THE ESTATES GAZETTE, June 24, 1899. * SONS, F.S.L, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 22, Lower Phillimore Place, Kensington. COT f actioneers, Estate Agents, Ac., 2 A 4, Comeragh Road, West Kensington. § РПТРЧ у ДпК^’ Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents, 1, Helena Chambers, Ealing. ГРПЧЧ 7 si^?C^e/״kSu.rVe?•013 and Valuers- 13»a, Queen’s Eoad, Bayswater. CUEElif ТнЖЕЯ^& 00;Auctioneer״°* ,־ !!Chester Ho, Uxbridge Ed. Station, & 37, Broadway, Ealing. СТТЕТТЧ ’/1ТР^4гНл Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, 263, Hammersmith Eoad. ё רז A VT4 IT 1 ?54 Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 5, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. топеЛтл•’ T־״’ Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 262 to 256, Tottenham Court Eoad. 1’mC Г!™’ Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, 68 and 69, Baker Street. ELMS WAST TEE'C E fTT’ ?'%Ui4gentS and, S”-Iey°rs> «>. Great Portland Street. Е^к’г'ТеееГ?,’г&’ Eata? Agent Jnd Surveyor, 132- Kensington High Street. ETSHEE 6^?1rivvAuctioneers, Ac 84, Mount Street (one door from South Audley Street). FT TNptor 977977’ Auctloneer and Surveyor, 105, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square. t EETSxil״i7errVand Auctioneers, 18> Duke Street, Manchester Square. GAELANDUSMITH fWl^^1E AKe'׳!’18ל ’ ShePherd'sBusb (Met.) Ey. Station, and at 56, Eylett Eoad. GASKET T * m л (ЛТ:) & DRAKE> Auctioneers, House Agents, Ac., 18, Davies Street, Berkeley Square. СЕАОТЬ^теЯ'г^уОПп8 ״,AS”Jey0rs and5>luers’ 81, Church Street, Kensington. У 9 ГЕЛ^ТтЛ?^? ?9•׳ Auctioneers and Surveyors, 112, Holland Park Avenue. СЕПР A XT 2?925־ז5ינךv Auctioneers, Ac., opposite the Broadway Station, Ealing. GEOCAN Surveyors ^nd House Agents, 101, Park Street, Giosvenor Square. ^irV^TXT B0YI)’ Estate Agents and Surveyors, 125, Piccadilly, тттртт CO., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 406, Oxford Street. HEAD iCEO 1ТспВ0лИОПЕеГ8’ E8tf0 Ag??ts’ 11104־ 02י' Harrow Rd” PuMugton, & 10, Basinghall St. НТОТтепмЛ00!'•' Auctioneers, Ac., 7, Upper Baker St., A 17, Queen Victoria St., E.C. Estabd8!S20. HOMES^OTNPvfTm8' У to and R0.use Agents 211 ‘Я 215, Tottenham Court Eoad. KNIGHT т771вптт^Г?8’ Valne/8’ to 6ЛМ°,г4 т«г Street. Tel. No. 1893, Gerrard. ТЕЧТТЕ маеот?у*^ТлЪЕ7’ Auctioneers, Ac., The Conduit Street Auction Galleries. ™Йтвтр CO., Auctioneers, Ac., 31, St. Mary Abbott's Terrace, Kensington. DDFTS A WARNER, Land Agents and Surveyors, 130, Mount Street. MABBFTT ^EDCE А 3Г8® and Eatate А8е“*. Probate Valuer, 230, King Street, Hammersmith. мХиги Л״ T , ’.A"ctloneers and E8ta*e Agents, 127, Mount Street. МАЕЕТПТТ^ЛЛ'’ААи?1ОПееГ8(1*0'’А7°^е^ат 9??rt Road’ and at Brigbton and Eastbourne. MA™W T.,'Scti Hammersmith. Telephone No 7357. EE AD WTTAp’ Fq ?7 ’יst?te Age1),t, Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, 49, Broadway, Ealing. READ Учр-Л-НА®;1¿' Auctioneer, Surveyor, Ac., 8, The Avenue, Castle Hill, A Haven Gree¿, Ealing RTT1FRA 4nN4BA PPJ•’ Auctioneer, Ac., 72, Park Street, Grosvenor Square. ’ 8 c“*,S0:toto10‘־ueers Valuers & House Agents, The N. Kensington Estate Office, 128, Ladbroke вЛттЙ'ш?}??