THE ESTATES GAZETTE» 1054 Founded 1807. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, SO, Kegent Street, W. AND 14, Gornhill, E.C., London. The Premium Income of this Office is derived iom Home business only, no foreign risks being undertaken. The Betubn System which has been adopted by this Office since its foundation oilers an exceptional advantage. The Bates of Premium are the same as those charged by other leading Companies. - Applications for Agencies invited. Joint f G. W. STEVENS. Secretaries IB. E. RATLIFFE. LOANS. FUNDS lor INVESTMENTS ' ־־------ On LOANS upon LANDED ESTATES, FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or LICENSED PROPERTIES, GROUND BENTS, BATES, BEVEESIONS, and LIFE INTERESTS, FOE A PEEMANENCY AND ON FAVOURABLE TEEMS Amounts not under £5,000 preferred. ЙптЦ'й brr JUtcttcm. HAROLD WOOD, on high ground, near station, with half mile of frontage to main.London road, fully ripe for building operations, resale in plots, etc., on expiration of lease in 1903. Water laid on. lyTESSRS. G. H. MASTERMAN and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 21, 1899, at One o’clock, the FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as Horseblock Farm, about 62 acres, with house, cottage, and a complete range of modern farm buildings; let on lease at inadequate rent of £70 per annum expiring 1903. when־ it can be at once dealt with as building land and pleasure farm. Particulars and plan of Messrs. Maples, Teesdale and Co., solicitors, 6, Frederick׳s־place, Old Jewry, E.O.; and of the Auctioneers, 35, Colelhan-street, London, E.O. & ft leg- bn Auction. Jirrfes. T UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURE COURSE , —EDINBURGH.—For prospectus, including regulations for degree of B.Sc., apply to Clerk of Senatus. PHŒNIX FIRE OFFICE. 9, LOMBARD-STREET & 57, OHABING-CROSS, LONDON. Established 1682. Lowest current rates. LIBERAL AND PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. ASSURED FREE OF ALL LIABILITY ELECTRIC LIGHTING RULES SUPPLIED. William c. Macdonald i Joint Francis B. Macdonald i Sectaries. 60th ANNUAL COUNTRY MEETING, MAIDSTONE, JUNE 17th to 23rd, 1899. INSURANCE COMPANY. established 1824. HEAD OFFICE: YORK Accumulated Funds, £1,149,216. Annual Income, £237,006, FIRE. ־ LIFE. ־ ANNUITIES. Special Schemes and Minimum Bates. Reversions and Lile Interest purchased or advances made upon them. LEASEHOLD POLICIES ISSUED. Applications for Agencies invited. Liberal Terms West End Office:—19, St. James’ Stheet, S.W. London Office :82, Old Broad Si, E G INSURE YOUR GLASS. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD' 66, Ludgate Hill, London. ESTABLISHED 1884. Capital, £50,000. Invested Fundi £40,000. Applications for Agency invited from House Agents or others in a position to influence business. Liberal Commission allowed. All information on application to J. H. Brown, Secretary. Please mention this PaDer GREAT SHOW Of Houses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Farm and Dairy Produce, Implements, &c. Butter - Making and Poultry-Dressing Demonstrations. Competitions oe Shoeing Smiths. Daily Parades op Horses and Cattle. Band op the Boyal Engineers. PBICES OF ADMISSION:— Saturday, June 17th (Implement Yard only) 2s. 6d Monday, June 19th - - - . . gs, gd. Tuesday & Wednesday, June 20th & 21st - 2s! 6d. Thursday, June 22nd...............Is Od Friday, June 23rd.................!3’ gd.’ EBNEST CLABKE, Secretary. 