June 10, 1899. ,THE ESTATES GAZETTE 3002 gtaU« itir Jittvtixro. BRIXTON.—Long Leasehold Investments . Thursday, June 29, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, in Lots, the LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, known as Nos. 23, 25, 27, 29 and 31, Knowle-road, Brixton-road. Each containing• eight rooms and offices, with gardens front and back, and entrance from the rear. The property is exceptionally well-placed ior letting, Nos. 23 and 25 are each let to two families, and pro duce £57 4s. per annum each. No 27 is let to a quarterly tenant at £32 per annum. Nos. 29 and 31 are let at £34 and £36 per annum respectively, thus showing a gross rental of £216 8s. per annum. The landlord pays the rates and taxes of Nos. 23 and 25, and the tenants pay as to Nos. 27, 29 and 31. T he houses are each held for 99 years from Midsummer, 1863, at a yearly ground rent of £5 10s. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Winter, Bothamley and Co., solicitors, 16, Bedford-row, W.C.; at the Mart, and at the Offices of the Auctioneers, 63. Hign-street, Clapham, S.W. OLAPHAM.—Near Clapham-road fltalion (L.C. and D Railway), and near the New Electric Railway Station.—Excellent Small Leasehold Investments. Thursday, June 29, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, in lots, Four LEASEHOLD WEEKLY HOUSES, known as No. 30, Park-crescent; held for a term of 50 years at the nominal ground rent of £3 per annum; and Nos. 59, 61 and 63, Park-place, Clapham. Held for a term of 45 years at a ground rent of £3 6s. for each house. All let to good tenants at rentals amounting to £97 10s. per annum. Particulars, with conditions of sale, obtained oi Messrs. Gibson, Usher and Co., solicitors, Portugal-street-buildings, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C.; at the Mart, and at the Offices of the Auctioneer, 63, High-street, Clapham, S.W. By order of Trustees—CLAPHAM.—High-class Freehold Investment. Thursday, June 29, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, in two lots, the following important FREEHOLD SHOP PROPERTIES, known as Nos. 40 and 40a, High-street, Clapham. No. 40 is let to Mr. A. J. Turner, poulterer and fishmonger, upon repairing lease, for a term of 21 years from March 25, 1898, at £155 per annum. No. 40a is let to Messrs. Selby Blethers, upon a repairing lease, for a term of 21 years from March 25, 1897, at £170 per annum, together amounting to £325 per annum. Particulars, with conditions of sale, may he had of Messrs. Horsley and Weightman, solicitors, No. 1 Guildhall-chambers, Basinghall-street, E.C.; at the Mart; and at the Offices of the Auctioneer, 63, High-street, Clapham, S.W. GLAMORGANSHIRE, ״ CITY OF LLANDAFF. SALE of ya’uable FREE FREEHOLD DOUBLE-LICENSED HOTEL, together with a ׳GARDEN, COTTAGE, BREWHOUSE, and other BUILDINGS, commanding an important position in the City of Llandaif. Thursday, June 15, 1899, at the Angel Hotel, Oar'd¡¿, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, a very valuable FREE FREEHOLD DOUBLE-LICENSED HOTEI, GARDEN, COTTAGE, and other PREMISES, situate at the junction of the Cardiff, Merthyr, and Ely-rcads with High-street, in the City of Llandaff, and known as the MALTSTERS’ ARMS HOTEL, now and for many 3-ears past in the occupation of Mrs. Lougher. Plans, particulars, and conditions may be had upon application to the Auctioneers, at 5, High-street, Cardiff; or to Messrs. Yorath and Jones, solicitors, Westgate-street, Cardiff. WITHERIDGE, NORTH DEVON Important Sale of about 1,000 acres of Freehold Land, with Manorial andl valuable Pishing and Sporting Rights. TT ANNAFORD and SON have been • i-l. favoured with instructions from the Right Hon the Earl of Portsmouth to Sell by Auction, t Hotel, Witheridge, on Wednesday, June 21 next, at Two for 2.30 precisely, several valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, Accommodation Lands, House and Cottage Properties, Manorial Rights, and¡ Chief Rents. Further particulars and plans from the Auctioneers, Chulmleigh, North Devon; J. M. Tanner, Esq., The Estate Office, Wembworthy; or Messrs! Thorold, Brodie and Bonham-Carter, solicitors, 4, Regent-street, London, S.W. Sun Insurance Offices, Chulmleigh, June 5. HEADLEY", HANTS, in the favourite districts of Hind head and Liphook, ol miles from Liphook Station, L. and S.