1045 THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 17, 1899. £20, sold for £760; Nos. 123 and 125, Winstanley-road, rental £52, 67 years unexpired, ground rent £10, which fetched £380, and Nos. 22, 24, 26 and 28, Ben-ham-street, Plough-road, rental £85 16s., 67 years unexpired, ground rent £14, which realised £605. Mr. Frederick Ellis (Messrs. Towers, Ellis and Co.) found a buyer for the 56 years’ lease of a house m St. Stephen’s-road, Bayswater, let at £80 per annum, and subjected to a ground rent of £12, at £635, and also for two freehold five-roomed houses, known as Nos. 1 and 2, Alice-cottages, Mandeville-road, Enfield Highway, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £31 4s., at £275. ״ . One of the principal fea- Premises tures 0£ ^ afternoon’s pro- Tudor-street, ceedings was the offer of the ' leasehold property, known as No. 15, Tudor-street, Blackfriars, in the centre of the newspaper, printing and publishing trades, by Mr. Edwin Fox (Messrs. Edwin Fox and Bousfield). The premises are let by underlease to Sir H. H. Bemrose and Mr. Edward Wahab, carrying on business under the style of the Printing Machinery Co., for a term of 7 or 14 years from March last, at a rent of £1,000 per annum for the first three years, £1,050 per annum for the next four years, with the option to continue for a further seven years at a rent of £1,100 per annum. The lease, which is direct from the City Corporation, is for a term of 96J years unexpired, the ground rent being £252, and the purchaser could therefore look forward to an income of £848, which the auctioneer thought was worth 20 years’ purchase. The bidding, however, only reached £11,500, and a bid of £12,000 was made on behalf of the vendor. Mr. Fox was more successful in dealing with a freehold building estate at Crickle wood. The land, on which stands a residence, with stabling, etc,, has a frontage to the Edgware-road of 167ft., and also a considerable frontage to Child’s-hill-lane. It was described as being specially suitable for the erection of residential flats, it being estimated that a ground rent of ai least £700 a year could be got therefrom, which would be worth 80 years’ purchase. However, the bidding had only reached £14,000 when the property was declared in the market, and there being no further advance it was sold at that figure. Mr. Fox also sold the following stocks and shares:—Hurst Park Bacecourse £1 shares at 2 5-8 ; Cromer Gas Company Ordinary stock at 99£; Shire-brook Colliery £100 OriginaliOrdinary shares at 95; Westminster Palace Hotel £10 shares at 11 ; James Nelson and Sons (Limited) £1 Second Preference shares at 11s. ; London Paper Mills Company £1 Preference shares at 58., and other companies. Thursday. The results attending the Investments. fer of ^t-end d״elli“g־ house properties this afternoon were as good as ever, particularly in the room occupied by Mr. Alfred Moore (Messrs. C. C. and T. Moore), who had no difficulty in disposing of all his lots for a total of £13,100. Mr. Moore commenced by disposing of the 50 years’ lease of No. 45, Bancroft-road, Mile-end, estimated rental £40, ground rent £4, for £450, and four leaseholds in St. Peter’s-road, Mile-eud, together producing £159 per annum, 31 years unexpired, ground rent £14 13s., for £1,585. Proceeding to deal with a batch of freehold and leasehold investments at Hackney, Old Ford and Bow, which had come into the market through the death of Mr. J. Dolby, Mr. Moore sold a ground rent of £24, secured on four houses in D uncan-square, London-fields, with reversion to the rack rentals amounting to £150 per ann.um in 13J years, for £800; freehold premises adjoining, and known as the Pickle Factory, producing £117 per annum, for £930; twelve freehold houses one with shop, in Sheep-lane, London-fields, together producing in weekly rentals, £278 4s. per annum, for £3,355 ; six freehold houses in Mead-place, Elsdale-street, South Hackney, producing £109 4s., for £1,130 ; a freehold house in Lauriston-road, South Hackney, let on lease at £65 per annum, for £1,155 ; eleven long-leasehold houses in Buston-street and Locton-street, Old Ford-road, Bow, together producin״ two family residences in View-road, Grange-road, Highgate, and some freehold heath, pasture and woodland at Frensham, were also left unsold. Mr. W. Bennett Bogers (Messrs. Bogers, Chapman and Thomas) did not receive any offer for a bijou residence, No. 5, Thurloe-place, South Kensington, leasehold for seven years unexpired, nor were there any buyers for three semidetached villa residences in Edith-grove, Chelsea, leasehold for 62 years at £80 ground rent, and let at £70 per annum. At the same auction, however, two leasehold ground rents of £9 per annum, secured upon villas in Fernshaw-road, 62 years’ lease were sold for £822. Freehold ground rents of £28 per annum, arising out of four houses and a stable in Hormead-road, Harrow-road, together of the estimated rental value of £185 a year, reversion in 90 years, were disposed of for £780 by Mr. C. W. Driver (Messrs. Driver and Co.), who was also able to sell a building site of 8,000 square feet, fronting the same thoroughfare, at £650. Martello Place, Felixstowe; a freehold residence and one and a half acres was withdrawn by Mr. Driver at £4,000. At a sale by Messrs. C. and H. White five plots of freehold building land in Cowper-road, Bromley, realised £800. One of the most interesting Provincial Pr°P0rties th0 day’s list Theatre, comprised the Theatre Boyal, Dover, which, together with the lioenses, furniture, fittings and appointments, came under the hammer of Mr. Ernest W. Beard (Messrs. Beard and Son). There were many speculators and theatrical managers in attendance, and the property, whioh is held by underlease for a conditional term of 50 years at a ground rent of £160, obanged hands at £6,300. Wednesday. There was not much to attract the attention of investors at Tokenhouse-yard this afternoon. The supply of properties was again limited, whilst the demand, as shown by the result of half a dozen auctions was anything but satisfactory. The circumstances under which some of the sales were conducted were very discouraging to the auctioneers. Seventeen plots of freehold building land situate in the highest parts of Twickenham, near the Green, were advertised for sale by Messrs. Slade and Butler, but the room was empty at the appointed hour, and the property was not offered. The prospects were not much better in the room chartered by Messrs. Hillier and Parker. Here two short leasehold shops in the Broadway, Bexley-heath, and some long leasehold weekly houses in Leyes-road, West Ham, were offered, but there were no buyers. At a sale by Mr. G. Bawley Cross a good many investors were afforded an opportunity of securing some good and sound freehold investments in the shape of residences in Shakespeare-road, West Ealing, let at £45 per annum ; they were, however, withdrawn, each at £750. A freehold residence in Shepherd’s-bush-road, of the estimated rental value of £60, was also withdrawn by the same auctioneer, the highest offer being £990. A freehold marine residence inSussex-square,Brighton, was put in by Mr. Ed. E. Kelsey (Messrs. Maple and Co.), at the upset price of £1,400, but there was no offer and the property was passed. The same auctioneer wa3 entrusted witn the offer of the Clayton Priory Estate, Sussex, of 258 acres. For the purposes of sale, the property was divided into lots, none of which were sold. Poor Results. Investments at Barking. Leaseholds in Battersea. A freehold property comprising two residences or business premises in Bother-hithe-street, Botherhithe, possessing total frontages of 160ft., and embracing an area of 21,350ft., was submitted by Mr. W. H. Daw (Messrs. Herring, Son and Daw) as a site suitable for the erection of granaries, warehouses, artisans’ dwellings or stabling, and sold, after a good competition, for £3,000. A number of freehold houses in Usk-road, New Wandsworth, were withdrawn by Mr. Harold Griffin, who, howewer, got rid of 10 long-leaseholds in the Battersea district with very little difficulty. The properties comprised Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16, Bar-more-street, York-road, together producing £106 12s., 58 years unexpired, ground rent detached residence in Upper Park-road, Hampstead, estimated rental £80 a year, for £700, whilst a contract was signed for the purchase of two long leasehold houses in Bommany-road, West Norwood, offered by Mr. Bott. Three leasehold shops, Nos. 96, 98 and 100, Porfcland-road, Notting-hill, forming the only property submitted by Mr. Philip Geen (Messrs. Philip and George Geen), were disposed of in lots for £1,520. The shops, which produce a rental of £160 a year, are each held for an unexpired term of about 50 years at a ground rent of £10. A good opportunity for securing sound properties either for occupation or investment, afforded by a sale by Mr Edward Millard, was taken advantage of to the fullest extent, as the result will show. The properties described in the sale particulars consisted of a number of freehold and leasehold houses, some with shops, at Barking. Each of the 11 lots offered was sold, half a dozen freehold houses in James-street, together producing £109 4s., realising £1,170 ; eight long leasehold houses and shops in East-street, actually producing £109 4s., held for 72 years unexpired, ground rent £12, £2,750 ; and Nos. 9 to 16 Arthur-cofctages, East-street, the actual rentals of which amount to £120 18s., 72 years unexpired, ground rent £8, £985; Mr. Millard’s total realisation was £4,905. Considerable interest was taken among a certain class of investors in the sale by Mr. Edwin Evans of three shops and houses, Nos. 270, 272 and 274, Old Kent-road, together with a dwelling house, No. 2, Smyrks-road, adjoining. The property, which produces £247 4s. per annum, from which must be deducted a ground rent of £44, it being held upon lease for an unexpired term of 69 years, realised £2,900. Mr. Evans also sold some leasehold dwelling houses at Acton, and the 64-J- years’ lease of two residences, Nos. 7 and 9, Lancaster-road, Notting-hill, together producing £102 per annum, ground rent £20, the last-mentioned property realising £900. Two freehold cottages in Archway-road, Highgate, the site of which was described as having a frontage of 62ft. to the main road, and being thus suitable for the erection of shops, fetched £1,020 under the hammer of Mr. Thos. G. Bogers. Tuesday. There was quite a large Building CfTd °f C״y gent1“’ in־ Sites. eluding many well-known surveyors and auctioneers, at a letting this afternoon by Mr. Edward Tewson (Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater) of a site in Fleet street, “ by order of the Governors of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.” The site is situate on the south side of the newly widened part of the thoroughfare, within about 40 yards of Ludgate-cirous, and is at present ocoupied by the premises, Nos. 90, 91 and 92, Fleet-street, and 2 and 3, St. Bride’s-avenue in the rear, facing St. Bride’s Church. The site has a total frontage of about 103ft., and covers an area of 2,290 square feet. When Mr. Tewson’s hammer fell a building lease had been granted for a term of 80 years at £1,700 per annum. I may mention that the minimum sum to be expended by the lessee on the new buildings is £8,000. He must make his own arrangements with the City Corporation as to the land immediately in front, recently taken by them for widening the street, should he be desirous of using the same on the basement level for the purpose of constructing vaults or otherwise. Mr. Beynolds (Messrs. Beynolds and Eason) was entrusted with the letting of two building sites, together containing 35,900 square feet, and having good frontages to Old Kent-road and Leroy-street. In this instance also, the term was 80 years, but no acceptable offer for the property was made. The Bowden House Estate, Residential near Bromyard, Herefordshire, roper les. freeij0j¿ regidential property, containing upwards of 153 acres, was included in Mr. Tewson’s list, but did not attract a purchaser ; it was withdrawn at £6.000. Beech Grove, Sydenham-hill, of 8f acres, held upon lease from Dulwich College, for about 44 years unexpired, was bought in at £3,000 ; whilst JVlems from the JVIart A City Site. Monday. About this time, or perhaps a little later, in the year 1897, Mr. Samuel Walker (Messrs. S. Walker and Son) submitted to auction a number of freehold building sites situated in Monument-street, the same being placed in the market by direction of the Commissioners of Sewers. They went off very easily; thus a plot containing 560ft. with a frontage of 19ft. was sold for £1,650 ; another of 460ft. with 25ft. frontage, for £1,850 ; and a third of 420ft. with about 25ft. frontage to Bot-olph-lane, for £1,400, or a total area of 1,440ft. for £8,500, which works out at a little less than £3 10s. per foot. I mention this in order to show the very slight difference between the price realised for land in Monument-street at that time and the figure recorded this afternoon, when Mr. Walker offered the only remaining plot, which contains a superficial area of 1,285ft. and a frontage of 40ft. 6in. It fetched £4,100, whioh is rather less than £3 5s. per foot, the purchaser being Mr. David Burnett, who was actingon behalf of a client. Mr. Walker, like the majority of the auctioneers engaged to-day, was somewhat unsuccessful in regard to brick and mortar investments, of whioh there was a fairly good supply. Two houses in South-street, Greenwich, held on lease for an unexpired term of 48 years at a ground rent of £11 12s., and together producing £88 8s., had to be taken back at £850; a similar result also attending the offer of two houses and shops in High-road, Lee, leasehold for about 30 years at a ground rent of £14 and producing £81 net, the highest bid for which was £500. The properties sold by the Moorgaie-street auctioneer comprised a leasehold ground rent of £40 a year, secured upon a corner public-house in Old-street, St. Luke’s, which went for £550, and a house and shop in Eversholt-street, Hampstead-road,let at £65 a year, and leasehold for an unexpired term of 44 years at a ground rent of £8, which realised £650. This charming, old-fashiond Weir Bank, mansion, witki its beautiful e 1D^ on‘ pleasure grounds and gardens, in all about 10¿■ acres, came under the hammer of Mr. G. T. E. Wriford, of the firm of Wriford and Dixons, who were acting in conjunction with Mr. Pennington, of Bichmond, but the property remains to be numbered among the “ unsold,” an offer of £9,250 being made on behalf of the vendor when the bidding had reached £8,250. Up to the very last moment the result of Mr. Wrifords’s efforts was disappointing. A freehold estate of about 18J acres in the centre of the picturesque village of Hayes, Middlesex, with rich old pasture land and possessing a good value for accommodation purposes, wa3 bought in for £1,600, the highest offer only representing about £70 per acre. There was also in the list a semidetached villa residence in Crystal-palace-road, Dulwich, let at £30 and held on lease for about 80 years unexpired at a ground rent of £7, which had to be withdrawn at £330. There was, however, a good ending to Mr. Wriford’s sale, a freehold ground rent of £100 per annum, secured upon the Coach and Horses public-house, Carnaby-street,Begent-street, with reversion in 19J years, being purchased for £3,500. I may also mention that Box No. 24 (to seat five persons) on the second tier of the Boyal Albert Hall was sold for £165. Its original cost was £500. Amongst the various unsold pioperties were two long leasehold villas in Framfield-road, Highbury, each let at £42 per annum, and a freehold house, No. 190, Peckham-rye, withdrawn by Mr. C. T. Climpson (Messrs. Climpson and Johnson) at £800 and £720 respectively; and some weekly flats at Lower Sydenham, producing £187 4s. per annum, 97J years lease, total ground rent £27, withdrawn by Mr. John Bott (Messrs. John Bott and Sons) at £1,175 ; and two semi-detached residences in South-hill-park, Hampstead-heath, total estimated rental £130 per annum, 85J years lease, ground reDt £12, withdrawn by Mr. Gibson Cracknell (Messrs. Middleton and Cracknell) each at £675. Mr. Cracknell, however, sold the 51^ years’ lease of a semi-