K 17 LYC•׳•׳/. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 1070 initie» inj Ruction. bu M«■־׳׳־, WA'mii: M >ry VWVCS'M for iff/), KKHRH, WATLJ'i• ao/J JiA.VVLfc.VOK to give Preliminary S htice •A 't.t.i•, îhl.h» .u:¿ i1i11fftrta.nl> H1׳ le •: of !h■׳' :../׳ms HAMí'bíttff.K ! X > ‘fi . • RA MK, ülr.loloi>/NO í׳ J/,׳,Kit. HKEKHHtEK ;1•<׳/׳. anc. LIVE and 1>KA1> FARMING WH XX THCHHIfAY, JULY 6, WWW (Ai 1: ii.CH, HASTA, The Cholee Hi.ill) OF PLLÍGRFL HKEEMUKK i'HXA ar!׳l tho wnali Reg; >,tered BKLLLI.b'> Y ¡/XX.. the pr ׳ »petty of Mr, Ldoey H.t.yU'r, who ha>. •//:.׳: n:>, 1• ;> / rn y/fAM.lt'. oy perm. h si on, 10׳ hhkyäaxc ÿ.wya is aglh, from ihn highly-b red. Hampshire Flock of tho í.׳;?.,׳.*, Hon, Üife Karl of Carnarvon. AÍOSHAY, JULY 24, WATEItH I'LACK Y MCA, WARB, HBBTB. Annoiti Halft and Lettin« by Auction, on toe Premiai*, of ft A .Vi LAMB8, HAM» A SD KW KH. the property Annual Sale and Letting of Ilolborn close to the proposed new street. I LAMPS AND RAMS. Particulars and conditions of sale can be had. ־ n״>hert Coles' Middleton Flock, when ready, of A. S. 0. Doyle. Esq., solicitor. 1. New-inn. Strand; and at Messrs. Living Waters and Co.’s Offices, 244. High Ilolborn, W.C. HIGH HOLRORN.—Preliminary Notice. jypLS'SRtf. LAING WATERS ami CO. aro BRITFORD FAIR - AUGUST 12. The Annual Letting and Sale of RAM l.AMHS AND RAMS from the highly-bred Flocks of Professor W rightson. College of Agriculture. Pownton: Mr. A. F. T. Drake. Ik'gdean. BRITFORD FAIR. AUGUST 12. Selections of RAM LAMBS. from the Flocks of Mr. F O Pinckney. Berwwk St James; and Mr. F. II. Hulse. Brenmore. TUESDAY. AUGUST U MARKET HOFSR SALISBURY ,The Annual Sale and Lett mg of RAM l VMUS VND RVMS from Mr. H, C Stephens. M l\. Cholderton WEDNESDAY AUGUST I& IPMISTON, near SALISBURY. The highly bred' and old-established Registered BREEDING ElaH'K, the properl\ of Mr WHliauv TMVrtt« who is rehu-qui.dviug a Breeding Flock. Catalogues \>r the at we Sales will l»e i'suesl m duo «ourse, and may. when reud>, Iיא v'btaouHt of the Auctioneers, at the Regis-loved Othoe of the llamt'shire lh»wu Sheep theebiers Vssv'ciatnm. v ana; Salisbury, ——ל--r By order of Trustees. NUTHELl). SURREY. HIGH HOT4BORN. Hale of picturesque Country House, witli five acres 1״' Land; and Letting on Building Leas© of valu- able Hites In and near High Ilolborn. rpilURUOOD ami MARTIN havo m-civo.l » Instructions to Hell and Let by Auction, at the Auction Mart. Tokenhousc-yard. L.O.. on NYodmv״-dav. June 28. 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in suit-able Lots: — By order of the Trustees. א UTFIELI), SI R KEY. Elstree. !*ietui'esque Free bold Country Housi*. containing 10 bed and dressing rooms, three reception rooms, etc., with lodge, sta tiling, and .suitable outbuildings, and M acres of grounds on a southern slope, commanding beautiful views, within a mile of Kedhlll Htation of the S.K and L It. and H.C. Railways: let at £260 t>or annum Desirable purchase for Investment or future oveupa• tlon. In One Lot. Holleltors. Messrs, Head. Mole and Rosllng. Relgute. It v order of I lie ׳rrustiH' . of the St Clement Danes. Ilolborn. Estate Charity. HIGH HOLHORN N1>s 101 to 104. Plots on the cast, and west wide of Dean street, close by Valuable Hit«'-« for Important Shops. Wardum-cs or Dwellings, with area varying from about• 7,374ft to 3.121ft respectively, To he Let 1*0 Hulldtug Lease־‘ Hollel tors, Messrs. .1 and \Y. \V Laaosou. tl. New Ini׳. HI rand. VY'.C Particular« and eoudlUou« 1יי' »ale. with plans, may l>r had of the respective Holloltor»; at the plain» of Male; and of the Auctioneer27 .«־. Chancery-lane. ! W O. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. Sale of am important and valuable Freehold Estate, known as Broadway Hall, situated midway between Bishop’s Castle and Churchstoke. and intersected by the main roads to Welshpool and Churchstoke to Minsterley. IX/TESSIIS. MORRIS, MARSHALL and lU. POOLE have received instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Castle Hotel, Bishop’s Castle, on Thursday, June 29, 1899, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon. subject to the General Conditions of Sale of the Shropshire Law Society and to other special conditions to be then and there produced, in the following Lots: — Lot 1.—All the several Closes or Parcels of Land, situate in the parish of Churchstoke, otherwise Churchstoke in the county of Montgomery, comprising a superior farmhouse, farm buildings, oak buildings, pasture and arable land, and three comfortable cottages with gardens, and comprising in the whole 171 acres and 6 perches, or thereabouts. Lot 2.—All that detached! Field of Pasture Land, situate in the parish of Churchstoke aforesaid, and near the Llanarch, containing 2a. 2r. 26p., or thereabouts. Both Lots are let to Mr. William Hodges on a yearly tenancy at the low rent of £215 13s. The tithe rent-charge payable for the year 1898 is £14 3s. 2d., and the land! tax £6 15s. 9d. The property will be sold subject to certain chief rents or yearly sums of 19s. lOd. and 6s. 4d., chargeable upon certain portions of the premises, and also subject to the rights of way shown on the plan. | A plan of the premises can be seen at the Offices of the Auctioneers, or the Vendor’s Solicitors, at Bury. For further particulars applv to the Auctioneers, at tneir Offices, Chirburv and Bishop’s Castle; to Mr. H. Harvey Kay. solicitor. Silver-street. Bury; or to the Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. Butcher and Barlow, 4. Bank-street, Bury; Market-place, Ramp-bottom. and 2, St. James's-square, Manchester, all in the county of Lancaster. HEADLEY. HANTS, in the favourite districts of Hind head and Liphook, 3ft miles from Liphoolv Station, L. and H.-W. Railway. MR. J. ALFRED EGGAR (in conjunction with Messrs. COLLIER and SON) has received in-BtructionH from Sir Archibald K. Macdonald. Bart., to Hell by Auction, at the Anchor Hotel, Liphook, on Haturday, July 15. 1899, at Four o’clock precisely, in lots, an outlying portion of the Woo’mer Lodge --------- ------------ ^ „ „ lots, an outlying port. K*id, solicitors, 36 arid 37, Great Ht. Helen s, EC.; 4 Estate, known as Headley Mill Farm. e/vmprUilng old $alcv\ Dn Auction. KsSSHS. U.VXTNR, r.VYNK ami 11KlTK.ll L\ l to amvomu'o that thou- Auotlou ihvU's of Rsutt.w, liuiKUns l,»ml. Oromut UonW, Uou»o lK*rl\. and all convertible HeeurlUe« will be held at the Mart. ’I'okenhouse yard. FV. on the lollowUvg da>s during the > ear Hale,־• will aUo be held on »\Hwal dates when required, nv iHlneadav, J une viH 1 NYediuwday. Hev'temlu r 18 NYcduravlav,July NYedm»«day.September20 \Vcduc-sdav, J ulv ־-■d W educaday, t>otohev 11 Wednesday, Yuguet 0 I NN־edn«»»d»y,November 15 NVeduwaUy, vug tun 23 ן NVedñenday, December 0 Auction Hale» of VMrntture. Farming Stock. Grow-vug v'ivvvi, I'uuhew Underwood, etc. ,Term« on application. Fv\'v»e1ty Register, together with a list of tavms. pubUshed monthly, and forwarded gratis on application to Meeer* Baxter. Bayne and Lepper. land agx'nts. surveyors, valuers and auctioneers, 69. King NY lUiain-atreet, K.O., and Bromley and Beckon-ham. Kent. Bv order of the IVustiH's of the late A. Duncan. Esq. KENT Woodohuivh and High. Hahion. Two Fit«-hold Wiirv and IVultry Farms, containing ivsih'c-uvel\ •ksi. Ir. cóp. and 3tkk Or. 36p.. each having a comfortable house, stabling, and' necessary out-buildings. -In Two Lots. MISSUS. 