June 10, Ì89§. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 100B Messrs. TROLLOPE, 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, 14, Mount-street, GrosYenor-square, Halkin-street West, and 5, Yictoria-screet, S.W. South Kensington—2, Rosary-gardens, ut 75 years, GR, etc., £38 3s.................. 2,350 FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. City of London—A Building Lease of 26, Austin- friars, 4,000ft., let at per annum ...... 3,300 FRIDAY 9tn. C. CANEY, 8, Camberwell-green, S.E. Camberwell—26 and 28, Lyndburst-road!, ut 23 years, GR £16, ER £110 ............... 640 MONTAGU and ROBINSON, 36, Coleman-street, E.C. Pimlico—42, Elizabetli-street, ut 24 years, GR £2, R £200 ............................. 1,775 5, Warwick-square, ut 34£ years, GR £1, R £155 ................................ 1,400 239, Vauxliall-bridge-road (Alexander Private Hotel), ut 25 years, GR £17, R £120 900 Covent-garden—3, 4 and 6, New-sitreet, F, R £355 8,250 Soho—181, Wardour-street, F, R £152 2s. 9d. 3,9CO Theydon Garnon, Essex—A Perpetual Rent- charge of £35 16s......................... 950 Islington—192, St. John-street-road, F, R £85 1,900 W. R. NICHOLAS and CO., 60, Pall Mall, S.W., and Reading. Great Missenden, Bucks—A Freehold Site, 15a. lr. 5p.................................... 280 E. and A. SWAIN, 26, High-street, Notting-hill, W. Stamford-hill—96 to 108 (even), Templeton-road, ut 77 years, GR £24 10s................. 910 Paddlington—Harrow-road, Grape Vine Cottage, F ........................................ 335 ROBE RT RE ID, 51, Great Marlborough-street, W. City of London—1, Upper Thames-street (City Mi'll Building), area 12,670ft., ut 29? years, GR £252 10s., R £3,555 ............... 25,100 Hyde-park—30, Gloucester-terrace, and 4, Lower Conduit-mews, ut 38 years, GR £18 4s., R £155 ................................... 1,500 75, Gloucester-terrace, ut 38£ years, GR £20, R £135 ............................ 1,300 19, Sussex-square, ut 37? years, GR £52, R £475 ................................. 3,000 29, Norfolk-crescent, ut 36¿ years, GR £25, R £240 ................................. 1,310 2 and 3, Bathurst-street, and 2, Bathurst- mewsi, ut 37? years, GR £4, R £310 ...... 3,260 Paddington—25 and 27, Upper Brook-mews, ut 38$ years, GR £14, R £57 10s׳...........320 11 and 12, Cambridge-place, ut ¡53? years, GR £13, R £130 ........................... 990 St. John’s Wood—10, Abercorn-mews, ut 40 years, GR £2, R £25 ...................... 285 DAYID J. CH&TTELL, 29a. Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.G., and Chislehurst, Kent. Charlton, Kent—North-street, FGR’s of £22 14s. 6d., reversion in 44? years ......... 595 North-street, etc., FGR’s of £24 18s. 7d)., reversion in 63 years .................. 585 West-street, FGR of £22, reversion in 45? years .................................... 565 York-street, FGR’s of £30, reversion in 31£ years .................................... 970 East-street, FGR’s of £79 5s., reversions varying from 30 to 48 years............. 2,300 East-street, FGR of £13 16s.. The Crown B-h, reversion in 44 years .................... 560 East-street, FGR’s of £32 8s., reversion in 62? years ................................ 