1099 THE ESTATES GAZETTE, June 24, 1899. im Auctknt. B1 Y MAY and ROWDEN, At the Mart, E.C., Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at Two o’clock, With possession. Fremington Lodge, Springfield Park, (between Ealing and Acton) charming FREEHOLD RESIDENCE. standing in its own delightful grounds of about an acre, with tennis lawn and stabling ffor five horses. It contains three excellent reception rooms, magnificent full-sized billiard-room, eight bedrooms, and every other modern convenience. To be viewed by oiders Irom the Auctioneers only. Solicitors, Messrs. Caprons, Hitchens, Brabant and Hitchens, Savile-place, Conduit-street, W. Auctioneeis, May and Rowden, 39 Maddox-street, W. By MAY and ROWDEN, At the Mart, E.C. Tuesday, June 271899 ״, at Two o’clock. In Two Lots. With possession. _ the station, and under half an hour from town.— A PAIR of semi-detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, and gardens, each containing two reception rooms, and five bed rooms, dressing room, bath (h. and c. , and good domestic offices. Estimated rental value £45 per annum each. Three-quarters of purchase money can remain at 34 per cent. Solicitor, Charles Robinson, Esq.., Hounslow; Auctioneers, May and Rowden, 39, Maddox-street, W. g*aU'« Rjjr Jurctunt. By MAY and ROWDEN, At the Mart, E.C., Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at Two o’clock. CTON, close! to Great Western Railway lx Station, and overlooking Springfield-park—Conveniently-arranged RESIDENCE, known as Walmer, Apsley-villas, Horn-lane, with six bed rooms, dressing room, bath (h. and c.), large dining and drawing rooms, conservatory״ and good offices; gardens in front and rear. Lease 70 years unexpired; ground rent £12 10s. per annum. Possession if required.— Solicitors, Messrs. Rivington and Son, 1, Fenchurch-buildings, E.C.; Auctioneers, May and Rowden, 39, Maddox-street, W. Re Emily Mountain, deceased, kei J. B. Parker, deceased. And by order of Executors, Mortgagees and others. Evening Auction Sale. WANDSWORTH COMMON, WANDSWORTH. WIMBLEDON, EARLSFIELD, FULHAM, PUTNEY, BATTERSEA, BRIXTON and PENCE. . day evening, June 25, at Seven o’clock precisely, the following capital PROPERTIES for investment and occupation: — LEASEHOLDS, WANDSWORTH COMMON.—15 andl 16, Dents-road; 55, Gorst-road; 18, Broomwoodl-road; andl 51 and 63, Kelmscott-road. EARLSEIEL1).—29, 31 and 33, Winfrith-road; 187 and 189. Earl&field-road. PUTNEY.—44 and 46, Werter-road. FULHAM—17, Prislon-street, Wandsworth-bridgo-road. FULHAM.—Iiumbolt Mansions, Lillie-road, comprising 10 separate Flats. BA !TERSE A.—59, Culvert-road'. BATTERSEA.—61, Culvert-road; capital shop property. PENCE.—1 t-o 16, Market-terrace, Maple-road; 16 shops. BRIXTON.—118, Acre-lane; shop and house. FREEHOLDS. WANDSWORTH.—11, Granviile-road, SouthfieldS. WIMBLEDON.—52 and 53, Gap-road. FULHAM.—Humbolt Flats, Humbolt-road, with/ star bling for 25 horses. FULHAM.—34, Humbolt-road, with extensive rear premises and stabling for about 60 horses, lofts, forge, andl farrier’s shop. FULHAM.—79 to 85, Bayonne-roadi; capital weekly property. May be viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale obtained of the respective Solicitors; and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, 253, Lavend׳er-hill, S.W. (Telephone No. 53 Battersea); 2, St, George’s-circus, S.E.; Earlsfield, S.W.; andl 129, Mitcham-lane, Streatham. BOND-STREET.—Freehold (equal to). Corporation Leases, renewable for ever, of 4 and 5a, Dering-sitreet, abutting on to 79 and 80, New Bond-street "W pHADWIGK and SONS will Sell by Alieva tion, by order of the Executors of Mr. S. Hart, deceased, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Thursday, July 13, at One precisely: — The CORPORATION LEASES, renewable for ever (in tenure equal to Freehold1), of the HOUSE and SHOP, 4, Dering-street, Bond-street, held at a rental of £6 12s. 3d., and let on lease at £95 per annum, and 5a, Dering-street, held! on a Corporation Lease, renewable for ever, at a rental of £5 15a. per annum, let at £90 per annum, with early reversion to increased rentals. Particulars of sale had׳ of Messrs. Apps and Son, solicitors, 7, South-square, W.C.; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 34, St. Martin’s-lane, Charing-cross, W.C. MR. F. H. B. RIDDLE, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT. 72, PARK-ST, GROSVENOR-SQUARE, W. Late and for many years with Messrs. Trollope as Auctioneer, and Manager of their West Halkin-street Agency Department. All matters of business with which Mr. Riddle may be favoured will receive his careful personal attention. 