1061 THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 17, 1899. detached villa residences known as Rockleigh and Rutherford, in Thornhill-road, Marsh, lease 999 years, ground rent £12 3s., were disposed of for £850 and £850 respectively ; and the Coach and Horses Inn, Owlers, Marsden, with stable, shed and outbuildings, the site containing 12 perches ; also a farmhouse, called Owlers, Marsden, with barn, mistal, garden, and several closes of land, containing in all 14 acres, for £1,100. The solicitors were Messrs. Armitage, Sykes and Hincheliffe, Messrs. Hall and Co., and Mr. Thomas D. Ruddock. On Tuesday they sold the following local properties:—A block of leasehold property situated at the junction of Bradfbrdvroad North !amid FartWn-greem-road, comprising a grocer’s shop and dwelling house, together with 4 dwelling; houses, numbered 248 to 254, Bradford-road North, and five dwelling houses, numbered 1 to 9, Far-town-green-road, with yard, gardens, etc., the site containing an area of 927 •sq. yards, lease 999 years, ground rent £15 9s., for £2,000 ; find a leasehold dwelling house, known as Oswestry House, No. 32, Bleech-at-reet, Paddock, together with enclosed gardens back and front, the site containing an area of 227 square yards, lease 999 years, ground rent £2 10s. 6d., for £360. Mr. J. Botfomley, and Messrs. Brook, Freeman! and Batley, Huddersfield, were solicitors for the vendors. At their Mart, St. James’s-street, Sheffield, on the 13th instant, Messrs. W. H. and J. A Eadon offered a freehold farm, known as Holt House Farm, containing in all about 17 acres, which was withdrawn at £1,700 ; and a house known as Monny Brooks, Totley, with farm buildings and four pieces of land, containing in all about 10 acres, which sold for £950. The solicitors were Messrs. Webster and Styring, and Messrs. Sorby and Hall, Sheffield. Messrs. William Bush and Sons offered for sale, at their rooms, Ohurch-street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, the freehold estate called Hazle-head Hia®, in Tliurlestone, comprising 197 acres. The Hall is a commodious residence, has a south aspect, and commands views over beautiful moorland country, the river Don adjoining the estate. There are extensive farm buildings for accommodating 100 cattle, and two houses. The estate sold for £5,250. Messrs. Henry and Alfred Maxfield, cf Sheffield, acted a® the vendor’s solicitors. At• their Mart, 23, Market-street, Huddersfield, on Tuesday, Mr. Henry Tinker (Messrs, Geo. Tinker and Son) sold several freehold properties. Tenter Croft farmhouse, cottage, and 13a. 24p., ini Upper Oldfield, sold for £600 ; Little Croft farmhouse, cottage, and 4a. lr., on Oldfield-road, for £280; farm buildings, house and shop, and 17a. 2r. 3p., withdrawn at £840; farmhouse, two cottages, and 8a. 2r. 35p., at Wood Bottom, sold for £295; farmhouse, two cottages, and 7a. 3r. Ip., on Black-moorfoot-road, Linthwaite, for £655; 3a. lr. 25p. of grass land, at Marsden, £54; and a ground rent of £2 15s. per year on premises in Peel-street, Marsden, for £70. Messrs. Lay-eock, Dyson and Laycock, solicitors, of Huddersfield, were concerned. Messrs. Hepper and Sons sold by auction, at their rooms, East-parade, Leeds, on Tuesday, the Globe Corn Mill, Holbeck, with loading facilities on! the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, and motive power and gearing, dwelling house, and buildings. The estate comprises about 1,200 square yards of freehold land, and was sold to Mr. W. Harrison Turner, of Leeds, for £3,000. 'Messrs. Simpson and Simpson, of Leeds, were the solicitors concerned. Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold by auction, at their Mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, four freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 25 ito 31, Shortridge-street, Atter-cliffe, producing £69 10s. annually, for £1,050 ; and ׳two freehold houses, with large gardens, Nos. 79 and 81, Pulton-road, Wallk-lev. gross rent £36 8s., for £500. Messrs. Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford, and Messrs. Smith, Smith and: Elliott, of Sheffield, were the solicitors׳ acting in the matter. houses, Nos. 60 and 61, Cattell-road, gross j rental £36, ground rent £6, for £325; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 62 and 63, Cattell-road, gross rental £46 3s., ground rent £6 1®. 