, Strand, and Messrs. Goble and Warner, Fareham, Hants. M EISSRS. ERASER and HEIGH will Sell AtJ- by Auction, at the Mart, on Wednesday next, June 28, at One o’clock punctually: — 63, Lady Margaret-road, N.W., let at ..........£50 65, Lady Margaret-road, N.W., let at .......... 48 67, Ladly Margaret-road, N.W., vacant September 29, let at .............................. 50 5, Lady Somerset-road, N.W., let at ........... 48 7, Lady Somerset-road, N.W.. let at ........... 50 15, Lady Somerset-road, N.W., let at .......... 45 9, Queen’s-crescent. Haverstock-liill, let at . 45 .22, Grafton-crescent, Kentish Town, Let at ... 45 47. Marlborough-road, Holloway, let at ........ 36 May be viewed. Particulars and conditions of the respective Solicitors, Alex. J. Murray, Esq., 1, Cle-ment's-inn, Strand; and Messrs. Elliott and Ash, 40, Bedford-row; of the Auctioneers, 35, Fortess-road, N.W. CITY OF LONDON. City Improvements.—By order of the Corporation. To Brewers, Licensed Victuallers, Restaurateurs and others. Offering an opportunity of securing one of the finest sites for licensed premises. In the heart of the shipping, wine, Colonial and corn trade centres. The valuable FREE LEASE Of the important Corner Building Bite Together with the License thereto attached. Now occupied by Fully-licensed premises, the Mercantile, And the adjoining Property, known as 126, Fenchurch-street, E.O., Having a frontage of about 36ft. 5in. to Fenchurch-street, and about 43ft. 2in. to Fen-court, which is now being widened, and will form an important thoroughfare, with an enormous pedestrian traffic, the whole covering an area of about 1.374 square feet. A free lease for 65 years will be granted at the moderate ground rent of £300 per annum. ־]UTESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. J-tA will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, July 19, 1899, at One o’clock precisely. Plans, particulars and conditions of sal$ may be obtained of the Comptroller or the City Engineer, Guildhall, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 51. Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford. E. ? FOREST-GATE.—Freehold.—Nos. 130 and 132. Whyte- I ville-road, Forest-gate. Let at rentals producing * £68 per annum.—Solicitors. Messrs. Pettiver and Pearkes. 21. College-hill, Cannon-street. E.C. HACKNEY.—Two Freehold Shops, Nos. 105 and 107, Well-street, let upon lease at £30 and £28 respectively. and a valuable Freehold Building Site at the rear, with frontages to Priory-place. The whole covering an area of about 17,000 square feet.—Solicitors, Messrs. Rawlings and Butt, 2, Wal-brook, E.C. SOUTH KENSINGTON.—A high-class residential localitv.—A commanding Family Residence. No. :0׳. Redcliffe-gardens. Let upon repairing lease, at £90. Lease 49 years. Ground rent £20.—Solicitors, Messrs. Hearn and Hearn, Buckingham. STREATHAM.—On the Coventry Park Estate. An attractive Freehold Villa. No. 31. Gleneldon-road. Let at a rental o׳f £40.—Solicitors, Messrs. Leesmith and Mnmby, 12. Great Swan-allev. E.C. jV/TESSRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. XYX will Sell the above bv Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday. July 26. at Two. Particulars of Solicitors, or of the Auctioneers, 51, Coleman-street. MR. F. W. STOKES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C.. on Friday. June 30. at Twelve o’clock, valuable FREEHOLD and part COPY־HOLD PROPERTY, situate between Pulborough and Bil-lingshurst, Sussex, known as Gay Farm, comnrising about 89 acres, with comfortable, old-fashioned house, farm buildings, and' yards. Possession can be had on completion. Particular» and. conditions of sale, with plan, may be obtained׳ of Messrs. Pearless and1 Sons, solicitors. East Grinslead. Sussex; and of the Auctioneer, 20, Bucklersbury, E.C., and Crawley and Three Bridges, Sussex. Printed and Publiahea by tne Proprietor. FRANK P. WILSON, at the ®states GAZETTE Printing Works. No. 6. St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.C.