Estates Gazette, June 24, 1899. Largest Circulation of any Paper dealing with the Landed Interest. Price 3c: FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALSWORTHY & CO ,S XjTST of forthooming sales. SUBKEY, REIGATE.—Valuable Freehold' Residential Property and important building land, in all about 152 acres, situate in a beautiful part of this delightful and exceedingly healthy neighbourhood, on an elevated position, with splendid¡ views, and about a mile from the railway station where there is a capital service of trains to the Metropolis. Admirably adapted for investors, land speculators, and gentlemen desirous of securing suitable enclosures -J siof first-class residences.— L’AHltliKOrmtl{, ELLIS, EGEIiTOX ״ ,,־־ BREACH, GALSVv'ORTHY and CO. will Sell by Auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, City of London, on Thursday, July 27, 1859, at Two miinilwS’ ?1lB above important FKEE- rnr T vv ״%!," ?fifral Lote'׳ comprising COLLEY MANOR. REIGATE HEATH, a charming Freehold Property of about 30 acres, with an entrance lodge on the Dorking and Ileigate road with t\riTC t0 an Italian des.gncd residence having aad׳ entrance.fiall, together with eie? gant lofty drawing room, with conservatory, dining !com, library, gun room. On the first floor are !.,ne principal bed and dressing rooms, bath room, rrom;l״Vh״ lhe ״<>“־king the River and Battersea-park. It is admirably adapted for erecting residential fiats 01u-pillvai.e res!dences °f a superior character, for which there is a great demand in this highly favoured locality, the licensed portions presenting an opportunity in the future for the erection of a first-class residential hotel. The whole producing a present nominal rental of £490 per annum, the principal portion let on short agreements and the licensed houses having 18 years unexpired. The property is worthy the attention of hotel syndicates. land and) building societies, and large investors desirous of securing an unusually sound Freehold Property, capable of extensive and profitable development—Messrs. T^AREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON •1, o BREACH• GALSWORTHY and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, •7 011Thursday, July 13. 1899. at Two o’clock pre-tbe ab°ve very valuable FREEHOLD INVESTMENT. in One or Three Lots. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale may be obtained of M. W. CASTERTON SMELT, Esq., solicitor. Lancaster-place. Strand; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Farebrother. Ellis and Co., 29. Fleet-street Temple-bar, and 18. Old Broad-street. E C pi . . Builders and Speculators. Extensive Freehold Building Site, in an exception׳!, atSlt^>Mr!ln the 0®11tre of Croydon, Building Lands West w£khr-™d־ CJroydoii, i>urley, Beckenham. d ■ ! ld Building: Land in Godstone-road, Purley. having a frontage of about 275ft and close to the station. '■ Lots 5 and 6,— Freehold Building Plots in Grosvenor- jdad't ie!ar ‘a? High-street, West Wickham, well adapted for villa residences. Lot 7. Building Site, with frontage of about 40ft Leaie^'8^661, Beckenham• To be Let on Building Tpn0aSata?^97־^° Enclosures of Freehold Building fFfield־ .occuPyin^ capRal corner positions in this favourite and rapidly increasing villaee and verv suitable for the erection of superior cot-tages. which are in great demand. Possession of all purchase^13 W1״ *** glveiL 011 comPletion of the 1 .,Par,tic?lar^ ^ith Plans and conditions of sale, may i shortly he obtained of Messrs. WITHERS POLLOTTv־ st״itCIS?rx״,r W^05־־'' “ft1*"״״» House,1 Arundeb street, Strand W.C.; at file nrincipal inns in the respective localities; at the Mart; and' of Messrs Farebrother, Ellis and' Co.. No. 29 FlceUrtreei,' Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, London E C By order of Trustees.