1085 THE ESTATES GAZETTE־ Juke 24, 1899. HORSHAM, 8U88EX. MESSRS. KING & CHASEMORE, Land and Timber Surveyors. SUSSEX, In a most delightful residential district, in the parish of Steep, between Haslemere and Midhurst. A truly desirable small FREEHOLD ESTATE, equally well adapted for residential, sporting and agricultural purposes, advantageously situated on high ground, in close proximity to the picturesque and well-known Bexley-hill and Common, commanding extensive and charming views over the surrounding finely timbered country, known as Gunters Farm, comprising about 86 acres of undulating park-like meadows and woodlands, ornamented with finely grown oak trees, and abundantly watered by a good trout stream, together with a comfortable farmhouse and agricultural buildings. Also, in a separate Lot. a detached Enclosure of Woodland, known as West Copse, comprising an area of nearly eight acres, which will be Sold by Auction, by ־ItyTESSKS. KING and CHASEMORE, ab the XYA Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, June 26, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Rose and Johnson, 13, Delahay-street, Westminster, London, S.W.; of Matthew Taylor, Esq., Northchapel, Petworth; and of Messrs. King and Chasempre, laud and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. SUSSEX, In the parishes of Shipley and West Grinstead, within a few miles of the South Downs.—Valuable Freehold. Residential and Sporting Estate, pleasantlv situate between the village of Ashington and the Hamlet of Dial Post, on the main Horsham and Worthing road, and about four mil* s from West Grinstead Railway Station, known as Hooklsnds and Pondtail Farms, extending to an area of about 560 acres of productive pasture land, aiable land, and thriving woodland, together with theiubstantially-builtResidence, Hook-lands House, containing dining room (14ft. 9in. by 14ft. 9in.), drawing room (14ft. 9in. by 13ft. 3in.), kitchen, scullery, dairy, wash-house, seven bed rooms and w.c. Pondtail House contains drawing room, dining room, kitchen, scullery, cellar, five bed rooms, five sets of agricultural buildings, and five cottages. The estate is approached by a good hard road, well supplied with good water, and affording excellent shooting.—Which MESSRS. KING and CHASEMORE have .LtA received instiuctious to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, July 3,1899, at Two o'clock in the afternoon. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Raper, Freeland and Tyacke, solicitors, Chichester ; Messrs. Arnold, Cooper and Tompkins, solicitors, Chichester; and of Messrs. King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Hcrsham, Sussex. 8U88EX. Eastbourne and Hailsham. A. BURTENSHAW & SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, TIMBER AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. A. BUR1ENÊHAW, F.S.I. A. K. BURTENSHAW, P.A.S.I. WARBLETON, SUSSEX.—In a lovely V V neighbourhood, within easy drive of Eastbourne and 16 miles from Hastings.—To be Sold by Private Treaty, a very desirable Pleasure Farm, comprising a comfortable house, numerous farm buildings, and about 166 acres of land (75 acres pasture, 22 woodlands62 ,׳ arable, and seven hop land). The farm is in hand, and possession may be had on completion of the purchase.—Price, including tenant-right, timber, live stock, farm implements, etc., £5,000. T^ASTBOURNE.—Near the Golf Ground, J-J and within five minutes’ walk of the Railway Station.—For Sale, a superior mod'ern Residence, containing three large reception rooms, full-sized billiard׳ room, usual domestic offices, nine bed rooms, two dressing rooms, bath room, etc. There is a large garden, two-stall stable, and׳ coach-house. Arrangements can be made for early possession, if the purchaser so desires. Tj^AST SUSSEX.—For Sale, with possession, -Li a valuable Water Corn Mill, with an old-established Miller’s and Baker’s Business attached. There is a substantial dwelling house, buildings, and two paddocks, and the property is situated within half a mile of a station. f)N THE SOUTH COAST.—For Sale, by L/ private treaty, a valuable Fully-licensed Freehold Hotel, situated1 in the centre of a rising watering place.—Full particulars on application. TTAILSHAM.