1899. Sales by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, E.C., will be held by Messrs. PHESTERTON and SONS, on the following dates:-־ Thursday, July 13 | Thursday. Nov. 2 | Thursday, Dec. 14. And on other days by arrangement. Particulars and terms for inclusion of freehold and leasehold estates, ground rents, shops, houses and land may be had on application to the Auctioneers, at their Offices. 51. CHEAPSIDE, E.C.. and KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET, W. Telephone No. 5466 Bank. In the centre of the CITY OF BRADFORD. Market-street, Bridge-street, and: Leeds-road. Exceedingly valuable and important Freehold Property, situate ii the very centre of the City, close to the Town Hall andl Exchange, and haying extensive frontages to Market-street, Bridge-street; and LeedS-ioad. MESSES. HERDER and SONS will Offer 1Y_L for Sale Dy Auction, at the Bradford Mechaaics Institute, on Thursday, July 13, 1899, at 5.30 m ill; afternoon precise'y, the. above very valuable FRO-PRRTY in the following or such other Lots as may be agreed upon at the time oi sale: — Lot 1 —The exceedingly important and valuable FREEHOLD CORNER PREMISES, situate at the junc.,ion of Market-street and Bridge-street and known as No. 1, Market-street, and No. 17, Bridge-street, and comprising an extensive shop with basement thereunder, and upper floors above, now m the occupation of Messrs. John Dale and Co., Ltd. This Lot has a frontage of 55ft. 4in. to Market-street and Bridge-street, and contains (including a portion of the joint or common yard, as shown on the sale plan) an area of 108 square yards or thereabout. Lot 2—The very valuable and important SHOP and PREMISES, with offices, show rooms, cellaring and! upper floors, being No. 77, Market-street, afore said¡, and now in the occupation of Messrs. Henry Leggott and Co. This Lot adjoins* Lot 1, and has a frontage to Market-street of 30ft. 6in.. and contains (including a portion of the said' joint or common yard as shown on the sale plan) an area of 117 square yards or thereabouts. Lot 3.—The valuable SHOP and SHOW ROOMS, with cellaring thereunder and several floors above, being Nos. 73 and 75, Market-street, aforesaid, and now in the occupation of Messrs. Henry Leggott and Co. This Lot adjoins Lot 2, and! has a frontage to Market-street of 30ft. 6in., and contains (including a portion, of the said joint or common yard as shown on the sale plan) an .area of 150 square y Lot 4°-TherveryUvtluaI,le SHOPS and PREMISES, being Nos. 19 and 21, Bridge-street; also the Office., known as No. 1, Leeds-road', with extensive ware-housing, andl a small area of Building Land, available for extension in the rear, now in the occupations of Messrs. John Dale׳ and Co., Ltd., Mrs. I. Walsh, and Mr. E. P. Dove. This׳ Lot adjoins Lot 1. and has a frontage of 71ft, to Bridge-street and Leeds-road, and contains (includ'ing a portion ol the said joint or common yard, as snown cn the sale plan) an area of 398 square yards or thereaoouts. The water closets, urinal andl ashpit slmwn on this Lot on the sale plan will be subject to rights ot user, etc., as provided! for in the conditions ot Sa׳riie above estate is in the very centre of the city, close to the Town Hall and! Exchange, and forms one of the most important and desirable properties which has been offered! for sale in Bradford for some time. It is situated at the junction of three of the most important thoroughfares, and comprises one of t-lie finest-if not tho finest—sites in the centre, of the town for business purposes, whether in the shape of public or other offices, shops, warehouses, etc., and is well/ worthy of the attention of capitalists and ,investors seeking safe and remunerative investments, whether regarded from its present position andl the rentals arising therefrom, or as a site for reconstruction and rebuilding, for which purpose the property offers a situation which is unequalled in the town. Printed particulars and1 conditions of sale, with lithographed plians of the above-mentioned! properties. are in course of preparation, and will be ready for distribution a fortnight before the sale, and m the meantime further particulars and information may be obtained from the Auctioneers, East-parade Leeds; from Mr. William Wilcock, surveyor. 