725 Harden’s׳ Manor Way—FGR of £9 10s., (The Lads of the Village Tavern), reversion in 19^ years .............................. 2,600 Harden’s Manor Way, FGR’s of £16 Is., reversion in 19£ years ................. 720 Harden’s Manor Way—FGR of £10 (Manor Arms B־h, etc.), reversion in 20 years ... 1,100 Anchor and Hope-lane, a Piece of Land, 5a, 3r. 12p., F ............................ 1,100 By Order of the Committee. Not sold under the Hammer. JUNE. MONDAY 5th. ALLAN BOOTH, 28$, Camden-road, N. Camden Town—2 and 3, Hawley-crescent, L Canonbury—33, Douglas^-road, L GILBERT and HOW, 5, Crouch-hill, and 14, Stroud-green-road, opposite Finsbury-park Station, N. Hornsey-rise—79, Hazelville-road, L Finsbury-park—53, Poole’s-park, Moreland-street, FGR of £57 15s. Stroud-green—23, Stapleton Hall-road, L HENRY HOOPER, 25, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 30, Grosyenor-park road, Walthamstow. Edmonton—Hyde-side, The Old) Poplars, F Clapton—62, Kenninghall-road, F Dulwich—150 and 152, Rosendale-road, F Acton—1, Giaisdale; 17, 32, 34 and 36, Avenue-gardens, L Brixton—83, Loughborough-park, L Forest-gate—33, 35, 63 and 65, Olova-road, L Forest-hill—92 , 94, 98 and 100, Wood-vale, L Holloway—732, Hollow ay-road1, L Lee—27 and 29, Leylands-road, L Eltham—Southwood-road', Meadowleigh, L Notting-hill—23 and 25, Oxford-gardens; 423, 425 and 427. Portobello-road, L Sydenham—81, Byne-road, L W. R NICHOLAS and CO., 60, Pall Mall, S.W., and Reading. Farnborough, Hants—Pinewood, and about 16 acres, P St. Mary Bourne, Hants—Upper Link Farm, 107 acres F NOKES and NOKES, 20, Ironmonger-lane, E.C , and 67, Caledonian-road, N. Cheshunt, Herts—Lordship-road, Pengelly House, F Muswell-hill—Pembroke-road, 15 Plots of Land, I’ Caterham, Surrey—Macaulay-road, Four Plots of Land!, F Mile-end—7, 9 and 21, King-street, F T. W. OFFIN, Southend-on-Sea and Rochford, Essex. Bowers Gifford, Essex—South Staines Farm, 171a. lr. 33p., F ERNEST OWERS, Finchley-road and West-end-lane, Hampstead, N.W. Beckenham, Kent—Albemarle-road, Abbot-sleigh, L Notting-hill—78, Elgin-crescent, L Fmchley—Hutton-grove, Six Plots of Land, F Hampstead—60 to 66 (even). Messina-avenue, L W. W. READ and CO., 1, Queen-street, Cheap-side; E.C. Weymouth, Dorset—1 to 8, Coburn-terrace; 1 to 6, Fermain-terrace; 3, 7, 8, 9, 12 to 18, 20 and 21, Lulworth-terraee, L W. BROWN and CO. (at Chesham). Aston Clinton, etc., Bucks—The Hawridge Court Estate, 1,588 acres (in lots) ..........39,103 HEPPER and SONS (at Leeds). Leeds—York-road, The Ivy Lodge Estate, 3a. Or. 16p., F ............................ 2,225 SWAN WOODCOCK (at Stratford). Stratford—16, 18, 20 and 62, Buxton-road׳, F ... 1,695 Forest-gate—17 and 19, Odessa-road, F„ R £60 610 Leyton—1 to 6, 8, 9 and 10, Maldon-terrace, F 3,050 ANSTEY and SONS, Alresford House. Plaistow Upton-park—14 to 36 (even), Harold-road, ut 60 years,, GR £25 4s., R £306 ............. 2,025 Plaistow—Queen’s-road, Four Plots of Building Land, F .................................. 90 A. BARTON, 91, Cannon-street, E.C., and at Lee, S.E. Lewisbam—8, Queen’s-gardens, ut 995 years, GR £11 4s. 6d........................... 800 BROWETT and TAYLOR, 9, Warwick court, W.C., and New Beckenham. Piccadilly—Stafford-street, FGR of £100, reversion in 69 years ...................... 3,650 23, Dover-street, F, R £440 ............ 