1007 THE ESTATES GAZETTE, June 10, 1899. NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Bethnal-green—244, Bethnal-green-road, F, R £110 Limehouse—125 and 127, Eastfield-street, F, R- £40; 140, White Horse-street, F, R £30 Stratford—Major-road, FGR of £3 10s.; also IGR of £10 10s., ut 63 years, GR £4 Mile-end—107 and 109, Canal-road, ut 24 years, GR £6 Old Ford-553 , 555, 557 and 557a, Old¡ Ford-road, F, R £99 Bromley־by־Bow—64, 66, 68, 70, 86, 88 and 90, High-street. F, R £145 12s.; 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14, Oliver’s-court, C, R £105 6s. Fulham—52, 54 and 56, Bramber-road׳, F, R £40 each Shepherd’s Bush—42, St. Stephen’s-avenue, ut 54 years. GR £10, R £35 Crouch-end—117 and 119, Park-road, The Bird-in-Hand B-h, C, R £98 CHESTERTON and SONS, 22, Lower Phillimore-place, Kensington, W., and 51, Cheapside. Barnes—Hillersdon-avenue, Three Plots of Land, F South Kensington—10, Pelham-crescent, ut 14 years, GR £12; 16, Harcourt-terrace, ut 65 years, GR £16, R £90; 10, Cromwell-crescent, ut 70 year?, GR £11 Kensington—1, Stafford-terrace, ut 40 years. GR £100; 27, 29, 31. 33 and 35. Fenelon-road, ut 49 years, GR £17 10s., WR £223 12s. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C. Reversions, Policies, etc. NEWELL andH&MLYN, Deptford (at the Amer-sham Arms Hotel, New Cross-road, S.E., at7 o'clock). Catford—60, Hawstead-roal, u.t. 93 years, G.B. £i 10s. B. £32 10s. Greenwich—8 and 4, Percy-terrace, Point-hill, u.t. 7L years. G.li £10, R £58 Deptford—29 . 30, 31, 32, 31, 34, 35 and 36, Mary Ann’s-building־», High-street, u.t 71 years, G.R. £27, R. £145 12s. OGDEN, SONS and OLLEY, i, High-street, and 4, High-road, Wimbledon, and 80, CoJeman-street, E.C. (at the Railway Hotel, Kingston-on-Thames, at 7 o’clock). Kingston-hill—Malmesmead and Lynton, Bruns wick-road, L. Surbito l—Wye Villa, Worthington-road, R, £20 16s., F. New Malden-A shop situated at the corner of Cow-bridge and Cleveland-roads, ani the dwelling house adjoiaing, L. R. W. FULLER, MOON and DULLER, Croydon, Reigate and Epsom (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 6 o’clock). Croydon—18 ׳, St. James’s-road, L.; 22 and 24, Church-street, F. : and Freeho’d Building Land situate at Long-lane, Spring-lane, and Hermitage-lane, Woodside Warli igham—Freehold Cottage Property and Paddock, R £165 ILs. Thornton-heath -Dovercourt, Lon ion-road, F.; Devonia, fronting iJolliers Water-lane, R. £67, F.; and Freehold Building Land situate at the junction of London-roai wir-h Collier's Water-lane, frontage 306ft. T. B. WESTACOTT, 74!, Camden-road, N.W. (at the Red Cap, High-street, Camden Town, at 7 o’clock). Kentish Town—44, Fortes3-road, u.t. 14 years, G,R. £15, R. £48 H. Y. CHEW, 35, Great St. Helens, E.C, Hoe-street, Walthamstow, and Leytonstone (at Leyton House, High-road, Leyton, at 7 30 o’clock). Leyton—80 plots of Freehold Bail ling Land on the Bar clay Estate FRIDAY 16th. At TWELVE o’clock. RANDALL, COX and BAKER, Park Hall Estate Offices, Ea»t Finchley, and Railway-approach, North Finchley, N. Hornsey-rise^57, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69. 