-W. Railway. structions from Sir Archibald K. Macdonald, Bart., to Sell by Auction, at the Anchor Hotel, Liphook, on Saturday, July 15. 1899, at Four o’clock precisely, in lots, an outlying portion of the Woolmer Lodge Estate, known as Headley Mill Farm, comprising old-fasnioned Farmhouse, two Homesteads, Mill House Water Corn Mill, and 183£ acres of Freehold Land, prettily timbered, lovely scenery, dry soil, southern aspect, and close to village and church. Particulars of Messrs. R. and L. Du Cane, solicitors, 1, Gray's-inn, London, W C.; of Messrs. Collier and Son, estate agents, Go !aiming; and of the Auctioneer, Farnham, Surrey. REVERSIONS, LIFE INTERESTS, POLICIES, ETC. TVTESSiRS. I.AIXG WATERS and CO. hold -LTA PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS, Life Interests, Life Policies, Annuities, Mortgage Debts, Stocks, and Shares; also of Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold Properties, Ground Rents, etc. Terms quoted on application. Solicitors, trustees and others having properties such as described above are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 244, High Holborn, W.C. NOTE.—Particulars of lots intended for inclusion in these periodical sales must he received at least 12 days prior to advertised date of sale. Clun Wethers for Private Sale, ALSO SEVERAL GOOD LOTS OF SHROPSHIRE AND CLUN EWES, AND HEREFORD BULLOCKS. CAN BE SEEN ON APPLICATION TO E. GOODWIN PREECE, LIVE STOCK AGENT, SHREWSBURY. gtitW* bjjr Auriiint. Monday, June 26. 1899. at Two o’clock. IX/TESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell by -I-t-L Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, June 26, 1899, at Two o’clock, the following: — Three capitally situated Shops. STOKE NEWINGTON.—Nos. 4, 6 and 8, Cazenove-road, facing the Weaver’s Arms. Let to old tenants (two on lease), at £275 per annum. Lease 74 years. Ground rent £6 each—Solicitors, Messrs. Boulton, Sons and Sandeman, 21a, Northampton-square, E.C. By order of the Mortgagees.—Weekly Investments. HAMMERSMITH.—Nos. 45 to 67 (odd), Claybrook-road, Fulham Palace-roadl. Let weekly at rentals amounting to £530 8s. per annum. Lease 84 years. Grour-d rent £6 each. Three Lots. Weil-secured Improved Leasehold Ground Rent. TURNHAM - GREEN. — Well-secured Leasehold! Ground Rent of £35 per annum, with reversion in 29 years to rack rents׳ of £165 per annum, arising from five houses, Nos. 28 and 30, 32 and! 34, 59, 61 and 63, Swanscombe-road. Held foe 80 years unexpired¡ at £41 per annum. By order of the Mortgagee.—With possession. CLAPTON-COMMON No. 105.—Roodee.—Particularly attractive corner Residence for sale, witn vacant possession, close to Stamford-liill Station. It contains seven bed rooms, bath room, drawing and! dining rooms, library, breakfast rooms, etc. Lease 83 years. Ground rent £15.—Solicitors, Messrs. Baylis, Pearce and Co., 1, Church-court, Offi Jewry, E.C. Shop Property Investment. STOKE NEWINGTON.—No. 46, Evering-road.— Modern House and Shop, facing Rectory-road Star tion. Let on repairing lease at £63 per annum. Lease 87 years. Ground rent £12—Solicitors, Messrs. Sole, Turner and Knight, 69, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.O. With vacant possession, for occupation. UPPER CLAPTON.—No. 17, Filey-avenue.—Double-fronted Residence for Sale, with possession. It contains five bed and dressing rooms, bath room (h. and c.), three reception rooms, etc. Long lease. Ground rent £7 10s. STAMFORD-HILL.—No. 19, East-bank.—Modern Residence for Sale, with possession. Five bed rooms, bath room (h. and c.), two reception rooms, etc. Long lease. Ground rent £7 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Cheston and Sons, 1, Great Winchester-street, E.C. By order of Mortgagee.—Weekly Investment. HENDON.—Nos. 5 and 7, Bell Vue-road, Bell-lane, close to The Cock.—Low reserve.—Each house produces 11s. per week; total £57 4s. per annum. Lease 80 years. Ground rent £4 each.—Solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Reed, 1, Guildhall-chambers, 31, Basinghall-street, E.C. Particulars, etc., may be had of the respective Solicitors, as above; and at the Auctioneers' Offices, next Stoke Newington, and1 Rectory-road Stations, and 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. For Sale, with possession. STOKE NEWINGTON.—No. 17, Lordship-park.— Attractive semi-detached, double-fronted Residence, close to Olissold and Finsbury Parks. Containing eight bed rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, offices, etc.; capital garden front and rear. Lease 74 years. Ground rent £10 10s. lyTESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell the -HI- above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, June 26, at Two o’clock. Particulars, etc., of H. Yallings, Esq., solicitor, 27, Nicholas-lane, E.C.; andl at Auctioneers’ Offices, adjoining Stoke Newington Stations, and 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. BRIXTON and HOXTON. BRIXTON (within a few minutes of Stockwell Station on the Electric Railway, and Clapham Station on the L.C. and׳ D.R., whence there are good services of trains to the City).—The capital Leasehold Investment, known as No. 1, Torrens-street, Ferndaie-road, Brixton, containing eight rooms, and let to a good tenant, and producing £39 per annum, landlord paying outgoings. Held upon lease for a term of 99 years from March 25, 1876, at a ground! rent of £6 per annum. HOXTON (situate in a densely populated neighbourhood, and just off the New North-road, and within a few minutes of Haggerston and Shoreditch Stations on the N.L •Railway).—The valuable Leasehold Residence, situate and being No. 76, Herbert-street, Hoxton, containing nine rooms, and washhouse; let to a punctually paying tenant, and producing £45 per annum, tenant paying outgoings. Held for a term of 99 years from Midsummer, 1843, at a ground rent of £5 5s. per annum. WG. SHADRAKE will Sell the above by • Auction, at the Mart, Tokenh.ouse-yard, E.C*., on Friday, June 16, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. May be viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale to be obtained at the Mart; of H. E. Moojen, Esq., solicitor, 140, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; and of W. G. Shadrake, auctioneer and estate agent, 184, High-street, Leyton. ^ QUEEN’S-GATE GARDENS. IX/TESSRS. E1LOART are instructed to Sell b> HX Auction, at the Mart, City, on June 20, 1899, at Twelve for One o’clock, the excellent LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as 8, Queen’s-gate-gardens, con taining four large reception rooms, 11 bed rooms, two dressing rooms, with fitted bath (h. and c. water), kitchen, and usual domestic offices. Held for a term of 57 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £30 per annum. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Woodrooffe and Burgess, solicitor's, No. 1, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 40, Chancery-lane, W.C. IWTESSRS. GREEN and SON, HA AUCTIONEERS and SLRVEYOPS. 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, Beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION o) FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions, take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY m the MONTH, and on such other occasions as may be arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. TV/TESSRS. GREEN and SON undertake H-L SURVEYS and VALUATIONS of LAND and LOUSE PROPERTIES, as well a«8 of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings, Compensations Partnerships, Estate Duties, Dilapidations, Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receivership and other powers. MESSRS. GREEN and SON invite the HX attention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain securities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. Swithin8׳-]ane rtrmrinn gtitU« b!r Anvticm. TWICKENHAM and ISLEWORTH, MIDDLESEX, within two minutes’ walk from the Hounslow and Whitton Station, and a short distance from Twickenham Junction on ,the South-Western Railway, within easy reach of the Thames, and only П miles from the -Wait-end in a popular and favourite