l05i THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 17, 1899. Iw Jlttctiotu KENT, Holtye-commoxi (close to).—A mile and a half from Cowden Station on the direct London, Oxted and Tunbridge Wells line (one hour from Victoria), and close to the golf links.—Valuable Freehold Sporting Estate, known as the Furnace Farm, Cowden, Kent, including a pretty old-fashioned residence, which has been supplied with modern sanitary requirements׳ (three reception rooms, five bed rooms, bath room and domestic offices); stabling and farm buildings; also a small farm and farmhouse known as Shoebridge’s, a cottage residence, Cleys, etc.; extensive enclosures of woodland, containing grand old oak and other timber, about 247 acres in all. In the highest part of the estate is one of the finest sites in the county of Kent for a mansion, which would command magnificent scenery on all sides. ־M ESSRS. BRACKETT and SONS will Sell i-VL the above important FREEHOLD ESTATE, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, July 4, at Two p.m. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. R. S. Taylor, Son and Humbert, solicitors, 4, Field-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 27 and 29, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. GROWBOROUGH BEACON, SUSSEX.—Pair of Freehold Villas. T\if ESSR& BRACKETT and SONS will Sell XVI at the Swan Hotel, Tunbridge Wells, on Friday, June 23, at Four p.m., the attractive FREEHOLD PROPERTY comprising a pair of Villas, known as High View and Melrose, Queen’s-road, Crowborough Beacon, Sussex. Each containing eight rooms, gardens in the front and rear. Possession of one house will be given on completion of the purchase; the other is let. Total estimated rental £47 per annum. Particulars and conditions of Sale of Frank Humphry, Esq., solicitor, Crowborough Cross; and at the offices of the Auctioneers, 27 and 29, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. By order of the Executors of Samuel Wix, Esq., deceased.—No. 22, BROADWATER-DOWN, TUNBRIDGE WELLS—One of the most attractive mansions on the favourite Broadwater Down, standing in about 7a. Or. 3p. of beautiful grounds, with levelled and sloping lawns, shady terraced walks, rose garden, kitchen garden and two meadows, iha residence contains noble drawing room (40ft. long), dining room, library, lofty billiard room, 11 bed rooms, two• dressing rooms, bath room, ample domestic offices, etc., first-class stabling for four horses, coach house and coachman's dwelling. M ES'SRS. BRACKETT and SONS will Sell XVX the above at the Swan Hotel, Tunbridge We is, on Friday, June 30, 1899, at Four p.m. (unless previously disposed of by private contract). Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Wade, Wix and Wade, solicitors, Dunmow, Essex; and at the offices of the Auctioneers, 27 and 29, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. ISLE OF WIGHT.—Sea View, near Ryde.—Facing Spithead.—Sale of Freehold Detached House and several valuable Plots of Land. M ESSRS. BRACKETT and SONS will Sell XV.JL at the Sea View Hotel, Sea View, Isle of Wight, on Friday, July 7, 1899, at Three, the exceptionally well-situated FREEHOLD MARINE RESIDENCE, known as Spring Vale House. Also several very attractive FREEHOLD PLOTS of BUILDING LAND, suitable for the erection of villas, for which there is a continual demand. The whole of the property commands an uninterrupted view of sea and mainland. Particulars and conditions of sale of Herbert A. Matthews, Esq., solicitor, Sea View, Isle of Wight; and of the Auctioneers, 27 and 29, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. To Brewers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Hotel Proprietors, Capitalists, and others. Highly Important Announcement of Sale by Auction of FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTIES at BODMIN, CORNWALL. ALFRED W. DANDO has received instruct XA tions to Sell by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth, on Thursday, July 6, 1899, at Four o’clock in the afternoon precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale, as follows : — Lot 1.