9. Leeds-road:, Bradford: or of Gardiner and Jeffery solicitors, 13, Cheapside, Bradford. gtale« bir Ahcttoru In the High Court of Justice, Ohance*y Division. Mr. Justice Kekewich, 1870, S, No. 54.—In the matter of the estate of Sykes v. Smith— STRAl-FORD, STEPNEY and WANSTEAD.—To Brewers and others.—Valuable Freehold Investments, arising out of Licensed Properties. ME. EDWARD ERNEST HARDING (of the firm of Messrs. TOPLIS and HARDING) is instructed to Sell (with the approbation of the said Judge), at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.G. on Friday, July 7, at Twelve o’clock punctually, m Three Lots, valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, as UThe 1 CASTLE PUBLIC-HOUSE, LEYTON-ROAD, STRATFORD, together with the adjoining Premises, No. 1. Chobham-road, and1 No. 154, Leyton-road. Let• on lease and agreement at rentals amounting to £1tLPLORD RAGLAN PUBLIC-HOUSE, ST. ANN'S ROAD, STEPNEY. Let on lease expiring June 24 next at the moderate rental of £120 per annum. The FIR TREES PUBLIC-HOUSE, HER MON-HILL WANSTEAD. Let on lease having 21 years unex pired at £50 per annum. . , , Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Robbins, Billing and Co.., solicitors, 218, Strand, W.C.; of W. W. Box, Esq., solicitor, 28, Great James-street, W.C.; and of Messrs Toplis and Harding, 66, Cannon-street, E.C. Stale« Bit Auction. SUSSEX, about ten minute־’ walk from the village of Wisborougli-green, two nines from Billmgs-hurst Station on the main line of the L.B. and S.C.K., 70 minutes by rail from London.—A choice and compact Freehold Estate, known as Oriole Farm in the centre of a good hunting district, with capital fishing in the river Arun, and com prising perhaps some of the most picturesque scenery in the Weald. The house, which is approached by carriage drive through park-like meadow land studded with ornamental timber contains three reception, six bed rooms, etc., sur■ rounded by gardens of nearly an acre; also three modern cottages, ample farm buildings, and Ln■ closures of grazing, meadow and arable land extending to about 194 acres.—Which Jane 29, 1899, in One Lot, at Two o’clock. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Bartlett and Young solicitors, 19, Notting'iam-road, Loughborough Leicestershire; at Ihe Mart; and of the Auctioneer, Wisborough-green, Billingshurst, Sussex. HEADLEY HANTS, in the favourite districts of Hindhead and Liphook, 34 miles from Liphool Station, L. and SAV. Railway^ ־tractions from Sir Archibald K. Macdonald, Bart, to Sell by Auction, at the Anchor Hotel, Liphook, on Saturday, July 15. 1899, at Four o’clock precisely, in lots, an outlying portion of the Wooimer Lodge Estate, known as Headley Mill Farm, comprising old-fasuioned Farmhouse, two Homesteads, Mill House Water Corn Mill, and 1834 acres of Freehold Land, prettily timbered, lovely scenery, dry soil, southern aspect, and close to village and church. Particulars of Messrs. R. and L. Du Cane, solicitors, 1 Gray’s-inn, London., W C.; of Messrs. Collier and Son, estate agents, Godalming; and of the Auctioneer Farnham, Surrey. - tion, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., in every Month of the year, in which may be included FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, and also STOCKS, SHARES and DEBENTURES. Vendors are invited to send particulars at least 21 days prior to the date of sale. Inclusive terms on receiving instructions. Auction and Estate Offices, 9, Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. Telephone No. 170 Avenue. SANDECOTES ESTATE. PARKSTONE.