Jtjnk 24, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 1092 licensed country hotel, situated on the Stratford-road, and abutting on to the river Avon, was first submitted. At the rear of the premises is a small brewery and stores, and on the opposite side of the road is a substantial modern building, licensed with the hotel, and comprising a large assembly room. Included in the lot is a retail shop, let at £8 per annum, and at the rear of that is a two-story building with a large assembly room. Boating and fishing business is attached to the premises. Bidding was commenced at £5,000, and the lot was eventually sold for £8,000. A freehold retail shop adjoining the White lion, let at £12 per annum, realised £250 ; and a similar amount was given for a piece of freehold building land, at Broom-road, Bidford, containing 7,240 square yards. Mr. Florance also submitted for sale the fully-licensed freehold public-house known as the New Moseley Arms, situated at the corner of Edwardes^street and Tindal-s'treet, at the junction of George-street, AVenman-street and Vincent-street, Balsall-heaith. The premises, which contain spacious wine and spirit vaults, and in the basement five beer and wine ' cellars, are let on repairing lease at £200 per annum. The property was eventually sold for the sum of £12,000. The freehold fully-licensed public-house known as the California Inn, on the main Northfield-road, California, near Har-borne, was sold for £3,000 ; and the Swan Hotel, Bridgnorth, a freehold property, and wine and spirit establishment, was withdrawn at £4,700. WESTMORLAND. On June 15 Messrs. Walton and Lee, of London, sold by auction, at Kirkby Lonsdale, the Lunefield Estate, consisting of the mansion house, park, home farm, the agricultural property of Holme Hall (perhaps one of the best holdings, in the county of Westmorland), and ihe well-known grass moor of Brownthwaite Fell and Smithy House, the total area being 800 acres. Thie property was sold for £27,500 to the trustees of the Underley Hall Estate. ■WILTSHIRE. At the Castle and Ball Hotel, Marlborough, on the 17th instant, Mr. T. Lavington offered a small copyhold property consisting of house and buildings (in disrepair), and 67a. 2r. 20p. of land, situated at Ogtoourne St. George, let at £30, ■tithes £11 16s., land tax £1, and other payments amounting to 45s., for £450. YORKSHIRE. On Monday, at the Bose and Crown Hotel, Longwood, Messrs. Eddison, Taylor and Booth sold a close of freehold land known as Long Field, New Hey-road, Salendine Nook, and containing an area of la. 3r. 8p., for £275 ; and nine leasehold dwelling houses at Sunny Bank, numbered 21 to 37, Longwood-gate, Longwood, containing an area of 360 square yards, 999 years’ lease, from November 1, 1858, ground rent £2 10s., for £915. Messrs. Hall and Co. were the solicitors acting on behalf of the vendors. Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold by auction, at the Mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, on June 20, the farmstead at Jeffery-green, containing 2a. 3r. 34p., for £550 ; Brownhi'U’s Close of la. 3r. 5p., for £91 ; Upper and Lower Intake, Lodge Moor, 5a. 33p., for £235 ; Upper and Lower Blackburn, 5a. Ir. 28p., £250 ; Oak Knowle, Ful-wood, la. 3r. 26p., £130 ; 11 freehold houses and filecutber’s shop, Nos. 3 to 5, Gilpin-street, and Nos. 1 to 7, Court 1, gross rent £103 7s., £1,400 ; residence, No. 22, Yictonia-road, Broomhall-park, held for 800 years from 1868 at a ground rent of £9 5s., £900 ; and five cottages at Holmly, Coal Aston, £245. Messrs. Bodgers, Thomas and Sandford, Messrs. Bur le-kin, Benson and Burdekins, Messrs. Clegg and Sons, and Messrs. Watson, Esam and Barber, of Sheffield, were the solicitors concerned. At the Boyal Station Hotel, Hull, on June 20, Messrs. AV. N. Lewendon and Son sold the Aston Hall