71 and 73, Hazel-viile-road, ut 86 years, GR £72, R £328; 1 to 8, Cheverton-road ut 87 years, GR £64, R £302 Tottenham—21 to 35 (odd), Carlingford-road, ut 82 years, GR £44, R £250 East Finchley—82, Leicester-road, ut 90 years, GR £6 6s. At ONE o’clock. W. H. BROWN and CO., 93 and 91, Chancery-lane, W.C. Finsbury-park—20, Brownswood-park, ut 60 years, GR £11 Leatherhead, Surrey—Kingston-road׳, FGR of £40, North Finchley—Lamhert-road, FGR of £15 MESSRS. COBB, 53, Lincoln’a-inn-fields, W.C., and Rochester, Kent. Hounslow, Middlesex—The Whitton Park Estate, 45a. 2r. 20p., F At TWO o’clock. MARTIN, CLARKE and CO., 9, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Tliundersley, Essex—Badger Hall, and 31 acres, F Knockholt, Kent—The Lodge, and 4¿ acres, F ANDREW YOUNG, Spring-gardens, S.W. Deptford—Creek-road, a Building Lease for 80 years of 27 Plots of Land Hammersmith—Wood-lane, a Building Lease tor 80 years of a Plot of Land Highbury—Biackstock-road, a Building Lease for 80 years of 12 Plots of Land Stepney—Ben Jonson-coad, a Building Lease for 80 years of Six Plots of Land East Greenwich—Trafaigar-road, a Building Lease for 80 years of 11 Building Sites W. G. SHADRAKE, Leyton, E., and Barking, Essex. Brixton—1, Torrens-street, ut 76 years, GR £6, B £39 Hoxton—76, Herbert-street, ut 43 years, GR £5 5s., E £45 FURBER, PRICE and FURBER, 2, Warwick-court, W.C. St. John's Wood-22, 24, 28, 30 and 32, Winohester-road, ut 35 years, GB £25, B £305 Marylebone—Cleveland-street, IGR of £35, ut 25 years, GB £21 Kensington—77, EajTs-court-road, ut 62 years, GB £8, B £75 Eaiing—23, Mount-park-crescent, ut 54 years, GB £10 10s., E £35 Bayswater—68, Princes-square, ut 53 years, GB £21, P St, Pancras—39 and 41, Charrington-street, ut 24 years, GE £10 10s., E £100 Tottenham—12, 14 and 22, West-green-road, ut 77 years, GB £22 Is, B £175 J. H. BETHELL, 31, LiYerpool-street, E.C., and Upton-park, E. Upton-park—236, 240, 241 and 242, Gipsy-lane, F, B £160; 7 to 12, Stanley-terrace, F, B £230 East Ham—19 and 20, Forsyth-terrace, F, E £85 Canning Town—122 and 124, Bathbone-street, F, B NORRIS and HADLEY, 3, Argyll-place, Regent-street, W. Brentwood, Essex—Avenue-road, The Lions, F Shaftesbury-avenue—No. 133, ut 42 years, GE £62 R £200 4s. Acton—Berrymead-road, Zeals. F. P BOYTON, PEGRAM and EUCKMASTER, Bank Buildings, Broadway, Walham-green, S.W. (at the Yictoria Hotel, Yictoria-road, Surbiton, at 4 o’clock). Surbiton—80 plots of Freehold Building Laud, situate on the Tol worth Park Estate WEDNESDAY 14th- At ONE o’clock. HILLIER and PARKER, 103, Regent-street, W. Bexley Heath—86 and 88, The Broadway, ut 18 years, GR £46. ER £90 West Ham—107 and 109, Leyes-road, ut 92 years, GR £7, R £46 16s. SLADE and BUTLER, 90 and 91, Queen-3treet, Cheapside, E.C. Twickenham, Middlesex—Plots of Building Land, F At TWO o’clock. TOWERS, ELLIS and CO., 141, InYerness-terrace, W. Bayswater—25. St. Stephen’s-road, nt 56 years, GR £12. R £80 Enfield—1. 2 and 3, Alice-cottages, F. R £58; Mande-ville-road, Horatio Cottages, F, R £54 12s.; Putney-road;, Two Plots of Land, F HERRING, SON and DAW, 6, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and Brixton-hill. S.W. Rotherliithe—156 and 158, Rotherhithe-street, area 21,350ft,, F, P Brixton—3, Angell-park-gardens, ut 63 years, GR £10 Croydon—108, High-street, F, P Streatham—Christchurch-road, Scarsdale F, HR £130 Streatham—14, 16 and 18. Hitherfield-road, ut• 94 years, GR £16 10s., R £135 MAPLE and C0-, Ltd., Tottenham-court-road, W., and at Brighton and Eastbourne. Clayton, Sussex—Clayton Priory, and 257a. 3r. 8p., F Brighton—22, Sussex-square, F EDWIN FOX and BOUSFiELD, 99, Gresham-street, E.C. City of London—15, Tudor-street, ut 96 years, GR £252 Cricklewood—Edgware-road, a Freehold Building Site Stocks and Shares DAYID BURNETT and CO., 15, Nicholas-lane, E.C. Stocks anl Shares in Insurance and other Companies HAROLD GRIFFIN, 154, High-street, Battersea, S.W. Battersea—10, 12, 14 and 16, Barmore-street, ut 58 years, GR £20. WR £106 12s.; 123 and 125, Winstanley-road1, ut 67 years, GR £10. R £52; 22 to 28 (even), Benham-street, ut 67 years, GR £14, R £85 16s.; 151. 