13, Hanover Square, London, W. By direction of the Executors of the late R. Chamberlain, Esq. 90 CADOGÂN-SQUARE, and Stables. t-׳ , A very special Long LEASEHOLD TOWN MANSION well-positioned in this fashionable square with access to the large ornamental garden; neid direct from Earl Cadogan for an unexpired term of 74 years, at the low ground rent of £30 per annum. The accommodation comprises 12 bed and dressing rooms, box room, and fitted׳ bath room on the upper floors; charming double drawing room and billiard room on first floor; on the ground floor is an excel-1Tkfi r00I?i׳, central hall, and a large morning room, lobby, with dinner lift, etc.; there are ״wo staircases, and the basement offices are complete for a large establishment ; the stabling at rear contains four stalls, large coach-house, living rooms, To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, E.O , a 071 Thursday, July 13, at Two “ a,n acceptable offer bo made previously) amf wÀl!?rS °* Messrs. Witham, Roskell, Munster wcld, solicitors, 1, Gray’s-inn-square; and r^itllA.orders Vlew- of Messrs. TROLLOPE estate «S2ÎS> T|u1rv€yors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; 7, Hobart-nla^ Fat״״ Yipf0^־ ,1+4 ’•6?׳ont-street, Grosvenor-square ; and, 5 Victoria-street, Westminster._ ’ p®ale? 0f Estat,es• Reversions, Shares fordtheUyLr ?8» b/8"6™'17 (heid fOT S4 years) ILTESSRS. O. 0׳. and T. MOORE art E C f,° take place at the Auction Mart, &.O., on the following Thursdays:_ JukViA 97 I September 14,28 Arffiion’ 20’27 ' October 12,26 August 3 j November 2,23 cnSt??oial attention »Yen to Rent OoSung’and the f״T,r,e manasement oi House Property, Valuations for Compensations, Mortgages, and for Probate P״r poses, Surveys for Dilapidations and Plans Agents’ (appomted 1836) to the London Assurance Corpora- gtate# bn Aitctunt. Estates, Country and Suburban Eesidences, Town Houses, Flats, Shops, Business Premises, Investments, etc. TV/TESSRS. TROLLOPE’S Printed Register of i-TX Properties for Sale by Private Contract and to be Let may be had on application at their Offices, 7. Hobart-place, Eaton-square, ) West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square, [ , 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, and ( London 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. J Special Lists or Marked Registers will be forwarded on receipt of particulars of requirements. AUCTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1899. Messrs. Trollope’s Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Houses, Ground Rents, etc., will take place at the Mart, near the Bank of England, as follows: — Thursday, July 13th. j Thursday, October 19th. Thursday, August 3rd. Thursday ,November 23rd I Thursday, December 14th Sales will be held on other dates as required. In all cases Messrs. Trollope will be glad to have as long notice as possible respecting any property they may be instructed to Offer by Auction. BLACKBURN UNION. APPOINTMENT OF VALUER. npHE GUARDIANS of the above-named Union A invite Applications from duly qualified Persons desirous of filling the Office of VALUER to the Assessment Committee. OfflcK aocommodatirai, together with Stationery and Offlce Requisites will be provided. The person appointed will be required to devote the whole of his time to the duties, and must provide his own clerical assistance. Applicants must state their age, previous experience as Valuers, and the amount of salary required. Applications, with two testimonials as to ability and character, to be sent to me on or before the 24th instant ROBT. 0. RADCLIFFE, Solicitor and Union Clerk. Blackburn, June 7th, 1899. lX/TR- GEORGE F. HARRINGTON, E.S.I., LI-L late senior partner in the firm of Inman urp¿ , Harrington and Roberts, of 16. Ab-church-lane, City, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved by mutual consent, still continues to carry on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor, in his own name at the same address. SURYEY0R8’ INSTITUTION EXAMINATIONS. The Thirteenth Annual Courses of LertnrAR. Fellowship, Special Sanitary Scienoe and Pre-iminary Examinations can obtain SYLLABUSES with list of prize winners, 22 out of the 36 whioh have been given sinoe 1888 (inoluding all the Fellowship prizes and gold medals yet given). Par-tioulars as to the very successful results at the last and previous Examinations and terms on application to the Secretary, Surveyors’ Leotures, 2, Pall Mall East, Charing Cross, THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, W.C ____T President : —ED WARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained:-(a) Under the Practice Qualification; (bi By Examina-tion. EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Final) are held annually. EVENING MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lectures, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession, are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may be obtained upon application to— CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. NATIONAL PROVIDENT [1835. INSTITUTION Estd.] NATIVE GUANO Best and Cheapest nlunure for Farm and Garden, £3 10s. PER TON IN BAGS, 2-Ton Lots, Carriage Paid 100 Miles. A Sample Bag, 1 cwt., Carriage Paid (England) for 5s. Testimonials and all Particulars on Application NATIYE GUANO CO, LTD, 29, New Bridge Street, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS WANTED: FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. The Profits are Divided solely amongst the Assured: already divided, £5,400,000. Invested Funds exceed £5,250,000. Paid in Claims nearly £10,500,000. Endowment Assurance Policies are issued combining Lite Assurance at minimum cost, with provision for old age The practical effect of these Policies in the National L rovident Institution is that the Member s life is assured until he reaches the age agreed upon, and on his reaching that age the whole of the Premiums paid arc returned to him and a considerable sum in addition, representing a by no means insignilicant rate of interest on his payments. 18, GRACECHURCH STBEET, ARTHUR SMITHER, London, E.C. Actuary and Secretary- Applications for Agencies invited¡ PURVEYING BOOKS, ruled and bound, ■ — leather backs, Is. each (by post Is. Id.) — Stahoneby Department, “ Estates Gazette ׳׳ office. 6, St. Bnde-street, London, E.O. MESSRS. O. O. and T. MOORE A?CtlineSr^׳, Surveyors and Estate Agents, Seven, Leadenhall-street, Cornhill, E.C., and 144 Mile End-road, E. Telegrams: ‘־Established, London.״ Telephone No. 335 Avenue. TyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by WFqT0twnbwrS^ MSrt• on June 22׳ at Two:-WEbl NORWOOD.—Conveniently situated/' Resi- Stationclose to West Norwood station, rental value £45 per annum vacant nos- iIol?iiwi° vrpleti0ni term 63 yearsi ground rent £9. ur3׳ ,i,efsra• Lyne and Holman, 3 and 4, Great Winchester-street, E.C. P°unt‘er, deceased'.—Leasehold PlnmXSd a Mission Hall, Nos. 70. 80, 81 and! 84, Plumstead-road, and! Nos. 1 and 2, Inverness-olace a n8r ’ let at 33194 83- per annum; terms 16, 17 S״hU8o,yTS;T SMnnu rf,ate i2 and £2 8s. each.— pnBKTcii:!;16,*. '11“׳«I■• 1 en-court, lie. ,0?®051tei maim entrance to sta- T^m־l?Va^W?i)dIfirrf6־road--H<>us6 and shop. mSS. c ' a .S׳W *J6?, &׳ i>er annum—Solicitors, Row WPS1¿1 iK׳Tiyeb5' 39’ New Broad-street, E.C. BOW, WEST HAM and LIMEHOUSE.—Re Watson ^a2ed-־Flkee^old iIoaSi;s• Nos. 15, Stafford™¿"־ Tredegar-road, Bow let at £32 las. per annum; and West 1Ham 1Lt adt 20¿ra^bon-street, Plaistow-road, T״?; i i^d •J at £59 16s!• Per־ annum; ■and the Leasehold! Residence, No. 30, St. Paul’s-road, Burdfett-fiW»aLimeh0U?ei ™1A® Per annum; term p3 nVlro"*i? rSnt ,•£5■—!Solicitors, Messrs. R. and! ^'-rVX?lS^a'r^’ Brabant-court; E.C. r?11 HAM—Re Pounder, deceased. —Freehold Ground‘ Rents׳ of £8 and £4, secured ?w t״ D4, I46 ״‘*.i18׳ Bath-street, East IndiarroacL close to Poplar Station. ' Freehold Houses, No. 50, Batti-street; let at 11s.; Do¿' 1m?"1! 1־״ Newby-Place, adjoining Poplar Sta- let it 1Swf108״' eacll; S8’ Hl&h-street, Poplar; let at £20 per annum; and Leaseholds, Nos. 80 and 82, Bath-street; let at 10s each; term 45 years, at £4 per annum each. Also the Freehold Villas, Nos. 1, 3 and 5, Dacre-road, and Nos. 20 and! 22, Crescent-road, close to West Ham-park; about equi-dlistant from Plaiatow and teSantePaaf im pTmum «uarterly and ™Pthly 71SESw־ndi'Jroad.r e: №Q•־2 ־ ^ „ ^®2MLEY׳ n—Dwelling Houses and Shops (one Noseffii°F״emI< T1147 ׳- and:a14^ Devon's-road, and 161 m׳ Devon's-road, Bromley, E.; let at ealh P6r a“11™11-' term 72 year*; ground rent £3 N^Vto^'p??16 of well-situated Houses, at iL!