11,600 HARMAN BROS., 75, Aldermanbury, E.C., and Rectory-road Station, N. Dalston—67, Sandringham-road, ut 67 years, GR £9, ER £70 .............................. 590 Stoke Newington—69, Lordship-road, ut 55£ years, GR £20 8s..........!.................... 1.975 SOUTHON and ROBINSON, 14, Cockspur-street> S.W. Canning Town—Bidder-street, FGR of £31 10s., reversion in 89j|- years ................ 720 Hendon—1, Leyton-cottages, F .................. 395 WAGSTAFF and SONS, Highbury-corner, N. King’s-cross—5, 9 and 13, Great Percy-street, R £180, also LGR of £12, ut 33 years, GR £30 ................................... 1,550 HUMBERT and FLINT, 11, Serle-street, W.C., and Watford, Herts. Chelsea—50, Lower Sloane-street, ut 74 years, GR, etc., £63 3s., ER £320 ............. 4,300 Cricklewood—7, 8, 11, 13 and 14, Avenue-villas, ut 79§ yearsi, GR £31 10s., R £196 ..... 2,200 Great Waltham, etc., Essex—Graveleys, and Mabbs’ Farm, 238a. 2r. 35p., F ....... 2,700 W. STEYENS, Dalston Junction, N.E. Dalston—14a, St. Mark’s-villas, ut 66 years, GR £25, ER £75 ........................... 500 Tottenham—74 to 88 (even), Gloucester-road, ut 98| years, GR £48, R £224 .............. 2,000 F. G. WHEATLEY, 263, Strand, W.C., Poole and Bournemouth. Holborn—3, Warwick-court, F, R £120 .......... 2,200 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Coleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford, Essex. Clapham—42 and 44, Union-road, ut 63 years, GR £12, R £80 ........................... 770 23, Rosebery-road, ut 82 years, GR £6, R £32 325 8, Thorneliffe-road, at 82 years, GR £6 10:׳., R £38 ................................... 370 27, 28, 33, 35, 36 and 38, Lansdowne-gardens, ut 43 years, GR £56 34s., R £300 (in lots) 2,670 Streatham—36, Leigham-vale., ut 84 years, GR £6 10s., R £32 .......................... 330 Wandsworth—1, 3, 5 and 29, Lebanon-gardens, ut 78 years, GR £25 10s., R £126 ....... 1,260 THURSDAY 8th. WORSFOLD and HAYWARD (at Dover). Martin’s Mill, Kent—A Freehold) House., and 0a. Or. 25.p ............................ 255 Dover, Kent—36, Priory-road, F .............. 280 17, Trevanion-street, F, R £14 ........... 230 5, John’s-place, F ....................... 150 44, Odo-road, F ........................... 325 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. (on the Estate). Clapham-park—Rodenhurst-road, etc., 89 Plots of Building Land (Lincoln House Estate), F (in lots) ...........................18,965 JOHN DAYIES, 1, Broad-street-buildings, LiYer-pool-street, E.C. Hackney—42, Southborough-road, ut 43 years, GR £5, R £30 ............................ 375 Bethnal-green—42, Teesdale-street, F, R £28 .. 490 Stepney—1 to 6, Lomas-buildings, ut 98 years, GR £20 .................................. 500 GLASIER and SONS, 7, St. James’s-street, S.W., and at Hastings. Parkstone, Dorset—Ardmore, and five acres, F 4,800 Reversions to One-fourth Share! of £7,877 12s. 2d. Victoria, New Zealand, and Queensland Stocks, lives aged 62, 62 and 63 ....... 1,000 HUNTER and HUNTER, 33, Alfred-place West, South Kensington, W. Beckenham—2 to 56 (even), Eden-road, F, R £175 3,505 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Plaistow—105, 107 and 109, Grange-road, area 3,600ft., F, R £30 ..................... 