1093 THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 24, 1899. SITUATIONS WANTED—CONTINUFD 1 lw gUtCttOU M__ . West-end firm, and conversant with, either town or country departments—Address “ A. B.’ (833), ESTATES GAZETTE, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. M־ ־ ־־־’ Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., every month; also lojal sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges. SALES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares, ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds. Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged. Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices as above. FULHAM. Choice Investments in Good Class Residential !Properties. ־jV/TESSRS. BOYTON, PE GRAM and BUCK- -L»*• MASTER will Sell by Auction, at the King’s Head Hotel, Walham-green, S.W., on Wednesday, July 12 next, at 7.30 p.m. in Lets, the following Long-Leasehold Tenace HOUSES, viz. Property. Rental. Un’xpir’d Term. Gr nd !Rent. 32, Fulham-park-gardens £36 About 80 y ears. £9 33, 34. „ .. £35 £44 4s. £9 gross. £9 ,35 .. ,, ״ ,36 £36 £9 £36 £9 22, Chesilton-road.MuE ster-pai 1 £38 £8 ״ ״ ,24 ,26 £38 £8 £38 £8 ״ ,48 £38 £8 ״ ״ ,50 £38 £8 ״ ״ ,60 £36 £8 16, Lilly vills־ioad,Mimster-parl £36 £8 ״ « .*1 £36 £8 Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the Solicitors, Messrs. Newman, Pay nter and Co., 1, Clement’s-inn, W.C.; Messrs. Hunters and Haynes, 9, New-square, Lmcoln’s-inn, W.C. ; or of the Auctioneers, Broadway, VV alham-gi een, S. W. Telephone No. “ 973, Kensington.” Preliminary Notice. CITY OF LONDON.—The newly-built and commanding Long Leasehold! Property, known as The Ship and Turtle, Leadenhall-street, together with the Goodwill of the world-renowned and old-established business of “ Painter’s,” where for centuries past the leading business in the turtle trade has been and still is carried! on. The premises, recently entirely rem.od'elled! and) rebuilt, are rendered capable oi doing a largely increased' trade, whilst the upper portion of the building, with its spacious passenger lift, with a portion of the ground floor, might be made available for banking, insurance, mercantile, or shipping uses, the prop_erty occupying, as it does, one of the most important and commanding positions in the heart of the City of London, close to the Bank of England and Royal Exchange. yard, E.C., on Friday, July 28, at Two o'clock precisely, the above important and' highly valuable FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTY, as a going concern, possessing a frontage of 44ft. to Leadenhall-street, with a side approach, and covering an area of 4.500 square feet; held! direct from the Freeholders for an unexpired' term of 63 years at a low ground1 rent. . , Further particulars will appear in future advertisements. In the meantime the property may be viewed by cards to be obtained of the Auctioneers. Particulars may be had of Messrs. Bennett and Co., solicitors, 68, Coleman-street; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 35, OldJ Jewry, E.C._______,____ On Friday, July 28. 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, by direction of the Executors of the late Mrs. Harrett Line. MILLWALT E.—Thirteen terrace Houses, 34 to 38. and 42 to 60, Havannah-street, West Ferry-road, producing £400 0s. per annum, together with a large contractors yard, with stabling for 28 horses, and two entrances. Let on lease for 21 years at __j0 per annum; held on two leases 41 and 55 years unexpired; ground rents £16 and £30.—Vendors’ Solicitor. E. J. Marsh. Esq., 71, East India Dock-road, and 2. Fen-court, E.C. WALTHAMSTOW, Essex.—Six desirable bay-windowed Houses, Nos. 34 to 40, and 50 and 52, Hasle-wood-road, Blackhorse-road, producing £163 16s. per annum, lease 80 years, ground rent £4 4s. each h_0״se—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Russell and Russell, 59, Coleman-street, E.C. SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.—Two double-frontage Residences. Albert Villa, Heygage-avenue, let at £40 per annum; and No. 4. Mildmay-terrace, Priuces-3treet, let at £30 per annum.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Telhurst, Southend. Auction Office, 218, East India Dock-road, Poplar, and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Telephone: Poplar, 272 Eastern; City^5,755 Avenue. NORFOLK.