6d., for £355 ; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 16 and 17, T'emplefield-street, Small-heath, gross rental £47 9s., ground rent, £6 2s. 6d., for £320; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 39 and 40, Cuckoo-road, Aston, gross rental £33 16s., ground rent £8 8s., for £270 ; and two similar houses, Nos. 41 and 42, Cuckoo-road, gross rental £33 16s., ground rent £8 8s., for £255. The total amount realised was £2,210. The solicitors were Messrs. Amend and Son, and Messrs. Oolemaui, Springthorpe, Holcraft and Tiemay, Birmingham. Messrs. Grimley and Son conducted a sale, on Thursday, at the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, of the freehold public-house, known as the Reservoir Hotel, Earlswood, held for 11 years at the yearly rent of £80, with an area of 15a. 20p., whitah sold for £3,050 ; Singleton Cottage, opposite, let at £15 yearly, for £570 ; residence adjoining, known as Ellesmere, rental £30 per annum, £910; lr. 22p. of freehold building land׳ opposite Singleton Cottage, £105; freehold house, Holly Bank. Earslwood, let on lease for 6| years at £25 per annum, with la. lr., £640; Beeehwood, a residence in Oopeley-hill, leasehold for 56 years, ground rent £8 18s., rent £35, £300; 1,390 square yards of freehold building land opposite, £160 ; profit rental of £41 6s. 8d. secured upon Nos. 117 and 118, Yyse-street, term 46 years, £700 ; No. 14, George-street West, with a coalyard, and four cottages in Spring-hill-row, total 'rental £93 12s., leasehold' for seven years at a ground rent of £20 3s. 4d., £200 ; and 453 square yards of freehold building iand, No. 70, Franchise-street, Percy Barr, with cottages and buildings, £235. The total realised at the sale was £6,870. The solicitors were Messrs. Ansell and Ashford, and Mr. A. J. O’Connor, of Birmingham. Messrs. George Loveitt and Son, at their Mart, Coventry, on June 6, sold by auction four freehold houses (one with shop) in Vine-street, producing £65 12s. per annum, for £1,040 ; and four leasehold houses (one with shop), producing £60 per annum, unexpired term 77 years, ground rent £4, for £960. Residences, building land and other properties failed to reach reserves. Forty shares in Stanley Brothers, Limited, realised from £11 10s. to £11 15s. per share. At the Grand' Hotel, Birmingham, on June 15, Mr. Thomas Marson submitted to auction the Songor and Langley Estates, in 11 lots, which sold as follows : —Songor Grange, 348a. 3r. 16p. (and timber), £4,562 17s. 6d. ; two cottages, £80; two cottages, £205; Langley Manor Farm, 79a. lr. 27p. (and timber), £2,046 17s. ; a field of 2a. 3r. lip., £75; another of la. 3r. 26p. (and timber), £53 10s. ; two fields. 14a. 2r. 26p. (and timber), £167 ; two others, 16a. 2r. 26p. (and timber), £235 5s. ; cottage and garden, la. 2r. 21p., £138 15s. ; a field of 5a. Or. 26p. (and timber), £78 15s. ; another of 11a. lr. 21p. (and timber), £226 17s. 6d. YORKSHIRE. On the 8th instant, at the County Sale Room, Whitby, Mr. Robert Gray offered to auction a freehold dwelling house, with garden, Well-closc-square, rated at £25, which, realised £710. The solicitor was Mr. W. S. Gray. On the 30th ultimo, at their salerooms, in High-street, Huddersfield, Messrs. Eddison. Taylor and Booth sold the residence known as Fairfield, in! Mountjoy-road, Huddersfield, area 419 square yards, apportioned ground rent £8 14s. 7d., for £750 ; the residence also known as Fairfield, with same area and ground rent, also fetched £750 ; the residence Wyken, area 280j square yards, apportioned ground rent £5 16s. 10d., sold for £850 ; the residence known as Thornfield, adjoining, with same area and ground rent, was withdrawn at £840, but was afterwards sold by private treaty ; two semi- and 18 freehold residences in Brighton, part of the estate of the late Mr. Henry Parsons. The attendance was excellent, bidding brisk, and ׳every lot was sold. Lyoth House Estate of 14a. lr. 9p., at Wivelsfield, sold for £3,000 ; No. 29, Queeffis-park-road, let at £32 a year, £550 ; Nos. 31 and 33, £970; No. 53, let at £30, £520; Nos. 55 and 57, £995; Nos. 61 and 63, rental £28 each, £990; No. 45, Buck-ingham-road, let at £55 per annum, £790 ; No. 28, West-hill-road, rental £38, £645 ; No. 29, rental £36, £620; No70 .