-Important Sale of 52 Freehold Building Sites—Charmingly situate on the above beautiful and rapidly developing estate, and suitable for the erection of detached villas of a size now much in demand in this neighbourhood, and including a magnificent site for a first-class residential hotel. Gravel and sand subsoil. Charming climate. Conveyances or leases at purchaser’s option at moderate charges. Roads made and water mains laid at expense of the owners. The estate is within easy distance of postal and te'egraph offices, excellent shops and places of worship. Within three minutes’ walk of Parkstone Station on the London and South-Western Railway, whence there is direct express communication with London, West of England, Midlands and the North. TV/TESSRS. HANKINSON and SON ao-e m-lYl structed by the Owners to Sell by Auction, in a Marquee on the Estate, on Thursday, June 29, 1899 commencing at Two p.m. precisely, the above VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING SITES. Luncheon at One o’clock sharp. Tickets of the Auctioneers. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs. Overbury and Steward, solicitors, Norwich; the ESTATES GAZETTE Office, 6, St. Bride-street. London, E.C.,; and of the Auctioneers, Richmond-chambers, Bournemouth, In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Mr. Justice Kekewich, 1870, S, No. matter of the Estate of Sykes v. Smith.—STRAT FORD and WANSTEAD.—Valuable Freehold Properties, producing (actual and1 estimated) £238 per annum, and- a Freehold Building Site. MR. EDWARD ERNEST HARDING (of the firm of Messrs. TOPLIS and HARDING) is instructed to Sell (with the approbation of the said Judge), at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, ״uly 7. at Twelve o’clock punctually, in Twelve Lots, valuable FREEHOLD SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES, being Nos. 126 to 140 (even numbers), Leyton-road, Stratford; Nos. 9 to 12 (even numbers), Oastie-street Leyton-road. producing (actual and esrtmated) £208 per annum; also a valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE, with frontages of 75ft. 6in. to Chobham-road, and 105ft. to Heaton-place, Leyton-road, and comprising an area of about 8,000 square feet, togetaei with the old buildings at present thereon, being Nos 2 to 5, Chobham-road, and Nos. 6 to 11. lleaton-place. Also a desirable FREEHOLD PfiOl ERTY, known as Mary’s Cottage, Hermon-hill, Wanstead, containing seven rooms and! kitchen, yard witn stable, and¡ coach-house. Let at £30 per annum. Particulars- and conditions of sale may be obtained as above.____________________________________ £T the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Mr. Justice Kekewich, 1870, S, No. 54.—In the matter of the Estate of Sykes v. Smith.-SI RAT-FORD and STEPNEY.—Freehold Ground Rents, amounting to £104 10s. per annum MR. EDWARD ERNEST HARDING (of the firm of Messrs. TOPLIS andl HARDING) is instructed to Sell (with the approbation of the said Judge), at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, July 7, at Twelve o’clock punctually, in Light Lots, valuable FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, amounting to £104 10s. per annum, secured upon Nos. 142 to■152 (even numbers), Leyton-road, Stratford; A׳׳ 19 (consecutive numbers), Railway-terrace, Heaton place, Leyton-road; and Nos. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 13, 1U 25• Z7 29 31 and 33 St. Ann s^road Stepney. Rack rentals amount to £747 per annum. Reversion m terms varying from 214 years to 74i years. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained as above. _______________,__ Messrs. C W. DAVIES & SON, Auctioneers, Yaluers, Estate Agents, &c., 15, UPPER STREET, ISLINGTON. Established 1837. SALES BY AUCTION are held periodically * at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, m which proper-ties can be included at moderate and fixed cnarges. SALES BYXUOTWN AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc., of Furniture, Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Estates Managed and Rents Collected. Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Mortgage PSf C W. Davies and Son also undertake SALES and LETTINGS by Private Treaty. Auction and Estate Offices, 15, Upper-st., Islington. Bv order of the Trustee.—GREEN-LANES.—Long Leaseholds. ־MESSRS. 0. W. DAVIES and SON will SeJ 1VX by Auction, at the Mart, E.G., on Tuesday, June 27, at Two, Nos. 36, 38, 40 and 48, GREEN-LANES, N. Three let at £33, and one at £32. (term 61 years-, at moderate ground rents.