1009 J-rsTi 10, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, Sir George Bruce, the arbitrator, 1 eard evidence at Kendal, on June 1 and 2, in the Fisher Tarn arbitration between the Kendal Corporation and the waterworks contractor, who claims over £17,000. Mr. John Banks, F.S.I., of Kendal, was called as a witness. Mr. C. E. Noble, for three years with Messrs. Bush and Son, auctioneers, Sheffield, has recently purchased the auctioneering and estate agency business of Mr. A. D. Biestall, of Bournemouth, and will carry on the same in future at the office and sale room, No. 82, Commercial-road, in that town. The annual count leet for the manors of Great Bursted, Whites Gurnard, Chalweedon, and Cowbridge, of which Lord Petre is the lord, was held at the Bed Lion Hotel, Billericay. Mr. Dods, solicitor, of the firm of Messrs. Col-lyer, Bristow and Co., Bedford-row, attended as representing the stewards. The death of Mr. J. W. Whitton, architect and surveyor, of St. James’s-strest, Derby, occurred somewhat suddenly on Tuesday morning, at the age of 47. He was agent for the estates of Mr. Richard Batcliife, at Stamford Hall, Leicestershire, and at Walton-on-Trent, Staffordshire ; for Mr. Howland Smith, Duffield Hall, and Mrs. Mellor, Vemon-street. Mr. George Byce, one of the successful candidates from the Uckfield Agricultural College in the recent examination of the Boyal Agricultural Society, has just been appointed lecturer on agriculture and agricultural chemistry for the Devon County Council. Mr. Byce will also take charge of the agricultural experiments being carried out by the Council, and will also carry out analyses for the fanners in the county. *alts II £ jpribate ®mig* Roden House, Brentwood, has been sold, and will not now be offered to auction on the 21st inst., by Messrs. St. Quintin and Son, as advertised. No. 23, Stapleton-hall-road, Stroud-green, which was not sold when offered at the Mart on Tuesday, by Messrs. Gilbert and How, was subsequently disposed of by them for £510. No. 12, Alwyn-road, Oanonbury, N., which was withdrawn at Messrs. Wagstaff and Sons’ auction, at the London Mart, on Wednesday, was subsequently disposed of for £555. Mr. P. Southernwood lias recently disposed of a block of freehold house property and land occupying an important position at the comer of the Crown and Oollingwood-roads, Sutton. A satisfactory price was realised. The fine residential property known as Brookfield House, Long Stanton, Herts, which was not disposed of when offered to auction by Messrs. Knight, Prank and Butley, at the London Mart, last week, has since been sold by them. Air. Leopold Neumegen has just sold the following leasehold investments : —Seven houses, Nos. 157 to 163 (inclusive), Angel-road, Edmonton, kit at £137 16s. per annum, lease 79 years, ground rent £3 3s. each, for £900 ; 24 houses, Nos 19 .to 65 (odd), Stanley-street. Plaistow, let at £561 per annum, lease 77 years, ground rent £3 10s. each, for £2,880. Air. Alaunce Bussell has disposed of a freehold house in Hamfrith-road, Stratford, E., comtaiuing eight rooms and a hath room, for £620; a freehold house in Alargery-park-rcad, Forest-gate, containing eight rooms and a hath room, for £500; and a leasehold house in Cecil-read, Upton Aianor, containing seven rooms and a hath room, for £340. Messrs. Boyton, Pegram and Buckmaster have just sold four freehold shops, Nos. 182 to 188, Wandsworth-bridge^-road, Fulham, for £5,000; No. 40, Bishops-road, Fulham, lease 80 years, at £6 ground rent, £320; Nos. 16, 20, 30 and 32, LilyviUe-road, rent £36, lease 80 years,^ ground rent £8, £350 each; Nos. 30 