״™ Sta.), 37, Bramley Eoad, Latimer Eoad Sta.; and College Pk., Willesden June EOBml ГПеЛ1Ьм1е^1е “a3’ ?0USe aDd Estate Agents, 2, Hanover Square. в ׳ ^ Junc־ E^7hu^t ^717507 S"Vey°r8’ Valuer8’ B8tate and Hoase Agents, 205, Wardour 4TRUFV А״ойо“еег8 as,d Surveyors, 22, Conduit Street, W., and Branches. SLAEK(WRrYW?’/m®?'ל Es‘ate /gents The Cedars Estate Office, West Kensington Station. SPFNCETf SANTA а ЯЯ- 7??tl0Aneei8’ Land А?е“Р and Surveyors, 12, Baker Street. STANDи״״T£ & 00”л1¿3:׳ Auctioneers and Valuers, 9, Kensington High Street. STEVENS t ГП "ru??n T5 Pr f 7geDtS “3 Surveyors, 407, Goldhawk Eoad, Eavenscourt Park. SUTHEET a ■m 4ate4Defks * 00•י!, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 18, Bishop’s Eoad, Westbourne Terrace 1 ״?’аЬ^otaoneer and Estate Agent, w’ Crawford Street. SWAIN’ e /aRA7K; F'SJ■’ Au0tl0neer’ 7alu״e? gn.d Estate Agent, 170, High Street, Netting Hill Gate. TAT rat п1*шЧ AuetK>neers, Surveyors, &c., 26, High Street, Netting Hill Gate. TOMBS С ET ЛАТСЛ'11РиЙЮ AeeiS׳AValaer8 andEstate Agents, 289 and 289a, Eegent Street. yC“B^G• ELLIOTT Marble Arch Auction and Estate Office, 81, Edgware Eoad Tu|§DEDEARDfMCS°¿ ^^Cl!״?^f^SChaPel 1‘166‘י CUIZ0n 8‘166‘י W• TUaFdEaU771!fmdHitybH^ “ Ag0n‘8’ 1"׳ Ric־adilly (opposite St. James’s Hall; ATde“hoLaNoE394a2e SoathamPton Street■ Е«“״У Square (close to Port- WALTON & LEE Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 10, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square. WEST J W., Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 91a, Mortimer Street. WESTON, WILLIAM (late Lilley and Weston), Auctioneer, Surveyor, Valuer and Estate Agent 10 41,+v,™ WTTTMATT A־ ^aidaTV^e’ Ta Hs’ Westbourne Grove, Bayswater.’ Agent10׳'Sutber’ WILLMOTT, С. H. & J W., Auctioneers, &c., 65, Goldhawk Eoad. шт₪нгп1 CO^, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 12, Curzon Street. WYANT) 2Я e ?9" Auctioneers, Surveyors, Land Agents and Valuers, 6, Mount Street, WYAND & SONS, Estate Agents and Surveyors, 33, Marloes Eoad, Kensington. g lEU. *LEPPEE,׳Bromley and Beckenham, Kent, and at 69, King William Street, E C BPgHDP, GEO., Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 113, Powis Street, Woolwich. ’ papHat ^d Estate Agents, Chester House, Eotherhithe. BOTT MOHN?a’tAUa tl0E Mart aSd Estate 9ffice¿’ Camberwell Green. Tel. No. 66, Peckham. ppaWt-FPvI TS^Si E-A•1-, Auctioneers, Surveyors, &c., Herne Hill Station. Tel. No 381 Hon J•’״ Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, Forest Hill and West Norwood ’ P' 5 rpwvvii• , ’ Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 82a, Lower Eoad, Eotherhithe. 22•; Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Bailiffs, Peckham Eye Station. CO., Auctioneers, Valuers, &c., opposite Bromley Station, S.E.E. F A4TMAN ?вп« 0.0•’Auctioneers and Estate Agents (opposite the Eailway Station), Charlton. тйт T™’ *°1 ־ат]015т-&‘,Ье Statl0n8)> Eore8t Hill, Sydenham and Anerley. ERANK, Auctioneer and Trade Valuer, 215, Great Dover Street, Borough. J EDWARD & CO. Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, &c., 533, Lordship Lane, Dulwich. ттЛ4 l°NS’ Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents, 54, Borough High Street. EREEpAN, W. Surveyor, Land Agent and Auctioneer, 162, Kennington Eoad. FUELONG & SON, Auctioneers,