°LPelly־ro,Jd' neS? P1aistow station; let Solicit?^ 77 '־ years at £3 10s■ eaeh■ gardens, W.0 eSSm B° and °°•3 ־' T^Ple- ..RI'Ri/LTT-lioAI.), E.—Freehold Dwelling Houses iet^/qH2«11:1®־1 ׳21 ״!311״h^-street, Farrance-street 6d., 10s and 10s. per week; per annum, £78 14s.; landlord! pays! taxes.—Solicitors, Messrs Jewry-chambers, E.C. ROMFORD^OAD, E.—Leasehold Houses. Nos. 29, nark־ wdli,t35'1״^aiwlok־road’• cl°so to ־West Ha,m-Ss 1 ri ״Li L12?•4.?• pop annum; term 82 years at ,eacJ111?®;—׳eft.or, G. J. F. Muskett, Esq., 113, Powis^sfcreet, Woolwich. H kA!1ii2n;aLd״EBtat®.Af?llcF Offices, Seven, Leaden-hall-^)treet, E.C.._and 144, Mile-end-road, E. BRANKSEA ISLAND and CASTLE, DOR- SETSHIRE. An unusually attractive FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL DOMAIN, of considerable historical interest (the castle having been erected as a fortress in the reign of Henry VIII.), situate at the mouth of Poole Harbour between the Isle of Wight and the Isle of Purbeck, facing the English Channel, four miles from Bournemouth West Railway Station, whence London can be reached in about 2£ hours. The surface of the island, which is most picturesquely broken up in hill and dale, is very beautifully clothed with fine timber trees, rhododendrons, heather, and gorse, and two large freshwater lakes form an important feature; in all there are about 742 acres, affording shooting of a high class, with capital sea and fresh water fishing, and for yachting or boating the place can hardly be excelled, first-rate hunting is easily accessible, the soil is very dry, and the climate is bracing and healthy. The fine old embattled castle, to which many judicious additions have been made from time to time, is in perfect order, having lately been restored throughout and provided with heating apparatus, electric light, speaking tubes, hot and cold water services, hydrants, new sanitary arrangements, and all modern improvements for convenience and comfort It is approached from a• state landing-place and pier, and stands boldly out to sea on rising ground, commanding lovely marine and land views of wide range. The park and pleasure grounds are of great natural beauty, and include charming terrace and other walks, etc. The excellent accommodation of the castle comprises 32 bed and dressing rooms, two bath rooms, four noble reception rooms, billiard room, grand reception hall, principal and garden entrances and full complement of domestic offices, laundry, etc. Capital stabling (including a newly-erected set on the mainland), dairy, ample farm buildings, wharf storehouses, etc. There is also a neat residence known as the Villa, recently renovated, containing capital accommodation for a medium-sized family; also numerous cottages and lodges. . A _ _ _ To be Sold by Auction, At the Mart, near theBank of England, London E C On Thursday, July 13, 1899, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be previously made) Particulars, views, plans, and orders to view of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square• 7 Hobart-place, Eaton-square; West Halkin-street! Belgrave-square; and 5, Victoria-street, AVestmin-ster; also of Messrs. Giddy and: Giddy, estate agents, 4, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall; and of W. H. Hastings Esq., solicitor, Sidmouth, Devon. Freehold andi Leasehold) Shop andi Cottage Pronertv MESSRS. HORNE aild CO. mil sX by Twn LLLLL1‘ L® Mart, on Friday, June 30, at HOLD PROPERTIES viz.:— OLD and LEAS-j- CHELSEA.—^state of Mrs. Jane Orton, deceased, in Three Lots—The Leasehold Shops, Nos. 494. 496 ¿98 King s-road, Chelsea, well situated! in the rising 1“ centre facmg the open space adjoining the World s End all let on repairing leases at rents amounting to £190 per annum. Held for 67| years unexpired, at £21 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. S. Jevn’y jfcf 1^־Ck&rdson, 8, Erederick’s-place, Old BYG^er of the Executors of Mrs. Beard, deceased'. NEW BARNET.