—N. Noel Simsbury Esq., solicitor, 89, Chancerydane, W.C.; Jas. Oornford, Esq., solicitor, 68a, Lincoln s-inn-iields, W.C. Auctioneers’ Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. GREEN-LANES and STOKE NEWINGTON.-Occupa-tion or Investment. MESSRS. 0. W. DAVIES and SON will Sell. by Auction, at the Mart, E.0״ on Iffiesday, June 27, at Two, Nos. 18, 20, and 22, ADEN-GROVE, Green-lanes, N.; two let at £36, and one at £8״ per annum; unexpired term 71 years; low graunu rents Also No. 69, Park-street, Ohurch-street, Stoke Newington; for sale with possession; estimated rent. £34 per annum; term 69 years, at £5 os. 1 ar ticulars as above. ______ CLERKENWElL.—By order of the Executors.—Desirable Short Leasehold Investments. MESSRS. C. W. DAVIES and SUN will boll by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, June 27, at Two, Nos. 3 and 8. MYDDELTON-SOUAKE. Each let at £65 and £60 respectively. Term 13 years, at £5 Is. 4d. ground rent each.—I articulars of Messrs. F Kim-ber Bull and Duncan, solicitors, 65, Wathng-street, E.O.; and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, 10, Upper-street, N. __________ M ESSEX-ROA1), ISLINGTON.—Long leasehold Invest-mentS• ״ .. ESSES. C. W. DAVIES and SON will Sell —by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on luesahiy, June 27, at Two, the THREE LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 24, 26 and 28, William-street, St. Peter-street let and producing £88 per annum. Term 46 years, at £14 on the whole.—N. >oel Stans-bury Esq., solicitor, 89, Chancery-lane, W.C. Auctioneers’ Offices, 15. Upper-street, N. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. PEG. GOULD SMITH, SOJN and CO will Ij Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday June 30, at Two o c.ock precisely, the undermentioned Properties, viz.: , BELGRAVIA.—By order of Executors and Trustees! —Two Improved Ground Rents, amounting to £38 per annum, secured upon- No. 25, Eaton-place and stabling, and No. 6a, Ohesham-mews ; held Irom the freeholder for terms expiring 1924, at yearly ground rents of £12, and underleased, at £50 per annum, with reversions of 7J and 94 years respectively to the rack rentals, estimated at £410 per annum. Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Hedge, Kirby and Millett 11, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. CHELSEA.—By order of Executors.—1 or Occupation or Investment.—The desirable Residence, No. 36 Elm-park-road; held- for an unexpired■ term of 7״ years at £2 per annum.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs Nickinson and Co.. 51. Chancery־fa11־ e׳ W.C. Auction and Estate Offices, 2, Font-street, Belgrave Bv order of Executors, Trustees and others.— BRIXTON and OLAPHAM.—Freehold and Leasehold Investments. ... ״ ,, , , MR ED. HUGH HENRY will Sell by Auc tion at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, on Thurs-day June 29, 1899, at One o;clock precisely, the Allowing valuable PROPERTIES:— , BRIXTON (convenient for Nation).—Five Ion״ Leasehold week.y Houses, being Nos. 23 25, 27 29 and 31 Knowle-road, Brixton-road. Each containing eight rooms and offices. All let to good tenants, ana producing a gross rental of £216 per annum. Lease b3 years unexpired. Ground rent £5 10s. each house. —Solicitors, Messrs. Winter, Bothamley and Co., Id ^CTjAIHIAM* (near the new Clapham-commoa Electric Railway Station).—Leasehold weekly Properties, comprising No. 30, Park-crescent; lease 50 years; ground rent £3 per annum. Nos. 59, 61 and 63, Park-place, lease 45 years; ground rent £3 6s. 8d. each. Ihe whole let to good tenants at low rentals, amounting £97 10s. per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Gibson Usher and Co., Portugal-street-buildingSi Lincolns 11OLAPHAM.—High-class Freehold Investment, cour prising two freehold shops, in the best position oi the High-street, being Nos. 40 and 40a. Each let upon a repairing lease for 21 years, at rents amounting to £325 per annum—Solicitors, Messrs. Horsley and Weightman, No. 1, Guildhall-chambers, Basing hall-street. E.C. _ _ , , 0. .... CLAPHAM (close to Wandsworth-road Station).