535 Hackney—34, Holcroft-road, F, R £52 .......... 500 Stepney—4, Heath-street, F, R £30 ............ 365 Whitechapel—35, 35a, and1 37, Old Montague- s:treet, ut 41 years, GR £36 ........... 2,155 16 to 22 (even), Finch-street, ut 49 years, GR £46, R £316 ........................ 2,750 MUSKETT and SONS, Wood-green and Bowes-park, N., Hornsey and New Southgate. Palmers-green—2 to 7, Palmerston-crescent, F, R £222 ................................ 3,345 Hornsey—18, Frobisher-road, ut 96| years, GR £7, R £35 ............................... 360 Holloway—47, Elthorne-road, ut 68 years. GR £5 200 Wood-green—61, 63 and 65, Western-road, ut 82 years, GR £15 15s........................ 455 75, 77, 79 and 81, Western-road, ut 82 years, GR £21 .................................. 590 Trinity-road, Dunrobin House, F, ER £50 685 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Forest-gate—62 to 72 (even), Godwin-road, F ... 2,130 Hoxton—6 and! 8, Rushton-street, ut 17 years, GR £30 ................................... 75 Islington—20, 21 and 22. Waterloo-terrace, ut 32 years, GR £15 15s., R £114 .......... 955 Hornsey—100., Hillfield-avenue, ut 96 years, GR £8, ER £52 .............................. 535 St. John’s Wood—5. Belgrave-road, ut 51 years, GR £10, R £55 ........................... 505 J. C. PLATT, 197, King-street, Hammersmith, W. Walworth—3 and1 4, Thornton-street, ut 11 years, GR £5 2s. 8d..................... 120 Acton—Ramsay-road, FGR of £10, reversion in 98 years ........................... 250 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Catford—29 and 31, Faversham-road, F, R £56 800 Forest-hill—205, Stanstead-road, F, ER £60 ... 560 Brixton—63, Brailsford-road, ut 75 years, GR £8 10s., ER £45 ......................... 375 2, Barrington-road, ut 23| years, GR £6, R £45 ................................... 270 Tulse-hill—No. 28, ut 1% years, GR £10, R £42 335 Camberwell—55 to 61 (odd), St. George’s-road, ut 39 years, GR £21 ..................... 9S0 GR £10, R £120 ........................ 1,400 St. John’s Wood—16, Henry-street, ut 18 years, GR £3 10s., R £40 ..................... 340 West Brompton—4, 5 and 6, South-street, ut 44 years, GR £14 10s., R £78 ............. 630 W. R. NICHOLAS and CO , 60, Pall Mall, S.W., and Reading. Farnborough, Hants—Alexandra-road, Three Plots of Building Land, F ............. 580 TUESDAY 6th. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO. (at Ilford). Ilford, Essex—Ufordi-lane, etc., 63 Plots of Building Land (The Uphall Esitate), F (in lots) ................................. 4,457 A. J. BURR0W8 (at Ashford). Kensington, Kent—The Holmlea Estate, 56a. Or. 9p., F ................................ 4,375 Bilsington, Kent—Frith Lees, and 17 acres, F ... 100 H. J. NORTH and CO. (at Dublin). Cork, Ireland—The Cork Palace of Varieties, ut 97 years, R £420 ................... 1,000 BATCHELAR and SON, Limited, Croydon, Beckenham, Bromley and 4, Birchin-lane, City. Caterham, Surrey—Underwood-road, Fairiawn, and 5a. 2r. 10p., F ................... 6.250 BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCKMASTER, Broadway, Walham Green, S.W. Fulham—Ismailia-road, etc., FGR of £37, reversion in 83 years .................... 