—Three Freehold Cottages and Workshops, known as Wenlock Cottages, Edward-road, close to New' Barnet Station. All let and producing £59 16s. per annum. WALWORTH.—No. 23, Boyson-road. Weekly tenancies, producing £74 2s. per annum. Term 51 years “!expired. Ground rent £6 6s. WeSSPi411•-1?081 20 and 22, Graylands-road. ncles’ pr?d^cmS £57 4s. per annum. Term Щ years unexpired. Ground rent £10. ־as*1“4״ and Tayior■ Lin- Particulars may be Imd of the Solicitors; and of ГГ Ge°ree"• S'W" a״°df AUCTION SALES. A/TESSR.S. FIERI) and SONS’ AUCTIONS iL; take p-4׳:e MONTHLY at the Mart, and include ¿In he Ehtin#• and Compensktion. Cha^lanTwo. °r°nSh Hl^reet, and 52. Telegraphic adffi-ess—“ Federalist, London." Freehold Residence, stabling, and grounds of three acres; also Building Land, ripe for immediate development. WALTHAMSTOW, ESSEX. old-fashioned FREEHOLD detached IAMILY RESIDENCE, most delightfully situate in CUestnut-walk, Learbridg^road, on the verge of Epping 1׳ orest, only eight minutes' walk from Wood-street Station (G.E.R.). It stands well hack from the road is approached by a carriage sweep, and contains 16 bed and dressing rooms, bath room live reception rooms, billiard room, square entrance hall and ample domestic accommodation; stabling for five horses, etc., tastefully laid out lawns and pleasure grounds, in all nearly three acres, with a frontage of about 200ft. Also, in separate Lots, Two valuable Plots of Freehold Building Land situate immediately opposite the residence and' each possessing three frontages, admirably adapted houses6 erectlon of a Wook °f shops and dwelling To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, E.C.. On Thursday, July 13, at Two, in Three Lots (unless sold previously by private contract) „ ,. , With possession, l articulars, plan and׳ conditions of sale, of nen aild) ■S?■’ sffiicitors, 150, Leaden- ™finm®־׳■; ilnd־ W1L ord,ers '׳few, of Messrs. 1 ROLL OPE, estate agents, surveyors and auc-tioneers, 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, London. S.W., and as above. ׳ By direction of the Executors of the late Lady Ciiolmley. 1 Q PICCADILLY, S.W., and STABLES important and very attractive TOWN MANSION, possessing a frontage of nearly 40ft ston» subs5antlall5־ built, with imposing elevation in ffSnk the GTeen-parkSant y SitUated' ,i accommodation, which is well arranged, is ai“Sd® ftnd m «־1»״Y way suitable for a nobleman 01 family of position. It comprises, on the upper f״Ur !,6n rooms an(f box room; on the third floor, ,four bed rooms and wardrobe room: on the second׳ floor principal bed' chamber and dressing room to the front, and large back bed room, fitted bath room, wardrobe cupboard, etc.; on the first floor, a suite of three noble reception rooms (1 aving five windows to the front opening on to stone balcony); on the ground floor, square entrance hall inner hall, principal staircase (of stone to second floor), large front morning room, spacious and well-pioportioned dining room, lobby, server!' etc and׳ an excellent study in the wing. The basement offices are complete, the kitchen is built out at the back, and there is a secondary staircase of stone to the upper floors. The stabling at the rear (8, Down-street-mews) consists of three stalls, loose box, coachhouse for two carriages, good living rooms, etc. The whole held) direct from the Sutton Estate for a term of over 50 years at a low ground rent, lo be Sold by Auction, at the Mart E 0 On Thursday, July 27, at Two ’ ' ” (unless an acceptable offer be previously made) With possession. i articulars, plans, and conditions' of sale of Messrs. Leeman. Wilkinson and Badger, solicitors Coney-street. York; of Messrs. Emmet end Co solicitors, 14, Bloomsbury-square. W.C.; and! with "to® ™«׳ of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents surveyors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street Bel grave-square; 7 Hobart-place, EatonSqnare, S.W. • 15.׳ Mounbstreet, Grosvenor-square, W.; and 5 Yictoria-street, Westminster, London. ’