June 17, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 1068 MARTIN, CLARKE and CO., 9, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Knockholt, Kent—The Lodge, and 4a. 2r. 14p., F 1,350 NORRIS and HADLEY, 5, Argyll-place, Regent-street, W. Shaftesbury-avenue—No. 133, ut 33J years, OR £62 .................................... 755 Brentwood!, Essex—Avenue-road, The Lions, F, R £52 10s............................. 700 W. G. SHADRAKE, Leyton, E., and Barking, Essex. Brixton—1, Torrens-street, nt 76 years, GR £6, R £39 .................................. 260 ANDREW YOUNG, Spring-gardens, S.W. Stepney—Ben Jonson-road, Six Plots of Building Land, area 8,185ft., a Building Lease for 80 years, let at per annum ........ 85 Greenwioh—Trafalgar-road, 11 Plots of Building Land1, area 11,970ft., a Building Lease for 80 years, let at per annum .............. 146 By Order op the Committee. Not sold under the Hammer. JUNE. MONDAY 12th. J. BOTT and SONS, Commercial House, Hernc-hill, S.E. Streatham—71 and 72, Gleneagle-roadl, L Sydenham—48a, 48 to 56 (even), Porthcawe-road, L Norwood!—Selsdon-road. Selsdon Villa, and Dunsford, P CLIMPSON and JOHNSON, 59, Bedford-hill, Balham, S.W. Highbury—34 and 36, Framfield-road, L Peckham—190, Peckham-rye, F Hounslow—20, Lampton-road, L EcUham—17, Tunley-road, L ZD WIN EYANS, 253, Layender-hill, Clapham-junction, S.W., Earlsfield and Putney. Old Kent-roadh-71, Trafalgar-road, L Walthamstow—2 and 3, Addison-road, L Acton—17, Graf ton-road, L Brixton—10, Effra-parade, F MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 40. Rosslyn-hill, Hampstead. Hampstead—73 anti 75, South-hill-park, L EDWARD MILLARD, 47, Finsbury-circua, E.C. Tonbridge, Kentr—The Pinnacles, and 7a. lr. Op., F T. G. ROGERS, Highgate Station, N. Hornsey—75 to 81 (odd), St. Mary’s-hill, F Bermondsey—Queen׳s-place, FGR of £35 Crouch-end—8, Weston-park, L S. WALKER and SON. 22, Moorgate-street, E.C. Greenwich—36 and 38, South-street, L Lee—89 and 91, High-road, L Stoke Newington—63, Newington-green-road, L Sydenham-hill—Southwood, and) la. 2r. 4p., F WRIFORD and DIXONS, 5, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, W.C. Enfield—Chase-side, The Poplars, F Teddington—Broom-road, Weir Bank, and! 10J acres, F Hayes, Middlesex—Main-road, Enclosure of Land18£ ,׳ acres, F Dulwich—266, Crystal Palace-road, L TUESDAY 13th. DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Frensham, Surrey—Enclosures of Heath Land, 40a. 2r. 33p., F Bromyard (near), Hereford!—The Bowden House Estate, 153a. 2r. 20p., F Sydenham-hill—Beech Grove., and 3a. 3r. Op., L Highgate—View-road, The Gables, and Ken View, area two acres, L DRIYER and CO., 23, Pall Mall, S.W. Paddington—Macroom-road, IGR of £72 108.; Fermoy-road, Wharves Nos. 1 and 2, L Twyford, Midldlesex—Tip Land, 35a. 3r. 14p., F Felixstowe, Suffolk—Martello Place, and l| acres, F OSBORN and MERCER, 28b, Albemarle-street, Piccadilly,W. Hyde-park—Gloucester-square, IGR of £200 HARDS and BRADLY, 158, Fenchurch-street, E.C., and 82, Church-street, Greenwich, S.E. Greenwich—Woodland-street, FGR's of £22 12s. Deptford—32, 34 and 36, Idonia-street, L Lee—11, St. Mildred/'s-road, L JAMES MAY, Seven Kings. Ilford. Romford, Essex—Heath-park-road¡, Four Building Plots; 1 to 4, Brooklands-terrace, F; Prince's-road¡, Dovedale, F Ilford, Essex—1 and 44, Elgin-road; 