—The far-famed, Freehold, Fully-licensed Property, known as The ROYAL HOTEL, BODMIN, occup3׳ing the most prominent position in the principal thoroughfare, and containing about 34 bed rooms, suites of public and private rooms, billiard and assembly rooms, and ample servants’ offices, together with the extensive Stabling and Carriage Houses for about 60 horses and carriages, with the requisite harness rooms, lofts and granary. Also the admirably fitted Wine and Spirit Stores immediately adjoining the hotel, from which a first-class family and retail business is being done. The Auctioneer has the utmost confidence in calling the attention of the trade to the sale of the above most important licensed properties (the hotel only having ilianged hands twice during the last 60 years), than which there are few (if any) more valuable in the West, of England. The hotel has for many years enjoyed a high-class, profitable and extensive family and commercial trade, which, under capable management, could be very considerably increased. An extensive Posting Business is carried on, and the wine and spirit trade, which is well established, affords ample scope for great development. The north coast of Cornwall is becoming increasingly popular as a health resort, and Bodmin, as the county town, possesses attractions beyond all other places. Lot 2.—The old-established double-fronted Freehold Fully-licensed Property, known as The CORNISH ARMS, Crock well-street, Bodmin, let at the clear annual rental of £42. Lot 3.—All that Leasehold, Fully-licensed Property, known as The BOROUGH ARMS, at Dunmeer, near Bodmin, together with the Plot of Land adjoining, held for a term of seven years from September 29. 3898, and sublet upon an annual tenancy. The properties may be viewed by appointment, and the fullest particulars, plans, and conditions of sale obtained of Messrs. Jobson, Lewis and Ensor. solicitors, Temple-courts, Birmingham, and Dudley; of J. Herbert Pameson, Esq., solicitor, Bodmin; or the Auctioneer, Dudley. By Order of Trustees, Mortgagees and others, MESSRS. WALFORD and WILSHIN will ־*־’־*־ Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C.. on Monday, June 19, at One o’clock, the following PROPERTIES ANERLEY. -By Order of Trustees, with possession, a spacious Leasehold Residence, No. 32, Weighton-road, comprising nine bedrooms, hot and cold bath, lavatory, three reception rooms, etc. BALHAM.— By Order of Mortgagees, No. 85 and 87, Bryne-road. let at £30 and £32 respectively, ANERLEY.-No. 21, Derwent-road, let at £33 per annum, lease 68 years, ground rent £10. CROYDON.—Freehold GroundRent of £6l0s., secured on No. 124. Waddon New-road. ANERLEY.—Capital Shop and Premises, No. 36, Station-road. Lease 64years, ground rent ¿4 10s. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the respective Solicitors, and of the Auctioneers, 137 Aner־ ley-road. S.E. gtnLô btr Awcticro. HACKNEY-ROAD AND BETHNAL-GREEN. Tokenbou^e-yard, E.O., on Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, in Three Lots: — Twelve FREEHOLD COTTAGES, Nos. 33 to 44, Oot-tons-gardens, Hackney-road, all let to ־weekly tenants, and producing £171 12s. per annum, occupying an area of about 6,700 square feet, and offering a valuable building site for the erection of a large factory. The valuable Freehold Shop Premises and Timber Yard, No. 49, Hackney-road, let on lease at £70 per annum. Three Freehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 25, 27 and 29, Bigby-walk, Bethnal-green, let to weekly tenants and producing £70 4s., per annum. Four Freehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 2, 4, 6 and 8, Baker-street, Bethnal-green, let to weekly tenants and producing £98 16s. per annum. Also. Three Leasehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 37, 38 and 39, Marian-square, Hackney-road, let to weekly tenants at rentals amounting to £91 per annum. Held for 56 years from June 24, 1861, at an apportioned ground rent of £12 per annum. May be viewed by permission of the tenants, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained at the Mart; of W. Sanders Fiske, Esq., solicitor, Hastings House, 10, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C.; and! of the Auctioneer, 1, Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C. LEYTON, ESSEX.—Valuable Freehold Property Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, in one lot, the Freehold comer Shop and BUSINESS PREMISES, No. 38, Grange-road; two brick-built Cottages, Nos. 34 and 36, adjoining, with large yard in rear containing cowsheds and stabling, all let. and producing £88 10s. per annum. May be viewed by permission of the tenants, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained at the Mart; from Messrs. Sismey and Sismey, solicitors, 11, Serjeants׳-in!n, Fleet-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 1, Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C. Excellent Leasehold Investment.