and 32, Kmvett-road, let at 15s. per week each, lease 72 years, at £5 each, £600; No. 8, Beet ridge-road, rent £34, lease 86 years, at £4 10s., £340; No. 23, Epirus-road, Walham-green, freehold, let at 16s. per week, £520; No. 558, Fulbam-road, freehold shop, rent £50, £775; Nos. 49 and 51, Gowan-avenue, Fulham, let at 16s. per week, lease 88 years, a* £6 each, £380 each; A os. 1 to 35, Althea-street, Fulhany rent 17s. 6d. per week each, lease 97 years’ ground rent £5 15s. each, £6,000 ; seven years’ lease of the shop, No. 605, Fulham-road, let at £60 per annum, £450 ; and Nos. 43 and 47, Waldemar-avenue, for £350 each. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY. With reference to the list (which appeared in our issue of last week) of firms of surveyors and estate agents who have intimated, their intention of closing on Saturdays and other half-holidays for the future at one o’clock, we have since received several further names, and now append a list corrected to date:—■ Messrs. Aldridge, Arthur, and Co. Alessrs. Barker and Neale. Alessrs. Battson and Co. Air. J. C. Bell. Alessrs. Best and Adams. Alessrs. Chesterton and Sons. Alessrs. Clarke, Samuel B., and Son. Alessrs. Cluttons. Alessrs. CoUbran and Howard. Alessrs. Collins and Collins. Alessrs. Dixon, Thomas and Sons. Messrs. Drivers and Co. Air. W. A. Ellis. Air. W. C. Elms. Messrs. Flint and Pitt-. Alessrs. Freyburg, Percy and Herbert. Alessrs. Garland, Smith and Drake. Alessrs. Gillow and Oo. Alessrs. Glasier and Son. Alessrs. Godwin, Basley and Eldridge. Alessrs. Gouldsmith, Geo., Son and Oo. Alessrs. Grogan, H., and Co. Air. F. Hazell. AIessrs. Howell, Son and Bonnin. Alessrs. Hunter and Hunter. Air. Charles E. Joy. Air. F. A. Knight. Alessrs. Lofts and Warner. Alessrs. Alabbett and Edge. Alessrs. Alarm, Bobert W., and Son. Alessrs. Alarler and Alarler. Alessrs. Alarler and Co. Alessrs. Alarsh, W. T. Air. W. Alartin. Alessrs. Alatch and Co. Air. C. W. Alayne. Alessrs. Alorley and Letts. Alessrs. Nosctti and Co. Alessrs. Nott and Cartwright. Alessrs. Osbom and Alereer. Alessrs. Bay and Alurrell. Air. F. H. B. Biddle. Alessrs. Bogers, Chapman and Thomas. AD. H. Bow. Alessrs. Saunders, Chas., and Son. Alessrs. Taylor, Lovegrove and Co. Alessrs. Thynne and Thynne. Air. F. C. Trafford. Alessrs. Trollope, Geo., and Sons. Alessrs. Turner, Alex. H., and Co. Alessrs. Waller and Co. Alessrs. Wilson, Jno. and B.A. Alessrs. Winkworth and Co. Alessrs. Wyand and Sons. -1 to 4, 8, 13, 14 and 15, Cubitt's-eot- 1 to 11 Wandsworth-tages. F Penge—15 and 16. Qneen Adelaide-road. L Forest-hill—285 to 291 (odd). Stanstead-road; 15 to 27 (odd), Montem-road, L i. W. TAYLOR and CO., 159, High-street, Put ney, S.W. Putney—Carlton-road, Westbury. L; 1, Oakhi'I road, F WHITE, BERRY and TAYLOR, 1, Halkin-street, GrosTenor-place, S.W., and ”50, :Sloane street, S.W. Belgravia—26, Chapel-street, L PEARCE, 62, Hayerstock-hill, FRIDAY 9th. BAKER and SONS. 11, Queen Yictoria-street, EC. Felixstowe, Suffolk—Main-road, Enclosure of Building Land, 5J acres. F Forest-gate—24 to 32, 36 to 48. 52 to 88 (even). Trump mgton-road, E DOLMAN and N.W. Hampstead—97. Adelaide-road, L Haverstoek-hill—Nos. 118, 120, 128 and 134, L MONTAGU and ROBINSON, 36, Coleman-street, E.G. Finchley—41 and 43, Station-road, L W. R. NIGH0LAS and CO.. 60, Pall Mall, S.W. and Reading. Prestwood, Bucks—Knives Farm. 100a. Ir. 26p. F Eastbourne. Sussex—Meads. The Links, and three acres, F Elstree. Herts—Glenhaven, and five acres, F R. PRICE and SON, 2. Clapham-park-road and 340, Balham High-road, S.W. Willesden—9. Fortune-gate-road, L Clapham—139, 141 and 143. Bedford-road, L