39, Northhrook-road; 11 and) 14, Norfolk-road1; 9, 14 and 30, Aldborough-gardens; 19, Wellesley-road, L Romford, Essex—Squirrels-heath, a Freehold Buildipg Estate, 8£ acres REYNOLDS and EASON, 43, Bishopsg&te-street Without, E.C. Old Kent-road and Leroy-streef>-The Letting of Building Sites, area 35,900ft. (unlet) ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-graye-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. Chelsear—16a and! 16b, Edith-grove; 11, Fernshaw-road, L SALES and CL1RKE, 11, John-street, Minories, Hendon—5, Carlton-parade, F C. and H. WHITE, 262, Kennlngton-road, S.E. Blackheath—Humber-road, a Plot of Building Land, F Bromley, Kent—Cowper-road, FGR of £12, also a Plot of Land. F WEDNESDAY 14th. C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Ilchester House, Uxbridge-road Station, W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing, W. Shepherd’s Bush—12, Shepherd’s Bush-road, F Ealing—25, 26, 29, 30 and 31, Shakespeare-road, F HAROLD GRIFFIN, 154, High-street, Battersea, S.W. Wandsworth—151 to 159 (odd), 153a, 153b, Usk-road, F HILLIER and PARKER, 103, Regent-street, W. West Ham—107 and 109, Leyes-road׳, L Bexley Heath, Kent—86 and) 88, The Broadway, L SLADE and BUTLER, 90 and 91, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. Twickenham, Middlesex—Gothic-road, 17 Plots of Building Land, F T0WERp, ELLIS and CO., 141, InYerness-ter־ race, W. Enfield Highway—1 and 2, Alice-cottages; Mande-ville-road, Horatio Cottage, also a Plot of Land adjoining, F HERRING, SON and DAW, 6, . onmonger-lane, E.C., and Brixton-hill, S.W. Brixton—3, Angell-park-gardens, L Streatham—18, Christchurch-road, F Croydlon—108, High-street, F, with Goodwill 480 800 300 Reversion to One-third Share of Freehold Property at Windmill-hill, Enfield, producing £150 per annum, life aged 69 ........... 500 Star Life Office—68 £25 Shares, £1 5s. paid . 3,533 THURSDAY 15th. F. J. BISLEY and SONS, 68 and 80, Union-road, Rotherhithe, S.E., end 63, King William street, E.G. Bermondsey—57, Yalding-road, ut 67 years, GR £5 10s............................... 335 Camberwell—14 to 48 (even), Rignold-road, ut 67J years, GK £90 ...................... 4 350 Old Kent-road—6 and 7, Trafalgar-square, ut 76 years, GR £12 .......................... Bermondsey—6 and 8, Storks-road, ut 41 years, GR £10 ..............................,... Rotherhithe—91, Clarence-street, F ... Bermondsey—79 to 85 (ddd), Catlin-street, ut 48 years, GR £20 ....................... 1 080 Dulwich—Goodrich-road, Four Plots of Build1- ing Land, F ............................ 404 CHESTERTON and SONS, 22, Lower Phillimore place, Kensington, W., and 51, Cheapside, Kensington—27 to 35 (odd), Fenelon-road, ut 49 years, GR £17 10s....................... 1 490 Barnes—The Crescent, a Plot of Building Land, F ....................................... 525 South Kensington—10, Pelham-orescent, ut 14 ’ years, GR £12 ............................ 650 H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C. Reversion to One-half (less! £892 3s. Id. advanced) of a Trust Estate, estimated value £7,397, life aged) 73, provided the reversioner attains 25, with Policies for £1,200 ... 1,370 Reversion to £26,000, invested in Great Northern and other Railway Stocks, life aged 29 ... 7,750 University—Fully-paid Policies for £3,000, and Profits, life aged 58 .................. 