153, 153a, 153b, 155, 157 and 159, Usk-road, F, R £186 18s. Fulham—15 and 17, Breer-street, ut 79 years, GR £8, R £59 16s. DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, E.C., and Blackheath (at the Amersham Arms Hotel, opposite New Cross Station, at 7 o’clock). Brocklev-27, 29. 31 and 35, Sprules-road, u.t. 76 years. G R £23 E.R. £130. Nunheaci-green-5112 <־. May-place. R. £150, F. Si. John’s—60 and 62, Tyrwhitt-road, u.t. 73 years, G.R. £15. R. £100 MESSRS. KEMSLEY, Corn Exchange, Romford and Woodford-green (at the Angel Hotel, High-road, Ilford, at 7 o’clock). Ilford— 70 nl t=* of Freehold Baildiner Land on the Lox-ford Hall Estate THURSDAY 15th. At ONE o’clock. J. W, COADE, 118; Southampton-row, W.C. Reversions At TWO o’clock. C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Mile-endl—57, 58, 59 and 61, St. Peter’s-road, ut 40 years, GR £15 17s., R £156; 45, Bancroft-road, ut 50 years, GR £4, ER £40 Hackney—Duncan-square, FGR of £24. reversion in 15 years; 2 to 22 (even), Sheep-lane, F, R £278 4s.; 1 to 11 (odd), Mead’s-place, F, R £109 4s.; 56, Lauriston-road, F, R £65 Old Ford—28 to 32, Ruston-street, ut 70 years, GR £10, R £119 12s. Bow—1 to 11 (odd), and 18 to 52 (even), Locton-street, ut 70 years, GR £53 18s., R £573 6s. R. STAFFORD CHARLES, 52. New Broad-street, E.C. Hampton, Middlesex—Lower Sunbury-road, etc.. Freehold Riverside Houses and Plots of Land STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Victoria Docks—Clyde-road, FGR’s of £100, reversion in 74 years Peckham—43, Marmont-road, ut 80 years, GR £7 10s.t R £36 Upton-park—20, 22, 24, 52, and 54, Marlborough-road, ut 80 years, GR £20, R £110 10s. Hern e-hill—1 to 13 (odd;, Milton-road, ut 69 years, GR £38 18s., R £262 Bermondsey—White’s Ground, etc., a Building Site, area 3,850ft., F Marylebone—34 and 36, Hereford-street, and 11 and 12, Union-street, ut 21 years, GR £43, WR £243 2s. Regent’s-park—57, 61 and 63, Gloucester-road, ut 47 years, GR £26, R £170 Stratford—16 to 26 (even), Tenby-road, ut 81 years, GR £42, R £278 4s. Kennington—Fieming-road, IGR of £123, ut 52 years, GR £79 12?. 6d. Bethnal-green—Artillery-street, IGR of £47, ut 19 }7ears Chelsea—Royal-avenue, IGR of £21 18s. 6d., ut 42 years, GR nil Tottenham—122, Northumberland-park, F, R £32 Holloway—5, Kinloch-street, ut 64 years, GR £5 10s. Islington—70, Goodinge-road, and 5, Corporation-street, ut 61 years Wimbledon—27, Caxton-road, ut 91 years, GR £4 12s. 6d., WR £20 18s. Wandsworth—70, Warple-way, and 2, Warple-road, ut 69 years, GR £6. WR £45 10s. Camberwell—254, Southampton-street, F, R £50___ F. J. BISLEY and SONS, 68 and 80, Union-road, Rotherhithe, S.E., snd 63, King William-street, E.C. Bermondsey—57, YaMing-road,, ut 67 year?, GR £5 10s. Camberwell—14 to 48 (even), Rignold-road, ut 67 years, GR £5 each Peckham—88, Tilson-road, ut 50 years, GR £5 J. A, and W. THARP, 9, Norton Folgate, E., and Leytonstone, E. Bethnal-green—34, Pollard-row, F, R £46 