׳, Trafalgar-streab, rental value £55 a year, £1,040 ; No. 71, rental £40, £780; No. 95, let on a. repairing lease for 17 years, at £40, rising to £45, £870; Nos. 2 and 3, Olifton-street, with builder’s yard and workshop, freehold, let at £38 16s., £620 ; No. 4, rental £28, £525 ; No. 5, let at £32 a year, £600 ; and No. 28, Clifton-street, yearly rent £32, £665. On the 7tli instant, at the Old Ship Assembly Rooms, Brighton, Mr. J. R. Thornton sold the following properties situated at Huratpier-point:—White House, a brick-built cottage adjoining Odbb’s Mill, Sayer’s-common, let ait £10 10s., for £210; a parcel of building land, with a frontage to High-street of 185jft., and two adjoining ,house® in׳ the rear, Nos. 1 and 2, Reotory-ooittages, gross rental £33 18s., foi £1,675; Church Cottages, being three -.rick-built and tile-healed cottages situated in the High-street, gross׳ rental £30, for £425 ; Church Field, a piece of land situated near, and having an entrance from High-street, let at £4, was withdrawn at £525 ; another plot of building land, near Ne׳w-road, let in conjunction with the previous lot, apportioned rental £2, together with an adjoining piece of land׳ situated in New-road, on which, stand four cottages, known as Spring-garden Cottages, the cottage® let at £21 14s., for £500 ; two plots of building land, the first known as Glebe Allotments, which communicates with High-street by means of two passages on its east and left side, fetched £205. the other being bought in at £170; an attractive double-fronted red brick-built and tile-healed residence, facing the High-street, together with a desirable enclosure of meadow land at the rear, let at £34, the meadow land being held at an annual rental of £9, for £800 ; Card’s Cottages, to the number of five, situated near and in the High-street, together with a plot of land in the rear, for £500 ; two stucco-fronted residences in the High-street, let at £20 and £22 respectively, exclusive of rates and taxes, together with a builder's yard, containing various erections, let on׳ a tenancy which expires on September 29, 1902, of £10. withdrawn at £1,000 ; eight brick-built -and tiled dwelling (houses, known as Rib'bebt’s Cottages, gross rental £40, for £510 ; a plot of building land at Wickham-hill, within ten minutes? walk of Hassocks Station, was withdrawn! at £140; and' four similar parcels were similarly dealt with ; an enclosure of meadow land, adjoining Alice-terrace, Wickham-l'ane, with a similar adjoining plot, for £400; an enclosed piece of meadow land having a frontage to the main road from Ditchling to Lewes of 519ft., and having an area of over 3¿- acres, for £500; a pielce of land situated at the real of the first piece Of Ditchling land offered, sold for £160 ; an adjoining plot•, for £185; while four enclosed pieces of land on the opposite side of the Ditchling to Lewes-road, with an area of over 5j acres, and a frontage to the road of 531ft., fetched £550 ; •the last lot offered was a piece of land near the above, and possessing a frontage to the road of 336ft., which realised £240. The total realised during the sale was £6,860. WARWICKSHIRE. At the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, on the 8th instant, Messrs׳. Grimley and Son sold the following local properties : —Two long leasehold houses, Nos. 56 and 57, Cattell-road, Small-heath, gross rental £42 Is., ground rent £6 Is. 6d׳., for £370; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 58 and 59, Cattell-road, gross rental £33, for £315; two long leasehold (Continued from Page 1044.) for £360 ; two leasehold cottages, Bridgeman-street, for £200 ; making a total for the evening’s sale of £8,850. The solicitors acting at the sale were Messrs. Marlow and Marten, and Mr. Enoch Evans, of Walsall, and Messrs. Underhill and Thorneycroft, of Wolverhampton. SURREY. Mr. Ilarrie !Stacey held a sale of freehold arid leasehold properties, at the Market Hall, Red-hill, on Wednesday. The Roundabout, a block of 12 cottages in the