2,950 North British and Mercantile—Policies for £200 and Profits, life aged 72 ............... igo Scottish Provident—Policy for £500 and Profits. life aged 60 ............................. 280 Pelican—Policy for £2,200, life aged 50 ..... 500 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Bow—28 to 32, Ruston-street, and 1 to 11 (odd), Locton-street, ut 70 years, GR £23 2s... 1,450 18 to 52 (even), Locton-street, ut 70 years, tt t £3° 12s.............................. 2,155 Hackney—Dunean-square, FGR of £24, reversion in 13£ years ........................ 800 Duncan-square, The Pickle Factory, area 5,164ft„ F, R £55 ........................ 930 2 to 22 (even), Sheep-lane, F ............ 3,355 1 to 11 (odd), Mead-place, F ............. 1,130 56, Lauriston-road1, with Dyeing and Cleaning Works in rear, F, R £65 ........ 1,155 Mile-end—57 to 60, St. Peter’s-road, ut 31 years, GR £15 17s.............................. 1,585 45, Bancroft-road, ut 50 years, GR £4, ER £40 450 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Crouch-end—117 and 119, Park-road, and the Bird-in-Hand B-h, C, R £98 ............. 2,140 Bow—553, 555 and 557, Old1 Ford-road, and the Plough B-h, F, R £99 ................... 1 400 Bromley-by-Bow—64 to 70, 86 to 90 (even), High- street, F ................................ 930 6 to 10, 13 andl 14, Oliver’s-court, C ... 715 Fulham—52, 54 and1 56, Bramber-road, F, R £120 1,650 Shepherd’s Bush—42, St. Stephen’s-avenue, ut 54 years, GR £10, R £35 ................ 290 Bethnal-green—244, Bethnal-green-road, F, R _ . £110..................................... 2,800 Limehouse—125, Eastfield-street, and The Barley Mow B-h, F, R £40 ................... 1,020 140, White Horse-street, F, R £30 ........ 510 Mile-end1—107 and1 109, Canal-road, ut 23 years, GR £6 .................................... 325 Stratford—Major-road, FGR of £3 10s., reversion in 65 years .......................... 75 Major-road׳, IGR of £10 10s״ ut 63 vears, GR £4 .................................... 120 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Herne-hill—1 to 13 (odd), Milton-road, ut 69 years, GR £38 18s״ R £262 .............. 2:400 Camberwell—264, Southampton-street, F, ER £50, with Goodwill ..................... 700 Bermondsey—Bermondsey-street, etc., a Building Site, area 3,850ft., F ............ 1,875 Wandsworth—70, Warple-way, and 2, Warple- road, ut 69 years, GR £6 ............... Regent’s-park—57, Gloucester-road, ut 47 years, GR £9, R £65 ........................... Upton-park—20, 22, 24, 52 and 54, Marlborough- road, ut 81 years, GR £20 .............. Bethnal-green—Artillery-street, etc״ IGR of £80, ut 19| years, GR £33 250 500 675 , ............................ 470 Chelsea—Royal-avenue, etc., IGR of £21 18s. 6d״ ut 42 years, GR nil ................... 370 Tottenham—122, Northumberland-park, F ..... 495 Wimbledon—27, Caxton-roacE, ut 81 years, GR £4 12s. 6d............................ 200 J. A. and W. THARP, 9, Norton Folgate, E., and Leytonstone, E. Brixton—49, Fffra-road, and one acre, F .... 4,000 Woodford—1 to 8. Holly-villas, F, R £301 10s. 4,000 Limehouse—134, 136 and 138, Rhodeswell-road, ut 12 years, GR £6 15s................. 310 FRIDAY 16th. J. H. BETHELL, 31, LiYerpool-street, E.C., and Upton-park, E. East Ham—48 to 60 (even), St. Bernard’s-road, F ....................................... 