freehold Estate, situate at North Ferriby, in the East Biding, comprising mansion, greenhouses, stabling, cottages and grounds of 17a. 2r. 9p., for £10,000. Messrs. Stamp, Jackson and Birks, of Hull, were the vendor’s solicitors. On Tuesday last, Mr. Bobert Gray, of Whitby, offered for sale, at the White Horse Hotel, Whitby, a freehold farm of eight acres, situate near Whitby, rent £27, which was sold for £780. Messrs. Thornton and Taylor were the vendor’s solicitors. WALES. On the 17th instant, at the York Hotel, Bridgend, Mr. Michael Davies offered a freehold marine residence close to the ruins of Ogmore Castle, with large garden, stable and coach-house, which was withdrawn at £1,250. The solicitor was Mr. W. E. Lewis, Bridgend. The ESTATES GAZETTE can be obtained of our City Agents, Messrs. POTTLE and SON, Royal Exchange. At the Plough Inn, Sileby, on the 19th instant, Messrs. Whittle and Attenborough so׳ld three closes of freehold meadow and accommodation land in Barrow-road, Sileby, containing about eight ■acres, at £75 per acre. On the 20th instant, at the Bell Hotel, Melton Mowbray, the same firm sold a close of accommodation or building land at Mel'ton Mowbray, containing about six acres, for £1,270. The solicitors were Messrs. Woolley, Beardsley and Bos-worth, and Mr. Joseph Hands, of Loughborough. Messrs. T. and G. Harrold sold by auction, at the George Hotel, Hinckley, on June 15, two pieces of building land, having a frontage of 211ft. to Butt-lane, Leicester-road, containing 3a. 3p., for £600. Mr. Sydney Guest Hooper, of Dudley, was the solicitor concerned. LINCOLNSHIRE. Messrs. S. and G. Kingston held a sale of freehold land at the Bed Lion Hotel, Spalding, on June 20. A parcel of arable land hounded by the highway leading from Spalding to Hol-beach, 2a. 3r. Ip., sold for £250 ; 7a. 2r. 14p., by Holbeach-road, £445 ; 11a. 8p., adjoining, £500 ; 6a. Ir. 6p., adjoining, ±/-+80 ; 17a. It. 29p., by Holbeach-road, withdrawn at £1,010 ; and 6a. 3r. 20p., by Ashtree-lane, sold for £560. Mr. Leopold C. Harvey, solicitor, Holbeach, acted in the sale on behalf of the vendor. NORFOLK. At the Star Hotel, Great Yarmouth, on June 13, Mr. Wm. Gambling sold five freehold dwelling houses, let and producing £7 16s. per annum each, for £275 ; on the following day he offered a small freehold farm of 35a. Ir. 14p., in the parishes of Catfield and Sutton, which was withdrawn at £850 ; an! enclosure of 7a. 1 r. 12p. of arable land, in the parish of Ludham, sold for £210 ; an arable field, in the parish of Hemsby, containing 3a. 2r. 36p., for £135 ; and an enclosure of accommodation land, containing 53 rods, for £22 10s. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. At the Bed Lion Inn, Moreton Pinkney, on the 19th instant, Messrs. Maequire and Merry sold a freehold farmhouse, Moreton Pinkney, with yard, stabling, shop, etc., let at £12, for £290 ; a close of pasture land known as the Moor, containing about four acres, for £450 ; two freehold cottages, Hogg-lane, Moreton Pinkney, with gardens, bam, orchard, etc., gross rental £10 13s., for £220 ; three closes of accommodation land, two of which are pasture and one arable, known as Jeffrey’s Closes, containing about 15 acres, tithe rentcbarge £1 16s. Id., for £800 ; and a close of accommodation pasture land, known as Brook Close, containing about five acres, for £455. The solicitor was Mr. W. Whitton, Towcester. At the Hind Hotel, Wellingborough, on the 14th inátant, Messrs. Pendered and Son sold two freehold houses, Nos. 154 and 156, Mill-road, Wellingborough, gross rental £33 16s., for £450 ; about £2,000 worth of shares, stocks and debentures׳ in high-class looal companies ; and a freehold shop, dwelling house and workshop, Market-street, Wellingborough, for £2,000. A close of freehold accommodation land at Earls Barton, containing -about 16 acres, realised £660. The solicitors were Messrs. Burnham, Son and Lewin, and Messrs. Shar-man, Jackson and Archer, of Wellingborough. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At the Mart, No. 27, Bridlesmith-gate, Nottingham, on the 21st instant, Messrs. Morris and Hace sold a fully-licensed freehold public- ) bouse, known as the Fox and Owl, Upper Parliament-street, Nottingham, with yard, brew-house, stabling, hay lofts, etc., for £5,500. The solicitors were Messrs. Freeth, Baws'on and Cartwright, Nottingham. Mr. Thomas Warwick submitted for sale, at his¡ Mart, 32, Mark-street, Nottingham, on June 20, the freehold beerhouse, known as the Bose and Croira Inn, in Count-street and New-ark-lane, together with No. 3, Count-street, the business having, been carried on for over 100 years, which sold for £1,900. Mr. A. G. Whitworth, solicitor, Nottingham, was concerned on behalf of the vendor. RUTLAND. Messrs. Boyce conducted a sale, on June 15, at the Crown Hotel, Oakham, and sold a house, with garden in front and. out-buildings in Melton-road, annual rental £16, for £360 ; the residence adjoining, for £520 ; 1,061 square yards of building land, fronting Melton-road, for £160 ; and 1,085 square yards adjoining, for £145 ; the butcher’s shop and house in Northgate-street, with cottage and buildings, annual rent £34 2s., sold for £300 ; two houses in Northgate-street, let at £35 a year, for £325 ; and 788 square yards of garden or building land in the rear, £90. The property is copy-hold of the Manor of Oakham. Messrs. Adam and Son, solicitors, Oakham, acted on behalf of the vendor. WARWICKSHIRE. On June 20 Mr. J. AY. Florance held an important sale of freehold public-house properties at his office, 6, Temple-row West, Birmingham. I The AVhite Lion, Bidford, a freehold fully- 1 five cottages, etc., land tax £2 18s. 6d., tithes £16 10s., for £5,000, exclusive of timber, which was valued at £250. The solicitors were Messrs. Church, Bendell, Todd and Co., 9, Bedford-roW, AV.G ESSEX. At the Corn Exchange, Colchester, on the 17!bh instant, Messrs. Fenn and Co. offered the Abberton House Estate, with Badcock’s Farm, containing over 180 acres, which was׳ withdrawn at £6,000 ; White House Farm, with residence and premises, containing in all about 53 acres, sold for £1,100 ; a freehold enclosure of arable land, containing over six acres, for £250 ; a dwelling house, farm premises and two enclosures of arable land of 31 acres, for £510 ; Holly Tree Cottage, for £100 ; a freehold dwelling house, known as Bottle Hall or Kettles, and an enclosure of arable land, the whole containing about 12 acres, for £300 ; a freehold enclosure of arable land, containing about two acres, for £70 ; and a freehold cottage, gross rental £9, for £105. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. _ Messrs. Young, Howes׳ and Co. sold by auction, at the Lamb Hotel, Cheltenham, on June 8, the following freehold property situate at Bishop’s deeve, near Cheltenham : —The Home Farm, comprising house, outbuildings, pasture land, and orcharding, containing 31a. 3r. 32p., for £2,250; the opposite piece of orchard or accommodation land, la. Or. 17p., for £150 ; three cottages and gardens, with an apportioned yearly rental of £21, for £250; a piece of orchard or accommodation land, 2a. 3r. 30p., £285; a close of pasture land, 12a. Or. 30p., £300 ; and a small parcel of orchard land, Ir. lOp., £31. Messrs. Guscotte, Wadham and Bradbury, of 19, Essex-street, Strand, AV.O., r,nd Mr. Probyn Dighton, of Cheltenham, were the vendor's solicitors. At the King’s Head Inn, AVhitehall, on June 12, the same firm sold five freehold cottages and gardens, situate in AVtiitehalLraad, for £750. Messrs. Bobbett Bros., of Corn-street, acted as solicitors to the vendors. On Tuesday evening, at the King’s Arms Hotel, Kingswood, the