Wandsworth—442, Merton-road, L-New Malden, Surrey—1 and 3, Pressbury-road, and a Plot of Land, F and L ROBERT REID, 51, Great Marlborough-sfreet. W. Hyde-park—10. Gloucester-terrace; 16, Oambrilge-ter-lace; 17 and 17a, Southwick-street, L Paddington—17, Brook-mews North, L E.!and A. SWAIN, 26. High-street, Notting-hill,W. Pimlico—31, Clarendon-street. L Notting-hill—81, Portland-road, L W. N. WILLOUGHBY, 399, Norwood-road S.E , and Tulse-hill, S.E. Streatham—Knollys-road, Six Leasehold Residences: Stockfieid-road, St. Mawes, L Norwood—15, TJlverstone-road, L D. J. CHATTELL. 29a, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C., and Cbislehurst, Kent. Charlton, Kent—North-street, etc., FGR's of £126 Is. Sutton, Snrrey—Westmead-road, Seven Leasehold Residences Brockley-rise—Duncombe-kill, Two Freehold Residences Notting-hill—160 and 162. Kensington-park-road, L WEATHERALL and GREEN, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C. St. John's Wood—8 and 10, Henry-street, L TUESDAY 6th. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCKMASTER. Broadway, Walham Green. Twickenham—Strawberry-vale, Four Plots of Land, F CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHINNOCK, 11, Waterloo-place, S.W. Snape. etc., Yorks—'The Thorpe Perrow Estate, 7,592 acres DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside. E C. St. James's—12. Park-place. L DOWSETT and MANN, 18. Walbrook, E.C. Forest-hill—Lowther-hill, Three Plot« of Land, F Honor Oak—4 and 5, Honor Oak-rise, L Hounslow. Middlesex—Hansworth-road, Fern Dairy, Ti* MARKLTELL and SON, 94, Bow-road, 42, High street. East Ham, E., and 11, London-street Fenchurch-street, E.C. Limehonse—21, Pigott-street, L E. and H. LUMLEY, 22 and 35, St. James’s street, S.W. Chipstead, Surrey—Elmore, and 24a. 2r. 33p., F Lingfield, Surrey—Dorman’s-park, Woollahra, and li acres, F ALEX. ROBERTSON, 3. Church-street, Camber well, S.E , and 11. Ludgate-hill, E.C. Upton-park—Lucas-avenne. FGR's of £78 Manor-park—Winifred-road, FGR’s of £110 R0UCH, PARKHOUSE and LUCK. Crouch End Railway Station, N. Hornsey—2 to 12 (even), Lightfoot-road, L SPARROW and SON, High-street, North Finchley. N. Muswell-kill—Pembroke-road. Five Plots of Land, WALTON and LEE, 10, Mount-street, Gros-Yenor-square, W. Lingfield, Surrey—The Harhorough Castle Estate, 394 acres. F Wootton, Isle of Wight—Woodside, and 11 acres Chelsea—50, Draycott-place, L LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS. MAY. Messes. Wm. B. Nicholas and Co., of Beading, and Pall Mall, S.W., had a most satisfactory sale of The Priory Building Estate, Oaversham, on !the 6th inst., at the Queen’s Hotel, Beading. There was keen competition for the various lots, and the greater number found ready purchasers at good prices. The block of eight freehold cottages at Cleeve, near Goring, aLso offered at the same time, sold at a verv satisfactory price. Messrs. Nicholas and Oo. have just sold the charming property known as Hol-gate House, Sudbury, Sussex, with extensive grounds of 16 acres. IJmnnaL The Whitsuntide rent audit of the /town portion of Whitehaven Gastle Estate took place at the castle recently, the Earl of Lonsdale’s local agent, Alderman J. G. Dees, presiding. Through the instrumentality of Messrs. W. G. Alee and Co., the agents of the Bedford Park Estate, the unsightly hoarding on !the railway and embankment at Bedford Park has been removed. AD. Thomas Jones, F.S.I. (Messrs. Tapp and Jones, Westminster), has been appointed arbitrator to settle the dispute between Mr. T. B. Farrington, C. E., and the Cowlyd Board, Conway, in which a claim for £900 is made. The