1,500 Upton-park—236, 240, 241 and 242, Gipsy-lane, F, R £150 .................................. 2,830 7 and‘ 8, Stanley-terrace, F. R £72 ...... 1,170 East Ham—19 and 20, Forsyth-terrace, F, R £85 1,550 Canning Town—122 and 124, Rathbone-street, F, R£72 .................................. 1,030 Upton-park—7, Percy-road, ut 89 years, GR £4 4s״ ER £30 ............................. 340 W. H. BROWN and CO., 93 and 94, Chancery-lane, W.C. Finsbury-park—20, Brownswood-park, ut 60 years, GR £11, ER £65 .................. 485 FURBER, PRICE and FURBER, 2, Warwick- court, W.C. St. John’s Wood—22, 24, 28, 30 and) 32, Winchester-road, ut 65 years, GR £25 (in lots) 2,985 Marylebone—Cleveland-street, IGR of £36, ut 25 years, GR £21 ............................. 175 Kensington—77, Earl’s-court-road, ut 52 years, GR £8, R £75 .............................. 700 St. Pancras—39 and 41. Charrington-street, ut 24 years, GR £11 10s״ R £100 ............ 750 Tottenham—12, West-green-road, ut 77 years, GR £7 7s״ R £58 ......................... 720 J HIBBARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoke Newington-green, N , and Hoe-street, Walthamstow, E. Beckenham, Kent—Arthur-road, etc., a Building Estate, three acres, F.................... Plaistow—24 to 28 (even), Riles-road, ut 82 years, GR £14 .................................. Stamford-hill—72, 76 and1 80, Daleview-road, ut 59 years, GR £18 6s״ R £86 .............. Dalston—101, Q.ueen’s-road, ut 40 years, GR £10, R £65 ................................... City of London—184, Upper Thames-street, a Profit Rental of £45 for 15 years ....... 80 1,200 530 845 450 TUESDAY 13th. JAMES MAY, Seven Kings, Ilford. Ilford׳, Essex—40, Elgin-roadi, ut 997 years, GR £7 14s״ ER £38 ........................ 385 9, 11, 13 and1 15, Wellesley-road, ut 97 years, GR £10 lös״ R £123 ................... 1,580 S. and G. KINGSTON (at Spalding). Spalding, Lines—A Freehold Holding, 20a. 2r. 37 , ״p..................................... 1,560 Gosberton, Lines—Congreve's Farm, 57a. 2r. 37p., F ............................... 2,800 HEPPER and SONS (at Leeds). Holbeck, Yorks—The Globe Corn Mill Estate, area 1,200 yards, F, with motive power and gearing ........................... 3 000 W. BUSH and SONS (at Sheffield). Thurlstone, Yorks—The Hazlehead Hall Estate, 187a. lr. 16p., F....................... 5,ooo Copperas House, and 10a. Or. 2p., F .... 250 MESSRS. SPELMAN (at Norwich). Norwich—74, Thorpe-road1, and 0a. lr. 38p., F 1,600 Thorpe-road, The Beeches, F, R £35 ..... 750 Thorpe-road, Sabberton Lodge, and Denver House, F, R £65 ........................ 1,125 Thorpe-road, The Gables, F ........... 1,300 Thorpe-road1, Four Freehold Cottages ... 435 11 and 12, Harbour-road, F ............. 300 High-road, a Shop, House and1 Cottage, F 345 3, Prince of Wales-road, F, R £45 ...... 1,100 Little Orford-street, a Suite of Offices, F, R £50 ............................... 1,875 Hainford, Norfolk—A Freehold1 House and Shop, U £12 ............................. 185 A. BURTENSHAW (at Tonbridge). Curtisden-green, Kent—Eight Freehold Cottages 640 N. W. ROBINSON (at Watford). Watford, Herts—Vicarage-road, Lady's Close, and 2a. 3r. 19p., F .................... 4.025 5, Vicarage-road, F, R £24 ............. 275 King-street, The Bed House, F ........... 