900 W. E. PARISH, 17, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C., and Erith, Kent. Erith, Kent—Lesney-park-road, Lesney House, and 8a. lr. 8p., F .................... 3,000 Bromley-by-Bow—Dewberry-street, etc., FGR of £10, reversion in 40 years .......... 400 St. Leonard’s-road, etc., FGR of £9, reversion in 40 years ................... 380 Burcham-street, FGR of £6 6s., reversion in 40 years ............................... 280 ALEX. ROBERTSON, 3, Church-street, Camberwell, S.E., and 11, Ludgate-hill, E C. Clerkenwell—Chadiwell-street, IGR of £30, ut 12 years, GR £10 ...................... 140 Paddington—Woodfield-road, IGR of £32, ut 45 years, GR £1'5 ......................... 310 Clapham—Olayldnds-road, IGR of £67, ut 24 years, GR £25 .......................... 570 Peckham—76, Talfourd-road, F, R £36 ......... 710 Camberwell—298, Southampton-street, F, R £40 890 Southampton-street, FGR of £19 10s., reversion in 51 years ................... 690 C. SPARROW and SON, High-street, North Finchley, N. Finchley—10, Alexandra-grove, F, R £62 10s. 1,030 Market-place, Two Freehold Shops, R £55 835 CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHINNOCK, 11, Waterloo-place, S.W. Curr, etc.., co. Londonderry—The Estate of Desertmartin, 662a. 3r. 6p., F ........ 5,300 W. HOUGHTON, 58, Old Broad-street, and at Walthamstow. Walthamstow—6 and 8, Beulah-road, F, R £60 800 Wanstead—Grove House, Stafford House, F ... 1,210 MARK LIELL and SON, 94, Bow-road, 42, High-street, East Ham, E., and 11, London-street, Fenchurch-street, E.G. Bromley-by-Bow—^9 to 15 (odd), Ireton-street, ut 74 years, GR £12 ...................... 525 Stratford—19 to 22, Maryland-street, ut 66 years, GR £15 ......................... 380 262 to 264, High-street, and 2 and 2a, Ward-road, ut 63j years, GR £200, R £273 J6s. ... 30C TUCKETT and SON, 2, Basinghall-street, E.C. Barbican—King’s Head-court, Freehold Factory Premises ............................. 1,650 Cranford), Middlesex—Harlington-road, The Red House, and la. 2r. 32p., F ............ 1,145 WALTON and LEE, 10, Mount-street, GrosYenor-square, W. Gerrard's Cross, etc., Bucks—The Chalfont Park Estate, 974a. 2r. 25p., F ........... 43,500 Stowe, Bucks—The Boycott Manor Estate, 541a. 2r. 22p., F ........................ 11,500 OEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.G. Charing-cross—31, Cock3pur-street, area 525ft., F, R £420 .......................... 11,100 City of London—10, Gresham-street, area 750ft., F, R £445 ............................ 6,300 Aldgate—Nos. 6 and 7, area 2,280ft., F, R £335, also FGR of £85, reversion in 56 years 10,100 Clapham—296, 298 and 300, Clapham-road1, F, R £230 ............................... 5,490 la, Paradise-road, F, R £45 .............. 760 Paradise-road, FGR of £40, reversion in 12 years ................................ 1,320 Paddington—Harrow-road, FGR of £30, reversion in 51 years .......................... 1,210 Westbury-road, FGR of £32 10s., reversion in 51 years .......................... 1,000 Westbourne-terrace North, FGR’s of £114 12s., reversion in 51 years ................ 3,470 Hanover-square—12, George-street, area 1,580ft., F .................................... 6,600 Regent’s-park—29, York-terrace, ut 22 years, GR £8, R £150 ........................ 1,400 Maida-vale—No. 201, ut 36 ■■׳ears, GR £21 ... 