death is announced of Mr. George Coote, F.S.I., a well-known Suffolk land agent The sad event occurred at the deceased’s residence, Chilton Lodge, Sudbury, on the Sfch inst. Air. Coote was 79 years of age A1 r. E. H. Bousfield, the chairman, of the Board, will preside at the Cannon-street Hotel, on Alonday, the 26th inst., at the Alidsummer election of the London Orphan Asylum. Thirty children will he admitted to the benefits of she charity on this occasion. Air. 0. W. Davies, auctioneer, etc., 15, Upper-street, Islingten, N., has taken into partnership his son, AD. A. G. Davies, who has been associated with him for ten years. The title of the firm will be C. W. Davies and Son. The Buckingham Board of Guardians have appointed Messrs. Castle and Sons, of 40, Chancery-lane, London, to assist the committee in the valuation of the portions of the Great Central and MeDopolitan Railways within their Union. Sir George E. Dallas, Bart., of the Foreign Office, has been appointed receiver of the rents and profits of die Hinton St, George Estates in Somerset, until the settlement of the action now pending in respect of the title to the Poulett earldom. Martin John Sutton, of Henley Park Oxfordshire (Messrs. Sutton and Sons), contributed a letter to the series of articles now appearing in the “Aborning Post” from leading agriculturists and landlords on the subject of f.hp Revival of English Agriculture.״ WEDNESDAY 31st. COURTENAY, WELLS and CO., 53, London road, Croydon (at the Greyhound Hotel Croydon). West Croydon-23 and 25, Chatfleld-road, R. £64, F 91( 50 and 52, Queen\s-road, R. £52. F. .. .. 48i South Croydon—1 and 2 Northumberland-villas, Sanderstead-road, R. £52. F............ ß4: Croydon—26, West-street, R. £31 4s., F...... 42f A plot of freehold building Jand, situate at the corner of Boston and Dryden-roads .. Four plots of freehold building land, frontage lCOfc. to Lismore-road................. Carshalton—4, St. Andrew’s-road. R. £13, F. Caterham—Two plots of fieehold building land, frontage 36ft. to Highfield-road 250 36 JUNE. 3,050 610 grove, 455 280 WEDNESDAY 7th-SWAN WOODCOCK. 74, Leytonstone - road, Stratford (at the Swan Hotel, Broadway, Stratford). St atford—16.18, 20 and 62, Buxton-road, R. £124 3s. F. .. ............................ 1,695 Leyton 1, 2, 3. 4, o, 6. 8. 9 and 10 Maldon-terraee, Mellais-road, R. £280 16s., F........... Forest-gate—17 and 19. Odessa-road, R. £60, F. . BEALE and CAPPS, 126, Ladbroke Notting-hill, W. (at the Elgin HoteC Lad-broke-groYe, W.) North Kensington—80, Chesterton-road, u.t. 78 year s, G.R. £9. R. £42 ................ 3, Mill wood-street, u.t. 68 years, G.R. £8. R. £48 2»............................. Notting-hill—3, The Triangle, St. Quintin-avenue, u.t. 82 years, G.R. £9, R. £50.......... 5, Thorpe-mews, Cambridge-gai dens, u.t. 64 years, G.R. £4, R. £31 4s. ........... 28. St Luke’s-mews. St. Luke’s-road, u.t. 64 years, G.R. £5, R. £30 ................. 2C0 260 THURSDAY 8th. W. N. WILLOUGHBY, 399 and 363d, Norwood road, S.E. (on the premises). Upper Norwood—Pe,er»fiel4 143, Beulah-hill .. 2,000 At Alessrs. A. Prevost and Son’s auction sale of freehold building land on the Beach Estate, Westcliff-on-Sea, on behalf of the Land Company, on Wednesday, the total realisation was nearly £2,000. BlVEESIDE BCLLDLSG SlTES AXD RESIDENCES. •There are few choicer positions along the banks of the Thames, within residential London, than that occupied by the pleasant little village of Hampton, where Garrick built his classic villa, and lived many happy year3 cf his life. Five detached freehold residences, and several adjoining building sites