430 Wiggenhall-road, a Plot of Ground, la. Or. 23p., F ............................... 1,125 CHES8HIRE, GIBSON and FOWLER (at Leamington). Bubbenhall, Warwick—Four Enclosures of Land, 24 acres, F.............................. 425 G. TINKER and SON (at Huddersfield). Honley, etc., Yorks—Four Farmhouses, and 33a. 2r. 21p., F ...................... 1,830 Marsden, Yorks—Two Enclosures, 3a. lr. 25p., F 54 Peel-street, FGR of £2 15s., reversion in 919 years .............................. 70 SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-street, Minories, E.C. Bethnal-green—67 and 71, Bacon-street, ut 37 years. GR £24 .......................... 465 52, Kerbela-street, ut 37 years, GR £10 . 305 BEARD and SON, 110, Westbourne-grove, W. Dover, Kent — Snargate-street, The Theatre Royal, ut 47 years, GR £160 ........... 6,300 Fulham—651 and 653, Fulham-road, ut 23 vears, GR £8. R £56 ........................... 385 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE WATER, 80. Cheapside, E.C. City of London—90, 91 and 92, Fleet-street, and 2 and 3, St. Bride’s-avenue, area 2,290ft., a Building Lease for 80 years, let at per annum ................................ 1,700 Frensham, Surrey—A Piece of Heath Land, 5a. Or. 15p., F ............................ 360 DRIYER and CO., 2X, Pall Mall, S.W. Paddington—Hormead-roadl, FGR of £28, reversion. in 90 years ....................... 780 Horniead-road, a Building Site, area 3,000ft., F ...................................... 650 HARDS and BRADLY, 1S8, Fenchurch-street, E. C., and 82, Church street, Greenwich, S.E. Lewisham—1 and 2, Woodhouse-grove-cottages, F, R £53 .............................. 855 11 and 13, Albion-road, ut 58 years, GR £10, R £64 ................................ 570 Greenwich—90, Calvert-road, F, R £26 ......... 360 ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, SO, Bel grave-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. South Kensington—5, Thurloe-place, ut 7 vears, GR £8, R £120 .......................... 350 Chelsea—Fernshaw-road, IGR's of £24, ut 62§ years, GR £6 ........................... 322 OSBORN and MERCER, 28b, Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, W. Hyde-park—Kensington-gardens-terrace, IGR of £100, ut 34i years, GR £50 ............ 885 St. John's Wood—Holtbam-road, etc., IGR of £78, ut 584 years, GR £2............. 1,625 C. and H. WHITE, 262, Kennington-road, S.E. Bromley, Kent—Oowper-road, Five Plots of Building Land, F ....................... 880 NOTT and CARTWRIGHT, Balham, Wands worth-common, Tooting, and 52, Belgrave-road, S.W. Clapham—139, Elms-road, ut 86 years, GR £12, R £60 Balham—Boundaries-roal, Marchand, ut 97 years, GR £6 6s., R £36 Wimbledon—1, 29 and 29a, Evelyn-road, ut 97 years, GR £16 10s., R £105 Tooting—1 and 2, Rose-villas, F, WR £26 each Croydon—14 and 16, Drydens-road, ut 84 years, GR £4 10s. each, WR £23 8s. each; 139, Elms-road, ut 86 years, GR £12, R £60 Wimbledon—1 to 6, Faraday-villas, ut 97 years, GR £5 10s. each, WR £31 4s. each H. N. NEWTON and CO•¡ 69, Chancery-lane. W.C. Hammersmith—Ravenscourt-park, Oakhurst, ut years, GR £ ROBERT RE ID, 51, Great Marlborough-street, W. Marylebone—6 and 7, Binstead-street, ut 41 years, GR £44, R £290 ; 86, Newman-street, ut 23 years, GR £110, R £300 ; 9, Bolsover-street, ut 24 years, GR £8, R £70; 41, Bolsover-street, ut 16 years, GR £36, R £100; 51, Bolsover-street, ut 