—Seven miles from Eastbourne, -L-L 15 trains daily each way; excellent water supply; good drainage; public recreation ground; death rate 6.5 per 1,000.—For all the best Building Plots to be Let or Sold, apply to A. Burtenshaw and Son. from Hailsham, and■ close to the site of the New County Asylum.—For Sale by Private Treaty, a valuable Brickyard, with supply of good earth, three drying sheds, kiln, stable, and two substantial cottages, the whole comprising an area of about two acres—Further particulars may be obtained on application. TL1ST SUSSEX.—Widiin half a mile of a 1-^ station. 1| hours from Londbn.—To be Sold by Private Treaty, a very desirable small Holding, comprising a substantial house, building, and about 47 acres of excellent land. NORTH WALES. BANGOR. Messrs. W. DEW and SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate Agents, Land Surveyors, &c., WELLFIELD, BANGOR, and Trinity Square, Llandudno. WEST KENT DARTFORD DISTRICT Messrs DANN and LUCAS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents Dartford and Bexley, Kent, and 128, Cannon Street, E.C. Notice of Sale by Auction of valuable Freehold, and Leasehold Properties. IX/TESSRS. DANN and LUCAS beg to 1VJ. announce that they have received instructions from trustees and others to Offer for Sale by Auction, on Wednesday, July 5, 1899, at the Mart■, Tokeii-house-yard, E.C., the following valuable PKOPEK-TIES: — Dartford, rent.—Four freehold RESIDENCES, being Nos. 25, 31, 33 and 35. West-hill, Dartford, all let to good tenants at low rentals, producing £103 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Tippetts■ and Soil, 11, Maiden-lane, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. ____ Horton kirby, near dartford.— A FREEHOLD FLOUR MILL and! PREMISES, including Manager’s House, with garden. Stabling, cart sheds, etc.; Three Cottages, and an Enclosure of Meadow Land, containing about three acres. This property is in hand1. The machinery and plant, also the goodwill of the extensive business successfully carried on by the late owner for many years, will be included in the sale. Also a small FREEHOLD I ARM, known as The Beeches, situate in the par’sh of Horton Kirby, comprising 28 acres of arable, pasture and fruit lana, a convenient set of farm buildings and iwo bnck-bmlt Cottages. This property is in hand, having been in the occupation of the late owner as a pleasure farm. The buildings are well arranged, and the Land! is in a good state of cultivation.—Solicitors. Messrs. Ridley, Chancellor and Scott, Dartford. BEXLEY HEATH, KENT.—Three valuable FREEHOLD NURSERIES, with the glasshouses thereon, and having long frontages to public roads. Two of these are let on leases at £120 and £15 respectively, and possession of the third will be given on comnletioi of the purchase.—Solicitors, Messrs. Russell,' Sou and) Cumming, 14, Old Jewry-charabers, E.G. _____________________ SUTTON-AT-HONE, near DARTFORD.— A! LEASEHOLD SHOP, held on a lease of which there are 39 years unexpiredl at a ground rent of £3 per annum, and! let to a yearly tenant at £30 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Birt, Follett and Lea, Town Halt-chambers, Southwark. E.C. _ Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the various Solicitors; andl of the Auctioneers and Estate Agents, Dartford', and 123, Cannon-street, E.C. CROYDON. 8URREY. HOOKER & WEBB, Surveyors; Valuers, Auctioneers, &c., 4, HIGH STREET, CROYDON. BAYSWATER, CAMPDEN HILL, NOTTING HILL AND DISTRICT. Messrs. E. & A. SWAIN, (Established 1849). 26, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE, W., AUCTION SEASON 1899. lyrESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN will hold Sales -1׳I by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., as under: — HOUSE PROPERTY. Thursday, July 6, at One o’clock. Blandford House, 75, LADBROKE-ROAD, W., semi-detached, beautifully situated, almost surrounded by trees, and having a garden on three sides, and containing five bed rooms, bath room, handsome drawing room, dining room, morning room, etc. Will be sold with vacant possession. Estimated rental value £150; lease about 23 years; ground rent £11.