—NEW BUCKENHAM. Equi-distant between. Attleborough and׳ Tivetshall Stations. An exceptionally choice Freehold! Property, known as the Rookery Farm, New Buckenham, comprising a substantially erected and comfortable Family Residence, pleasantly situated in picturesque grounds and gardens; well-arranged riding stables, steward’s dwelling house, three sets of capital agricultural premises, three cottages, and 310a. lr. 13p. of highly productive arable and fine old pasture land, in an excellent state of cultivation, as occupied by Mr. Wm. How, under a lease for four years from Michaelmas, 1899, at the rent of £300 per annum. Also Fourteen and Six-fourteenths Common Rights, which late Joshua Womersley, Esq., to Sell by Auction, at the Board Room, Agricultural Hall. Norwich, on Saturday, July 22, 1899, at One o’clock in the afternoon. Further particulars, with plan and conditions of sale, may be had of the Auctioneers, Attleborough, Norfolk, and Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk; of William Womersley, Esq., solicitor, Norwich; and of Messrs. Cozens-Hardy and1 Jewson, solicitors, Norwich. Dates of Sales at the Mart. E.C., 1899. TV/TESSRS. ROGERS, CHAPMAN and 1YA THOMA.3 beg to announce that their SALES bv AUCTION of FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Reits. and other Securities, will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. E.C., on the following days, at Tvo precisely:— Tuesday, July 4. I Tuesday, September 12. Thursday, July 6 (1 o’clock). Tuesday, October 17. Tuesday. July 11. I Tuesday, November 21. Arrangements can be made for other dates if desired, and terms for the sale of house property, furniture, and' effects by auction, also for valuation for probate and other purposes, surveys, specifications, etc., may be obtained on application at the Auction and Survey Offices, No. 78, Gloucester-road. South Kensington, 50, Belgrave-rQad, S W., and Earl’s-court, S.W. F* senting principal, and taking sole charge when required; able negotiator and valuer, and quick auctioneer ; good connection in London, and long experience, gained«with well-known firm?, of country properties.farm sales, etc. -Address, “ B.,” 59,Lincoln-road, East Finchley, N. in well-known country land agent’s and auctioneer s nrm, accustomed to bookkeeping; sales, cataloguing, surveying, plan drawing,׳timber measuring and estate developing ; small salary.—Address “ M. G.” (.803), Estates Gazette office, 6, St Bride-street, E.C. W■ ______ nearly six years’ business experience including articles ; well-up in auction work, house letting, surveying and levelling, and general office mafcteis : highest references as to capabilities, etc. : age nearly 24.—Address, “ Market ” (831), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C.______________________________________________ A ״ _____ Paget Ky lands and Co., Cirencester. ־REQUIRED by thoroughly capable Clerk (28), RE-ENGAGEMENT with firm of audioneers, valuers and estate agents : 10 years’ good all-round experience with first-class Midland firm ; inventories, catalogues, clerking sales, negotiations, hotel transfers, stock gauging and testing; five years’ sole book-keepe׳ and cashier; moderate salary ; highest references.— “T. R.,” 19, New-stieet, Birmingham. jltisrdliuhaus ־DUILDING WORKS of every description -D measured and valued, accounts adjusted, town cr country, ai bit) ations, dilapidations, fire assessments: 25 years’ experience. Terms fair by agreement.-Ricbard Yates, 24, Larkfield-rcad, Richmond, London. 0.. ___, years as estate agency ; rent and taxes £15 ; incoming tenant must purchase a profit rental of £47 per annum : 26 years unexpired ; price £450, or near offer.-Apply. “ Vendor” (832), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. fjailmsljqrs. For PREPAID announcements the minimum charg. is 3s. for 50 words : three insertions for 7s. 6d. i GENTLEMAN, graduate of Cambridge il University, with sound practical experience, having been articled with a well-known firm ol auctioneers, surveyors, and valuers, and having capital at his command, is desirous of entering: a well-established business with a view to partnership ; highest references given and required.—‘‘ Cantab ’ (802!, Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride st ! street, E t ---------------- with two or three fiist-class films, desires to purcha*•*-a PARTNERSHIP in a w ell-established auctioneer’s, estate agent’s and surveyor's businesg.—Apply to “ K G.” v807;, Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. mo AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS.-- .1. Gentleman, aged) 22, with town and country experience, and* who has passed the Professional Associates’ examination, is desirous of entering a good׳ firm with an ultimate view to partnershp.— Apply “C.” (825), Estates gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. rpo AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS.— -L Partnership offered in well-established property, land, furniture and general business; flourishing and increasing town in North Wales; sound extensive connection amongst monied men, solicitors, tradesmen and1 general public; offices and large auction room; most central situation; if preferred would sell outright.—Further particulars from “ P.’ (830), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A UCTIONEER and SURVEYOR, City and xY seaside offices, with growing business, desiring assistance and1 more capital, will accept a PARTNER; amount required by incoming partner, £500.—Reply in first instance, “ Veritas,” Box 2 Horncastle’s, 61, Cheapsidfe, E.C. §a!cir Am Attcftcnt. Periodical Sales.—Established 1843. TV/TESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIEL1 > 1Y1 (successors to Marsh, Milner and Co.) conduct PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS (absolute and contingent), Life Interests and Annuities, Life Policies, Shares and Debentures, Mortgage Debts and Bonds, and Kindred Interests, on the FIRST and THIRD THURSDAYS m each month throughout the year, at the Mart, Token house-yard, E.C. The following are the appointments fixed for 1899: November 2 November 16 December 7 December 21 July 6 I September7 July 20 I September 2t August 3 I October 5 August 17 1 October 19 Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Telephone No. 999 Bank. MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS. ׳MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD 1V1 beg to announce that their MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart, Token-house-yard, E.C., on the THIRD WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH throughout the year. The appointments fixed for 1899 are as follows: — July 19 I September 20 I November 15 August 16 I October 18 I December 20 Vendors, solicitors and trustees having properties for sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Telephone No. 999 Bank SITUATIONS VACANT—CONTINUED. WANTED, JUNIOR CLERK in Surveyor’s VV office; must have knowledge of builder’s work, and be a good1 draughtsman.—Apply by letter, Chesterton and1 Sons, 140, Kensington High-street. piTY FIRM OF ESTATE AGENTS require services of energetic young man as CANVASSER; must have had experience.—Apply “ L. C. W.” (826), ESTATES GAZETTE• office, 6, St. Bride-street., E.C. WANTED, by a London Firm of Estate and House Agents and Auctioneers, ASSISTANT, about 25, with experience in keeping register, canvassing houses and boards in West-end1, inventories, and usual office work.—State age, experience and salary required׳.—“ H.” (827), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. YATANTED, JUNIOR CLERK in Auction V V and Estate Office, gentlemanly and educated, and with some experience.—Apply by letter, Chesterton and Sons, 140, Kensington High-street, W. AUCTIONEER and SURVEYOR requires xY CLERK, age about 22, one with some knowledge of architectural work preferred.—Reply, stating experience and׳ salary required, to “ F.S.I.,” c.1 o Clarke, Son and Platt, 85, Gracechurch-street, E.C. WANTED A FULLY QUALIFIED and experienced Surveyor in practice, F.S.I. by Examination, is open to undertake the MANAGEMENT of property, including the collection of rents, assessment of dilapidations, light and air and party wall questions, valuations, sanitan works, land and general surveying, and all matters connected with property management; would give full time if business sufficiently remunerative. Terim moderate, guarantee if required.—" Z.” (805), ESTATES Gazette office, 6. St. Bride-Street. E.C. ^O AUCTIONEERS, ETC.—Advertiser (age 20) requires situation as IMPROVER with established firm; served articles with leading stock auctioneers in Suffolk; excellent references; salary no object—“W. H. B” (809), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6. St. Bride-street, E.C. MR,. WALTER HUGHES, F.A.I., of Walsall, wishes to recommend a former pupil as CLERK or ASSISTANT to auctioneer and valuer with general practice; age 22; four years’ articles; one year’s further experience in Birmingham office; moderate salary.—Address A. J. Hall, Claremont, Lichfield. ______________ AN ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR in xY practice in Londton is willing to assist auctioneers and estate agents in plans, dilapidations, drainage work, etc.., on mutual terms, and¡ in client’s own name; correspondence treated strictly private. —“E.” (815), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. TO AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS J• and OWNER51.