3s. Limehouse—134 to 136, Rhodeswell-road, ut 14 years, GR £6 15s., R £78 South Woodford—1 to 8, Holly-villas, F. R £301 10s.; also a Plot of Land in Clarendon-road, 32ft. by 150ft., F Brixton—49, Effra-road, F, P J. BOTT and SONS, Commercial House, Heme-hill, S.E. Streatham—71 and 72, Gleneagle-road, ut 97 }7cars, GR £7 each, R £36 each Syderham—48, 48a, 60, 52, 54 and 56, Porthcawe-road, ut 97 years, GR £27, WR £140 8s. (weekly) Norwood—Selsdon-road, Selsdon Villa, ana Duns-ford, F, R £70; 6 and 8, Rommany-road, ut 71 years, GR £10, WR £54 12s. WRIFORD and DIXONS, 4, Henrietta-street, Coyent-garden, W.C. Teddingtcn, Middlesex—Weir Bank, and 10J acres, F Hayes, Middlesex—Enclosures of Land, 18£ acres, F Regent-street—Carnaby-street, FGR of £100, reversion in 19 years Dulwich—266, Crystal Palace-road, ut 80 years, GR £7, YR £35 Enfield—Chase-side, The Poplars, F, ER £70 MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 40, Rosslyn-hill, Hampstead. Haverstock-hill—10, Upper Park-road, ut 51 years, GR £15, ER £80; 73 and 75, Soutk-hill-park, ut 85 years, GR £12 each, ER £65 each S. WALKER and SON, «2, Moorgate-street, E.C. City of London—Monument-street, a Plot of Land, area 1,285ft., F Sydenham—6, Sydenham-hill, and 1£ acres, F Greenwich—36 and 38, South-street, ut 48 years, GR £11 12s., R £50 Lee—89 and 91, High-road, ut 30 }7ears, GR £14, R £95 St Luke’s—Old-street, IGR of £120, ut 35 years, GR £80 Stoke Newington—63, Newington-green-road, ut 89 years, GR £5, R £45 Hampstead-road^—37, Eversholt-street, ut 44 years, GR £8, R £65 EDWARD MILLARD,47, Finsbury-circus, E C. Tonbridge. Kent—The Pinnacles, and 7J acres, F, P Barking. Essex—15 to 25 (odd), James-street, F, WR £109 4s.; 100 to 114 (even), East-street, ut 72 years, GR £12, R £212 18s.; 9 to 16. Arthur-cottages, ut 72 years, GR £8, R £120 18s. EDWIN EYANS, 253, LaYender-hill, Clapham-junction, S.W., Earlsfield and Putney. Old Kent-road—Nos. 270, 272 and 274 Brixton—3 and 10, Effra-parade, F, R £85 Westhourne-park—7 and 9, Lancaster-road Acton—19 and 21, Park-road; 17, 20 and 22, Grafton-road; 32. Birkbeck-road Walthamstow—2 and 3, Addison-road P and G GEEN, 55, Waterlooroad, S.E. Notting-hill—96. 98 and 100, Portland-road, ut 41 years, R £160 CLIMPSON and JOHNSON, 59, Bedford-hill, Balham, S.W. Hounslow—20, Lampton-road, ut 76 years, GR £12, ER £55 Peckham—190, Peckham-rye, F, ER £75 Balham—17, Tanley-road, ut 96 years, GR £6 10s., ER £35 Highbury—34 and 36, Framfield-road, ut 93 years, GR £16, R £42 TUESDAY 13th. At TWELVE o’clock. JAMES MAY, SeYen Kings, Ilford. Romford—Squirrels Heath, Freehold Building Estate, 81 acres ; Heath-park-road, Four Plots of Building Land1 ;׳ to 4, Brooklands-terrace, F, B £83 4s.; Princes-road, Dovedale, F, B £30 liford—1. 40 and 44, Elgin-road, ut 997 years, OB £22 4s., EB £110; 39, In orthbrook-road, ut 994 years, GB £7 2s., E £34; 11 and 12, Norfolk-road!, ut 997 years, GB £14 2s., B £72; 9 and 30, Aldborough-gardens, ut 997 years, GB £23 Us.; 9, 11, 13, 15 and 19, Weilesley-road, ut 97 years, GE £27 6s., B £165 At ONE o’clock. NOTLEY and CO., 80, Cornhilt, E.C. Reversions and Policies REYNOLDS and EASON, 43, Bishopsgite-street Without, E.C. Old Kent-road and Leroy-3treet—A Building Lease for 80 years of a Corner Site, area 35,900ft. At TWO o’clock. DR1YER and CO., 23, Pall Mall, S.W. Paddington—Macroom-road, IGB of £74 10s., ut 89 years, GB £2; Hormead-road, FGR of £28, and a- Plot of Land, 3,000ft.; Eermoy-road, 1 and 2, Wharf, ut 82 years, GB £41 Felixstowe, Suffolk—Martello Place, and 11 acres, F Twyford, Middlesex—Freehold! Tip Land, 351 acres BEARD and SON, 110, Westbourne-groye, W. Dover, Kent—The Theatre Koyal, nt 47 !