—Solicitors. Messrs. Pears, Ellis and Pears, 8, Sackville-street, W. 1» CLANRICARDE-G ARDENS, Leasehold Town House, almost opposite Kensington-gardens, and containing ten bed and dressing rooms, bath room, drawing room about 33ft. long, two other reception rooms, kitchen and usual offices. For occupation or investment. Estimated rent £150; lease abut 68 years; ground rent £25.—Solicitors, Messrs. Coode, Kingdon and Cotton, 34, Bedford-row, W.C. Tuesday, July 18, at One o’clock. PROPERTIES at NORTHWOOD. TOTTENHAM and SHEPHERD’S BUSH, full particulars of which wi.l be issued shortly. FURNITURE. iwrESSES. E. and A. SWAIN will Sell by HA Auction, on the Premises, No. 12, Stanley-gardens, on Tuesday, June 27, and following day, at Twelve o’clock, the substantial and we11-made FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising: —*3[ahog-any bed room suites, bedsteads and bedding, Turkey and other carpets, curtains, drawing room appointments, grand piano by Collard and Coilard, contents of the dining room, including a massive mahogany suite, a few fine oil paintings, etc.; library furniture, well-made bookcase, about 500 books; silver, plated goods, china services and ornaments and some choice cut glass. On view day prior to and mornings of sale. Catalogues of the Auctioneers. By order of the Trustees of the late R. Michell, Esq. iyr ESSES. E. and A. SWAIN will Sell by I*-!- Auction, on the Premises. No. 3, Kensington-park-gardens, on Wednesday and Thursday, July 12 and 13. at Twelve o’clock each day. the VALUABLE CONTENTS of the RESIDENCE, comprising:—The handsome furniture of nine bed and dressing rooms, mahogany, brass and iron bedsteads, hair and wool mattresses, chintz hangings, Sheraton wardrobe, fine old spinet case, drawing room suite. Louis XV. boule cabinets and table, pier and console glasses, grand piano by Broadwood, oil paintings by old masters, choice collection of Sevres. Dresden, Orient#! and other china, plated goods, china table services, some good cut glass, kitchen utensils, and general effects. On view day prior to■ and mornings of sale. Catalogues of the Auctioneers. MESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN, 26, High Street, Notting Hill Gate.W. DEVON, SOMERSET & WE8T OF ENGLAND W. J. WINSLEY & CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, TENANT-RIGHT, HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE BROKERS, City and County Auction and Estate Agency Offices: 6, SOUTH STREET, EXETER, and HIGH STREET, HONITON. Telegraphic Addresses: “ Estates, Exeter," “ Winsley, Hoaiton," Nat. Telephone No 203 vExeter) Devonshire, north.—About 2¿ mile* fiom Kggesfoid andSouthmoulton-rcad Stations, five minutes’ of chutch, post and telegraph offices, and occupying a high and healthy but sheltered position, commanding extensive hill, dale and woodland scenery, and charming views of Dartmoor—a commodious stone and thoroughly well-built Freehold Detached Residence with south-east aspect, surrounded by its own well laid-out grounds, and approached by a carriage drive. It contains on two floors, nine spacious bed rooms, two dressing rooms, two box rooms, and on the ground floor drawing room, 19ft. 8in. by 18ft. lOin.; dining room, 18ft. lOin. by 16ft. 6in.; breakfast room, 18ft. 8in. by 10ft. llin. all about 10ft. high; laige room, 39ft. 5in. by 17ft. 6in., which could be easily converted into a billiaid room, and well arranged domestic offices. Provision has been made in the construction of the house for a secondary staircase if required. Good water supply and excellent drainage. The grounds comprise tennis court, large walled garden, well stocked with choice fruit trees ; and about 11 acies, of good pasture land. There are the usual outbuildings, a gardener’s six-roomed cottage. Several packs of hounds hunt the district, and exce.lent shooting and fishing can be obtained in the immediate neighbourhood. Price for the Freehold, £5,500. Photo may be seen and further particulars obtained of W. J. Winolftv qnd Of>. ESTABLISHED 1852. LONDON & SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. A. PREVOST AND SON , Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Land and Estate Agents, 176, MILE END ROAD, LONDON, E , AND 102, HIGH STREET, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. (Opposite Middleton Hotel). SALES BY AUCTION AND PRIVATE TREATY. Surveys and Reports, Valuations for Probate and other Purposes ; Mortgages negotiated at reduced rates ; Compensation Cases prepared and conducted; Estates managed and Rents collected. Insurances of every description effeoted. Telegraphic Addresa: “ Notedneaa," London. Telephones: London, No. SI Eastern; Southend-on-Sea, No. 31. HERNE BAY.