15AXTKR, l'AVNK and l.Kl'l'KU wiU ik'U bv Auction, at 011' Mart., Oily, K.O.. on Wednesday, .'uno .־a. la*', at Two o'clock pro-ciii'ly tho abvvvo-mutt’Od cimvomont DAlliV ana 1VVI.TKY FARMS, vi».:- ,, lot 1 HoiX'a tVttaca' Farm. High Holdall, well situate in ti» village, with oanvemant house, star-dens, ;uvd all tiecossary premises, together with ova. Or. cep. of meadow and orchard land, divided into nine enclosures, new let to Mr. Rusbridsro on a '־early tenancy :subject to 12 months, to terminate CK-iober 11 in any year) at a rental 01' £50 per annum. , Lot 2,—Hornhrook Farm. \\ oodchurch, tnolnding a comfortable farmhouse, with food garden, orchard and ample buildings, together with 4Sa. lr. oop., made up of about 33 acre© of meadow. 10 acres arable, and four acre© hops: let to Mr. Pellett on lease expiring October 11. 1899. at the low annual rental ° High Holden is six miles from Pluckley Station, on the road from Tenterden to Ashford, and Wood-church is 4-Y miles from Ham-street Station. Tenter-den being ‘five miles distant, and Ashford seven miles. The lands are productive and suitable for pleasure, dairy, or poultry farming. May be viewed, and particulars, with conditions of sale and plan, obtained of Messrs. Lowless and Co., solicitors» 36־. Martin’s-lane. Cannon-street.. E.C.; at the Mart. E.C.: and of Baxter, Payne andf Lepper. surverors and land agents, Bromley and Beckenham. Kent.' and 69, King William-street, E.C. KENT.—Bromley, South-hill-park.—For investment and occupation.—Five well-placed detached Family Residences, standing in large gardens. MESSRS. BAXTER, PAYXE and LEPPER will Sell bv Auction, at the Mart, City, E.C., on Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at Two o’clock pre-cisely, the following PROPERTIES: — Lot 1.—For investment.—Woodstock, South-hill-road, with stabling and large grounds, let on repair-ing lease at an annual rental of £205. Lot 2.—For investment.—St. Vincent, Durham-avenue; let on agreement at a rental of £95 per annum. Lot 3.—For occupation.—Ringwood, Cumberland-road; the accommodation includes eight bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, three reception rooms, ample offices and cellarage; large garden. Lot 4.—For occupation or investment.—Helenslea, Cumberland-road, containing the same number of rooms as Ringwood (Lot• 3), and let on agreement at an annual rental of £100, but possession could be had by arrangement. _ . Lot 5.—With possession.—Blenheim, Soutn-hill-road, having a large garden, and containing eight bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, boud'oir, three reception rooms, conservatory, ample offices, and cellarage. י . , , . South-hill-park lies very high, and commands charming views; it is a favourite residential part, and the church, railway station, and shops are only distant a few minutes’ walk. May be viewed, and particulars, with conditions of -ale, obtained of Messrs. G. and W. Webb, solid-tors, 39, New Broad-street, E.C.; at the Mart, E.C.; and of Baxter, Payne and! Lepper, surveyors and land agents, Bromley and Beckenham, Kent, and 69, King William-street, E.C.___________________ KENT.—Farnborough fabout 1ft miles from Orpington Station;.—A pretty pair of Country Cottages, known as Ebury Villas, Welbrook-road, together with stable, outbuildings, good׳ gardens, and a fruit plantation. Each house contains four bed rooms, two sitting rooms, kitchen, scullery, and necessary offices. No. 1 is held on a quarterly tenancy, at a rental of £23 per annum; and No. 2 is in hand. ________ MESSRS. BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER 1Y1 will Bell by Auction, at the Mart, City, E.C., on Wednesday, lane 28, 1899, at Two o'clock pre-cisely, in One Lot, the above-described PAIR of COUNTRY COTTAGES, with stable, chaise house, good gardens, and productive fruit plantation, suit-able for a retired business mart-of small means, or for poultry rearing. May be viewed, and particulars, with conditional of «ale obtained of Messrs. Barrell. Wilkinson and faenloned Farmhouse, two Homesteads, Mill House Water (Jorri Mill, and 183ft acres of Freohold Hand, prettily timbered, lovely scenery, dry soil, southern ד)oot. and close to village and church. ,articular* of Messrs, It. and L. Du Cane, solicitors. 1, Oray’s-inn. London, WO.; of Messrs. Collier and Hon, o-ftatongents, Godaiming; and of the Auctioneer. Farnham, Surrey• To Large and Small Capitalists.—Secure Investments In Freehold Property. Hll ROPHUIRE. In the parishes of Procs, Worn and llodnot, Sale of 421 acres of attractive FREEHOLD PROPER• TIES, comprising Ncwliouse Farm, situated at Wollcrton, In the parish of Ifod'not. and eontaln’ng about 128 acre*. The Brook House Farm, in the parish of Wem, containing an area of about (>() iteres. Two small Holdings, 12 acres, and four acres. 194 acres of a ruble and pasture Aoeonunodu* tlon Land«, in 23 Lot«, varying from 34 acre« to half an acre, Two Hhops and Premises, Five Cottages and Gardens; also about 29 acres of well-grown and thriving oak Woodlands, fir and' larch Plftntatlons Which will he Offered by Auction, b> M'KHHHH. WM. II ALL, WAT WEI DOM and OWEN, at the Victoria Hotel, Whitchurch. at the Mart; and of Baxter. Payne and! Lepper. auctioneers and land agent«. Bromley and Beckon-hm, Kent, and 69, King Will lain-street, E.C. KENT,—gwan*combe (close to the important manu-factoring district of Greenhithfe).—81 Plots of Free.-hold Building Land, *ultable for the erection •J cottages or small villas. Immediate possession. Free conveyances, MESSRS. BAXTER, PAYNE ami LEPPER will Bfeil bv Auction, at the Railway Hotel. Green hi the, on Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at Hix for Heven o'clock precisely. LIGHTV-ONE Í.OTH of KHKKHOÍA) Bí.ÍLDING LAND each with a frontage of 17ft, by a depth of 100ft, Tho plots face Knock-holt Chase and the Kyunford and Hutton roads, the two latter in course; of construction. The surround-ing district is an important manufacturing centre, with a dearth (A cottages, and an increasing demand My be viewed, and particulars, with conditi»»« of sale »04 plan, obtained of G. L Lepper, F.*q. wAUM/ff, 72, Mark-lane, K O, ; at the Inns of the district; and of Baxter, Payne and l,epper, auc-tionee/־; and land ;tgents Bromley and Beckuili'trn. Kent, and 69, King Willi am-street״ K.C. WANDRWORTIf ■ROAD. M essrs. c11Afu.Es johnson ami eo. will Hell by Auction, *t the Alexandra Hotel, ('lap hum 1/>1t\u1hn, on Wednesday evening, ,fun• 21 a♦ 11,!10 Urr Heven ill one I !A. the following excellent I'HOI'K It TÍVM 12 and 14 G*o»e)i a street, Hand 8>י Riverhall street, and 9 and fiüt Tho׳ne street., Wandsworth mad. All let to good Unant« at low renta, and producing fcbwut 1C24Ä p*r annum, ^ ״ ״ Parthmlars (A Messrs Gree and firm, «OijOlt/frs, l,t, Orav'*-4nn-w1uar#! W/Ì, nr of the AuMloneer«, Ln, M l;ulloek and ........ Gaskarth to%A, Bal ham, íi.W J llousw, Gannon street, London, and Hanley. Htafll Halop, on Friday, .lune 30, 1899. at 1.31) pm. ire- Olili) . Partionlar«, piaos, und conditio»!« ״f nule may be obtained from the Auctioneer«, at High-street. Hhrewwbury, 19, HJgh-street, Wem, ami Bmk eliiuu Is־.rn Oswestry; Mr K. Ilygott, «olloltor, Wem. und Whitchurch ] Mr A. II Ashdown, land ugmil npplngton, Wellington, Halop! und Messi׳« Mourner chartered ucrounLtnlM, Hmdi Ittnn Go. foprutor. if HANK J*. WibttOfl. at tl»u JBKi'ATtfiM UA’AlfllTU iTloUuii NYuikw. No. 0, Ht. Bilde Fleet-street, UuuUuv, K.U i•finted and f'uhlluheu hv L110 r