2 years, GR £13 13s., R £85; 51, Upper Marylebone-street, ut 12 years, GR £40, R £105 Oxford-circus—7 and 9, Hill’s-place, ut 2 years, GR £162, R £352 10s. FARADAY and RODGERS, 77, Chancery-lane, W.C. Feltham—Hanworth-road, Avondale, Fairholme, and Fairlight, F, R £100 Teddington—Cedar-road, Nine Leasehold Residences, ut 96 years, GR £42 10s., ER £266 Chelsea—15, Cremorne-road, ut 83 years, GR £7, P Leigh-on-Sea, Essex—The Homestead, Milverton, and Wyvem, F, ER £88 B. R. BOSTOCK, Upton park, E. (at the Swan Hotel. Stratford, E., at 8 o’clock). Forest Gate—20 to 28 (even), Forest-street, ut 87 years, GR £16, R £102 14s. Plaistow—137 to 145 (odd), Queen’s-road, ut 65 years, GR £20, R £104; and 8 to 16 (even), Gordon-street, R £91, F East Ham—40 to 48 (even),, Thackerary-road, ut 98 years, GR £16, R £109; 2 to 10 (even), Howard’s-road, ut 8 Oyears, GR £15 15s.. R £104; and a plot of F land, frontage 16ft. to Shrewsbury-road Manor-park—FGR of £7 per annum, secured upon Vancouver House. Church-road. RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at th-A Mart, London., except where otherwise stated. JUNE. WEDNESDAY 7th. C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO. at Ealing). Acton—83, Mill-hill-road, F, ER £50 . 900 WEDNESDAY 14th- ESCR1TT and BARRELL (at Corby). Swayfield, etc״ Lines—Enclosures of Land, 96a. Or. 30p״ F ........................... 860 HOLLIS and WEBB (at Leeds). Far Headingrley, Yorks—The Iveson House Estate, 45 acres, F .................. 7,450 A. DOWELL (at Edinburgh). Logie Coldstone, Aberdeenshire—The Farms of Blackmill, Tullich and1 Watereme, 715 acres ............................... 7,253 DYER, SON and HILTON (at New Cross). New Cross—60 and 62, Tyrwhitt-road, ut 73 years, GR £15 10s״ R £100 ........... 1,030 WORSFOLD and HAYWARD (at Sandwich). Sandwich, Kent—Stonor House, and 35a. lr. 36p., F ................................... 3,700 An Enclosure of Land, 4a. Or. 2p״ F .... 510 HAROLD GRIFFIN, 154, High-street, Battersea, S.W. Battersea—10, 12, 14 and 16, Barmore-street, ut 58 years, GR £20 ................... 760 123 and 125, Winstanley-road, ut 67 years, GR £10 ................................ 330 22 to 28 (even), Benham-street, ut 67 years, GR £14 ................................ 605 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Westgate and Birchington Gas—500 £10 Ordinary “O״ Shares ....................... 5,525 Chigwell, Loughton and׳ Woodford׳ Gas—70 £10 Shares ............................ 1,145 Hertford Gas—42 £10 Shares .................. 693 Woking Water and Gas—30 £10 Shares ......... 300 TOWERS, ELLIS and CO., 141, Inverness-terrace. W. Bayswater—25, St. Stephen’s-road, ut 57 years, GR £12, R £80 ....................... 635 Enfield Lock—1 and 2, Alice-cottages, F .... 275 HERRING. SON and DAW, 6, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and Brixton-hill. S.W. Rotherhithe—156 and 158, Rotherhithe-street, area 21,350ft., F ................... 3,000 DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Lewisham—1, 2 and 7, The Pavement, ut 996 years, GR £37, R £180 .................. 2,250 315 675 850 310 2,000 320 265 1,000 2,250 1,210 2,460 2,400 425 1,000 2,300 1,010 45 120 6 FRIDAY 9th- THURGOOD and MARTIN (at Sheringham). Sberingbam, Norfolk—Union-road, Nine Plots of Land, F............................ Holt-road, etc, Six Plots of Land, F .. DAYID PRICE (at Brecon). Si. Michael, Cwinddu, Brecon—Graig-Llwyd- Fach Farm, 16a. 2r. 39p., F .......... Llangorse, Brecon—St. Mark’s׳ Cottage, and 0a. lr. 26p., F .......................... Oae Ootterel and Blaenau Farm, 94a. Or. 5p., F .................................... Llanvillo, Brecon—Berrien Fields, 4a. 2r. 16p., F Talgarth, Brecon—Three Freehold Fields, 4a. lr. 5p................................ Llanerch and Trewalkin Farm, 70a. or. 2p., F .................................... Llanfihangel Tal-y-Llyn, Brecon—Tycenoi Farm, 101a. Or. 8p., F ..................... fiwenddwr, Brecon—Hendu and Llethyr-Teili Farms, 77a. 2r. 31p., F .............. Merthyr Cynog, Brecon—Ffynnon-Oer, Pwll-serth, andl Cerrig Ithon Farms, 180a. 3r. 14p., F .............................. Llandefailog-Faeh, Brecon—The Coed Farm. 158a. 3r. 23p., F ....................... Brecon—Pendre, St. John's Cottage, F, R £16 Llanfigan, Brecon—Manascin Villa, and 3a. lr. 8p., F................................ SATURDAY 10th. FRANKLIN and JONES (at Oxford). Fencot, Oxon—Manor Farm, 196a. 3r. 28p., F ... Bridge House Farm, 32a. lr. 20p., F ... A Lifehold1 Allotment, la. 3r. 17p. ... Two Freehold Cottages, and la. Or. 14p. ... A Freehold1 Allotment, 0a. Or. 12p..... MONDAY 12th J. BOTT and SONS, Commercial House, Herne-hill, S.E. Norwood—6 and 8, Rommany-road, ut 71 years, GR £10 ............................... 300 EDWIN EYANS. 253, Layender-hill, Clapham-junction, S.W., Earlsfield and Putney. Old Kent-road—Nos. 270, 272 and 274, also 2, Smyrk’s-i'oad, ut 69 years, GR £44, R £47 4s................................ 2,900 Smyrk's-road, IGR of £83 10s., ut 69 years, GR £66 ................................. 590 Acton—19 and 21, Park-road, ut 691 years, GR £6 420 32, Birkbeck-avenue, ut 82 years, GR £6 6s., R £30 ................................ 300 20 and 22, Grafton-road, ut 94 years, GR £12, R £74 .................................. 550 Notting-hill—7 and 9, Lancaster-road, ut 641 years. GR £20, R £102 ............... 900 Brixton—8, Effra-parade, F, R £40 ............ 630 P. and G GEEN, 53, Waterloo-road, S.E. Notting-hill—96, 98 and 100, Portland-road, ut 41 years, GR £30, R £160 ............. 1,520 MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 40, Rosslyn-hill, Hampstead. Hampstead^lo, Upper Park-road, ut 51 ״ears, GR £15, ER £80 .................)..... 700 EDWARD MILLARD, 47, Finsbury-circus, E C. Barking, Essex—15 to 25 (odd), James-street, F 1170 100 to 114 (even), East-street, ut 72 years, GR £12 ............................... 2.750 11 to 16, Arthur-cottages, ut 72 years, GR £8 985 T. G. ROGERS, Highgate Station, N. Highgate—1 and 2, Holly-cottages, F, R £52 1,020 Dalston—72, Malvern-road, ut 713 years, GR £5. R £36 .................................. 350 S. WALKER and SON, !*2, Moorgate-street. E.C. City of London—Monument-yard׳, a Plot of Building Land, area 1,285ft., F ...... 4 !00 St. Luke’s—Oldsstreet, The Bull and Ram P-li, IGR of £120, ut 35 years, GR £80 ..... 550 Hampstead-road—37. Eversliolt-street, ut 44 years, GR £8, R £65 ................... 650 WRIFORD and DIXONS, 4, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, W.C. Regent-street—Carnaby-street, The Coach and Horses P-h, FGR of £l(h, reversion in 191 years ........................... 3 500 Royal Albert Hall—Box No. 24, Second Tier ... 165