—Mount Cyra, Auokland-road, SOUTH NORWOOD. . June 21, at Two o’clock, the desirable RESIDENCE, Mount Cyra, situate in one of the best positions in this‘ favourite localits־׳, near several railway stations and the Crystal Palace. Let at £100 per annum. Long term. Moderate ground rent. Particulars of Messrs. Nash, Field and Co., solicitors, 12, Queen-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 15, Walbrook, E.C. Brick-lane, SPITALFIELDS, E.—Four valuable Freehold Shops (one with spacious two-floor workshop in rear) and Dwelling Houses׳, Nos. 67, 69, 71 and 75. Hare-street, Brick-lane. All let and producing £173 2s. per annum. - Wednesday, June 21, at Two, in Four Lots. Particulars of Messrs. Batchelor and Cousins, solicitors, Brook House, Walbrook; and of the Auctioneer, 15, Walbrook, E.C. CATFORD.—Capital Leasehold Investment—29 to 53 (od!d Nos.), Brookdale-road, and 19 to 27 (odd Nos.), Eastbourne-terrace, Catford, let and producing £686 8s. per annum. June 21, at Two, the 18 LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, as! above, in Four Lots. Term about 96 years unexpired at ground rents of £4 12s. for lv houses, and £7 16s. for one house. Particulars of Messrs. Nash, Field and Co., solicitors, 12, Queen-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer. 15. Walbrook, E.C. CITY OF LONDON. Freehold Ground Rent. NEWGATE-STREET, No. 6.—Undivided Share in a Freehold Ground Rent of £233 per annum, with valuable reversion in 11 years, secured upon an important substantial building of six floors having frontage of about 33ft.. and an area of about 2,650ft., the present rack rental value of which is moderately estimated at £1,200 per annum. MES:SR־S. ST. QUIN TIN and SON will S*i: X’-I by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, June 21, 1899, at Two o’clock, a SHARE in the above-mentioned FREEHOLD, comprising four-sixths of the whole and one-third of a further sixth share, or thirteen-eighteenths of the entirety. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart, E.C.; of T. W. Wilson, Esq., solicitor, Plymouth; and of the Auctioneers, 50, Thread-needle-str^gt, E.C• MESSRS. BARBER, BELLAMY and ILL LORANGE ־will offer for Sale by Auc icn, at the Mart, Citv, on Thursday. Ju^e 29 next, at, One o’clock prompt. VALUABLE FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. PUTNEY.—Nos. 9 and 12, Colinette-road.—Detached Family Residences with large gardens. 10 bed, bath and three reception rooms and offices. Both let and producing £180 per annum, Lea^e, 76 vnars unexpired at moderate ground rents. Solicitors, Messrs. Kinneir and Co., Swindon. SOUTHFIELDS (with possession).—Hillside, 16, Pern-bridge villas, Wimbledon Park-road.- Semi-detached Residence containing six bed and three reception rooms: garden, Rental value. £50. Long lease at £10 10s ground rent. Also the adjoining Plot < f Freehold Land with frontage of 47ft. Solicitor, H. Garrard Clarke, Esq. 7, Cannon-street. E.C. EAST PUTNEY.—“The Hawthorns,” 65. Upper Richmond־! oad.—Corner Residence with charming garden, seven bed, bath and four reception rooms. Let at £95 per annum, but vacant possession on completion. Lease 80 years at £10 ground rent. Full particulars had of the respective solicitors and of the auctioneers, 158, High-street, Putney, and Feltham, Middlesex. Telephone No. 11 (Battersea CATFORD.- 25 well-built Residences, mostly let, but some with possession, to be purchased on very easy terms. ״ en per cent, deposit and the balance by half-yea! ly instalments, extending over nine vears. 27. 1899, at Two, in separate lots, 25* superior detached and semi-detached Residences, in Woolstone and Van-couver-roads, situate in first-class positions in this favourite residential suburb. The rental value of the whole being £1,350 per annum. Lease about 87 years unexpired, at low ground rents. Particulars 'of Messrs. Badham and Williams, solicitors, 3, Salters’ Hall-court, Cannon-street, and of the Auctioneer. 16. Abchurch-lane, E.C. Tel. No. 5.698. Bank. FOREST GATE. F׳.—Sound Freehold Investment. TVTB. GEORGE E. HARRINGTON will Sell Xt_L ־by Auction, at the Mart, E .C, on Tuesday, June 27,1899. at Two, the four capital Freehold Houses. 1, 3, 5, 7, Belton-road. Let to good tenants, and producing £145 12s. per annum. Particulars of Messrs. King and Jenkins, solicitors, 16. Abchurch-lane, E.C., and of the Auctioneer, 16. Abchurch-lane, E.C. Tek No. 5,698, Bank. girth?