— Long Leasehold Villa-Residence, known as No. 9, Larkhall-rise, at present in hand. Rental value £55 Lease 65 years. Ground rent £3. Possession on com pletion. Solicitors, Messrs. Bell, Steward, May an׳ How, 49, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. . . The properties can be viewed by permission, and particulars, with conditions of sale, obtained of the respective Solicitors; at the Mart; and at the Offices of the Auctioneer, 63. High-street״ Clapham. PADDINGTON and) IIOXTON.—Secure Investments. MESSRS. C. W. DAVIES and SON will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., cn Tuesday June 27, at Two o’ffiock, No. 6, BLOMk 1ELD-STREET, Upper West.bourne-terrace, W., let on lease at £60; term 43 years, ot £7 7s. And tne Leaselioid Premises, No. 63, Niie-street, Hoxton, producing £56 per annum. Also a Leasehold Ground Rent of £o per annum, arising out of the Prince Albert public-nouse, East-road, N., term 74 years, at £x7. W. E. Kersey, Esq., solicitor, 15, Tower-street, Ipswich. Auctioneers’ Offices, 15, Upper-street, N.__ IMPORTANT SALES. THE LAND COMPANY. 68, CHEAPSIDE, E.O., SOUTHEND and HERNE BAY. NORTON PARK ESTATE, ESSEX. Thursday, June 29, at One p.m. 128 choice Villa and Bungalow Plots. Commanding Hotel and Freehold Farmhouse. HIGHLANDS ESTATE, PITSEA, ESSEX. Tuesday, June 27, at 1.15 p.m. sharp. 98 valuable Bunding Sues, well situate on Tile Highest and Choicest Estate in District. Splendid Position for Villas and Cottages. CROWN AND STATION ESTATE, RAYLEIGH, ESSEX. July 6. Clearance of V ilia and Shop Plots. Extensive Frontages and. excellent Depths. Bricks on the Estate and Houses needed. THE WOOTENS PARK ESTATE, LAINDON. Tuesday, July 4, 1899, at 1.30 p.m. prompt. 167 Capital Building Plots. Within easy distance of the Station on the Main Line to Southend-on-Sea, about 23 Miles from the City. Cheap Season Tickets. Fast Train Service. Choicest Sites in the locality. High elevation. Grand panoramic views. TILBURY PARK ESTATE, TILBURY, ESSEX. Wednesday, June 28, at One p.m. prompt. 51 Long Leasehold Houses and Shops and 89 Choice Freehold Building Plots. Close to Station and Docks. Improving Locality. Worth Special Consideration and- Attention. WESTERN ESPLANADE ESTATE, HERNE BAY, KENT. Mondhy, June 26, at 1.30 p.m., in Public Hall. 77 Valuable Plots for Residences and Shops. The Estate of the Town, facing the Sea. Tenants waiting to pay good Rents. LEWISHAM.—College-park. TV/TESSRS. RICHARDSON and' BOOTH wi IVi Sell by Auction, at the Plough Hotel, High-street, Lewisham, on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at 7.1o p m precisely, the desirable LEASEHOLD semi-detached RESIDENCE, No. 4, Clarendlon-road, College-park Lewisham, let to a long-standing tenant at the ־moderate rent of £40 per annum; held for 584 years unexpired at £5 ground rent. Particulars, with conditions of sale, had of Henry G. Stevens, Esq., solicitor, Cross-liill, Shrewsbury; the place of sale; and of the Auctioneers, London-street, Greenwich. IN THE BOROUGH OF SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, Almost adjoining Earl’s Hall, and near the Priory. Within ciose proximity of three railway stations. A Valuable Portion of the Charming Earl’s Hall Rise Estate At 1.30 p.m,, on׳ Wednesday, July 5. It comprises some of the choicest Land in the district for the immediate erection of villas, cottages, and shops. Properties for Immediate Sale at LEIGH-ON-SEA. PRITTLEWELL. SOUTHEND, SHOEBURYNESS, LAINDON, BILLERICAY, Etc. Sales by Auction three times per week. Easy Payments. Immediate Possession. Plans, Particulars and Conditions sent Post Free. Apply at once to THE LAND COMPANY, 67 and 68, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. DEBENHAM, STORR ftND SONS, LTD. PUBLIC SALES almost daily throughout the year in two spacious rooms, of diamonds, ornaments, rubies, pearls, expensive watches, old family plate, miniatures, medals, pictures, lace, sables, etc. Special attention given to the sale of jewellers’., pawnbrokers’, and other businesses in all parts of the country. Valuations of trade stocks for probate or division. Arbitrations. Auction sales of landed property. House agency and compensation case3 6, KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON.