June 17, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE. CARMARTHEN.___FRANCIS, JOHN, F.A.I., Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Valuer, &c., Nott Square. CARMARTHEN & LLANELLY.—THOMAS (•J. HOWELL) & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, &c. Est. 1860 FISHGUARD.—WILLIAMS, W. L., Auctioneer, House, Land and Estate Agent. . HAVERFORDWEST.—THOMAS, JAMES, Land and Estate Agent and Valuer, 6, Victoria Place RTTLE-OWEN & SON, P.S.I., E.A.I., Land Agents, Valuers and Auctioneers. LLANDOVERY & SWANSEA.—JAMES, WILLIAM & WALTER, E.A.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Ac. LLANELLY.—DAVIES (I.) & SON, A.M.I.O.E., Civil and Mining Engineers, Surveyors, Valuers, &e. GRIFFITHS W., F.S.I., Surveyor, Valuer and Estate Agent. , _ , MERTHYR-TYDFIL —FORRESTER, JOHN, Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, Stock & Share Broker. HOWELLS THOMAS, Auctioneer, Valuer & Accountant, House & Estate Agent, 30, Victoria Street. NEATH.—REES (W. HARRY) & SON (Established 1867), Auctioneers, Land Agents, Surveyors * Valuers. PENARTH.__EDMIJNDS, D. H., Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, Windsor Chambs., Stanwell Road. SWANSEA.___BEYNON & MEAGER, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers. ROBERTS DAVID, Accountant, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 19, Heathfield Street. ROBERTS׳(EDWARD) & SON, F.A.I., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 40, Oxford Street. TENBY.__GRABHAM & JENKINS, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents and Valuers. IRELAND. ARMAGH —MARTIN (D P ) & CO., House, Estate, and Insurance Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers. BELFAST׳.—McKELVEY & McCOMBE, House and Estate Agents, Property Auctioneers & Valuators, McCONNELL (R. J.) & CO., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, 37, Royal Avenue. WARD JOHN, Property Broker, Auctioneer and Valuer, 39, Chichester Street. COLERAINE.—GLENN (J. F.) & CO., F.A.I., Property Auctioneers, House and Land Agents. CORK.—KEARNEY, E. K., Auctioneer and Valuer, Munster Auction Mart, 37, Marlborough Street. MARSH & SONS׳, Auctioneers and Cattle Salesmen, House and Land Agents, 70, South Mall. SCANLAN & SONS, Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate and Insurance Agents. DUBLIN.—ASKIN, (F.S.I.) & SON, Estate and Insurance Agents, 60, Upper Sackville Street. ADAM, JAMES, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House and Land Agent, 17, Merrion Row. BATTERSBY & CO., House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, 6, Westmoreland Street. BENNETT & SON Auctioneers, Valuers and Fire Insurance Assessors, 6, Upper Ormond Quay. DOLLING, CALEDON, F.S.I., Land Agent, 3, Lower Merrion Street. . JENNINGS & CO., House & Estate Agents, &c., 10, Stephen s Green (2 doors off United Service Club,. JONES (ARTHUR) * SON, Auctioneers, House Agents and Furnishers, 135, Stephen’s Green. NORTH (JAMES H., F.A.I.) & CO., Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, 110, Grafton bt. Est. 1829. LIMERICK.—FITT, WM. B., F.A.I., Auctioneer and Valuer, 46, George Street. WELPLY JAMES, District Receiver, Chancery Court, Land and House Agent, &c., bo, George Street. WATERFORD.—WALSH (T.) & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, House, Land & General Agents. Est. 1849. SCOTLAND. GLASGOW.—WALKER, FRASER & STEELE, Factors and Land Agents, Chief Offices, 74, Bath Street. INVERNESS.—ARNOTT, JAMES, Scotch Live Stock Commission Agent, Ellandonan. <^3? . ^ONCENTRWEi jbeef tea,Veal,, ^ MUTTON & CHICKEN BROTHS TURTLE SOUP & JELLY, CALFS’FOOT _ ^ . _-_ ,. J. — - SOLE ADDRESS, -----Ti~ JELLY, JuEAT LOZENGES n unit stahhqpe street, matfair. w. ,(