# bit gUtctimn SOUTH HANTS, in a charming wood'ed district, on gravel soil, about 160ft. above the sea level, 2$ miles from Romsey, and within easy reach of Salisbury, Southampton, and the City of Winchester. The very attractive Freehold Estate, (tithe and land tax free), known as Jermyns, Romsey, consisting of an excellent mansion of considerable accommodation, with first-rate stabling for ten horses, farmery, two capital cottages, productive kitchen garden and glasshouses, extensive and most beautifully wooded and naturally choice pleasure grounds, the whole surrounded by a park of 50 acres (more or less), which for fine timber of every description, shaded walks and general attractiveness cannot be surpassed by any estate of its size in the county. MESSRS. GUDGEON and SONS have been XV_L favoured with instructions (in consequence of the death of Mrs. R. G. Linzee) to Offer this desirable FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESI ATE by Auction (unless an acceptable offer is made in the meantime). Particulars, with plan and views, may be had in due course of Messrs. Murray, Hutchins, Stirling and Murray, solicitors, 11, Birchin-lane, London, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, the Auction Mart, Winchester. Sale No. 6,818. Continuation of Sale of the Widney Estates, SOLIHULL and KNOWLE, WARWICKSHIRE, formerly part of the estates of the Right Honourable the Earl of Lovelace and Lady Anne Blunt, descendants of the great Lord Byron. MESSRS. WALTER LUDLOW and BRIS-XVX. COE will Sell by Auction, at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on Monday, July 17, at Seven p.m. precisely, in 24 Lots—VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARMS, SPORTING PROPERTIES, BUILDING ESTATES, LAND for VILLA FARMS, SMALL HOLDINGS, ACCOMMODATION LANDS and BUILDING SITES, ranging inj area from half an acre to 230 acres, and including one of the most well-known and best cultivated farms in the Midlands, called Longdon Hall, with excellent buildings; an old-fashioned FARM RESIDENCE called Copt Heath Farm, and a capital FARMSTEAD, and buildings, known as Widney Farm, together with two small well-placed COVERTS, nearly one mile both sides of the well-known stream the river Blythe, with about five miles of frontage to the most excellent roads, including about one mile of the celebrated Elm-avenue, on the Warwick Turnpike road1. The neighbourhood is one which has great prospective value, near to Birmingham, and with exceptional railway facilities. The new station at Widney. which will be opened on July 1, is partly surrounded by the estate, and the various lots offer inducements for investment rarely afforded to capitalists, both large and small, except when part of a great estate such as this is divided; the vendor undertakes not to sell any lots by private contract prior to the auction after the detailed particulars are issued to the public. Illustrated particulars, with plans, may be obtained at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 18, New-street. Birmingham.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. J. B Clarke and Co., 40. Waterloo-street, Birmingham. SUSSEX, about ten minutes’ walk from the village of Wisborougli-green, two miles from Billings-hurst Station on the main line of the L.B. and S.C.R., 70 minutes by rail from London.—A choice and compact Freehold Estate, known as Orfold Farm, in the centre of a good hunting district, with capital fishing in the river Arun, and comprising perhaps some of the most picturesque scenery in the Weald. The house, which is approached by carriage drive through park-like meadow land studded with ornamental timber, contains three reception, six bed rooms, etc., surrounded by gardens of nearly an acre; also three modern cottages, ample farm buildings, and Enclosures of grazing, meadow and arable land, extending to about 194 acres.—Which IX/TR. JOHN NAPPER will Sell by Auction, -ILL at the Mart, Tokenho use-yard, on Thursday, June 29, 1899, in One Lot, at Two o’clock. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs. Bartlett and Young, solicitors, 19, Nottingham-road, Loughborough. Leicestershire: at 1he Mart; and of the Auctioneer, Wisborough-green, Billingshurst, Sussex. On Friday. June 30, 1899.—LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT, HANTS.—Important sale of Building Land. MESSRS. H. DREWITT and SON are instructed by the Owners to Sell by Auction, at the Victoria Hotel, Lee-on-the-Solent, Friday, June 30, 1899, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, 45 exceptionally well-placed and very attractive Plots of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate on the Marine-parade East and West, in the Melville, Portsmouth, Britten, Cambridge, Monserrat, Studland and Seymour-roads, in Victoria-square, Chester-crescent, Elmore-place, Ryde-place, and Manor-way. Also a very valuable HOTEL SITE in the Portsmouth-road, immediately opposite Browndown Station. Full particulars with conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Goble and Warner, solicitors, Fareham; H. G. d’Almaine, Esq., solicitor, Abingdon; Mr. C. Job bins, house and estate agent*, Lee-on-the-^olent; Mr. F. H. Hannen, Lee-on-the-Solent; and of the Auctioneers, 62, West-street, Fareham. Sale No. 561.