-Estate Manager, energetic, haidworking man, seeks APPOINTMENT ; surveys, dilapidations, sanitary work, rent collections ; experienced in the sale, purchase, and letting of property, and estate management and development: special knowledge of building estate wo^k. — Addr#1«0. “ Trusty.” (804) Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C._ ׳MANAGING CLERKSHIP.—Advertiser I׳I 28, of London expeiience, managing clerk to small but good class, and proepeiouR provincial firm (Surrey), is prepared to undertake MANAGEMENT of OFFICES, London or country, or would take control of good branch. Advertiser is thoroughly competent, well educated, of good appearance, and accustomed to con duct important business on his own responsibility.—Apply to “Freehold ” (798), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street. E.C, ______ RENT COLLECTING at very moderate charge.—Advantageous terms to estate manageis and others by mutual arrangement; experience anc integrity proved.—'“ A. H.,” 468, Edgware-road,London, W._______________________________________ mo LAND AGENTS AND SURVEYORS.— 1. Advertiser (aged 28) served articles with architect and surveyor, and since had seven years experience in a nobleman’s estate offices, desires appointment as SUB-AGENT or position of trust. Competent in land surveying, levelling, farm building? and repairs, and thorough knowledge of estate work generally; highest references.—Address, “ R.” (824), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. A DVERTISER (aged 30) having had over 12 xY years( practical experience in all branches ol the profession (town and country) desires responsible position in good firm; moderate salary; excellent references; free shortly.—Address “ T. D.” (811), Estates GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, Two Years ARTICLE'S, small premium, with auctioneer in provinces having good all-round business.—“ W.,” 1, Leice3ter־street, Leamington Spa. AUCTIONEERS M AN AULlN Cr (JL-itliiv m xY branch of old-established business near London, who has had) considerable experience in inventories, selling by auction, negotiating, etc.; steady, pushing, and persevering; married;, desires an ENGAGEMENT; first-class references from present employers and' others.—“ R.,” Lancaster House, W alton-on־Thames. Jriirbîi WANTED, a Gentlemanly Youth as ARTICLED PUPIL for the estate department of a well-established' business; no premium; every facility for learning the business; arrangements could1 be made for residing with principal if desired. —Apply “ H. P.,” 227, High-road, Streatham, S.W. ftaht tsm AUCTIONEER’S il country; large auction room; good! house and garden; low rent; only wants seeing.—Address “ S.,” at■ Horncastle’s, London. and Advertiser (20) requires sit auctioneer’s and estate agent’s situation, in ’s office as JUNIOR CLERK; 41 years' experience.—Address ״ K.” (819). ESTATES Gazette- office, 6. St. Bride-street, E.C. ADVERTISER, served articles, desires Situation with a first-class firm, having town and country practice; midlands or north preferred; good experience (3i years) in auction accounts, market and¡ sale room work; good׳ writer; fair knowledge shorthand.—" W. A..” c/o Durose Sutton and1 Co., The County Auction Mart, Bristol. ipo AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS J- VALUERS.—Two gentlemen (F.P.I.), thoroughly experienced, desire to PURCHASE established BUSINESS, in large provincial town preferred ; must show about £500 per annum net profit; replies treated in strictest confidence.—׳׳ Duplex ” (806), ESTATES Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. 5prnhssi0nal iTK) AUCTIONEERS and ESTATE AGENTS. J- —Advertiser (20). with good experience a-nd references, desires ENGAGEMENT; successful canvasser, neat tracer and bookkeeper; moderate salary. —Address “ G. T.,” 73. Wray-crescent, Tollington-park, N. ADVERTISER, six years, large City firm -*־k land agents and auctioneers, seeks APPOINTMENT ; good business man ; can write shorthand, and has a good all-round knowledge ; best references.— Address, “ A.” (872), Messrs. Deacon’s, 154, Leadenhall street, E.C. SURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINAIT TIONS.—BIRMINGHAM and’ MIDLANDS.—Messrs. Donne and RafEety, F.S.I. undertake the preparation of candidates for the Hand Agency sub-division of these examinations. Practical work may he seen on estate־.—Particulars and terms on application, 71, Temy.e-row, Birmingham._________________ PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION.—At the O 1899 examinations, Mr. Graham Mould’s pupils were successful to the extent of 89 per cent. (P.A,S.I.) and 100 per cent. (F.S.I.), 19 out of 20 candidates prepared by him being successful in whole or part, and only one failing. During the last four years all his fellowship student? have been successful. Particular attention paid to the valuation side. Former distinctions include the Special Prize, Penfold Silver Medal and Driver Prize.