1103 THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 24, 1899. City-road—3 and 5, Brunswick-place, ut 28 years, GR £68, R £110 , ,, _ . , Gold Norton, Essex—Beacon-hill-road, etc., 14 Plot3 oi Land, F ״ , Cheshunt, Herts—Enclosure of Land, 43 acres, ana Three Building Plots, F Ware, Herts—Musley-lane, the Vineyard Brick Works, 6a. 2r. 24p., F New Southgate—1 to 4, Cromwell-buildings, i, R £107 10s.; 1 and 2, Woodward-villas, F, Wit £20 16s. each Beckenham—Brackley-road, Brackley House, ut 64 years, GR £34 10s.. P Camberwell—140, 142 and 144, Grosvenor-street, ut 13 years, GR £6 each, R £34 each Old Kent-road—15 to 18. Frensham-street, ut 37 years, GR Is. 6d. each, WR £19 10s. each HOOKER and WEBB, 4, High-street, Croydon at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 6 o’c'oek). South Croydon 12־ plots of freehold building land on the Haling Park Estate West Croyd m- Gras mere, CamDbell-road, F Penge -162, Beckenham-road, ut 70 years, GR £9, R £52 ; 33 to 43. Croydon-road, ut 70 years GR £42, R £255; and 145 and 147, Maple-road, R £87, F THE BRITISH LAND CO., LTD., 25, Moorgate-street, E.C. (at the Manor House Tavern, Green-lanes, Flnshury-park, at 7 o’clock). Wood-green-16b p'ods of freeuoia bunding laua HOLLAND and ANDREWS, 120, King’s-road, Chelsea (at Chelsea Town Hall, at 7 o’clock). Fulham—20, w alfiaui-giove; 6 and 7, Townmead-road; and 4, Victoria-road, L EDWIN EYANS, 253, Lavender-hill, S.W., 2, St. George’s-circus, S.E., Earlsfield and Streat-ham (at the Falcon Hotel, Clapham-junction, at 7 o’clock). Wands woi tii-commoii— ioandl6, Djnts-road ; 55, Gorst-road; 18, Broom wood-iCad ; ana 51 and 63, Kelm-scott-road, L Earlsfield—29, 31 and 33, Winfrith-road ; 187 and 189, E iris field-road, L Putney—44 and 46, W ert jr-road, L rulnain—17, Fristol-street and Humbolt-mansion3, Lillie-roai, i!; Humoolt fiats,numDOLt-road, witu stabling, F ; 34, Humbolo-road, with extensive rear premises, F ; and. 79 to 85, Bayoane-road, F Battersea-59 and 61, Culvert-road, L Penge—1 to 16, Market-terrace״Mapie-road, L firix ton—1.18, ac re-lane, L Wandsworth—11, Granville road, F vVicnbledon—52 am 33, Gap-road, F_______ FRIDAY 30th. At TWELVE o’clock. FULLER, HORS-Y, SONS and CASSELL, 11, Billiter.square, E.C. Oolnbrook, Middlesex—The Poyle Mills, Boyne House, the Elms and 16 acres, F _. W. STOKES, Crawley, Sussex. West Chiltington, Sussex—Gay Farm, 89 acres, F and 0 At ONE o'clock. SPENCER, SANTO and CO., LTD., 9, Kensington High-street. Kensington—13, Bramham-gardens, ut 74 years, GR £40, R £250 ; 79, Linden-gardens, F, ER £200 Willesden—Stonebridge-park, Crosland, and 1 acre, F MOSS and JAMESON, 77, Chancery-lane, W.C. St. John’s Wood—47. Queen's-road, ut 38 years, GR £15, ER £100; 8, Uarlton-hill, ut 38 years, GR nil, R £85; 6, Blenheim-road, ut 38 years, Gti £10, ER £65 At TWO o'clock. DUNN, SOMAN and COYERDALE, 11, 8t. Helen’s-place, Bishopsgate-street Within, E.C., Tunbridge Wells and Chislehurst. Southwark—60 and 62, St. Thomas’-street, F, ER £950; and Two Warehouses in Sparrick’s-row, ut years, GR £ Newport, Isle of Wight—Newolose House, and 6 acres, F Forest-hill—Perry-vale. Ashdown Lodge, ut 65 years, GR £7 10s., ER £70; 33, Colfe-road, ut 82 years, GR £5 10s., ER £35 Mile-end—161 and 163, Sidney-street, F, R £ ; 73. Cleveiand-street, F, R £ ;4 and 6, Sceptre-street, F, R £ Sydenham—52. Sydenham-park, F, R £45 G. GOULDSMITH, SON and CO., 2, Pont-street, Belgravia, S.W. Belgravia—Eaton-place, etc., IGR’s of £50. ut 25 years, GR £12 Chelsea—36, Elm-park-road, ut 75 years, GR £2, P ELLIS and SON, 45, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Forest-hill—Honor-oak-road, Ripponhurst, F, ER £130; London-road, L’Etac, F, R £55 B. P. ABRAMS, 28a, Basinghall-street, E.C. YY'oo'dford—1 to 19 (odd). Trevor-road, ut 82 years. GR £55, R £234 Hounslow—1 to 3, Bristow-cottages, 1 to 5, Sarah-cottages, 1 to 3, Vine-terrace, ut 64 years, GR £57, R £159 16s. LEOPOLD FARMER, 46, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C., and 12, High-road, Kilburn, N.W. City of London—5 and 6, Add e-hill, and Ye Old Bell P־h West Hampstead—7, Inglewood-road, ut 92 years, GR £7. ER £70 T. G. WHARTON, 8 and 9, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and 77, Albany-road, Old Kent-road, S.E. Edgware-road—Richmond-street, IGR of £71, ut 22 years, GR nil WALLET and MORRIS, 13, Lime-street, E.C. Poplar—84 and 86. High-street, and 1 and 2, Crawford-yard, area 6,000ft., F HORNE and CO., 19, Great George-street, S.W., and 85, Gresham-street, E.C. Chelsea—494. 496 and 498, King’s-road, ut 67 years, GR £21. R £190 New Barnet—Edward-road. Wenlock-cottages. F, R £59 16s. Walworth—23. Boyson-road, ut 51 years, GR £6 6s., R £74 2s. Peckham—20 and 22. Graylands-road, ut 65 years, GR £10. R £57 4s. FRITH and GARLAND, 70, Grand Parade, Green-lanes, N. Ilarringay—42 and 44, Allism-road, F. R £36 each; 70. Falkland-road. ut 98 years, GR £7, R £34; 85 to 91 (odd). Falkland-road, ut 97 years, GR £28, R £133 Kingsland—17. Southgate-road, ut 19 years, GR £2, ER £36 Hornsey—39. Raleigh-road. ut 83 years, GR £6 lus., ER £30 COURTENAY, WELLS and CO., 53, London-road, Croydon (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 6 o’clock). S >uth Croydon—136 and 13°, brighton-road ; 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44, Puildy-ro״d ; 17 and 18, Derin״-roa l ; 3L and 32, Westfleld-road, F; and 1 and 2, Wilton-villas. Dering-road, L ; and freehold builaing land in Magdala-road West Croydon—Nine houses in Dryden-road, L; and freeho'd building lanl in St. James's, Fairholme, and Pemdevon-roa .8 E ist Crovdon—Fieeholi building land in Hazeldean-road Caterbam -Mount Pleasant,Caterham-station. F ; 1 to b, Prospect-placp, L; and freehold building land in Godstone, Oaks, and B .nstead-ioads Catford—Business premises at Perry-hill, F^ renge—Business piembes at Maple-road. F Sydenham and Bromley—Freehold building land ERNEST OWERS, Finchley-road and West Hampstead Stations (at Ye Olde Hatte Hotel, Uxbridge-road, Ealing Dean, at 7 o’clock). Gan well -26 to 48 (even), Shiiley-gardens, ut 99 years, Gil £66, &R £312 DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, . . and Blackheath (at the Railway H° ’ Blackheath, at 7 o’clock). Blackheath—17 and 19, Bennett-park. L : 35 shares of £’» each ifully paid) in the Blackheath Concert Hall Co. Ltd. Lee—1. 