neighbourhood. The valuable Freehold Estate, known as Whitton Park, comprising the mansion formerly the residence of ־.he Duke of Argyll, and later of Sir Thomas Chambers, R.A., situated in the midst oi its own charmingly-disposed grounds, containing splendid specimens of cedar, pine, fir, and other trees, and ornamental lake; three kitchen gardens, stabling, coach-houses, etc., and small farmery. The extensive Park and Pleasure Grounds, which are unusually beautiful and well laid out, comprise cricket ground tennis lawn, cycling path, shaded walks, and the well-known avenue of cedars over a quarter of a mile in length; at the edge of the lake is a high observatory commanding extensive views over the surrounding country and the Valley of the Thames; the property, which covers an area of 45a. 2r. 20p., has an eligible frontage of 940ft. to the Whitton-road immediately available for building operations, whilst by the formation of new rc-ads through portion of the estate, charming sites for the erection of first-class residences might be developed without interfering with the privacy of the mansion and grounds. The subsoil is gravel; gas, water, and sewers are laid down Whitton-road, adjoining the estate. The Mansion, Gardens, and Pleasure Grounds, etc., containing about 22 acres, are in the occupation of the Whitton Park Club on lease for 21 years from March. 25, 1897, at a rental of £425 per annum. The remainder is in hand. TV/TESSRS. COBB will Sell the above PRO- HA PERTY by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse• yard, London, E.C., on Friday, June 16, 1899, at One o'clock precisely, in one lot. Particulars and conditions of sale, with plans and riews, may be had at the place of sale; of Messrs Rashleigh, Son and Hall, solicitors, 63, Lincoln’s-inn׳ fields, W.C.; and of Messrs. Cobb, surveyors and land agents, 53, Lincoln’s-inn־fields, London, W.C., and Higham, near Rochester, Kent. SUSSEX, about ten minutes’ walk from the village of Wisborough-green, two miles from Biilings-hurst Station on the main line of the L.B. and S.C.R., 70 minutes by rail from London.—A choice and compact Freehold Estate, known as Orfold Farm, in the centre of a good hunting district, with capital fishing in the river Arun, and comprising perhaps some of the most picturesque scenery in the Weald. The house, which is approached by carriage drive through park-like meadow land studded with ornamental timber, contains three reception, six bed rooms, etc., surrounded by gardens of nearly an acre; also three modern cottages, ample farm buildings, and Enclosures of grazing, meadow and arable land, extending to about 194 acres.—Which MR. JOHN NAPPER will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Thursday, June 29, 1899, in One Lot, at Two o’clock. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs. Bartlett and Young, solicitors, 19, Nottingham-road, Loughborough, Leicestershire: at 1he Mart; and of the Auctioneer, Wisborough-green, Billingshurst, Sussex. HACKNEY-ROAD AND BETHNAL-GREEN. IX/TR. G. HERBERT-BURNS has received HA instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenboitse-yard, E.O., on Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, in Three Lots: — Twelve FREEHOLD COTTAGES, Nos. 33 to 44, Cot-tons-gardens, Hackney-road, all let to weekly tenants, and producing £171 12s. per annum, occupying an area of about 6,700 square feet, and offering a valuable building site for the erection of a large factory. valuable Freehold Shop Premises and Timber lard, No. 49, Hackney-road, let on lease at £70 per annum. Three Freehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 25, 27 and 29, Bigby-walk, Bethnal-green, let to weekly tenants and producing £70 4s., per annum. Four Freehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 2, 4, 6 and 8, Baker-street, Bethnal-green, let to weekly tenants and producing £98 16s. per annum. Also׳ Three Leasehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 37, 38 and 39, Marian-square, Hackney-road, let to weekly tenants at rentals amounting to £91 per annum. Held for 56 years from June 24, 1861, at an apportioned ground rent of £12 per annum. May be viewed by permission of the tenants, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained at the Mart; of W. Sanders• Fiske, Esq., solicitor, Hastings House, 10, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C.; andl of the Auctioneer, 1, Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C. LEYTON, ESSEX.