dooible-fronted dwelling house and shop, adjoining Ducie-parade, Two - mile - bin, sold for £500. Messrs׳. Tarr and Arkell, of S:t. Stephen’s-street, were the solicitors concerned. On Wednesday evening, at the Portcullis Hotel, Staple-hill, a cottage, with large gardlen, situate at College-road, Fishponds, sold for £225 ; a semi-detached! dwelling house, situate at North-street, Downend, for £290. Messrs. O. Bush and Bush were the solicitors concerned. At the Crown Inn, Longwells-green, on! Thursday evening, a dwelling house and 5i: acres of land, situate at Hanham-green, sold for £760 ; a small piece of pasture land, £65 ; and a piece of accommodation! land, at North-common, £320; dwelling house, o it-buildings, and orchard, at Jefferies-hill, Han-ham, £520 ; and a piece of accommodation land at Longwells-green, £800. Messrs. B. AV. Nurse and Messrs. Atchley, and Messrs. G. Bush and Bush were the solicitors concerned. LANCASHIRE. At the Bull Hotel, Preston, on June 20, bhe Barton Hall Estate was offered to auotio” bv Mr. T. Dewhurst (Dewhurst and Sons). The estate is in one of the best pastoral districts of Lancashire, being situated about four miles north of Preston■ and close to Broughton station on the London and North-Western Bailway. The manor of Barton is a very ancient one, and descended from the Bartons, who were the territorial lords, to the Shuttleworths, of Gawthorpe, from whom it was purchased in 1834 by Mr. George Jacson, the father of the late owner. Bidding for the mansion and 395 acres of land commenced at £10,000, and the property was eventually sold to Mr. Alderman AV. Smith, of Newsbam House, for £25,000. The remainder of the estate was sold in lots, 17 in all, at prices ranging from £4,000 to £500. The whole estate, which comprises some 540 acres, realised about £39,600. LEICESTERSHIRE. At the Village Hall, Syston, on the 16th instant, Air. J. T. Alain sold a close of grass land, Queniborough, containing about seven acres, let at £18, at £52 per acre ; a dose of grass land, System, containing about 6g acres, let at £3, at £78 per acre ; a close of arable land, called the Isle Moor Close, Syston, containing about six acres, at £47 per acre ; a freehold house, with shop and outbuildings, let at £35, withdrawn at £640 ; a freehold house and grocer’s shop, the Green, Syston, with stabling, etc., let at £40 4s., sold for £1,000 ; two freehold houses, the Green, gross rental £30 11s., and four freehold cottages, gross rental £26 8s. 8d., for £700 ; three freehold cottages, High-street, Syston, gross rental £25 2s. 8d., for £210 ; a freehold orohard, containing about two acres, let at £30, for £400 ; a plot of freehold building land, AVellington-sitreet, Syston, containing about 504 square yards, at 2te. 7d. per yard ; and a plot of freehold building land, AA’elldngton-street, containing about 387 square yards, at Is. 2d. per yard. The solicitor was Air. Bicbard Marriott, Nottingham. PRO YIN CI AL PROPERTY SALES. The -Editor will feel obliged if Auctioneers and Agents will forward a copy of the particulars of ׳sales in which they ■are interested MARKED with the prices realised, in order that an accurate record of dealings in Land anti House Property may appear in this department. These must reach us by THURSDAY to ensure insertion, in the current issue. BEDFORDSHIRE. On Tuesday Messrs. Driver and Co. offered 4¿ acres of building land lying between Leighton Buzzard railway station and Linslade Church to the east, and with very satisfactory result, realising £3,150, due chiefly to the cpmpetition between a land syndicate and a local res dent. Twelve plots of building land were then offered on the opposite side ■of the same Sbatiou, and realised £812. As indicating the improvement of values in this neighbourhood, we find that the price per yard realised on■ Tuesday is exactly double the price obtained for similar sites on the opposite side of this road six years ago by the same firm. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Air. Joseph Johnson conducted a sale at the Bose and! Grown Hotel, AVisbech, on June 10. The room was crowded, and there was some spirited bidding. Two freehold tenements, with gardens and nine acres of pasture land, known as A'irginia A\Tater, in Oldfield-lane, let at £27 a year, for £560 ; the orchard adjoining, 4a. Ir. 7p., let at £30 per annum, for £690 ; 2a. 2r. Ip. of garden land, on South Brink, rent £10, £270 ; 26a, 2r. 4p. of pasture and arable land, adjoining Nettlebank, rental £35, £810; The Goole, 2a. 2r. 2p., in Guy- hirn, £68; 7a, 3r. 20p. of arable land, in Emneth, let at £24 a year, £730 ; 2a. lip. in the same parish, £85; 2a. 2r. 24p., £115 ; 2a. Ir. 3p. in AValsoken, £105 ; 4a, lr. 37p. adjoining, £200 ; 5a. lr, 9p. of freehold pasture, £285 ; la. 2r. 32p., £110 ; house, farm buildings and 15a. 3r. 24p., in Upwell Isle, rental £38, for £760. The solicitors acting on behalf of the׳ vendors were Messrs. Peake, Collins and. Co., 6, Bed:ford-row, AV.C. CHESHIRE. On the 17th instant, at the Blossoms Hotel, Chester, Messrs. Ounnah and Boberts sold the Osborne Temperance Hotel, Brook-street, Chester, for £1,080 ; the residence, No. 7, Lum-ley-road, Chester, for £835 ; the Afonwen Cement AVorks, Caerwys, with yards, day beds, limestone, cottage, etc., the whole containing about 19 acres, for £3,000. The solicitors were Air. E. Brassey and Air. H. G. Hope, Chester, and Messrs. AVest, King, Adams and Co., 66, Cannon-street, E.C. CUMBERLAND. On Tuesday afternoon Alessrs. Bobert Dalton and Son ■offered for sale, in the City Hall Estate Boom, Carlisle, the freehold estate of Kingmoor, situate at Kingstown, comprising a dwelling house, farm buildings, and nearly 80 acres of land. The property was first tried as a whole, when it was withdrawn at £8,000. It was then decided to offer the property in lots. The dwelling bouse, the farm buildings and a/boort 43¿ acres of arable and pasture land, about 36 acres of the land being under lease of 99 years from July, 1896, to the King-moor Brick and Tile Company, Limited, with the right to get Clay and yielding a certain royalty of £100 per annum, sold for £4,050 ; a pasture field, containing about 4¿ acres, with a frontage to the Kingstown-road, was purchased by Mr. Lister Asquith, land agent, at £1,025 ; the same gentleman! was ■the purchaser at £1,020 of a pasture field, containing fully 10¿ acres, fronting to the Kingstown highway ; the enclosure of land, containing nearly three acres, sold at £625 ; and two fields adjoining Newfield Grange, containing 18¿ acres, at £1,500. The estate, which thus made altogether £8,220, was sold by the same firm of auctioneers in 1892 for £5,600. Messrs. AVright, Brown and Strong, Carlisle, were the solicitors who had the carriage of sale. DERBYSHIRE. Messrs. AV. AAratson and Son offered for sale, at the AVhite Lion Hotel, Bipley, on June 19, the family residence called Scarsdale House, Cromford-road, area 3,470 square yards, which Was withdrawn at £750 ; the brewery building in Cromford-road, with machinery, three cottages and the croft, orchard or building land, having a frontage of 107ft., sold for £1,145. Mr. A. J. Flint, of Derby, acted as solicitor for the vendor. On the same day, at the Hurst Arms Ambergate, the same firm of auctioneers sold the Three Corner and the Great Closes at Crich Chase, containing 3a. 2r. Ip., for £325. In this ease the solicitors were Alessrs. Jones and Middleton, of Chesterfield. DEVONSHIRE. At the Seven Stars Hotel, Totnes, on the 20t׳h instant, Messrs. Bendell and Symons, F.S.I., sold a freehold estate known as Up-liempstone, Littlehempstone, containing about 148 acres, with dwelling house, farm buildings,