—By order of the Executors. GUNNERSBURY.—Valuable Long Leasehold Property MESSRS. WOOD, FURNESS and CO. have been instructed to Offer to public competition, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at One o’clock p.m.. the Four LONG LEASEHOLD VILLA RESIDENCES, being known as Nos. 69, 71, 73 and 77, Wellesley-road, Gun-nersbury, near Kew-bridge Stations on the North London and L. and S.-W. Railways. All let to good punctual paying tenants, and producing £116 pei annum. The property is well-built, and the ground rent is only £12 10s. per annum on t-lie whole. The Property may be viewed and particulars of sale may be obtained of George Thatcher, Esq., solicitor, 32, Essex-street, Strand. W.C.; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 196, High-street, Brentford. Third portion. By Order of the Executor of Mr. T. Wootton, deceased. PENGE.— In district governed by Beckenham Urban Council. MR. WALTER MORTLOCK will Sell by ^•*־ Auction, at the Childwiek Hall. Penge, S.E., on Wednesday ,June 21, ’899. at Seven for 7.30, the following Long-Leasehold PROPERTIES, in 13 Lots Property. Term un expired. Grou’d Rent. iRent. No. 38 & 40. Lennsrd־road,Penge.. 83years £5 each £66 No. 42, 44, 46, 48,50 ,, .. .. ״ 83 £5 each 160 No. 52,54. 56, 58, 60, „ ״ .. No. 62, Eversley, Double-fronted ״ 83 £5 each 150 detached ״ 83 £7 7s. No. 49 51. Lennard-road, Penge No. 53. Paswell, double-fronted ״ 83 £5 each 60 detached ״ 83 £5 5s. 43 Particulars of Messrs. Wood and Wootton, solicitors.13, Fish-street-hill, E.C., and Auctioneer, Sydenham, S.E. *fraie®, btf Auctunt. WOKING, SURREY, situated within three-quarters of a mile of Woking Station, which is within 35 minutes’ of Waterloo. 70 trains daily. "|\/TR. F. G. WHEATLEY has received in- XtX structions to Offer for Sale by Auction, in a marquee on the estate, on Thursday, June 22, 1899, at Two p.m., 70 PLOTS of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, fronting Boundary, North and Courtenay roads. Also 18 Leasehold Houses, producing £297 per annum. The estate is suitable for the erection of business premises or small houses of good design. Good water, roads and sewers. Conveyances free of law costs. Payments may be made by instalments if desired. Land tax and tithe free. The sale will be preceded by a luncheon at One p.m. Particulars, plans and conditions can be obtained of Messrs. Guillaume and Sons•, solicitors, 9, Salis-bury-square, Fleet-street, E.C., and at Bournemouth; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C. TANKERTON-ON-SEA, WHITSTABLE, KENT.—The new seaside watering place, and, with the exception of Brighton, the nearest by rail to London, being reached in 1§ hour; facing the open sea, and situated on a splendid range of wooded and grassy cliffs׳. MR. F. G. WHEATLEY will Sell by Auction, on the Estate, on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at Two o’clock, 105 Plots of perfectly ripe FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, fronting well-made roads in Tower-gardens and the West Meads, in which are some beautifully situated plots for small houses; water and gas laid on; free conveyances; payments by instalments if desired. A special train will leave London for Whitstable on morning of sale; a limited number of return tickets (5s. each) of the Auctioneer; luncheon provided at place of sale. Particulars and plans may be obtained of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, London, W.C. RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT.—Preston Park Estate, within a short distance of the pier, esplanade and two railway stations, splendidly situated on high ground and commanding magnificent views of the sea and surrounding country; a capital opportunity for securing Freehold Land• where it can only usually be obtained on building leases. MR. F. G. WHEATLEY will Sell by Public Auction, in a Marquee on the Estate, on Thursday, June 29, 1899, at Two o’clock p.m., 53 Plots of absolutely ripe FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, with frontages to important main roads, suitable for the erection of good villas and residences, for which there is a great demand; good water and gas; conveyances free of law costs; land tax and tithe free; payments by instalments if desired; the sale will be preceded by a luncheon at One o’clock p.m.; special arrangements for intending London buyers. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale can be obtained of C. E. Harrison, Esq., solicitor, 263, Strand, W.C.; or of the Auctioneers, Olement’s-inn-chambers, 263, Strand, W.C. WIMBLEDON.—Ray nes Park Estate, within 10 minutes’ of Raynes Park Station, L. and S.-W'. Railway, with its excellent train service, 15 minutes from Waterloo. MR. F. G. WHEATLEY is instructed to Offer for Sale by Auction, in a marquee on the estate, on: Wednesday, July 5, 1899, at 2.30 p.m., about 100 PLOTS of ripe FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, with excellent frontages to the West Barnes-lane and Seaforth-avenue, suitable for the immediate erection of villas and small houses. Excellent golf links adjoin the estate. Good roads. Water laid on. Tithe free and land tax redeemed, deeds free of law costs. Payments by instalments if desired. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sal© of Messrs. Guillaume and Sons, solicitors, 9, Salisbury-square, Fleet-street, E.O., and at Bournemouth; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C. WALTON-ON-THAMES.—Beechwood Estate, about eight minutes walk from Walton Station, L. & S.-W. Railway, with a good train service, 30 minutes from Waterloo. MR. F. G. WHEATLEY has received in-structions to Offer for Sale by Auction, in a marquee on the estate, on Tuesday, July 11, 1899, at Two p.m., 40 PLOTS of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, of quarter acre and upwards, suitable for the erection of gentlemen’s residences, for which there is a great demand in this favoured neighbourhood, 'ihe estate is beautifully wooded with trees of every description, and is close to the river and golf links. This is altogether a unique opportunity of obtaining freehold land in this well-known and fashionable neighbourhood. Deeds free of laws costs. Payments by instalments if desired. Gas and water on the estate. Sewers laid. Land tax and tithe free. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale (when ready) may be obtained of the Auctioneer, 263. Strand, W.C. South Forelands Estate, ST. MARGARET’S BAY, two miles from Martin Mill Station (L.C. and D. and S.-E. Railway), a little over two hours from London by fast trains, five miles from Deal, and four from Dover. MR. F. G. WHEATLEY has been instructed by the National Land Corporation (Limited) to Offer for Sale by Auction, on Thursday, July 13. 1899, at 2.30, in a marquee on the estate, about 80 PLOTS of choice FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, suitable for the erection of marine villas and bungalows of every size, overlooking St. Margaret’s Bay. A special train will leave Holborn-viaduct on the morning of sale, tickets 5s. Full information and plans, particulars, and condi tions of sale can be obtained from A. W. Pearce, solicitor, 21, John-street, Adelphi, London, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, London, W.C. LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT, HANTS.—On the sea coast, directly opposite the Royal residence at Osborne, Isle of Wight; splendid sea beach, lovely sea and country views, invigorating air, and southerly aspect. MR. F. G. WHEATLEY will Sell by Auction, in a Marquee on the Estate, on Tuesday. July 18,1899, at Two o’clock precisely, about 50 Lots of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, with frontages to important made roads, suitable for the erection of good-class marine villas, etc.; close to railway station, convenient distance of London; sold tithe and land tax free; payments by instalments and free conveyances, if desired. Lunch provided, and special arrangements for rail tickets at reduced fares. Particulars, plans and conditions of sale may be obtained of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.Q. QUEEN’S-GATE GARDENS. iyrESSRS. EILOART are instructed to Sell bj X!X Auction, at the Mart, Oity, on June 20, 1899, at Twelve for One o’clock, the excellent LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as 8, Queen’s-gate-gardens, con taining four large reception rooms, 11 bed rooms, two dressing rooms, with fitted bath (h. and c. water), kitchen, and usual domestic offices. Held for a term of 57 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £30 per annum. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Woodrooffe and Burgess, solicitors, No. 1, New-9quare, Lincoln’s-inn, W.O. ; and of the Auctioneers, 40, Chancery-lane, W.C.