THE ESTATES GAZETTE 3100 June 24, 1899. TO TRUSTEES & INVESTORS. The Principal and Interest of Monev Lent on Mortgage THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. The Paid-up Capital of the Corporation, founded in 1871, is £132,1 ■eserves at Decern-her 31,1897, amounted to £327,477. Write for Prospectus to RICHARD J. PAULL, General Manager and Secretary, 40 to 44, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. LEGAL AND GENERAL Life Assurance Society. Established 1836. funds 7; ^ “ £3,000,000 Income................... £373,000 Yearly Business..........£1,000,000 THE PERFECTED SYSTEM of Life Assurance is peculiar to this Society and embraces every modern advantage. PERFECTED MAXIMUM POLICIES. The rates for these Whole Life Policies are very moderate. Aj?e Premium Age Premium Age Premium 20..£1 7 8 °/Q 30.. £1 16 °/p 40.. £2 10 °/0 Edinburgh school of rural ECONOMY. SESSION 1899-1900. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT appointed by the Uni-7!frSmy Court, the Highland and Agricultural Society, the Town Council of Edinburgh, and Contributing MONTH׳ DARLING^™'111'*16 H°n' L°rQP Q״ ad'־ Two commodious Houses, producing i:?8_??־Qper anm*m; lease 74 years; ground rent ?oU1u•ea9h•—Solicitors, Messrs. Barfield and 72, Finsbury-pavement, E.C. , ; OI DAB—Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Latham-street, 1, Sab-barton-street, and 14, Clifton-street, Stainsby-road ~i^°rüer Block of good letting property, producing 148 4s. per annum; lease 76 years, ground rent 11 per annum on, the whole.—Solicitors, Messrs. treetnEG,nS and' Lendon29 ׳’ Budge-row, Cannon- POPLAB.—No. 50. Brunsiwiek-road. Dwelling House, producing £27 6s. per annum; lease 48 ®¿i®’ SJOhud rent £3 10s. per annum.—Solicitors, treetf' Fh*t?steeet, ^E.U a“d Gaudlcr’ 2^ Bo“־ No- 61, Teviot-street, St. Leonards-road. ay-windowed Dwelling House, in the occupation 1״‘rf owner, and of the estimated rental value of - ,.4s. per annum; lease 66 years; ground rent £4_ ״i1altSr’ ,ohas• G. Bradshaw, Esq., 85, fiat. Indi-i- &an^ %• Leadenhall-street, E.C. 22 t;>,,44 Cffifton-road, Shrews-27?’ii־ad' TweIva excel.ent Houses, producing 1if' -P®1- annum; lease S8 years; annual ground owgfilhiiieF c־Soll01tOr6 ׳’ T• Muske“■, Esq., 12, uriSroadA“i^