—Syllabus of classes from Mr. Graham Mould, F.S.I., 25, Greal James-streef, Bedford-iow. Telephone 228 Holborn lecture room, 3, John-street, Bedfoid-row. PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINA-O TIONS.—Complete Courses of Preparation in Class or by Correspondence, in all divisions and sub-divisions. At the last five examinations the following prizes were obtained1 by Mr. Parry s pupils:—1895 and1 1896 Institution Prize, Driver Prize and Penfold! Silver Medal; 1897 Institution Prize and Special Prize; 1898 Institution Prize, Special Prize, Driver Prize. Penfold Silver Medal and Crawter Prize (one of the two bracketed winners of the last); 1899, Institution Prize, Special Pme. Driver Prize. Penfold Silver Medal, and1 Penfold Gold Medai (all the prizes but one). More than half of the successful list were Mr. Parry’s pupils.—Apply to Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I.., A.M.I.C.E., etc., 27, Great George-street, Westminster (immediately opposite the Surveyors’ Institution). Telephone 680 Westminster. _ PURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMIN A-Kj TIONS. — Mr. Samuel Skrimshire. F.S.I. by examination, assisted in the law subjects by Mr Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, Author of the “ Law of Landed Estates.” the “ Law of Fixtures,” Editor of the “ Law and Practice of Dilapidations,” etc., prepares candidates for the above examinations in all divisions and sub-divisions. Complete course in class or by correspondence. Personal instruction. Driver Prize and Penfold silver medal.—Syllabus on application to Mr. Samuel Skrimshire. 100, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.— Auctioneers’ Institute Examinations.—Mr. Samuel Skrimshire, F.S.I.. and Mr. Sidney Wright, M.A., Barrister-at־Law, also prepare candidates for the examinations of this Institute. (Address as above.) SANITARY INSPECTORS. —EX AMIN A• TIONS for qualification under the SANITARY INSTITUTE. A qualified Surveyor, and holder of certificates of competency in sanitary knowledge and building construction, is prepared1 to coach Ladies and Gentlemen for these Exams, by correspondenee. Fees entirely conditional on the pupil’s success, payable after passing, bar a nominal guarantee of good faith.—Geo. B. Dafforn, P.A.S.I., 25, High-street, Wimbledon. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAMINA XX TIONS.—Preparation personally or by corre-spondence for the A.A.I. Exam, of March, 1900, by Mr J H. W. Wheeler, F.S.I., F.A.I., Assoc. Saint. Inst.; all the candidates prepared by Mr. Wheeler for the recent examination were successful, one obtaining honours.—For particulars address, 189, Fulham-road, South Kensington, S.W.____ A UOTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE EXAM- INAT10NS,1900—Candidates prepared by correspondence or in class. Seventh year. At the recent exam. ALL Mr Higgins’ pupils passed, one obtaining Institute Prize and two with honours. Syllabus of Mr. Ge״. Higgins, F.S.I. (by exam.), F.A.I., 12, Finehley-road, N.W. (Tel. 907, Paddington.) _________ ihtiiathms. [The charges for inserting PREPAID wanted adVer tisements under this head are as follows:—Under “ Vacant," 3s. for not more than 50 words for one insertion, or 7s. 6d. for three insertions NET; under “ Wanted,” 2s. 6d. for one insertion, or 6s. for three NET They must be sent direct to the office, and not transmitted through agents, or they will he charged1 at the usual rate, viz., 6d'. per line. Remittances in payment for announcements at this rate are not acknowledged¡ unless a stamped' envelope is sent, and if a copy of the paper is required, 3jct. in addition must be forwarded.) _ YACANT. lA/TBSSRS. EILOART and CO., of Radnor lVi Chambers, Folkestone, require a smart, intelligent, gentlemanly young fellow for inventories, insurance canvassing, and1 general routine.—Fullest particulars, including salary required, should! be stated! by letter. _______ MANAGER required to assist Surveyor and Estate Agent in large provincial city; must be well educated) and a skilful negotiator.—Address, stating age, experience and salary, “ Integrity" (828), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. WANTED, a good׳ all round Auctioneer’s and Vainer’s MANAGING CLERIC, m the Eastern Counties, one who has been used to working a register; capable of carrying through negotiations, and' taking control! of office (five clerks) in principal’s absence; an interest in the business might be secured.—“ A. B. C." (829), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.O.