centre of Red'hill-common, producing £114 8s. per annum, sold for £1,700; two detached cottages near St. John’s Church, rent £32 10s., for £500 ; 11 shops and houses in London-road, producing £305 per annum, and held on lease for 47¿ years at a ground rent of £3 per annum, No 12, double-fronted shop, let at £45 per annum, £700 ; No. 14, rental £26, for £350 ; Nos. 16 to 22, £1,215; No. 24, £355; No. 26, £375 ; No. 28, £310 ; No. 34, let at £30 a year, £370 ; No. 36, rent £27 6s. a year, £705; freehold cottage residence, No. 8, Cecil-road, rental £26 per annum, £360 ; and' two houses, called Hope Villas, and a cottage at Hope-green, South Benfleet, Essex, producing £28 12s. a year, £280. The solicitor for the vendor was Mr. C. Attersol Smith, of Reigate. SUSSEX. At the George Hotel, Hailsham, on the I4th instant, Messrs. David Guy and Sons offered the following local properties: Two enclosures of freehold meadow land, Chiddingly, containing about five acres, together with farm buildings, withdrawn at £345 ; a piece of meadow land, Chiddingly, containing about three acres, withdrawn at £105 ; an׳ enclosure of marsh land, Hailsham, containing about two acres, withdrawn at £60; a cottage, Bell Banks-road, Hailsham, let at £12 7s., withdrawn at £160 ; business premises, with cottage, meadow, orchard, aaid garden! land, Muddles-green, Chid-dingly, containing about■ one acre, gross rental £22, land tax 5s. 3d., •sold for £415 ; and the copyhold property known as Kerpses, Hurst-moneeux, comprising a cottage residence, business premises, two enclosures of meadow land, garden, and orchard, containing in all about two acres, gross rental £22, for £350. The solicitors were Messrs. Coles׳ and Sons, and Mr. Isaac Viniall, Hailsham. On June 7, at the Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, Mr. R. B. Dell (Messrs. Jenner and Dell) submitted for sale, before a good attendance, the business premises and private residence (wer, No. 24, St. James-street, let on repairing lease for 19 years at £120 a year, which was sold for £3,050 ; freehold ground rents of £6 per annum, with reversion to £50 per annum in 23¿ years’ secured on No. 5, St. George’s-road, £160; one of £3, reversion to £30 in 22¿ years on No. 15, £160; another of £2 12s., with reversion to £35 a year in 22¿ years on No. 20, £170 ; one of £6 15s., rack rental £50, reversion in 23 years, on Nos. 6 and 7, Park-street, £265 ; and a freehold ground rent of £12 per annum, rack rental £100 a year, reversion in 22¿- years, secured upon Noe." 8 to 11, £510. Mr. W. G. Ansel'l (Messrs. Drawbridge and Ansell) held a sale at the New Inn׳ Hotel, Huratpierpoint, on June 7, of the property of the late Mr. Henry Send'all. The commodious old-established business premises of Messrs. G. Master and O. F. Tulley, and the chemist’s and stationer’s shop adjoining, sold for £1,500 : the residence׳ called Stanhope was withdrawn׳ a: £840 ; Pitt Cottage and garden, £430 ; 31p of building land adjoining, £100 ; Boxall’s cottage and garden, £150; New House Estate, comprising house' (dated 1742), nearly 100 acres of land, farm buildings, and five cottages, withdrawn at £3,000; Goldbridge dairy and fruit, farm of six acres, withdrawn at £750 ; building site of 15 acres, sold for £575; and 3a. 3r. 20p., in Pomper-lane, for £110. On June 8, at •the Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, Mr. E. W. Elliott (Messrs. Elliott and Sons) submitted a residential estate at AVivelsfield. Crown 8vo. Price 6s. For Cash with Order, 5s. Net. -A. IN' ID HOTJSES, BY ^ CHARLES E. CURTIS, F.S.I., Professor of Forestry, Field Engineering and Surveying, and General Estate Management at the College of Agriculture, Downtou ; Consulting Forester to the Eight Hon. Lord O’Neill, Shane’s Castle, Antrim. Author of “ Estate Management ” (Fourth Edition) ; “Practical Forestry ” (Second Edition), etc., etc., WITH VALUATION EXAMPLES, by D. THOS. DAVIES, F.S.I. AND INDICATION, etc., by IVOR CURTIS, B.A. (Cantab.). 27ms Work will prove ■invaluable to Valuers and Surveyors in practice, whilst for Students and Pupils it forms a text book on a most important subject of study FRANK P. WILSON, “Estates Gazette” Office, 6, St. Bride Street, London, E.C.