situated here, aro to be offered to auction at the London Mart, on June 15, by Mr. Stafford Charles. The houses, three of which are already let at substantial rents, occupy a most delightful position, with entrances from Sunbury-road, and having lawns sloping down to the river, whilst from the windows charming views over the river are obtained. The building sites have also the same advantages of position, and have frontages of nearly 60ft. each, both to road and river. WEDNESDAY 7th. ANSTEY and SON, Alresford House, Plaistow, E. Plaistow—26 to 36 (even). Beaumont-road!; 31 and 33 Deninark-street; 24 and 26. Seaton-street; 22, 24 and 26. Surrey-street, and GR, of £4. L TJpton-park—536. Queen’s-road, L ARTHUR BARTON, 91, Cannon-street, E.C., and at Lee, S.E. Hoxton—87, Shaftesbury-road. L Dalston—24 and 24a. Dalston-lane. L Lee—26 to 34 (even), Dacre-street, L Wimbledon—10 and 12, Pembridge-villas. L Harrow, Middlesex—20, Sbeepcote-road, F F. CALLIER, 105, Great Russell-street, W.C. Bromley. Kent—Bloomfield-road, The Bloomfield Laundry, F HAMPTON and SONS, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W. Hyde-park—16, Westbourne-street, L South Kensington—58. Hogarth-road, L Wandsworth—1, Cologne-road; 6 and 8, Shirley grove, L Cbislehurst—Bromley-road, Enclosure of Land 2a 3r. 33p., F Weybridge, Surrey—St, George’s-avenue, Stoneleigh and 3a. lr. 10p., F Bnsbey Heath, Herts—The Warren, and 37 acres, F HUMBERT and FLINT, 11, Serle-street, W.C., and Watford, Herts. Great Waltham, Essex—Broom’s Meadow Land 7a 2r. 32p., F Cricklewood—9. 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, Avenue-villas, L R. W. MANN and SON. 12, Lower GrosYenor-place, S.W. Chelsea—5, Tedworth-square; 22, Draycott-place, L ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-grave-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. Pimlico—1, 2, 11 to 18, Trinity-mews: 13 and 42 Rntland-street, L S0UTH0N and ROBINSON, 14, Cockspur-street, 5, W. Fulham—Riganlt-road, L W. STEYEN8, DaJfton-junction, N.E. Tottenham—81 to 87 (odd), Gloucester-road. L Walthamstow—95 to 100, Blackhorse-road, L WAGSTAFF and SONS, Highbury-corner, N. Oanonbury—12, Alwyne-road, L F. G. WHEATLEY, 263, Strand, W.C., Poole and Bournemouth. Highbury—12, 14, 25 and 37, Battledean-road: 29 to 39 (odd), Melgard-road Surbiton, Surrey—Douglas-roadi Boh Coeur, and The Thom, F Chelsea•—1 to 4, Feltham-mews, L Kingston, Surrey—Thames Bank Side, Elmsdale, Courtenay, and Elm Bank DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, 8.W., and Ilford. Clapham—43, 43a. 45, 47 and 49, Clapham-road, with Factory Premises in rear; 11 and 21, Rosebery-road; 12, Thomcliffe-road; 29 to 32, 34, 36, 37. 39 to 42, Lansdowne-gardens, L Wandsworth—21 to 27 (odd), Lebanon-gardens; 4 and 6, Allfarthing-lane. L____________ THURSDAY 8th C. C. and T. MOORE, 144■ Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall street. E.G. Canning Town—27 to 37 (odd), Tucker-street, L MUSKETT and SONS, Wood-green and Bowes park, N., Hornsey and New 8outhgate. Palmers-grem—1, Palmerston-crescent, F Harrmgay—84 to 92 (even), Harringay-road, L Wood-green—67, 69 and 71, Western-road, 26, Commerce-road, L NEWB0N, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. Haverstock-hill—Upper Park-road, The Studio, L Xew sonthgate—1 to 9, Oakhurst-terrace, P Bexley Heath, Kent—Standard-road, Two Plots of Land, F J. C. PLATT, 197, King street, Hammersmith, W. Westboume-park—12, Basing-road, L Kensington—Lillie-road, a Plot of Land, F STIMSON and SONS, 8. Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Brixton—97 to 103 (odd), Angell-roacf; 4, Barrington-road, L