—CHISLEHURST, KENT, in one of the best positions of this most favoured residential locality,—A choice Freehold Residence, known as Woodheath. Kemnal-road:. close to Chislehurst Common, substantially built, standing m beautiful grounds of about four acre־, approached by a carriage sweep; and containing 11 bed■ and dressing rooms, bath room, dining room drawing room with French casement, study, cloak room, and׳ large central hall, with well-lighted principal and secondary staircases. caDital domestic offices■, and׳ cellarage; the ornamental stabling comprises accommodation for four horses, with coachhouse, harness room, coachman’s cottage etc The pleasure grounds are nicely laid out with terrace walks tennis lawn adorned bv specimen trees and shrubberies, large kitchen gard/en with greenhouse and׳ !lot-house, together with about, two acres of very beautiful woodland traversed by winding path? through luxuriant undergrowth, and ndmi-rablv adapted for the erection of another residence if diesi red.—Messrs. Farebrother, ellis, egertox •„ C ״ HREACH, GALSWORTHY and GO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, July 20. 1899. at Two o’clock SSS'JS!y135* ■׳ above val«abm FREEHOLD PRO--t'r/K.ii. in One Lot. May be viewed!, and particulars, with plan and ^>nr?l.oT?s °(.sale• obtained of Messrs. SHEARD and * B4RSACS• solicitors, 2. Clernent’s-inn. Strand. W (J • at the Mart; and of Messrs. Farebrother. Ellis and Co., ¿9, Fleet-street, Tempie-bar, and 18. Old Lroad-street, E.C. S,iPIl£Y7vE,?HER•.^ valuable and very attractive ־ reehold1 Manorial and! Residential Estate, known as Imber Court, of great historic note, and a favourite resort of King Charles I., occupying a charming position in this delightful neighbourhood, about ten minutes’ walk from Esher, Claro-mont, and׳ Thames Ditton Stations, and about a mile from Surbiton and! Esher Stations, with frequent tram services to the metropolis, having ar imposing park entrance with a broad! carriage leading up to the historical residence which was partly designed by the famous Inigo Jones, occupying a charming position in a nobly timbered park and beautiful pleasure grounds, containing inner hall, a handisome suite o1 reception rooms, comprising ball room, dinint room, domed conservatory 60ft. long, library' morning room, and billiard room. On Hie upper floors the.'e are 18 principal and secondary bee rooms, with bath rooms and other conveniences aiso extensive range of domestic offices, out buildings, etc., including laundry and other premises; capital stabling for 15 horses, with coach houses, harness and living rooms; also a pic turesque cottage residence, containing 10 rooms, pleasantly situated on the banks of the rive״ The pleasure grounds are charmingly laid out, and a^f. bounded by the river Imber on the west side with lake boatmg and bathing houses, and having excellent fishing, boating and bathing privileges Tflere are productive kitchen gardens with orchid and other houses, also farm buildings and rich park lands, beautifully ornamented with valuable timber trees, the whole embracing an area of over 71 acres. With possession on the completion of the purchase. The property includes the reputed manor or lordship of Imber.—Mes־rs FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTOX ״ -..־*־ BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. will Seil by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard on Thursday, July 13, 1899, at Two o’clock pre-ciseiy, the above exceptionally compact and distinguished FREEHOLD ESTATE (unless previously disposed of by private treaty). May be viewed by orders only, and particular־, °t sale־ obtained of EDMUND WARD OLIVER, Esq., solicitor. 1, Corbet-court Gracechurch-street, E.C.; at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard׳ E.C.; and of Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and G°•• 29. Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18. Old Broad-street, E.C. Sale Days for the Year 1899. Messrs. j^AHEBROTHER, ELLLS, EGERTON, 1 BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to announce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD. Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares. Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.O.:- Thursday, June 29 7 hursday, Aug. 3 Thu rsday, Oct. 26 mi---j— ° Thuiscay, Aug. 10 Thursday,Nov. 16 TLu!6day,Sept.2i Thursday, Nov. 23 Thursday, Oct. 1: Thursday, Dec. 7 Thuisday, Dec. 14 Thuisday,July 6 Thuisday July 13 Thursday,July ?0 Thui6day, July 27 Other appointments for intermediate Sales will also be arranged. Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish in the advertisement columns of “ The Times,” “ Standard ” and “ Morning Post ” every Saturday a list of tneii forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue on the first of every month a schedule of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates״ freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments generally, which will be forwarded free of chargt 18. Old Broad-street, E.C. ®LRI.IA .—Close to the picturesque village of Thorpe, pleasantly situate near the foot of St. Ann s-hill and the River Thames, beiween two and three miles from Chertsey. Egham. Virginia Water and! within easy drive of Windsor.—Me:srs. FAREBROTHER. ELLIS, EGERTOX •11 a ״ BRRACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard E’C:’ i0n !{"11«״ay• Jmy 20. 1899. at Two Svn£v PieC13ely־ tb? '''»liable FREEHOLD PROPERTY. known as EASTLEY END, comprising a Georgian Residence of very pleasing elevation approached by carriage drive through entrance gates protected by ornamental lodge; and containing 14 principal and secondary bed and dressing ^>ni%ba'h ™1“j a suite of four reception rooms, anS b1;׳!. noble billiard room, half panelled in polished oak, and suitable domestic offices; :lie whole lighted throughout by the electric ׳iclit obtained from very complete plant on the spot .;ilJVi,3, fine ra״ee of modern red brick andl tiled׳ stabling, surmounted by a clock in turret, and! containing six stalls, two loose boxes, harness room cloubio coach-house, with four living rooms over’ A «?If n°r5• Tbe oldrfashioned pleasure grounds are tastefully disposed round the house, and contain some fine specimens of forest and1 ornamental tree-: Large walled-in kitchen and auxiliary gardens, with ranges of glasshouses and vinery, capital orenards, also a small farmery, comprising four cow stalls SSS• and׳ piggeries, together with a rich grass *, patd?^ckf . comprising a very compact I estate of about eignt acres. Particulars plan and conditions of sale may be obtained■ of Messrs. PARSONS. LEE and׳ CO., silich tors. Abchurcli House. Sherborne-lane. E.C.; at the i K,ari! .and. 0t-Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co.. 29 1 London"E׳C Temple־bar’ and 1S• °ld Broad-street, SURREY.—Valuable Freehold Properties, lying be-tween Ewell and Malden, and about ten minute»׳ walk from Worcester-park Railway Station, comprising a charming Residence, known as The Avenue, with well-kept pleasure grounds and gar-dens, also beautifully timbered building sites sun-able for superior residences; three cottages, stabling, farm buildings, and accommodation land, all situate in the parishes of Oudlington and FTo.worth. With possession.-Messrs. AREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALSW'ORTHY and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard London, E.C., on Thursday, July 20, 1899, at Two oclock precisely, the above FREEHOLD PROPER 1IES, in Six Lots (unless previously sold by private-treaty), as follows: — Lot 1.—A beautifully situate Country Residence, having frontages to three roads, approached from the Royal-avenue by a carriage sweep, and containing spacious hall, drawing room, dining room, and library, with French casement windows opening on the verandah. On the upper floor are seven bed and dressing rooms (one with fitted bath), and a larg attic bed room and׳box room; in the rear are kitche! and1 offices, extensive cellarage, dairy, etc. The pleasure grounds form the western slope of the hill and command lovely views of the surrounding svlvan scenery; they are most beautifully laid out‘with spacious lawns, flower beds, and winding walks planted with rare conifera*, and screened by ornamental shrubberies and plantation. Aho detached starling for three horses, coach-house, harness room cow houses, piggeries, and fodder stores, occupying a good frentage to the Epsom andl Malden road, the whole containing over three acres. Lots 2. 3 and 4.—Three superior modern Cottages situate adjoining the above, of ornamental elevations. each containing six rooms, two with garden־ extending down to the Hogg’s Mill stream, and ot the total estimated rental value of £20 per annum each. Lot 5.