—The healthiest seaside resort in England.—Freehold Building Sites on the Esplanade, the Broadway, Sea-street, etc., the only sites near sea and׳ pier obtainable. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auc- tion, in the New Public Hall, Sea-street, Herne Bay, on Monday, June 26, at 1.30 o’clock, 87 splendid FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL and;. SHOP SITES (thoroughly ripe for immediate building), in the finest position at this lovely rising watering place, free from tithes and land tax, free conveyance, roads well made, kerbed and sewered free, easy payments by instalments. Special train on morning of sale from Holborn Viaduct, at 10.55; tickets 4s., including luncheon, of the Land Company, 67, Cheap-side, and of the Auctioneers. I JillVUN (near Axminster).—■Fine old Man-A-J gion, built red! brick with stone dressings, standing in park of about 40 acres, within five miles of coast, two miles two railway stations on the main line (L. and S.W.), about 3i hours’ journey from London, parish church within ten minutes’ walk, and containing dining room, 39ft. by 26ft., drawing room, 32ft. by 26ft., morning room, library, billiard room, 12 best bed and dressing rooms, and; seven other bed rooms, etc., etc.; excellent stabling. To Let, unfurnished, for a term or otherwise. Rent £250 per annum, including 800 acres of shooting, and three miles of trout and salmon fishing. ____________________________________ Folio A 263 T^\E VON SHIRE.—In a most picturesque and J-/ healthy part of the county, with every sporting advantage—a capital trout stream flows through the property—and within 1£ miles of a railway station, five miles from G.W.R., and eight miles of L. and S.W.R. main line stations.—A choice Freehold Estate of about 555 acres, comprising a modern residence, home farmhouse and model outbuildings, four excellent farms, dairy factory, cottages, rich watered meadows, park-like pasture, orcharding, plantations, and’ a very small portion of arable land. The farms are well let, and always readily command good tenants. The estate is for sale consequent on the owner having acquired a property in another county, and will be sold at a price affording an investment of a highly desirable character, with possession of the residence and home farm at Michaelmas, 1899, if desired.—For plans, photographs, all further particulars, and cards to view, apply W. J. Winsley and Co., as above. TILBURY-PARK ESTATE, adjoining Tilbury Docks Station. An immense future; rapidly rising in value.—A large sale of superior built houses and shops, at extremely low prices. Exceptional opportunity to investors. .Also׳ valuable Building Land, thoroughly ripe. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auc- ii* tion, on Wednesday next, June 28, at 1.30 o’clock, in a Marquee on the Estate, 102 choice FREEHOLD PLOTS of ripe BUILDING LAND, for villas and shops, free from land tax and tithes, roads made free, conveyances free, easy payments; also 42 substantially erected HOUSES and corner and other SHOPS, all let at increasing rents. Special train from Fenchurch-street morning of sale, at 10.45. Tickets Is. 6d. (including luncheon), with plans, etc., obtained from the Land Company, 67, Cheapside, and of the Auctioneers, 176, Mile-end-road, E. and i02 High-street, Southend-on-Sea. SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.—To be Sold with possession—A most attractive MARINE RESIDENCE, situated in the best part of Cliff Town-parade, commanding extensive views of the sea, the Kentish coast, and the river Medway. The accommodation comprises:—Eight bed rooms, bath, three reception rooms and capital domestic offices, excellent stabling, greenhouses, vinery, forcing pits and conservatory. Beautifully laid out grounds of over half an acre, comprising tennis lawn, shrubberies, flower and kitchen gardens, etc. Frontage 60ft. to Cliff Town-parade, also a frontage of 119ft. to Alexandra-road. Price, Freehold, £5,000. Apply to A. Prevost and Son as above.