•ears, GE £160 Fulham—651 and 653, Fulham-roadl, nt 23 years, GE £4 each, B £28 each C. and H. WHITE, 262, Kennington-road, S.E. Battersea—68, 69 and 70, Broughton-streel, ut 78 years; 1, 3, 13 to 39 (odd), Ingelo\v-road, ut 78 years Bromley, Kent—Covper-road, FGE of £12, and Six Plots of Land, F Blackheath—Humber-road, a Plot of Land, about three-quarters of an acre, F OSBORN and MERCER, 28b, Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, W. Hyde-park—Kensington-gardens, etc., IGB’s St. John's Wood—Holtham-road, etc., IGB's DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. City of London—A Building Lease for 80 years, 90, 91 and 92, Fleet-street, and 2 and 3. St. Bnde’s-avenue, area 2,342ft. Sydenham—Sydenham-hill, Beech Grove, and 3a. 3r. Op., ut 44 years, GB £92 5s. Bromyard, Hereford—The Bowden House Estate, 153a, 2r. 20p., F Frensham, Surrey—Freehold Building Sites, 45 acres Highgate—View-road, The Gables, and Ken View, ut 80 years, GB £33 5s., P ROGERS, CHiPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-graYe-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. South Kensington—5, Thnrloe-place, ut 7 years, GE £8, B £120 Chelsea—16a and 16b, Edith-grove, ul 62 years, B £70; 11, Fernshaw-road, nt 55 years, GE £13, R £65; and! an IGR of £18 HARDS and BRADLY, 158, Fenchureh-street, E.C., and 82, Church street, Greenwich, S.E. Lee—11. St. Mildred’s-road, ut 87 years, GB £14, EB £85 Lewisham—11 and 13, Albion-road, ut 58 years, GB £10, E £62 Deptford—32, 34 and 36, Idonia-street, ut 57 years, GB £7 4s., E £70 4s. Greenwich—Woodland-street, FGB of £22 10s., reversion in 22 years Lewisham—1 and 2, Woodhouse-grove, Cottages, F, R £65 East Greenwich—90, Calvert-road, F, E £26 SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-street, Minories, E.C. Bethnal-green—67 and 71, Bacon-street, ut 37 years. GR £24, R £110 10s.: 52, Kerbela-street, ut ?/ years, GB £10, WB £42 18s. Hendon—5, Carlton-parade, F Kates anil Eating. RESIDENCE AT BROMLEY, KENT. At the Bromley Sessions, on Tuesday, May 23, the magistrates heard an appeal by Mr. H. Hicks, of Abingdon House, Bromley against the rating of his residence by the Bromley Board of Guardians. Mr. Hicks conducted his appeal in person ; Mr. Clarke Williams (instructed by Mr. R. G. Mullen, Clerk to the Guardians) appeared on behalf of the Assessment Committee. Mr. Hicks said he leased two acres of land at the comer of Rodway-road from the City parochial authorities, for 99 years, at a ground rent of £50. On that land he built Abingdon House at a cost of £4,277, and £1,650 for the stabling. The house contained three sitting rooms, one billiard room and seven bedrooms, and there were two cottages and stabling for three horses in the rear. The assessment placed on the premises by the committee was £260 gross and £240 rateable, against which he now appealed. Mr. Frederick Payne, F.S.I. (of Messrs. Baxter, Payne and Lepper, auctioneers and valuers, Bromley), deposed that he had had great experience in the value of properties in the neighbourhood, and having examined Abingdon House, he put the annual letting value at £230, the tenant paying