—Valuable Freehold Property MR• G. HERBERT-BURNS will Sell by Auc-־־״ tion, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 28, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, lh£ Freehold corner Shop and BUSINESS PREMISES, No. 38, Grange-road; two brick-built Cottages, Nos. 34 and 36, adjoining, with large yard in rear containing cowsheds and stabling, ail let. and producing £88 10s. per annum. May be viewed by permission of the tenants, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained at the Mart; from Messrs. Sismey and Sismey, solicitors, 11, Serjeants -inn, Fleet-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 1, Great James-street, Bedford-row, W.C. Sales for the year 1899. Messrs. GODWIN, BASLEY and ELD RIDGE beg to announce that their Periodical Sales by Auction, held for nearly 60 years, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on the last Thursday in each month, viz.: — June 29 I September 23 July 27 I October 26 August 31 | November 30 December 28 Landed Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Proper-tie i and Investments of every description, may be included in these Sa*es at fixed and inclusive charges, particulars of which may be had on application. Messrs. Godwin, Basley and Eldridge also undertake the Valuation and Sale by Auction of every description of Household Furniture and Effects, Farming Stock, Trade Fittings, etc. Separate Registers of Furnished and Unfurnished Town Houses, Country Residences and Landed Estates are published on the first of each month. Established 1840. Auction and Estate Offices— 28, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E.C., and at 28, Cadogan-place, Belgrave-square, S.W. WH. COLLIER, F.S.I., Auctioneer to the • BRITISH LAND COMPANY for many years, undertakes the development and Sale of Building Estates in all parts of the country, makes valuations of Landed Estates and House Property, prepares and negotiates Railway Claims, and obtains Mortgages. Building Land wanted to purchase, and advances made on Freeholds.—Address, 130, Strand, W.C., late of Moorgate-street. ¡Cujíes bit Anviunt. To Investors, Capitalists, and others.—Sound Freehold and Leasehold Investments. ־]\/TESSRS. JOSEPH HIBBARD and SONS HA will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank, E.C., on Friday, June 16, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the following PROPERTIES: — STAMFORD-HILL. — Three Leasehold DwelLing Houses, Nos. 80, 76 and 72, DaleviewT-road, N. All let to good tenants, and producing £86 per annum. Lease 80 years from September 29, 1878, at low ground rents. PLAISTOW STATION.—Four well-built Dwelling Houses, known as 22, 24, 26 and 28, Riles-road, E. Let to respectable weekly tenants, and producing together £83 4s. per annum. Lease 98¿ years from June 24, 1883. Total ground rents £14. Solicitor, C. E. T. Lamb, Esq., 17, Ironmonger-lane, E.C. DALSTON—By order of the Executor—An important double-fronted! corner Residence, known as No. 101, Queen’s-road, N.E., containing 10 rooms, kitchen, etc., and let upon lease at £65 per annum. Term about 40 years unexpired. Ground rent £10. CITY OF LONDON.—Substantially-buil!׳ Warehouse and Premises, being No. 2, Hart-street, Wood-street, E.O., and comprising four floors and basement, frontage 13ft. 9in., depth 36ft. Total floor space about 2,260ft. Let, and producing £255־ per annum. Lease about 57 years unexpired. Ground rent £75. CITY OF LONDON.—By order of the Administrator.—A Profit Rental of £45 per annum, well secured upon premises, known as No. 184, Upper Tliames-street, E.O. Lease 21 years from June, 1893. HARRINGAY, N.—The Long Leasehold Residence, being No. 66, Burgoyne-road, N., situated close to Harringay Station, G.N.R , and containing nine rooms, bath (h. and c.), etc. Let at £42 per annum. Lease 99 years from March, 1888. Ground rent £7.