2 and 4, Relgrave-villas, F ; 1, Douglas-villas, Douglas-road, L THURSDAY 29th. At ONE o’clock. BARBER, BELLAMY and LORANGE, 158, High-street, Putney, S.W. Putney—9 and 12, Colinette-road, ut 76 years, GR £ , E £180 Wimbledon—16, Pembridge-villas, ut year3, GK £10 10s., BE £50; also a Plot of Land adjoining, frontage 47ft., 1' East Putney—65, Upper Kichmond-road, ut 80 years, GE £10, E £95 E. H. HENRY, 63, High-street, Clapham. Brixton—23 to 31 (odd), Knowle-road, ut 63 years. GR £27 10s., R £216 8s. ^ Clapham—30, Park-crescent, ut 50 year3, GR £3; 59, 61 and 63, Park-place, ut 45 years, GR £11; 40 and 40a, High-street. F, R £325;^, Larkhail-rise, ut 63 years, GR £3. ER £55 GARLAND-SMITH and DRAKE, 18, Davies-street, Berkeley-square, W. Wandsworth—13 to 19, 23, 33 and 35, Henderson-road, L, R £360 ; 9 and 11, Taibot-road, ut 34 years, GR £9, R £54 W. STEYENS, Dalston Junction, N.E. Hoxtcn—32, Buckland-street, ut 35 years, GR £5, R £36 Peckham—61, Peckham-park-road, ut 15 years, GR £6, R £31 , ״ Stoke Newington—12, 14, 16 and 18, Cowper-road, I, R £110 Shadwell—295, Cable-street, ut 31 years, GR £15, R £40 De Beauvoir Town—129, Southgate-road, ut 28 years, GR £5, R £50 At TWO o'clock. ORGILL, MARKS and ORGILL, 21, Hart-street, W.C. Sandgate Kent—High-street, a Freehold Rental of £120 per annum Southwark—Boro’ High-street, the "White Horse and Half Moon, P-h, with Three Tenements adjoin ing, F, R £170 Battersea^-282, Battersea-park-road, ut 79 years, GR £11 Bexley Heath, Kent—The Broadway, the Rose P-h, ut 40 years, R £100 JOHN NAPPER, Wisborough-green, Billings-hurst, Sussex. Wisborough Green, Sussex—Orfold Farm and 194 acres, F BEADEL, WOOD and CO., 97, Gresham-street, E.C. Colchester (near), Essex—The Fingringhoe Hall Est-ate, 697 acres, F City of London—23 and 25, Eastcheap. and 13, Philpot• lane, ut 29 years, GR £230, R £1,300 Hendon—Queen’s-road, Stoney Farm, 32a. 2r. 29p.. F DYER, SUN and HILTON, 80, audge-row, E.C., and Blackheath, S.E. Blackheath—29 and 33. Granville-park, ut 36 years. GR Is. eaoh, P; 111, Shooter’s-hill-road, ut 48 years, GR £14 4s. 7d., ER £100; 20 and 34. Kid• brook-park-road, ut 66 years, GR £11 Lee—67, Burnt Ash-hill, ut 64 years, GR £10 10s.. ER £75; 16, Belmont-park, ut 53 years. GR £2 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Clapton—64, Chatsworth-road, ut 99 years, GR £10, R £60 Commercial-road East—35 , 37, 39 and 42, Philpot street, and 51, Varden-street, ut 32 years, GR £50, WR £377 12s.; 34, 36 , 38 and 40, Philpot-street, and 45, 47 and 49, Varden-strset, ut 18 years, GR £70. R £239 8s Regent's-park—37. Osnaburgh-street, ut 23£ years GR £4 5s.. R £80 Brighton—51 and 52, Scotland-street, F, WR £44 4s Somers Town—27, Werrington-street, ut 50 years, GR £10, ER £40 Cricklewood—Shoot-up-hill. Thombank, and li acres ut 70 years, GR £69, P Sydenham—2a. 2, 4 and 6. Sydenham-park. ut 89 years, GR £30, ER £210 Holloway—13, Pemberton-gardens, ut 52 years, GR £12, ER £70 Tottenham—Nassau-road, FGR of £10, reversion in years Walthamstow—Wood-street, etc., FGR’s of £60, reversion in years LINNETT and LANE, 56, Station-road, Willes-den-junction, and 62, Lincoln’s-inn-fields W.C. Willesden—2, Hillside, ut 68 years, GR £10 10s., ER £70; 55 and 57, West Ella-road. ut 68 years. GR £12, ER £64 Sudbury, Middlesex—Chaplin-road. Rose Lawn. Ivy Lodge and Eden Villa, ut 98 years, GR £16 10s. ER £96 FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH GALSWORTHY and CO., 29, Fleet-street and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Bagshot, Surrey—Enclosures of Land. 268 acres, F Islington—43 and 45, Oopenhagen-street, II £97 17s. GR’s of £34 6s. 8d., F. reversion in 5 years Twickenham. Middlesex—24 and 26, Baronsfield-road ut 81 years. GR £10 each. R £45 each Hayward's Heath, Sussex—Franklyns, and 159 acre F Dover, Kent—Maison Dieu House, and 1£ acres, F STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C. and 2, New Kent-road. S.E. Chislehurst—1 and 3. Scadbury-villas, ut 47 years GR £3. R £95 Hackney—4 to 14 (even), Victoria-road, ut 63 years GR £30. R £275 Manor-park—47, Essex-road. F. R £40 Old Kent-road—7, Sylvan-grove, ut 12 years. GR £6 ER £42 Wood-green—15, Newnham-road, ut 80 years, GR £8 ER £38 Walworth—209, Walworth-road. F, R £65 Bexley—Parkhurst-road, Moimt Royal, F, ER £60 Bethnal-green—2, 4, 6 and 8, Baker-street, F. WR £98 16s.: 25, 27 and 29. Digby-walk, F, WR £70 4s. Leyton—34, 36 and 38, Grange-road, F, R £88 10s. . W. SCOBELL, 25, Bucklersbury, E C. West Dulwich—1, South Croxted-road, ut 72 years, GR £8 16s., R £45 New Cross—11 and 15, Tressillian-road, ut 66 years׳, GR £12, ER £95 WOOD, FURNESS and CO., Brentford, Mid-d i esex. Gunnersbury—69, 71, 73 to 77 (odd), Wellesley-road, ut 70 years, GR £12 10s., R £116 Brentford, Middlesex—1 to 9, Prospect-cottages, ut 89 years, GR £42 10s., R £152 2s. Acton—1 to 5, and 7 to 21, Haslemere-terrace, ut S2 years, Gll £105, WR £561 12s. PHIBBa GIBSON, West Dulwich, Herne-hill, West Norwood and Tulse-hill Ry. Station». Wesrt Norwood—93, St. Julian’s Farm-road. L Fulham—106, Munster-road, ut 99 years, GR £6 6s., P W. N. WILLOUGHBY, 399, Norwood road, S.E., and Tulse hill, S.E. Norwood—38 and 40, Beulah-hill, ut 65 years, GR £20, R £175 Herne-hill—55, 57 and 59, Deronda-road, ut 60 years, GR £22 Is., R £118 FRASER and HEIGH, 35, Fortess road, Kentish Town, N.W. Kentish Town—63, 65 and 67, Lady Margaret-road, ut 60 years, GR £12, R £148; 5, 7 and 15, Lady Somerset-road, ut 65 years, GR £27, R £143 Haverstock-hill—9, Queen’s-crescent, ut 61 years, GR £10, R £45 Kentish Town—22, Grafton-crescent, ut 36 years, GR £5, R £45 Holloway—47, Mar>l׳borough־road, ut 