—An important Building Site of nearly 9| acres of park-like meadow land, beautifully screened on three sides by plantations and woodland, adjoining the lawn ternis club grounds, with charming views, and having two approaches from the Epsom and Malden roads. It is conveniently situate about a mile from the railway station, and forms a compact enclosure suitable for the erection of a gentleman’s residence thereon, cr valuable as an adjunct to the neighbouring lands. Lot 6—Two valuable Enclosures adjoining, containing about 7a. ir. 37p. of rich pasture and woodland. with two good approaches from the main road and watered by the Hogg's Mill stream on the east. One of the enclosures forms a beautiful site for the erection of one or mere residences. Particulars, with conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. HUNTERS and HAYNES, solicitors. 9. New-־quare, Lincoln's-inn. W.O.; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Farebrother. F/llis and Co.. 29 Fleet-Street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-stre$t, E.C Beerhouse, Shops, and Weekly Properties.—A Freehold Property, having an area of about 15,350 square feet, capable of further development as a building site. ISLINGTON, close to Caledonian-road, within a short distance of King’s-cross Railway Station.— Messrs. T^AREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, A BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Marc, ToKenhouse-yard, E.C., on Thursday, June 29, 1899, at Two o'clock precise'y, in One Lot, the following valuable FREEHOLD INVESTMENT Nos. 1 to 15, PAYNE-STRFFT —A corner Beerhouse, the Prince of Prussia, a general shop, 14 dwelling houses, and1 stabling. Nos. 43, 45 and 47. CO PENH AGEN-STREET.—Three Shops and Dwelling Hdusc3 Two of the Copenhagen-street shops are let at rentals amounting to £97 17s. per annum, and the remaining shops, beerhouse, and the whole of the tenements under one lease expiring in five years (Midsummer, 1904), at a ground rent of £34 6s. 8d. per annum. The rack rentals of the property inc:uded in this lease are estimated to produce £550 per annum, excluding the considerable rental and premium likely to be obtained upon a reletting of the beerhouse. Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. SHEPHEARDS and WALTERS, solicitors, 31 and 32, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; at the Mart; and of Messrs. Farebrothor, Ellis and Co., 29, Fleet-street, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. DOVER.—An exceedingly valuable and highly interesting Freehold Estate, known as MAISON DIEU HOUSE, situate in the centre of this important seaport, adjoining the Town Hall, comprising an ancient edifice rich in historic associations ex tending to the time of the Crusade3. It lies well back from Biggin-street, with carriage sweep, largo double central hall, front drawing and dining rooms, billiard room, library, antique oak staircase, back staircase, 14 bed and dressing rooms, some having old panelled oak walls. There are good domestic offices, stabling for two horses coach-house, and outbuildings, standing in beauti fully sequestered grounds of great antiquity adorned with venerable old treea and lawns, and having the river Dour running through the gardens with a bridge approach to the extensive fruit and kitchen gardens in rear, which are very productive, with vineries, greenhouse, etc There is a small frontage to Ladywell-place, and the whole embraces altogether an area of nearly l{ acres, with valuable building frontage to the main street ripe for immediate development into shops and the back portion for manufacturing and other purposes, with the valuable additional advantages of the river. Portion of the prooerty could be sold off. reserving the historical residence and ancient grounds for an institution, college club, or, if desired, for occupation purposes Immediate possession can be obtained —Messrs "P AREBROTHER, ELLLS, EGERTON n a „ BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. win SeU by Auction at the Mart, Tokenhou?e-yard London, E.C.. on Thursday.. June 29. 1899. at Two o clock precisely (unless previously disposed of bv BUILDING3PROFERTY°ln May be viewed by order» onlv, and particulars obtained of Messrs. ROOKF: and SONS, solicitors 45, Lincoln s-inn-fields, W.C.; at the Drinrinai hotels, Dover; at the Auction Mart. London; .and of Meesrs. Farebrother, F.llis and Co., 29, Fleet-street Temple-bar, and 18. Old Broad-street, London R C '