— Solicitors, Messrs. Ward, Perks and McKay, 85, Gracechurch-street, E.C. SYDENHAM.—By order of Mortgagees.—1Two attractive Villa Residences, Nos. 33 and 35, Champion-park, close to Lower Sydenham Station, and containing each eight rooms, etc. Let at £30 and £32 respectively; worth £34 each. Long lease. Low ground rents.—Solicitors, Messrs. James and Mellor, 12, Coleman-street, E.C. . BECKENHAM.—Valuable Estate of Freehold Building Land, comprising about 2b acres, and 19 other Building Plots, having frontages to Arthur-road and Sultan-street, Beckenham, and situate close to Clock House Station (S.E.R.), and fully ripe for building purposes.—Solicitors, Messrs. Mills and Catling 28a, Basinghall-street, E.C. CATFORD-BRIDGE.—Valuable Parcel of Freehold Building Land, having a frontage of 75ft. to Faver-sham-road, with a depth of 135ft., a few minu’.es’ walk from Catford Bridge Station. Quite ripe for building purposes.—Solicitors, Messrs. Lindsay-Greenfield and Mason, 11, Ironmonger-lane, E.O . LEWISHAM, S-E.—The compact Leasehold Dwelling House, known as No. 14, Walerand-road, situated close to Lewisham Junction, and containing 10 rooms, etc. Rental value £60 per annum. Lease 90 years from December 28, 1368, at a ground rent of £11,—Solicitors, Messrs. Claude Jessett and Son, 27. Clement s-lane, E.C. Particulars, with conditions of sale, obtained at the Mart; of the respective Solicitors; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 9, Walbrook, E.C., and at 15, Newington-green, N. By order of Executors and others. Evening Auction Sale. Eighty Houses and Shops. STREATHAM, BALHAM, EAELSF1ELD, CLAPHAM JUNCTION, CLAPHAM, BATTERSEA, RAYNES-PARK, FULHAM, PUTNEY and WANDSWORTH. MR. EDWIN EVANS wild Sell by Auction, at the Falcon Hotel, Clapham Junction, Thursday evening, June 22, at Seven o’clock precisely, the following capital PROPERTIES for investment, and one or two small but choice villas for occupation. „ LEASEHOLDS. STREATHAM.—Forty-two Houses, Nos. 1 to 23a, 25 to 59, 63, 65, 2 andl 4, BLegoorough-road, Mitcham-lane, all let weekly. STREATHAM.—Nos. 17 to 31, Aylsham• street. Eight, villas for occupation. BaLHAM.—4, Cuimore-road, adjoining Station; let weekly. BALHAM.—38, Bedford-hill; let at £28. BALHAM.—65, Byrne-road; let at £28. CLAPHAM.—5, St. Luke’s-road; let at £48. FULHAM—2a, Claybrooke-road; weekly. PUTNEY.—45 to 51, Rotherwood-road; "rents £32. BATTERSEA.—140, 142, 144, High-street; three shops. BATTERSEA.—17, 19, 21, 23, Wayford-street; weekly. CLAPHAM JUNCTION.—43, 45, 47, Grant-road; weekly. FREEHOLDS. RAYNES-PARK.—Hasiemere; detached; let at £33. RAYNES-PARK.—47 and 49, Lambton-road; rants £30 RAYNES-PARK.—90 and 92, Durham-road; weekly. LEASEHOLDS. EARLSFIELD.—35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, Win-frith-road; weekly. WANDSWORTH.—75, 77, 79, 83. 87, 89, 91 and 93, The Grove, and Stanley, 64, Allfarthing-lane. Nine pretty Villas. All may be viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars and conditions obtained of the respective Solicitors; and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, 253. Lavender-hill, Clapham Junction (Telephone No. 53 Battersea); Earlsfield Estate Office, adjoining Station (Arthur Wellings) (Telephone No 181 Battersea); 129, Mitcham-lane, Streatham (James Watts), (Telephone No. 93 Streatham). THE CONDUIT STREET AUCTION GALLERIES MAY BE HIRED FOR ГПТПТ SPECIAL TEEMS TO THE PROFESSION. Small or large consignments of Furniture, Pictures, Plate and Jewels, &c., can be included at short notice. APPLY TO KNIGHT, FRANK & RUTLEY, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, & 10, Conduit Street, & 23a, Maddox Street, W. Telephone 1942 Gerrard. Telegrams “ Galleries, London.” Messrs. H. & A. LAYMAN, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND HOUSE AGENTS Offices and Sale Rooms, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. Auction Rooms specially adapted for the Sale of Freehold and Leasehold Property, Silver Plate, Jewels, Precious Stones and Valuables, Furniture, Drapery, and all kinds of Chattel Property. Valuations made for all Purposes. Sales as above held daily.