rates and taxes and other charges, and the landlord hearing the expense of repairs and insurance. Mr. Martin J. Dickins, valuer (of Messrs. AVaterer and Dickins, house and estate agents, Bromley), deposed that he had been acquainted for many years with the value of all sorts of property in the neighbourhood. He had looked over Abingdon House and had come to the conclusion thait its annual value to an ordinary tenant would not he more than £220, owing to the fact that the site was unsuitable for a house of that kind. He should think £5,000 was spent on the house, which was situate 5¿ minutes’ walk from the station. There was a stone porch and pillars, a vestibule and entrance hall, part of which, together with the library, were panelled in oak. There was a handsome drawing room, opening into a conservatory, a large dining room, a billiard room, nearly 30ft. long, and two staircases (one .of oak). In, this case it would he foolish to take the prime cost as a basis for estimating the annual value. Mr. Archibald, managing clerk to Mr. Peter Dollar, F.S.I., of Arundel-street, Strand, surveyor to the Sundridge Park Estate, stated that Mr. Dollar had seen and valued the house. The witness was proceeding to read Mr. Dollar's valuation when the Chairman said that would not do. Mr. Hicks said he would withdraw this witness. Mr. Dollar’s valuation was £230. Mr. H. S. Adams, of Messrs. Debenham, Tewson and Co., auctioneers, 80, Cheapside, E.C., said he had seen the house and valued it at £230. He was accustomed to that kind of work, and knew the neighbourhood. Mr. Clarke Williams, for the committee, said that taking the total value at £8,000 (though £10,000 would be nearer the mark), even 3 per cent, would bring the annual rental up to £240, which was the figure arrived at by the committee, and though the prime value was not the basis of rating according to the Act of Parliament■, still it was a very important factor—it was an element to be considered. They had allowed nothing for the vineries, which cost £600, and the cottages. Mr. David J. Chattell, F.S.I., 29a, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C., and Chislehurst, said he knew the Chislehurst and Bromley district very well. He had surveyed Abingdon House very carefully, and found it to he an exceedingly good house, well built, though not extravagantly so, well planned and thoroughly fitted. The house would let to an ordinary tenant on a repairing lease for £260 easily. If the landlord did the repairs the rent would he £300. £260 gross valuation was very fair. Mr. Douglas Payne, builder, Mr. Daniel Grin-sted, the overseers, Mr. George Stone, assistant overseer, and Mr. Robert Peill, builder and contractor, of Bromley, also gave evidence. The Bench allowed the appeal with costs, and fixed the assessment at £230 gross. FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere. ABBREVIATIONS.—F—Freehold. C—Copyhold. L— Leasehold. GR—Ground Rent. IGR—Improved Ground Rent. WR—־Weekly Rent. YR -Yearly Rent. MT—Monthly Tenancy. QT—Quarterly Tenancy. P—Possession. PA—Per Annum. E— Estimated. JUNE. MONDAY 12th. At TWO o’clock, T. G. ROGERS, Highgate Station, N. Highgate—Archway-road, Two Freehold. Cottages Crcuch-end—3, Weston-park, L, ER £65 Hornsey—75 to 81 (odd). St. Mary’s-hill, F. R £138 Dalston—72, Malvern-road, ut 46 years, GR £5, R £36 Bermondsey—Queen’s-place, FGR of £35, reversion in 92 years