10'97 g: ale» im ^mettent. ТНЁ ESTATES GAZETTE, June 2J, 1899. To Close a Joint Estate. To Land Companies, Builders and Speculators. WALTHAMSTOW. Adjoining the Far-Famed Epping Forest; only Seven miles from the Bank of England, with exceptional railway facilities, there being a half hourly service of trains to the City throughout the d’ay and night, andl quarter-hour service morning and evening with express trains. There are also six workmen’s trains at 2d. the return journey between five and six o’clock in the morning, and train services to Gospel Oak and Stratford. The Important and Valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE being Cooke’s Folly (otherwise known as Belle Vue) situate in the Forest-road and Hale End-road, also the numerous enclosures of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND situate in the Wadham-road, Billett-road and Chingford-road, the whole comprising an area of about 155 acres, and possessing frontages of a mile and a half iO Parish Roads and about 3,000ft. to Epping Forest. Which will be Sold by Auction by Mr. on Monday, July 3, 1899, at Two o’clock, in nine lots.. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale maybe obtained of Messrs. W. Houghton and Son, Solicitors, 56, New Broad-street, E.C.; and at Bridge-chambers, Hoe-street, Walthamstow; of Messrs. H. and J. E. Underhill and Thorneycroft, Solicitors, Wolverhampton; of Edward Hilder, Esq., Solicitor, 36, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.; and of the Auctioneer, 58, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. ;Stale» brr WALTHAMSTOW. FREEHOLD SHOPS, . Occupying a central and commanding position in Hoe-street, almost opposite the Bakers’ Arms, at the corner of tihe Lea-bridge-road, with trams and omnibus service passing the property.—Mr. . .. Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, July 17, 1899, at Two o’clock, in 12 Lots, the TWELVE exceedingly valuable FREEHOLD HOUSES and SHOPS, situate and being Nos. 1 to 12, Florence-terrace, Hoe-street, ten of which are let on leases for 21 years, and1 two on agreement, the whole at present producing a rental• of £590 per annum, rising to £605 per annum. The above property comprises the imposing block of shops, situate between the Poplars-road־ and Griggs-road, Hoe-street, one of the most important business centres in this densely populated district, and therefore affords a UNIQUE and IMPROVING INVESTMENT. . Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Senior and Furbank, solicitors, Bank-chambers, Richmond, Surrey; and of the Auctioneer, 58, Old Broadlstreet, London, E.C. WALTHAMSTOW—On Prospect Hill. One of the best situations in the district, about ten minutes’ walk from Woodlstreet or Hoe-street Railway Stations —An attractive Detached RESIDENCE, known as Oakdale, 41, Prospect-hill, containing four good bed rooms, bath room (h. and1 c.), drawing, dining and morning rooms, good kitchen and offices, wine and coal cellars and! larder. Prettily laid out Garden, fully stocked; with fruit and rose trees, greenhouse fitted as photographic studio, dark room; fowl house and run, carpenter’s shop, and bicjrcle house. Long lease; moderate ground rent. —And will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. W׳ on Monday, July 17, 1899, at Two o’clock. With possession. . Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. W. Houghton and Son, solicitors, 56, New Broadrstreet, E.C., and1 at Bridge-chambers, Hoe-street, Walthamstow; and of the Auctioneer, 58, Old BroadLstreet, London, E.C. LITTLE THURROCK, GRAYS, about one mile from Grays and two from Tilbury Docks Stations on the L. T. and S. Railway. l\/rESSES. COBB will Sell by Auction, at 1VX the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Friday, July 7, 1899, at One for Two o clock, m Two Lots•—19a. 2r. 22p. of Excellent FREEHOLD LAND, with a pair of brick-built modern cottages thereon, situate adjoining the Globe Works, close to the thriving town of Grays; it contains a deep substratum of brick-earth, admirably suited for the manufacture of all descriptions of bricks and tiles for the London and local markets, besides which there are beds ot both sand and gravel, whilst the extensive frontage» to the Orsett and Tilbury roads are immediately available for building purposes, in the midst of a large and increasing industrial population, in a thriving commercial locality, where houses of all descriptions readily let at good rents, the whole forming a most valuable speculative property, capable of immediate, easy and profitable development at a small expenditure. Also the valuable FREEHOLD PREMISES, pleasantly situate adjoining the above, at the junction of the Orsett and Tilbury roads, comprising Tyrrell’s Hall, a comfortable family residence, of convenient and moderate size, with stabling, lawn, flower and walled-in kitchen gardens, etc., together with a compact and extensive homestead of agricultural buildings, admirably adapted for the business of a cowkeeper or dairyman; the whole has frontages of 500ft. to the Orsett-road, and 378ft. to the Tilbury-road, and covers an area of 3a. Or. 30p. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plans, may be obtained at the place of Sale; Queen’s Hotel, Grays; of F. Kemp-Smith, Esq., Orsett, Essex; Messrs. Arnold and Henry White, solicitors, 14, Great Marlborough-street, London, W.; and of Messrs. Cobb,, surveyors and land agents, 53, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London, W.C., and Higham, near Rochester, Kent. gtale» lm Aitctiom By direction of the Trustees׳ of the late Thoma3 Stevens, Esq. WHITECHAPEL, E. Immediately facing the London Hospital. High-class Investments in valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, consisting of a GROUND RENT of £100 PER ANNUM, amply •secured upon the CORNER FULLY-LICENSED PREMISES, being the STAR AND GARTER, No. 110, WHITECHAPEL-ROAD, with Shop adjoining and House in Court-street in the rear, with reversion to possession in about 16 years. Also the TWO SHOPS adjoining, being Nos. 108 and 109, W HITECH APEL-RO AD. Let on lease to Mr. Geo. Hunt, provision merchant (a tenant of many years’ standing), at the very moderate rent of £165 PER ANNUM. The above will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Wjfej on Monday, July 17, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Tw Lots. . . ״ , Particulars, with plan and conditions of sale ma. be had of Messrs. W. Houghton and Son, solicitors 56, New Broad'-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer 58, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. > EAST KENT. HARDRES, about four miles from the City of Canterbury, about 2£ miles from Bridge Station on the Elham VaPey line, in a good residential neighbourhood(, healthy and bracing climate, and an elevated position commanding varied and׳ extensive views over the surrounding lovely country and׳ the Ramsgate cliff si andl sea coast. Friday, July 7, 1899, at One for Two o’clock, in One or Five Lots, the valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as the Hardres Court Estate, viz.: — Lot 1.—A comfortable Residence of moderate size and inexpensive maintenance, known as Hardres Court, with extensive flower and kitchen gardens, prettily disposed־ shrubberies׳ and pleasure grounds, and park-like pastures, with bailiff’s house and five cottages, large homestead of agricultural buildings, and1 various Enclosures of Arable, Pasture and Fruit Land, lying compactly together in the parish of Upper Hardiest, the whole covering an area of 352a. lr. Ip. Lot 2.—51a. 3r. 9p. of productive Arable and Wood land, situate adjoining portion of Lot 1, and abutting on the Upper and Lower Canterbury roads. Lot 3.—Little Broxhiil Farm, a small eligible Holding of Hop, Arable, Pasture and Woodland, with House, Cottage, etc., situate adjoining portion of Lot 1, the whole covering an area of 29a. 2r. 22p. Lot 4—Cook’s and Pilot’s Farms, containing together 136a. 2r. 14p., with picturesque old-fashioned Farmhouse, agricultural buildings, pair of cottages, gamekeeper’s house, with pheasantry. etc., and1 various Enclosures of Arable, Pasture, .Fruit, w'ood, and well-sheltered Hop Lands, situate adjoin• ng portions of Lots 1 and 3, abutting good roads, about three miles from Canterbury. Lot 5.—An excellent Holding of Hop, Arable, Pas׳-ture, Fruit and! Woodland, with comfortable farmhouse. pair of cottages, and a compact homestead, including oast-house, known as Young’s Farm, situate a short distance from the church, covering an area of 104a. 2r. 25p. . The whole, which affords for its size some of the best partridge shooting in East Kent, is within easy reach of many of the meets of the East Kent Foxhounds, whilst the County Cricket Ground at Canterbury is situate about four miles distant and the Barham Golf Links about the same distance. The property will be first offered in One Lot, and if not so sold! will be immediately submitted as above. . . .. Possession of the greater portion, including the residence and woods, may be had on completion of the purchase, the remainder being let to good tenants at moderate rents. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plans and views, may be obtained at the place of Sale: the principal hotels in Canterbury and Ashford; of Messrs. Kingsford, Wightwick and Kingsford, solicitors. Canterbury; and Messrs. Cobb, surveyors and land agents, 53, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London, W.C., and Higham, near Rochester, Kent. WHITSTABLE.—The Clapham Hill Estate; Sixth Sale; every plot at the last auction having been sold; no tithe or land tax; immediate possession. MESSES. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will 1V1- Sell by Auction, in! a Marquee, on Mmiday next, June 26. :at Two, 175 Plots of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND. , Particulars, with, tickets for special tram (4s. eacb. returnable to purchasers) may be had of Messrs. Mills, Curry and Gaskell, solicitors, 11, Queen victoria-street, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers, 67 and 66, Cheapsidie, E.C. gtale» brr Arret ion. By order of Mortgagees and others. ME. PEED VARLEY will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.,on Wednesday July 5, at Two precisely . HIGHGATE-ROAD STATION.—Nos. 16 and 18, Y