66 years, GR £7 7s. At TWO o'clock. and MARTIN, 27, Chancery lane, THURGOOD W.C. Nutfield, Surrey—Elstree and 5J acres, F, R £250 High Holborn—Nos. 101 to 104; also Dean-street, Building Leases for 80 years of various Plots of Land MAY and PHILPOT, 140, Brixton-hill, S.W. Tulse-hill—No. 159, ut 79 years, GR £20. ER £180 Streatham-common—High-road, Herbert Lodge, ut 46 years, GR £20, ER £160 Brixton—117, Angell-road, ut 24 years, GR £4 6s.. Streatham—7, Mount Ephraim-road, ut 55 years, GR £12 10s. 6d., ER £110׳ BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER, 69, King William-street, E C., Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Farnborougli, Kent—Wellbrook-road, Ebury-villas. F High Halden, Kent—Hope’s Cottage Farm, 30a. Or. 36p., F, R £50 Wood-church, Kent—Hornbrook Farm, and 48a. lr. 35p., F, R £50 Bromley, Kent—South-hill-park, Five Detached Residences, F, R £670 R. T1DEY and SON, 198, Essex-road, and 3, Pentonville-road, N. Shoreditch—125 to 130, High-street, ut 58 years, GR £600, R £855 Whitechapel—66 to 75, Lnmbeth-street, ut 57 years, GR £176, Dulwich—1, 3 and 5, Underhill-road. F, ER £165 Finchley—18, 20 and 22, Lichfield-grove, ut 67 years, GR £18, R £82 Musweil-hill—4, Alexandra-terrace, ut 83 years, GR £6 10s., R £28 Kentish Town—2 and 4, Carlton-terrace, F, YR £40 Paddington—169 and 171, Fernhead-road, ut 64 years, GR £13, R £7 Dalston—4, Shrubland-road, ut 43 years, GR £3, R £36 De Beauvoir Town—21, Southgate-road, ut 20 years, GR £2, MT £33 12s. Hoxton—116. New North-road, ut 12 years, GR £22 10s., ER £48 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Fiasbury-circus, E C., and Tottenham, N. Gas and Water Shares F. W. GLAZIER, 4, Park-side, Hyde-parV-cor-ner, W. Putney—1, Burston-road, ut 64 yei.rs, GR £6 2s. 7d., R £75; 6, Oxford-road, ut 80 years. GR £9 Barnes—14 and 16, Railway-street, F, WR £44 4s EDWIN FOX and B0USF1ELD, 99, Gresham-street, E.C. South Norwood—Sunny-bank, Talbot Lodge, ut 46 years, GR £12, P; 9, Denmark-villas, ut 46 years, GR £6, P Lee Green—120 to 128 (even). Lee-road, F, R £300 City of London—Coleman-street, FGR of £250, reversion in 13£ years Hyde-park—25, Kensington-gardens-terrace, ut 23 years, GR £18, R £160; 43 and 45, Porcliester-terrace, ut 39 years, GR £36, R £620 Camden Town—27 to 32, Camden-square, ut 44 years GR £80. R £363 Brixton—36, Brixton-hill, ut 40 years. GR £10, R £270 Wallington, Surrey—The Manor House Estate, about 40 acres. F Cycle Wheel Letters Patent INMAN and CO., 126, Maida Yale. W. Maida-vale—No. 88. Lease 11 years. R £85. ER £105 Hammersmith—53, Blythe-road, ut 66 years, GR £8, R £50 New Barnet—Warwick-road, Cliffe Villa and Albany Cottage. F Harrow. Middlesex—1 and 2. Downham-villas, YR £48; and a Plot of Land adjoining, 32ft. 6in. by 150ft., F HOBSON, RICHARDS and CO., 79, Coleman street, E.C. Ealing—Queen’s-wai'k, Freehold Build'.ng Estate, about 50 acres G El Catford—17, Queen’s-gardens, ut 996 years, GR £13 7s. 6d., ER £70 ..............״ Plaistow—Grange-road, a Building Site, 131ft. 6in. by 126ft., F TUESDAY 27th. At ONE o'clock. H. N. ABRAHAMb, Kingston on-Thames. Hampton Court, Middlesex—Freehold Business Premises, with goodwill of a butcher BEADEL, WOOD ana CO., 97, Gresham-street, E.C. Grays Thurrock, Essex—High-street, etc., FGR’s of £1,399 7s., reversions from 44 to 93 years (m lots) MABBETT and EDGE, 127, Mount-street, Gros-yenor-square, W. South Kensington—11, 38 and: 43, Kedoliffe-square, L Hyde-park—56, Queen’s-gate, F ROUCH, PARKHOUab and LUCK, Crouch-end Station, N. Crouch-end—Crescent-road, Bubestein, ut 69 years, GR £13 10s., BE £110 FREDERICK V«ARMAN, Spencer House, Highbury, N. Highbury—3, Highbury-new-park, ut 50 years, GR £15; 161, Highbury-new-park, ut 50 years, GR £15, R £75 Highgate—View-road, Oakleigh, ut 96 years, GK £40 Hoxton—71 and 72, Britannia-street, B, R £100 Stamford-hill—48, St. Ann’s-road, ut 76 years, GR £7 7s., R‘£32 Barnsbury—3, Huntingdon-street, ut 50 year3, £7, YR £45 At TWO o’clock. MAY and ROW DEN, 39, Maadox-street, Regent street, W. Ealing—Springfield-park, Fremington Lodge and : acre, F m ^ . Feltham, Middlesex—Hounskm-road, Two Freehold Acton—1, Apsley-villas, ut 70 years, GR £12 10s., ER £55 C. w. DAVIES and SON, 15, Upper-street Islington, N. Stoke Newington—36, 38, 40 and 48, Green-lanes, ut -1 years, GR £23 18s., R £151; 18, 20 and 22 Aden• grove, ut 71 years, GR £16 2s. 6d., R £110; o9 Park-street, ut 69 years, GR £5 5s., ER £34 Clerkenwell—3 and 8, Myddleton-square, ut 13 years, GR £10 2s. 8d., R £125 Islington—24, 26 and 28, William-street, ut 46 years GR £14, R £88 ^ Paddington—6, Biomfield-street, ut 43 years, GR £/ Hoxton—63, Nne-street, R £56, and a GR of £5, ut 7i years, GR £17 F. JOLliY and CO., 66, Leadenhall-street, E.C. and Lower Clapton, N.E. Islington—4, Shepperton-road, ut 54 years, GR £6 10s R £40 ״ Tottenham—59, Vicarage-road, F, R £28 10s. Wandsworth—3, The Grove, F, R £50 Walthamstow—35, Boundary-road, F, ER £35 G. F. HAKKINGTON, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Catford—5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 35 to 45 (odd). 14 to 28 (even), Woolstone-road, ut 87 years, GR £242, R £1,350• 17, 19 , 21, 25, 29 and! 31, Vancouver-road ut years GR £ , ״ ״ Forest-gate—i, 3, 5 and 7, Belton-road, F, R £145 12s E. FERGUSSON TAYLOR, 70 and 72, Chancery lane, W.C., and New Barnet. East Barnet. Herts—Park-road, etc., Freehold Build ing Sites, 30a. 3r. 2p., F ___ New Barnet—Edward-road, Erin Villa, F, QT £28 ALLAN BOOTH, 284, Camden-roau, N. St. Luke’s—159 and 161, Lever-street, and 1, Murton-street, ut 58 years, GR £49, WT £275 12s. Holloway—47, 49, 51 and. 53, Parkhurst-road, R £213 and an IGR of £25, ut 25 years, GR £48 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FAKMEKand BRIDGE WATER, 80, Cheapside,E.C. Regent-street—Part Shares in 19 and 57, Conduit• street, Corporation Leases, GR £12 10s., II £4. City of London—14, 15 and 16, Dowgate-hill, and Redeemed Land Tax of £12 16s. 8d., ut 46 years: GR £700, R £1,728 ; 49, Knightrider-street, ut 44 years, GR £135, R £430 Kensington—4, Canning-mews, F, P; 18, Kensington• pailace-gardens, ut 44 years, GR £78 6s. 8d., Soho—128, Wardour-street, 16 and 16a, St. Ann court, ut 56 years. GR £80, WT £465 8s. Regent-street—34 and 35. Broad-street, ut 40 years: GR £120, WT £415 7s. Llanaber, Merioneth—The Farchynys Estate, acres. F Shaftesbury-avenue and Rupert-street—The Regency Mansions, ut 71 years, F.R £2,500 OSBORN and MERCER, 28b, Albemarle-street Piccadilly, W. Bournemouth, Hants—Therapia, and 6£ acres, F HOOKER and WEBB, 4, High-street, Croydon (at the Small Public Hall, Carshalton, at 6 o’clock). r־ars^alton —York Villa. Carskalton-grove, ER £35, F ; and two dwelling houses in Sutton •grove, R £43, F Wallington— Cariebrook, Ross-road, R £38, F; seven residences situated in Oranley-gar Jens, L THE LONDON LAND ASSOCIATION, LTD., 76, Finsbury-payement, E.C., and Harrow (at the Station Hotel, Harrow, at 7.30 o'clock). Harrow—55 plots of freehold building land on the Wealdstone Hill Estate F- S. PRIEST, 61, Station-road, Willesden-junc-tion, and 21, Liyerpool-street, E.C. (at the Court House, High-street, Harlesden, at 7.30 o’clock). Stonebridge-park—4, Hillside : and May Villa, HiTside, Neasden-Mils׳>n Villa, Neasden-lane, ut 81 years, GR £6 10s.. R £40 ; Oakley Villa, Shrewsburv-road, ut 84 years. c»R £7, R £40; and Claremont Villa, Sh r e wsbury-r oad DOLMAN and PEARCE, 62, HaYerstock-hill N.W. (on the premises, at 1 o’clock). South Hampstead—1, Eton-road, L J. N. GOATLY, Twickenham-green (at the King’s Head Hotel, Twickenham, at o’clock). Twickenham -17,18,19, 28 and 35, Church-street; 6 and 21, London-road, Mush Farm Dairy ; and Rruok-lvn-heath-road ; 7 and 11, Sion row ; and 1 to 10. Fery-road BATE and CO., 87, High-road, Kilburn (at the Yolunteer Hotel, High-road, Kilburn, at 8 o’clock). Kilburn- 222a and 222b, Belsin^-road, Kilburn, ut 98 years, Gll £11, R £120; 86, 88 and 90, Cbarteris-road, R £108, B'; >.nd 125. Brondesbury-road, ut 80 years, GR £9 15s.. ER £66 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. (at the Rose and Crown, Tottenham, at 7 o’clock). Tottenham-44 plots of freehold building land on the Springfield Estate ; FGR’s of £23 105. per annum, secured m on houses on the bpriDgfieli E-tate; and 61. Vicarage-road, F South Tottenham - St. A nn’s Vill t, North-grove ; and a piece of land at rear, F Lower Edmonton -11, Rosebery-road ; 70 and 71, B tlfour-road ; 69, Chamberlain-road, F ; B’G R of £3 10s. per annum, secured upon 10, Rosebery-road ; and 25, TkeCiescent, L RICHARDSON and BOOTH, London-street, Greenwich (at the Plough Hotel, High-street, Lewisham, at 7.1S o’clock). Lewisham—4, Ciarendon-road, College• park, ut 581 years, GR i!5, R ¿40 WEDNESDAY 28th. At ONE o’clock. G. HERBERT BURNS, 1, Great James street, W.C. Hackney—37. 38 and 39, Marian-square, ut 18 years, GR £12; 33 to 44, Gollon-gardens, area 6.700ft., F, R £171 12s.; 49, Hackney-road, F, R £70