1,000 WEDNESDAY 7th. ROBERTS, SON and TORY (at Bridport). Whitchurch, Dorset—Berehays Farm, 115a. lr. 25p., F .............................. 1,950 GEORGE HONE (at Tewkesbury). Bredon, Worcester—Kinsham Farm, 103a. lr. 24p., F .............................. 5,000 True Blue Farm, 33a. Or. 19p., F ........ 1,850 Enclosure of Land, 12a. 3r. 12p., F ...... 700 Seven Freehold Cottages, la. Or. 17p...... 655 A. DOWELL (at Edinburgh). Rosemarkie, Ross-shire—The Estate of Raddiery, 1,181 acres ..........................16,200 EDWARD POUNDER (at Durham). Hett, etc., Durham—Several Freehold Fields, 95a. 3r. 4p........................... 1,905 Hett Mill Farm, 25a. 2r. 23p.. F ........ 715 Coach and Horses Inn, and 8a. 2r. 6p., F... 1,550 JOSEPH STOWER (at High Barnet). High Barnet, Herts—Hadley-green, Albert Cottage, F ................................ 780 G. E. SWORDER and SONS (at Stanstead Abbotts). Ilunsdion, Herts—The Turkey Cock Inn, and la. 2r. 22p... F ......................... 2,400 Rose Villa, and Two Messuages, F ......... 420 A Freehold Steam Laundry ................. 395 A Plot of Land, F ......................... 24 13 Freehold Messuages, F .............. 1,755 The Hunsdon Bakery, and 0a. lr. 3p... F, R £25 .................................. 400 A Piece of Garden Ground, 0a. 3r. 13p., F ... 55 The Fox and Hounds Inn, and 2a. lr. 22p., F, R £63 ............................. 2,000 Enclosures of Land. 4a. 2r. 5p.., F ..... 295 Ten Cottages and Two Shops, F ........... 1,185 A Freehold House and Builder’s Premises, and la. 2r. Op.......................... 315 A Piece of Garden Ground, Oa■. lr. 14p., F ... 55 Stanstead Abbotts, Herts—Enclosures of Land, 47a. Or. 22p., F ................... 1,180 Forest-gate—40 to 54 (even), Gower-road, ut years, GR £ ; 35, 37 and 39, Elmhur3t-road, ut years, GR £ ; 67, South Esk-road, ut years, GR £ Leyton—97 to 105 (odd), Park-road, F, R £130; 24, 25 and 26, Leyton-green-roaa, F, R £110 Manor-park—1, 3 and 5, Clarence-road, ut years, GR £ , R £90 Upton-park—5, Percy-road, ut years, GR £ East Ham—40 to 60 (even), St. Bernard!’s־road, F, R £ J HIBBARD and SONS, 9, Walbrook, E.C., Stoka Newington-green, N., and Hoe-street, Walthamstow, E. Cheapside—2, Hart-street, ut 57 years, GR £75, R £255 Sydenham—33 and 35, Champion-park, ut 80 years, GR £12 12s., ER £68 Beckenham—Arthur-road, etc., Plots of Land, F Plaistow—22, 24, 26 and 28, Riles-road, ut 82 years, GR £14, R £83 4s. Stamford-hill—72, 76 and 80. Daleview-road, ut 58 years, GR £18 6s., R £86 Dalston—101, Queen’s-road, ut 40 years, GR £10, R £50 City—184, Upper Thames-street, L Harringay—66, Burgoyne-road, L Catford—Faversham-road, a Parcel of Building Land, F OSHUA BAKER and SON, 4, Quex-road, Highroad, Kilburn, N.W. Finchley—East-end-road, Hertford Lodge, and 2\ acres, F B. R. BOSTOCK, Upton-park, E. (at the Swan Hotel, Stratford, E., at 7.30 o’clock). Dagenham—117 pl°ts of Freehold Building Land situate on the Station Estate RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at thi Mart, London, except where otherwise stated^_________ MAY . MONDAY 29tb. H. DUKE and SON (at Dorchester). Leigh, Dorset—A Freehold Farm, 75 acres . 2,800 TUESDAY 30th. MESSRS. SPELMAN (at King’s Lynn). King’s Lynn, Norfolk—South Everard-street, the Stonemasons’ Arms P-h, F . 1,510 WEDNESDAY 31st. N. EASTON and SON (at Hull). Ottringham, Yorks—Coates! House Farm, 159a. 2r. 6p , F .................. 3,335 JUNE. THURSDAY 1st. DAVID PRICE (at Hay). Hay, Brecon—Broad-street, Poplar House, F, R £24 .............................. 190 29 and 30, Broad-street, F, R £16 ..... 400 Ecsley, Hereford—The Blayney Farm, 83a. lr. ., 27p., F ........................... 1,325 Twyn-y-Gwint Farm, 34a. 2r. 35p., F ... 655 Hay Ga sCo.—15 £5 Shares ................ 65 BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCKMASTER (at Walham Green). Hammersmith—13, Greyhound-road, ut 79i years, GR £8, ER £40 ................ 250 Fulham—52, sBihop’s-road, ut 774 years, GR £7 10s............................... 280 62, 64 and! 66, Ohesilton-road, ut 81 years, GR £24, R £118 .................... 1,145 47. Wa idem ar-ave nue, ut 87 years, GR £6 10s., ER £40 ..................... 350 ELGOOD and FULLER (at Bournemouth). Bournemouth. Hants—Poole-road׳, Chad well House, ut 76 years, GR £11 11s....... 2 120 W. LUDLOW and BRISCOE (at Birmingham). Solihull, "Warwick—The Widi.ey Estates! (part of), area about 74 acres, F (in lots) . 7,319 WALTER BRIERLY (at Preston). Samlesbury, Lancs.—Fleetwood Hall, and Higher Barn Farms, 228a. Or. 2p., F .10,000 Thornton, Lancs—Thornton Hall Estate, 88a. 3r. 8p., F ...................... 5,900 Broughton, etc., Lancs—Scott’s Farm, 84a. lr. 36p., F ........................... 5,200 FRIDAY 2nd S. and G. KINGSTON (at Long Sutton). Sutton St. James, Lines—A Farmhouse, and 4a. Or. 21p., F ..................... 490 Various Enclosures. 70a. 2r. 22p., F and O 2,675 Long Sutton,, Lines—Enclosures of Land, 5a. 3r. 26p., F ......................... 180 Tydd St. Mary, Lines—Enclosures of Land, 3a. 2r. 21p., F ......................... 165 SATURDAY 3rd• W. H. SHINER and WINTER (at Bath). South Stoke, etc., Som.—A Freehold Meadow, 5a. 2r. 3p........................... 290 Wellow, Som—A Close of Meadow Land, 12a. 2r. 9p.״ F ......................... 950 MONDAY 5th WHITTLE and ATTENBOROUGH (at Sileby). Sileby. Leicester—Peas Hill Farm, 62a. 3r. 29p., F ................................. 3,965 ALLAN BOOTH, 28i, Camden-road, N. Holloway—17, Anson-road!, ut 66! years, GR £6 6s., ER £65 ...................... 560 NOKES and NOKES, 20, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and 67, Caledonian-road. N. Gray’s-inn-road—11 and 12. Wells-street, ut 43 years, GR £10, R £97 ................ 870 ERNEST OWERS, Finchley-road, and West End-lane, Hampstead, N.W. St. John’s Wood—66, Finchley-road, ut 381 years, GR £13 2s. 6:1- R £130 ................ 1.410 Hampstead—57, Burrard-road, F, R £50 .. 1,000 W. W. READ and CO., 1, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. Wood-green—51, Truro-road, F, ER £65 .... 750 ALFRED SAYILL and SON, 39, New Broad-street. E.C. New Bond-street—Nos. 157a, 157b, and 158, area 3,480ft., F, R £1,000 .............. 30,300 Wickford. Essex—Wick Farm, 211a. 2r. 18p., F 2,950 Two Enclosures of Land, 9a. 2r. 37p., F ... 380 WEATHERALL and GREEN, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C. Fulham—Fulham Palace-road, Colehill Cottage, and nearly two acres, F ............ 7,000 South Kensington—24, Gilston-road1, ut 32 years,